Special Chapter - Master's Day Off Part 2

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The Next Day

Time: 1:01 PM
Location: Mondstadt
Status: Normal



Kayden Rocket Jump and Spooned a Electro Hilichurl Shooter on land with a clean market Garden. Aether was Busy Pushing The Cart, Paimon shouts pointing at 2 Mitachurls wielding an Axe. Aether Stopped pushing the cart and fight 2 Mitachurls.

Kayden: I do Not see a Cart Moving ladies!

Kayden Looks at Aether fending off 2 Mitachurls wielding an Axe.

Note - Aether's Weapon of choice always the Dull Blade

Renamed to - I'm The Main Protagonist Weapon

Kayden: Oh..

Kayden Delete The Hilichurl Tower using the Toolgun while looking at Aether.

Pyro Hilichurl Shooter: gya?!


The Pyro Hilichurl take a fall damage, not knowing how the tower suddenly disappeared, the stands up focus on the mission to attack the cart, It charged up the Pyro arrow and shoot at the Cart.

Everybody Gansta Until Kayden brought out Flamethrower and start Reflecting projectiles. Hitting A Dendro Samachurl. It flip around the ground then looked at the Pyro Hilichurl Shooter, Blaming him about the reflected Pyro Arrow.

Dendro Samachurl: *Gibberish Angry Hilichurlian Noise*

Sudden Meathook attached behind A Dendro Samachurl and got kicked in the head, Kayden Got Boosted after reattached the meathook on a Super Shotgun, Air Strafe Right into Pyro Hilichurl Shooter and Shot hit down.

Kayden: you knuckleheads ain't even worth the effort *reload Super Shotgun*


Super Shotgun Renamed To [Force-Meat-Nature]

Description - Can I tag Along with you for a moment?

Idk If Its a Good or Cringe name, I'll let you guys decide Voting My new name for the Super Shotgun.

Rate 1 - 10


78% to the Finish Line.

Aether Unleashed The Anemo Elemental Burst, Kayden saw an Opportunity to bring out the rocket launcher, Detonator Mode. Few Hilichurls were Pulled by Aether's Small Tornado and The Rocket turn to Crocket, it went in and detonate at the right time.


Kayden: This Is My World, Your Not Welcome In My World!


Rocket Launcher Rename to [Rick May Launcher]

Description - He is not dead, for he lives in my weapon Forever


Aether and Kayden Rush towards the Cart Start Pushing "The Cart".

Kayden: We Will Push Until There's Nothing Left to Push!

98% to the Finish Line, Ernest was hiding behind his own little shop, peeking at us while Pushing The Cart, A Mitachurl with a Shield was charging towards us.

Kayden: Damn it, Push This Cart!

Kayden Stopped Pushing the Cart and Defend Aether's back.  He Brought out a Combat Shotgun, Sticky Bomb Mode. He Quickly Shoot a Sticky bomb right beside the Charging Wooden Shield Mitachurl, The Explosion Stagger him and use Flame Belch to burn the shield down, He Shoot Another Sticky bomb on wide opened Mitachurl, Quite busy shaking the fire off, It got hit on the head and the explosion stun him another one. Quickly Switch Sticky Bomb to Full Auto.

Note - Full Auto was Buffed in Different ways.


Combat Shotgun Renamed to [Hybrid Shotgun]

Description - It Shoot Sticky bombs and shotgun Bullets? That's Amazing!


Last Commission Completed.

All Hilichurls are gone.

We Met Ernest The Warehouse Manager.

Ernest: Thank you, My friend. I Thought I was in deep trouble this time. It's good thing you showed up. I'll put in a good word for you with the gentlemen at the winery.


Location: Mondstadt, Windrise

After Finishing The Last Commission Quest and talking to Barbara about her condition, jean was not here in the Cathedral but she told us that Jean was in Lady Vennessa's Place, on the windrise. So we Checked her and she was standing next to the Giant Tree.

Paimon: Hi Jean, are you feeling better now?

Jean: Much Better. I was not expecting you to come here. thank you for your concern.

Paimon: Are you sure? We saw you beneath the tree just now, leaning on your sword - it looked like you were struggling. Are you sure you aren't pushing yourself too hard?

Aether: you can rely on us.

Kayden: and the knights too. ^_^

Jean: Oh.. Thank you, that means a lot to me. Hearing that boosts my spirits. But I must fine a way to cope with minor setbacks like this on my own. Otherwise, how can I be the protector that Mondstadt needs me to be? the protector that Vennessa was..

