Last Special Chapter Part 2 Klee Story Part 2

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Time: 1:27 PM
Location: Mondstadt
Status: Normal

Me, Aether and Klee running through the grass field straight to whispering woods.

Paimon: Your treasure's gone, but you seem oddly happy.

Klee: Ah, well, Razor and Albedo seem really busy recently. So Klee must not disturb them. but now Klee has new friends!

Kayden: ooookay...

Inside the whispering woods, we found a dugged up hole and some signs were Klee put it up.

Klee: We're here! This is the place! 

Klee pointed at the dugged up hole.

Klee: Look, This is where my huge treasure was buried..

Paimon: and where there's now a huge empty hole in the ground...

Aether: Wait- who's that over there?

Its a Pyro Abyss mage carrying a little glowing ball.

Paimon: It's.... An Abyss Mage?! Hey, maybe he's the one Jean was warning us about. What's that in his hand?

Klee: My Treasure!

Kayden: That's your treasure?

Abyss Mage: Hmm.. I see the little girl's brought her friend with her! Time for a change of plan..

Abyss Mage rans away.

Paimon: Hey, You! If you think you're so tough, get back here and fight!

Kayden: what a wuss..

Kayden carried Klee like carrying a bomb and we start chasing the Abyss Mage.

Klee: What's an Abyss Mage? I play in the forest all the time, but I've never seen one before. it looks so cute! Soft and fluffy.. I wanna pet it.

Kayden: Actually its not that cute once you fought it, and very hostile towards us.

The Abyss Mage Stopped somehow and look behind us

Paimon: Game's up, Now Hand it over!

Abyss Mage: you fools think I would give this up so easily after what I have been through to acquire it?

Kayden: Pff...

Kayden was about to burst out of laugh.

Abyss Mage: Whats so funny about that?!

Kayden: *Snort* y-you mean you've been through to acquire it by just digging it?

Abyss Mage: Rise My Minions!

Abyss Mage Summon 2 small Pyro slimes and 1 giant slime.

Aether enter battle stance holding the dull blade. Kayden was not holding a gun, He just stand still doing nothing.

Paimon: Kayden?! What are you doing? Why won't you fight?

Kayden: sorry... I can't kill slimes.

Paimon: You and Venti Are Just the Same!!

Aether Finish every last one of these slimes. The Pyro Abyss Mage was getting away after the slimes distracted us.

Paimon: Careful Klee, Don't be drawn in by it... Abyss Mages are the bad guys. Oh... That's right, Master Jean says that stealing is wrong.

We Catch up again on the Abyss Mage.

Paimon: Freeze!

Abyss Mage: *Panting* that girl's lucky she didn't come alone, otherwise I'd.... Hmph...

Abyss Mage Summon an Electro Slime to slow us down again. Aether did not bother about Kayden doing nothing against slimes.. Aether Slice 2 small slime and Stab 1 Giant slime. Kayden Salutes on a Fallen slimes. The Pyro Abyss Mage gets away again and continue the pursuit.

Klee: Hmm.. but if we could just get him to give it back..

Kayden: I Don't think peace talking was an option here..

The Pyro Abyss Mage floats up on a small hill and instantly gone without a trace.

Paimon: Where'd he go? The Abyss Mage! He Just... Disappeared!

Kayden: Nonsense, He's Just Hiding in plain sight. You gotta feel out his energies.

Kayden look at the wall and brought out TF2 Sticky launcher. Shoots 8 stickies on wall.

Kayden: Stand back son.

Klee, Paimon and Aether walk backwards for 6 meters away and detonate stickies, blowing a hole in a wall. this hole leads to gateway domain.

Paimon: Is that a Gateway to a domain?

Aether: most likely.

Kayden: He's cornered now, he chose a wrong way a place to hide...

Klee: Wow!

Klee was Amaze by Kayden's Explosive weaponry. She grab my coat and look at Kayden with cute eyes.

Klee: Big Bro Kayden! can i borrow that thing your holding?

Kayden: haha, no. hmmm.. Maybe soon.

Klee: Yay!

Klee Hugged Kayden.

Kayden: oh, i see you like weapons, huh? -_-


Inside the Dungeon, Kayden found out that this place is always the same pattern. We Let Klee fight monsters as we went through the dungeon, Oh boy... her attacks are just Explosions. Blow Big Geo slime and other monsters an instant.

Kayden: jesus christ, who is this girl...

Klee: All done.

All monsters inside the dungeon are slayed by a single loli with bombs.

Kayden: now i know the reason why klee really likes my weapons.. -_-

Paimon: Six-finger joe said that, right? about a red girl.

