Sumeru Chapter 1 Touching Grass

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[Time: 12:02 PM]
[Location: Sumeru Region]
[Status: Normal]

Kayden Rush through thick bushes and jumps into the ground making grass angel similar to snow angel.

Kayden: Finally! Grass!

While Aether and Paimon walking together as usual or should I say Paimon was the one whos floating and Aether walks, Kayden was a bit farther away making Grass angel, touching grass all around his body as he can.

Paimon: Now that we've made it to Sumeru, our next objective should be to head to Sumeru City and find a way to meet with Lesser Lord Kusanali. And speaking of Lesser Lord Kusanali, even though we haven't heard too much about her, she doesn't seem to be the same deity who abducted your sister... But even so, people call Sumeru the "Nation of Wisdom" you know. If we can get a chance to meet the God of Wisdom, maybe she can give us some useful information.

Aether: Alright, sounds like a plan.

Kayden stands up covered in leaves.

Kayden: *mimic TF2 Soldier Voice* Question! 

Paimon: huh? what is it?

Kayden: if this is the Nation of Wisdom, that means I have to go school again? -_-

Paimon: huh? what kind of question was that? your not even a grade schooler in the first place when we first met you.

Kayden: oh right.. hehe.. does this mean im still smart?

Paimon: uh... Neither of those...

Kayden: ok...

Paimon: alright.. uh.. Paimon doesn't know the way to Sumeru City.. Maybe we can climb up to that spot with the Statue of the Seven on it? That'll give us a way better view of things! Even if we can't see exactly where the city is, at least we'll able to check for some smaller settlements nearby.

Kayden: *Sigh* oh boy, this will take awhile.

[Chapter 1 - Sumeru]

Paimon: Sumeru City! Ah, we finally made it!

Kayden: Damn....

People walking by, The ears they have some sort of equipment with a shape of a glowing green leaf.

Paimon: Oh, did you see that? When those people entered the city, something on their heads lit up!

Kayden: I wanna wear it too!

2 Individuals came up on front of us with his personal security guard.

ID name: Panah

Panah: One moment please, you three. It appears this is your first time visiting Sumeru City.

Paimon: Oh! Yeah, that's right, but how did you know that?

Panah: Because there's currently no information on either of you in the Akasha. 

Kayden: You mean those called "Akasha" that attach people's ears?

Panah: Exactly! But no need to worry, that won't prevent you from entering the city. In fact, the Akademiya conveniently provides each traveler to Sumeru City with a device. Perhaps you three have heard of the Akasha before. It's our beloved Greater Lord Rukkhadevata's lasting legacy, a treasure trove of collecting knowledge. After centuries of tireless research on the Akasha, the Akademiya created one of its most ingenious invention, the Akasha Terminal. As long as you are within Sumeru's borders, you may use an Akasha Terminal to connect directly to the Akasha and access any knowledge you need. I Should mention that due to technical limitations, the operation of Akasha Terminals will be much smoother and more effective in large cities such as Sumeru City and Port Ormos.

Paimon: Oh, so this is the thing that Tighnari was telling us about. It sounds pretty amazing.

Kayden: And Super awesome! I didn't know this country has google!

Panah: Google?

Paimon: Ignore about it! he's just being himself, thats all.

Panah: Alright, you three are quite fortunate. Until recently, it was standard practice to only issue Akasha Terminals to outlanders who spent an extended amount of time in Sumeru. However, this policy was recently changed, and now all travelers are issued one upon arrival. Here are your Akasha Terminals, Please handle them with care.

Panah gave these 3 with 3 Akasha.

Panah: To activate it, simply hold it in your hand and say the following phrase to yourself: "May the Mighty God bless us with their voice of wisdom."

Paimon: Oh, since this little doodad lets you access knowledge, maybe we can use it to find a way to meet Lesser Lord Kusanali. Let's give it a try! Ahem! May the Mighty God bless us with their voice of wisdom.

Aether: May the Mighty God bless us with their voice of wisdom.

Kayden: May the Mighty God bless us with their voice of wisdom.

Within Kayden's vision feels like combination of Sci-fi and Fantasy HUD at the same time. similar to his HUD, it also shows the ID of their language but Kayden can't read those language.

Kayden: uh... I feel... normal as in normal vision... its just.. the Akasha is sometimes messing my view.

Panah: Wait. you don't like it?

Kayden: No! Not exactly.. its-*headache* ow!