Paimon: you truly revere Vennessa, huh?

Jean: I do. Vennessa was the first Grand Master, a kind yet formidable woman. I have always hoped to follow in her footsteps. As the Lionfang Knight, She courageously overthrow the oppressive ruling aristrocracy of her time. Then, She founded the Knights of Favonius and became known as the dandelion knight, spreading grace and compassion throughout the land.

Paimon: Dandelion Knight - Isn't that your title?

Jean: Hmm... Actually, All of the Knights of Favonius' Masters throughout the ages have inherited the title of "Dandelion Knight" or "Lionfang Knight".

Paimon: Oooo That makes sense. You too want be as gentle as the Dandelion Knight and yet fierce as the Lionfang Knight?

Jean: Yes. I Know it sounds like a huge honor, inhereting both of these titles from Vennessa.. But I see it more as a huge Responsibility. After all, it is a lot to live up to.

Aether: I Could get used to Jean the Lionfang Knight..

Kayden: I Prefer the dandelion knight.

Paimon: Paimon Think so too!

Jean: ...

Jean became high alert.

Paimon: jean?

Jean enter Battle stance

Jean: Who's There?!

A Pyro Abyss Mage Appeared.

Abyss Mage: Hmph.. Caught Red Handed. Finally, an opportunity comes to get rid of the Master in her moment of weakness.. and then you three showed up and ruin everything.

Paimon: How did they know about Jean's condition? Choosing this moment to strike is a low blow, even for this lot.

Jean: As long as my name is the Dandelion Knight, I swear I shall not be defeated by such despicable means!

Abyss mage: Hmm, since this opportunity has slipped away, I shall now be slipping away in a similar fashion.

Jean: Stop! *Cough* After him.. *Cough*

Kayden: I knew it you were not a right condition on battle.

Kayden Brought out Ballista

Paimon: Jean, You're still recovering..

Kayden: There's a Chance he might lure you into a trap.

Jean: No, I must go after him.

Paimon: *sigh* Jean, you can't keep doing this to yourself. Why can't you trust us to handle it?

Jean: I do trust you.. But to let an enemy get away like this would be a major dereliction of duty.

Paimon: Fine, but at least let us go with you.

Jean: Thank you for your understanding. I will Graciously accept your help.

We track the Abyss mage inside The Dungeon.

Kayden: I'll go first!

Kayden Rush towards the entrance.

Aether: Kayden, Wait!

Kayden: LEEROY!!!

Kayden Trigger the traps, tons of explosions on the entrance, powerful as 5x hand grenade. 


Kayden: Oh That Sparks...

Energy Shield - 253

The Explosion send him back beside Jean and Aether.

Kayden: *groan* damn..

Paimon: kayden! Are you okay?

Kayden: well, I'm basically fine.

Jean Grab Kayden hugged him.

Jean: its a Miracle that you are okay.

Jean Quickly Healed him using the Dandelion breeze, Kayden's HP was already full but Jean had alot full of worries about me and became protective.

Jean: However, I Cannot Tolerate from your reckless Action. from now on, you stay behind me.

Kayden: What are you? My Mother?

Jean: N-No, Seeing you getting injured made me worried. 

Kayden: oh..

Paimon: Mother instincts? Really?

Aether: ...

Kayden: I'm really okay Jean, I'm already used to these kinds of situations..

Jean: *sigh* fine.. If you do your recklessness one more time, I have you held in my headquarters for your safety.

Kayden: jeez o_o


We Venture inside the dungeon further. The Voice of an Abyss Mage talked to us once again.

Abyss Mage: Looks like our fates are interwinded. to think you can chased me this far! Hehe, Com on! Face my brave subordinates. I put a spell on them to calm their fear of water.

Kayden Looked at bunch of Hilichurls and 1 Hydro samachurl.

Kayden: okay..

Kayden Brought out Flamethrower and airblast them to the water.

All of Hilichurls died from drowning.

Kayden: is this some kind of sick joke?

Onto the next one...

This one are 2 Fire Traps that ignites you once your in its way.

Abyss Mage: Hehehehe, face the fury of my flames! Just one is enough to reignite the fiery fury of the rest!

Kayden: uh no.

Deletes All Fire traps with a toolgun. Hearing the angry abyss mage voices.

Abyss Mage: Thats Not Fair! You can't Just do that?!

Kayden: yes i can..

2 Minutes Later

Were Facing the Abyss Mage itself, he has nowhere to run.

