Chapter 59 Alfenheim

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2 Days Passed

Time: 10:42 AM
Location: Forest of Elasora
Status: Normal

Strolling around this place, I remember it since 1 Year Ago. It's Beautiful here as we walk casually.

Kayden: ahh this place.. The Nostalgia

Benedict: Why are we here?

Akia: Legend Says "Black Death" Lives here in the forest. At Night He Kills Tons Of Bandits.

Benedict: What?! I almost Forgot that My Father Told me a story about that on bed time..

Akia Smug face.

Akia: i'm going to tell him.

Kayden: No Akia, I Swear to god don't tell him about that.. *Pout Face*

Akia: *Giggle* He's cute when he's mad ^_^

Kayden: (¬︿̫̿¬☆), wait... if this is the same place, wait, wait wait!! I Almost Forgot, If we near at Alfenheim, That means... Wait a second, Benedict. What's your Father's Name?

Benedict: um, My Father's Name i-


We were Halt by Alfenheim Knights. 5 Of Them Armed With Sword with Earth Element. or Think of it as Geo Element..

Alfenheim Knight: wait, is That... Benedict?!

ID Name: Otis

Benedict: Ah! Uncle Otis!

He Ran Towards him and Hug him for 3 seconds.

Otis: Are you okay? I Heard Some Sneaky Bandits Kidnap you for a month! Your Father and I were worried about you.

Benedict: I'm Okay, Kay- Yoshikage saved me, Also Akia was here.

Otis: Akia-chan?

She waved at him.

Otis: It is her! I Can't believe she came back here for long time, She's Grown alot.

Akia: yeah..

Otis: Come now, Your Father Never stop shouting at us to look his missing son. I'll Send a Message to my King and escort you here to our castle. he hasn't calm ever since.

Kayden: Jesus.. sounds like his father table tantrum everywhere for his mistakes..

So the Knights of Alfenheim escort us right into the Alfenheim Kingdom.

There's Lot's of restaurants, Merch Stuff to buy, the same adventurer guild looks different, and a Huge Castle compare to Celestia's Kingdom. Looks like my job will almost over right now, My last Goal will be My Daughter Fay. I'm not married to someone, I Adopt her.

A Large Door Open, were Inside the Throne Room.

Benedict: Father!

Rad: Benedict!, My Son!

He Stands up on the Throne Chair, waiting for his son for a hug.

I Clap silently for family reunio- wait a minute.

ID Name: Rad Alfenheim

Kayden: wait... is that the person what I Think it is? The Hero Rad was a King?! Then his wife is..

Celestia open the family room and joins for the Reunion.

Kayden: *Sigh*Well Whatever, My Job is Done afterall..

Akia Walk slowly presenting to Rad and kneel on front of the King.

Rad: We don't do that here.

Akia: oh, sorry..

Rad saw her familiar face as she stand's up.

Rad: Akia?! 

Celestia: oh my.. I did not expect to see her again.

Akia: Hello everyone..

Rad: and who is this yellow hair young one?

Benedict: That's Yoshikage, I met him on the forest, he's the one who saved me from the bandits. It's quite an exciting adventure with him, We Met Akia too.

Rad: I See.. I'm glad your safe, My Son. Anyway, Why won't we celebrate for today, Yoshikage and Akia are welcome too.

Kayden: I'll pass..

I Slowly Walk away from the door.

Benedict: *Shout* Yoshikage-san!

Ignore what he say and continue walking.

Benedict: *Shout* Kayden!!

Rad: What?!

Celestia: huh?!

I Stop Walking and frozen still, Benedict Complete Blew My Real Identity.

Kayden: (⊙x⊙;)BAKA! WHY DID YOU SAY THAT?!

Rad: is it the real Kayden?

I Slowly turn around and pretend to act stupid then I Start Moonwalking away.

Benedict: You Change Your Color to Yellow! Pepsi was your favorite drink resembles your color, Right? You Saved me from the bandits, we travel together around the world! you told me you from another world! You made Delicious food! The Adventure was fun!

Kayden:  ̄へ ̄Damn those feelings of his...

I Slowly Turn around and my color went back to normal.

Kayden: Okay... you got me.. It's Been a long time, Rad and Celestia... hehe.. ^_^

Rad and Celestia were Surprised by the Return of Kayden, He Only grown with his Fluffy hair and they can't see my ears.

Rad: It is him! You finally came back to visit us?

Kayden: Technically, It's Yes and No, I came here to pick something important i left in this world, for 9 years. but, you see.. My World Time was a bit slower so Im 20

Rad: Oh, I Understand, Why won't you stay here for awhile. ^_^

Celestia: he seems attached to you. 

I Slowly look at Benedict with his tears.

Kayden: okay.... Just for one day..

Benedict: Yay!

Then he hugged me. 

Kayden: ya stink, go take a bath.. seriously.. -_- great, Now I Sound like an uncle to him

(King Crimson)

Inside the Throne Room, there are no Knight guards around here since after the table tantrum, Jesus christ.

Now I'm Just talking to Rad alone, while i was drinking pepsi.

Rad: It's been long time, how's your world.. you were alone there.

Kayden: Oh I'm not alone, I have few friends and a pet.

Rad: anyway, I Thank you for saving my son. Now I Can Calm down without slamming walls around here, my knights became scared after this. is your King Crimson in your body?

