Chapter 66 Oflya

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Time: 4:02 PM
Location: Deep Forest
Status: Normal

Noelle Arrives at the right time, While BLU and RED Discussing about to rescue the Students. Noelle came next to RED,

BLU: Oh, Noelle, If your finally here that means you have some good information that i gave you some books, huh.

Noelle: um.. 

Noelle Explains about This world was the same about 3 Thousand Years Ago from now.

BLU: I see, Akia really recognize so easily about the book of heroes.

RED: You know this entire world?

BLU: hmmm...  its probably big which I Haven't travel the entire continent, so no :v

Noelle: Its says All hero images, names, history are shown except The 5th Member.

RED: I see, was anything special about this book?

BLU: Nope, Only thing comes in my mind is the same world i've visited it 3 times, Time moves really fast here, that explains 3 thousand years ago for like 2 years i guess, hehe, Also The 5th Member of the Hero was me, There's nothing special about those anyway, alright, Lets get Back to "The Point"!

Noelle Nodded

BLU: I still have no idea where my students are, but i do have some clues which im looking at right now.

BLU was Starring at Bunch of Footprints and some large line traces and horse tracks. RED also spot footprints.

BLU: Judging by the tracks it was probably few minutes ago, any ideas where it leads?

RED: You don't have the world map

BLU: Its True I don't have the world map and i know someone who has it, Give me few seconds.

BLU Brought a Wrench "Eureka Effect" and place a teleporter Exit on the ground. it automatically become level 3, As he Raise it up high on the wrench, Thunder sound hit BLU and disappeared into thin air.

BLU Return to The Previous place and took the hidden serenitea pot. he step back to the teleporter and teleports back to the Empty Student's camp.

BLU: There we go.

BLU enters the Serenitea Pot. Rush in to Akia's room.

BLU Opened the door and found akia drinking water, she's wearing Training outfit.

BLU: Heyoo!

Akia: B-BLU?!

Akia stands up properly and wipe off her sweat using a towel, she's previously training martial arts.

Akia: Y-your back early?

BLU: Sorry for the scare but im gonna need your old map. Jesus her body is tempting the moment she wipe her own sweat with a towel.

Akia: The old world map? oh, its right over there at the desk.

BLU Grab it quickly with Star Platinum, the stand return to his body now holds the old map and Shake both Akia's Hands.

BLU: Thank you Akia! ^_^

BLU Left and returns back outside.

Akia: *Blush* wish he hold my hand longer...

BLU Pops out of the Serenitea pot Holding the World map.

BLU: There we go, it might took 1 million years to change the worlds continent but in 3 thousand years isn't, so there is a possibility that the world map will be the same and few bit changes of countries. now Onwards!

Noelle: wait.

BLU: What is it.

BLU Was literally panic with sweating all over the place, the vibes gives BLU Chill down his spine the moment Noelle Stares at BLU.

Noelle: Your hands. let me clean it for you.

Noelle's Smile gave BLU a Creeps, as she finish wiping all BLU's sweaty hands, well.. its Akia's sweat.

Noelle: Done.

BLU: T-Thanks... o_o 

(Time Skip)

1 Day Later

Location: Oflya, Hidden Forest

BLU, RED and Noelle hidding in the forest, watching the Oflya country on distance.

BLU: I gave you the map, right? 

RED: Yep.

BLU: Our Only Mission is to save the Students, So what's your plan, Red.

RED look to the left and saw a sewer entrance.

RED: I Think we found the sewer once point for penetration, We go around the wet Area, Taken down a hole, bring up the rear, grab the students, and blast our road!

BLU: (ʘ ͜    ʘ) No.

RED: Why, it was a great Idea.

BLU: I am not going back in a goddamn sewers again!

RED: still having flashbacks about Remnant?

BLU: Yes, so that plan is a no go.

The Serenitea pot appeared and 5 Girls popped out

BLU: really girls..

Yang: yep, we were planning on exploring just like you guys.

BLU: Like i said im on a rescue mission.

Weiss: But we can explore while you three on a mission.

Neo: :)

Fay: Papa, i want a little exploration.

Fay Made the most saddest face while looking at BLU.


BLU: F-Fine.. just stay here for a moment. were now in a middle of a world war era. got it?

Fay: mhm ^_^

BLU: Good.

BLU's Eye Vision zoomed and spot 2 Female Guards guarding the entrance.

BLU: oh 2 female guards, what a opportunity time. You know what to do, right?

RED Nodded

RED Hops off the bush and visit The 2 Female Guards.

RED: Ladies~

Oflya Guard: Hold it! No Men can Cross this entrance, turn back and leave or you will be executed on spot!


RED Retreats and Return back to the bush.

BLU: What's The Issue

RED: yeah, No men are allowed to cross that area.

BLU: Unbelievable. By the way, Why they wear Armor also reveals few skins.. -_-

RED: *Red Left Eye Glow* Those are Legendary Armor

BLU: Doesn't look legendary to me..

RED: This is an another world brother.

BLU: oh, right.. sorry..

BLU Drinks Pepsi while RED Drinks Coke.

BLU: anyway, I think all girls are fine exploring the area.

Noelle: But Master, What about you.

BLU: The two of us will be fine on this mission, we already got use to it though. You might get a cultural shock. reminds me Avdol when we got to India -_-

BLU Sigh and looks up to the sky. The Girls already entered the Oflya Country to explore some stuff.

BLU: I Wonder what Jotaro and the rest are doing right now, I'll never forget them. either They never forget me as well..

RED Notice BLU 

RED: Something on your mind?

BLU: Yep, lets go already, i got a bad feeling if we didn't save my students for another day.