Abyss Mage: To think you pushed me this far! Fine - Let me deal with you myself!

Kayden Shoots a Cryo grenade from the grenade shoulder cannon. It didn't damage the shield enough to break through it. broughts out a watergun, trying to disperse the fire shield. Still not enough.

Abyss Mage: Kekekeke, Pathetic..

What Kayden sees

Kayden: okay, I see how this goes.

Kayden Brought out Plasma Rifle.

Plasma Rifle Rename to - The Purifier

Switch Heatblast to Microwave Beam, and Beam It through his shield, causing powerful overload non-stop, Destroying The Pyro Abyss Mage Shield, stunned and cannot move from period of time. Switch weapon to Rick May Launcher, Blast his feet sending him into the air and Quickscope with the Heavy Cannon.

Heavy Cannon Renamed to - Dakka

Kayden: Repeat After Me, mmmm Mmmmph mmmmmph I'm dead!

(Time Skip)

Location: Mondstadt, Angel's Share

Our friends in Mondstadt Surprise Jean with bunch of foods

Kayden: Surprise! hehe..

Jean: oh? What's all this?

Amber: It's a thank-you party for you!

Jean: A thank-you party?

Barbara: Jean, when we heard the news about your illness, we were all so worried about you.

Amber: We can only imagine how much pressure you must be under as Acting grand master and you do so much work all over Mondstadt..

Kaeya: We thought that since you so rarely take any time off, We'd take this chance to throw you a party. Enjoy yourself, Jean. Afterall, you'll never let us do this once you're back at work, haha.

Jean: ah.. 

Amber: jean?

Jean: I... uh...

Amber: huh? is this Jean when she's... shy? I've never seen her like this!

Lisa: Its easy to forget that outside of work, Jean is just a normal person, like anyone else.

Jean: I... This is just all such a surprise! Thank you, everyone. This really means so much to me.

Amber: hehehe. Well, It's nothing compared to the amount of work you do for all of us, day-in and day-out.

Jean: But... there are so many things I still need to do...

Crowd: *sigh*


Kaeya: Fear not. we wanted to make sure you could relax and enjoy yourself... So while you were away, we all pitched in and finished off your work for you. every last task.

Jean: Did you really? ... Even the issue with the food deliveries?

Amber: it was no different from what we see on patrol. A Couple of hilichurls. Didn't take much to get rid of them.

Jean: and the tax returns?

Lisa: I Spend so much time doing library admin. A Few more pieces of paper to deal with was really nothing to worry about.

Jean: well... what about Margaret's missing cat?

Venti: That rascally prince was apprehended by the brilliant Mr. Aether and Kayden! they also reclaimed my precious astral iron strings while he was at it.

Kayden: I still have nightmares about that cat..

Lisa: Enough already! No more thinking about work today! Enjoy yourself while you've got the chance.

Jean: It is my honor to work alongside you all. Praise be for the Anemo Archon's guidance... Speaking of work. It must be have been hard work to put all this together, where did you find this time?

Kaeya: Haha... Actually, Kayden was the key Organizer behind all of this. See all this food and drinks? Kayden made sure it all arrived on time. Not only that, but he cooked each one of these beautiful dishes himself. So relax already. There's no need to be so modest!

Kayden: hehe, thanks you everyone for supporting me for this, it was actually worth making a party here.

Paimon: is that you were gone yesterday?

Kayden: Yep ^_^

Kaeya: Of course, We also have master diluc to thank for the venue. Otherwise, we would be looking at quite an alarming bill right about now..

Diluc: .... Despite my initial reluctance to sponsor a Knights of Favonius event in any way... I, like any other citizen of Mondstadt, owe Jean my gratitude for her hard work.

Jean: Oh Master Diluc, I-

Barbara: Alright, Alright! Jean's supposed to be taking it easy, stop crowding her!

Amber: Agreed! Now - let the party begin!

We Enjoy a spirited and cheerful Party, as minutes pass, There's 89 wooden empty cups on the table. Turns out it was Venti and Kayden are the cause of this.. they are drinking together, The Usual as always.

Diluc: *Sweating* This is getting out of hand, Now there's 2 of them.

Kayden: Aye, Me Bottle o 'Scrumpy!

Paimon: wow, look at those stacks of Cups right there.

Status: Drunk

Kayden: Just Bought 2 tickets from the gun show, I'm not giving them to ya, I'm going with your tickets.. hehehe.. zzzzz.... Wha?!

Aether: There's no helping it..

← To be Continued


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