Kayden: King Crimson? Things Changed.. My Stand is now Killer Queen. my stands i pick looks intimidating scaring people whoever sees my stand in this world, these stands i picked were originally belong to someone else..

(King Crimson)

Just me and Benedict on the Training zone, I heard benedict manage to develop his own magic, trait is wind. like Anemo.

Kayden: Your magic is wind? Aha, I Got an Idea, can you make Air Bubble.

Benedict: I'll Try..

Benedict Made a Air Bubble on his hand.

Kayden: Killer Queen.

Killer Queen Touch the Air Bubble and Control it, slowly moving at the dummy target.

Kayden: 3 Meters, 2 Meters, 1 Meter, Detonate..


A Small Explosion Hit the Dummy Target.

Benedict: awesome! *Clap 5x*

Kayden: heh, that will work.

I headpat Benedict.

Kayden: I never knew you father was Rad, He's the Hero of this world.

Benedict: *Mind Blown*

Kayden: He never told you anything of it, huh?

I Showed a Picture of Him with Full party.

Kayden: I've Been with him for a long time. The Adventure was fun, For now, I've Retired for adventuring here in this world. I'm bored here since the world is at peace.

Benedict: :O

Kayden: I'm heading outside of the town.. see ya later, kid.

(King Crimson)

Time: 7:21 PM

It's Night Time, I Sit on a Large Rock on a Camp fire, playing banjo while my GPhone records on me.

Kayden: Hey look buddy,I'm BLU Kayden, That's Means I Solve Problems.

There's 10 Combine Sentries killing few monsters whoever gets spotted.

I dodge an Acid Slime.

Kayden: Not Problems like "What is Beauty" because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy. 

I Stop Playing banjo.

Kayden: I Solve Practical Problems..

Killer Queen's arm appeared and grab some Cold pepsi inside the Mini fridge.

*Bang 3x*

I Heard a Monster roar and a ground thud. I Casually drink pepsi and continue play banjo.

Kayden: Fr'instance... How am I going to stop some big mean mother hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind? 

*Beep 3x and Shoots 5x*

A Man groan and heard a drop sound, Swords clanking and spears too on the distance.

Kayden: The Answer..

*Bang 10x*

Then a Man Scream

Kayden: use a gun. and if that don't work..

A Sentry Rocket locked on target Shoots on distance, I Stop playing a banjo

Kayden: use more gun...


My Arm!!

I continue play banjo after the explosion, his arm drop next to me and my sentry reacted and point at it.

Kayden: Like this heavy caliber, Tripod-mounted, little'ol number designed by me.

I kick the corpse hand and the sentry shoots, it turn left and shot another target, a Wild monster boar.

Kayden: Built by me. and you best hope..

I Stop playing a Banjo, All Sentries Light Turn red, slowly turning and they are Aiming at You.

Kayden: Not to pointed at you.

All Sentries Turn green and start aiming at monsters and bandits, Shooting everywhere mowing all targets in an instant.

Hoards of Bandits and monsters surrounding me, getting shot by a combine sentry guns. all of them are dead

(King Crimson)

1 Day Passed

Time: 12:00 PM

I Left Alfenheim and venture to find the previous large tree were i can find Fay's Location. Benedict and Akia did not notice i left them in Alfenheim.

Kayden: Time to see my daughter.. e.e

Kayden Will only received minimal or no damage to fay's hug because she's tiny.

a SCI-FI Pod Ship, Landed and Open the Capsule, Reveals some kind of Portal Gun Machine that opens Fairies Dimension.

Kayden: I Don't Know how this works but ok.

I Open The Portal and Reveals the Fairy Kingdom, But..

Something's Off here..

I walked inside of it, the light was almost turn grey, when i first open the fairy kingdom it used to be bright white and yellow. but its almost grey, some falling white feathers inside here. There are no Fairies around here, some very tiny structure were almost destroyed.

Kayden: What Just Happened here? Where are all the fairies? There's Nothing around here.

I Walk slowly inside the fairy kingdom, its abandoned.

Kayden: *Shout* Fay? Are you there?

The Portal Close Behind me to make sure no one ambush me from behind. I Ready my CODOL Fate just increase my self defense. The way i walk here was like walking on the snow, completely isolated.

Then I Found a Fairy Corspe, Their hair was grey and blue, It's not Fay, Fay has Bright Yellow Hair. but these two corpse has a spear as i closely inspect it.

Kayden: *Jojo Black Eyes*

Made me Speechless from what happened here, but, as i Turn behind, There's more footprints, not just me, Some footprints belongs to someone, It's a Raid here just few days. But What I'm afraid is, What Happened to Fay after the Raid.

I Heard a Groan noise, very small noise. it made me run few of my tears.

Kayden: f-fay?

I run Towards the source of noise, It's a Male Fairy, his wings was torn off. Killer Queen Pick him up and place it on my hand.

Male Fairy: Th-

Kayden: hey.

Male: Fairy: Th-

Kayden: Speak up properly! What Happened here!

Male Fairy: Th.. they... took... every...thing..

Then The Male Injured Fairy Stop moving. he died. No Pulse or Heartbeat.

Kayden: .........

Things Turned Out to be Worse..

← To be Continued...


Liyue has Very Beautiful and Calm Music.

Fatui and Treasure Hoarders ambush me from behind.


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