Kayden: yep.. ngl when joe said about the red girl, amber was popped in my head though.

Paimon: really?

Kayden: Who else i know someone who's red here in Mondstadt..

We enter the last part of the domain, here is the abyss mage holding Klee's treasure.

Abyss Mage: Hmph. you followed me. I must say, I'm Impressed. But this is as far as you will get.

Paimon: oh yeah? what are you gonna do?

Abyss Mage: Mwuhahahahahaha! Ahahahahaha! Oh, The human proclivity to gossip has provided us with everything we need... We Learned that your little red friend had in her possession the most powerful treasure in all of mondstadt.

Klee: >:(

Abyss Mage: That Treasure is now in my hands. There is nothing you can do! Now your precious treasure shall be your undoing!

Klee: No,no, Wait! D-Don't Touch it!

Abyss Mage: Hah! Oh, how you fret now your predicament is finally clear to you! Now, what have we here- a flame symbol?

Kayden: No, she was Just saying that thing your holding was a bomb.

Abyss Mage:

Also Abyss Mage


Kayden run towards at the center after the explosion, he laugh at the abyss mage.


Klee: NO! I broke the survival rules... "Explosions can hurt people.. Jean can be dreadful.." This is it... This time I'm done for.. *sobs*

Kayden: Klee?

Klee Ran off.

Kayden: Oh Cmon! *sigh* Imma go after her.

Kayden chase Klee back to Mondstadt.


Location: Mondstadt, Knights of Favonius HQ

Aether and Paimon Found us in Jean's Office.

Paimon: Kayden and Klee? Your here too?

Klee: I... *sobbing* I turned myself in.

Paimon: huh?

Klee: *Sobbing* I... M-My Bomb.. I-I Hurt someone... *sobbing* I Broke the rules... I'll never see the light of day again..

Kayden:☝ I-

Jean: Shut.

Kayden: okay o_o

Jean looks back at Klee.

Jean: Klee, I need you to answer me. you said someone was injured. Where are they?

Aether: Wait! It was a Misunderstanding.

Jean: Why is that?

Kayden: There's no need to be mad at her cause the one she blown up was an Abyss Mage. IT WAS HILARIOUS THAT HE THINKS THAT BOMB WAS A TREASURE!

Klee looks at me with sad face.

Klee: But.. But Mr.Fluffball was only a thief.. He didn't deserve to blow up..

Kayden: w-wow. you actually named him on an abyss mage?

Paimon: Hey, come on now.. Paimon already told you that the Abyss Mages are the bad guys.. And Actually, They're the worst kind of bad guys you can imagine. They don't just hate the good guys, they hate all people.. Their enemy is.. Humanity itself.

Klee: Mr. Fluffball... was a bad guy in purpose? .... Mr. Fluffball is the enemy of humanity!? Wha.. What!? I Don't get it! *facepalm*

Jean: This was an oversight on my part. I did not tell you these things before because you are still young. in fact, the Abyss Order is a Hostile force in Mondstadt which has been unusually active lately.

Aether: Because of Mondstadt's most powerful treasure?

Paimon: Aha, That's it! Paimon understands now! They were tracking down poor Klee because they'd heard rumors about her treasure! Just like the way Paimon's first reaction was to try and get her hands on... Ahh, no- to try and get the facts on the treasure.

Kayden: mm.. make sense why that abyss mage was coming after Klee's treasure.

Klee: So... does that mean...

Jean: In light of your contribution on this matter, I will allow you to take part in the next Ludi Harpastum.

Klee: Ludi Harpastum! Whoa!!

Klee: Mr. Honorary Knights, you've gotta come too!

Paimon: Woop-de-doo, It's a happy ending!

Jean: Except...

Klee: Except what?

Jean: Klee, where did you hide the treasure to begin with?

Klee: I... Um...

Kayden: I'm not gonna lie but we found it in the whispering woods.

Jean: *sigh* were you trying to blow up the fish in starfell lake again?

Klee: I Wasn't I swear I wasn't!


Klee looked at us while Kayden doesn't want to get involved with.

Paimon: Uh oh She's giving us that look that means, play along...

Aether: Uh-oh, Jean Noticed it too..

Jean: Klee?

Klee: I'll see myself to solitary confinement... *Sobbing*

Klee ran away and she lock herself up in the solitary confinement.

Kayden: *sigh* I'll go cheer her up with my phone game.

Paimon: Phone game?

Kayden: Yeah. I have nothing else to do here this time. See ya.

Kayden Left and Join with Klee to cheer her up

← To be Continued

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