Panah: Are you alright?!

Kayden: I'm fine.. its just.. when we arrive at Sumeru, I can finally take a rest here after me and my buddy back to Stormy Inazuma City.

Panah: Ah! I see, I understand how you felt coming all way through Sumeru city, Very well then! Let me officially welcome you both to Sumeru City. May the wisdon of the Dendro Archon always be your guide.

As for that, Panah and his personal guard left.

Paimon: okay, now that we're in, we can check the Akasha about Lesser Lord Kusanali. Let Paimon try... Five Hundred years ago, the sages found a newly born deity from within some scorched ruins.. The deity now resides in the Sanctuary of the Surasthana.. Hmm, seems pretty familiar to what Collei was telling us.

Kayden: oh... I forgot every speck of Collei's words by the time we arrive at Sumeru city. but I'll try.. wait.. I can't search.. how do I use my head again?

Paimon: Wha- You seriously don't know how in Teyvat the Akasha works?!

Kayden: uh...


Kayden: *chuckles* okay, I'll be serious. my brain thinks too fast sometimes.. Alright. My CPU Brain, How in the world should I meet Lesser Lord Kusanali.





Kayden: It didn't work, It didn't fking work! Buddy-

Kayden turn his head just to see Paimon and Aether but everything he see is just the city but no people as if, the entire townsfolk just vanish.

Kayden: uh.. guys? guys?! 

Kayden's Fight and Flight response brought out his Alt Piercer.

Kayden: Where is everyone?! Hello?!- ah.. my mistake.. I should stay quiet..

Kayden slowly walks without making a sound, carefully looks around while aiming with his self defense weapon.

He quickly turn his head that saw a glimpse of someone walk through behind the house. he tried to activate his Thermal Vision but no avail.

Kayden: What?

Kayden Blinks as his Alt Piercer disappeared as if it does not exist. except his HUD still remains, Kayden Dash towards behind a house and saw a small child's head peeking that it has a leaf and an elf ears.

Kayden: I can't see with my ID scan. Who are you?



















???: I









???: Kayden?









???: KAYDEN?!


Paimon: KAYDEN!!!

Paimon shaking Kayden Violently while his partner had a worried face.

Kayden: WHAAAA- Woah?! wtf?!

Paimon: Where you okay?!

Kayden: What? Of course im fine!

Paimon: I mean, Your eyes! recently.. you stopped moving for whole 30 seconds. and your eyes are blank like your body is being possessed by an evil spirit!

Kayden: ...

Kayden slowly move his head with a concrete.mp4 sound effect toward's Aether.

Kayden: did I Actually look like that?

Aether: It is Indeed, my friend.

Kayden: Well, Im actually terrified using the Akasha! Hell naw!

Paimon: What happened?

Kayden: I was trying to ask the Akasha, you know.. how to meet Lesser Lord Kusanali and then I became at this state, right? then all of a sudden everyone is gone. and I saw a small child!

Kayden's Hand trying to describe about the child he was talking about.

Paimon: huh? a small child?

Kayden: It has a leaf on her hair and has long ears! Within just for split second, you guys are here!

Paimon: That doesn't make anything sense. Could you try make it more understandable?

Kayden: Its- *Headache* ow.. damn.. I don't think I can think straight right now.. I need to rest..

Paimon: *sigh* alright, if you say so. I guess we should find a place to stay.

Kayden: No. My mind needs to rest. not the body. its one of those brain headaches all over again.

Paimon: what? You were fine previously when we set foot back to Liyue and all way to Sumeru city! Back In Liyue, you manage to sleep, laze around, eat much healthy food as we do with Xiangling's restaurant for 3 days before we depart to Sumeru City. Don't tell me you forgot to drink your favorite pepsi!

Kayden: hah? don't be ridiculious, I drinks pepsi everyday in my life! How could I ever forget my daily drink.

Paimon: Then whats with all this headache of yours!

Kayden: Its..*Realization* the moment I wore the Akasha.

Aether and Paimon's eyes became wide.

Paimon: Wore the Akasha?

Kayden: Afterall, its still a mystery. So I have no choice but to switch.

Aether: switch?

Kayden close his eyes as his body became limp but he stand perfectly still.

Kayden: Sleep mode activated... Auto-pilot mode activated...

His Voice became AI after he said it. Aether chuckles about Kayden's hidden side.

Paimon: (ㆆ_ㆆ)

← To be continued

My Test Result

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