RED: By the way, no men are allowed to enter the city though, you hate my plan of sewers, how the hell you gonna get in?

BLU: Invisible

BLU Use the Cloak n Dagger and became invisible. Then RED Became invisible on his own with "Infiltration"

(Time Skip)

BLU and RED Manage to Enter Oflya Country which no men are allowed in this place.

Objective: Rescue The Students

Location: Oflya, Throne Room

The Queen Stands up, About mid Age 40's

Oflya: My Dear Sisters, Tonight with the heroes on our hands, we will use their power to make our country stronger than ever, with their lives, we can obtain what ever we want! Land, Food, Gold, Treasure, you can have it all!

The Knights Cheer along with the Knight Captain

Oflya: Lets Begin The Life Extract Ritual on the full moon. Aliza, Your In-charge for this.

Aliza: Yes my Queen.

Aliza bows and heading towards the prison dungeon, accompanied by 20 Knights.

Oflya: I Expect great things will happened.

Oflya sits back on the throne room.

The Throne room door close, BLU and RED Appeared behind the pillars.

BLU: *Low Voice* did you hear that?

RED: *Low Voice* Life Extract Ritual, what does it mean?

BLU: *Low Voice* It means they will extract their life force to someone and become part as an energy, Think of it as they earn exp based on their level like 50+

RED: *Low Voice* oh sh*t, you mean its like level 100 in each soldier? That's Broken Af.

BLU: *Low Voice* My Students are actually low level between 10. Lets Follow them where they heading from.

RED and BLU Became Props, BLU takes a form of a pencil and RED takes a form of a Y-Axis Hotdog. trailing Aliza and the knights that entered the prison dungeon. Few Minutes and we spot a passed out Students.

Aliza: Lets get this over with.. My Sisters! grab them and put them to the center of the chamber.

There no sound of respond, Aliza Turn around and all Knights were passed out and seen 2 kids, Red and Blue color

Aliza: My Sisters!? You Brats! How did you get here! What have you done to my sister!?

RED Literally grab a passed out female knight's ass.

BLU: Stop Groping someone's ass, now its not the time -_-

RED: Sorry..

RED Stop Gropping.

Aliza: Y-you.. You Filth!

Aliza break the red crystal orb and summoned a demon warrior.

Aliza: Get Them! 

BLU Shoots a Taser on Aliza Literally.

BLU: Shut up.

A Fully Armored Demon warrior stares at BLU.

Demon Warrior: Male Mortal..

Demon Warrior Brought out a Demonic Axe.

Demon Warrior: I Kid you Not.

Demon Warrior and BLU Walking around on circles.

Demon Warrior: He Turns Himself Into a Female, Funniest Sh*t I've ever seen.

The Demon Only Notice it because he has long hair.

BLU: ......

5 Minutes Later

The Demon Guardian was complete bloody mess and trying to block BLU's Punch.


BLU: Star Finger!

Demon Warrior: A-

(Time Skip)

BLU Put all Students to the teleporter level 3 in each of them, all Students were teleported outside of Oflya Country.

BLU: Done and Done, all of them are safe, lets get back outside.

RED: Sure..

A Random Purple Lightning Struck the teleporter and destroyed completely.

BLU: Teleporter Down!

A Tall Lady Appeared armed with Katana.

Olesia: My name is Olesia, Eldest Daughter of Oflya and a princess of this country, you bastards dare to defile my country?!

She Raise a katana, an lightning slicers heading straight towards us, we manage to avoid it simply.

BLU: Oi, is she using lightning and its color purple?

RED: Uh... yeah, what do expect from?

Tall Lady Bitch + who wields Electric Magic + A Katana.

BLU: *Insta-Triggered*

RED: o_o

BLU Enters Ballistic

Olesia: ?!?!?!?!??!

Then in Split Second, a Barrage of Punches Knock Olesia out and the katana broke into pieces.

BLU: ..... lets get out of here, the teleporter is broken so we go out on foot.

We Stand on front of the exit door of the prison dungeon, the Door opened itself and the queen appeared on her own.

BLU: uh oh..

Oflya: what are you two fools doing here?

RED: uh.. Nothing..

Oflya: That doesn't matter, I Guess killing you two on my spot personally will be easy, I shall leave no witnesses whoever seen the ritual, I Bet my dear sisters are already done the ritual.

BLU: yeah? Like how are you gonna kill us?

Oflya: I Bet You Weren't Expecting This!

She Lift her Skirt up.



Oflya : AHA! 

As She Lift it up Higher, it shows a Deadly Knife tied up on her own leg.

RED: Ah.. Phew..

BLU: *exhale* ok.. we're cool..

BLU Use Taser on Oflya Queen and passed out.

(Time Skip)

Location: Bush

BLU Was waiting outside, till he realized this town is full of girls only, RED Decides to stroll around the place, till he returns here with bruises and injuries. the town cause an uproar about a man enters the Oflya Country.

BLU: so brother, hows your erotic fullfillment desire you acquired.

RED: To Me, Its Heaven.

BLU Healed RED with a Medigun

BLU: Ugh that damn woman gives me a worse flashback.

BLU groans and sit on the ground facing at the tree.

RED: I Don't care about who she was but what makes you triggered about that woman's resemblance too much that use purple lightning and a katana?

BLU's Past Memory Image

BLU: You Wouldn't Get it..


Location: Oflya Town

Weiss Visit an Unknown shop, she enters in and this place is filled with bottles with different colors.

Weiss: Excuse me, what kind of shop is this?

Shop Owner: This is a Potion Shop, miss.

Weiss: Oh..

Shop Owner: you look like a princess, are you?

Weiss: Yes, My name is Weiss Schnee.

Shop Owner: So your a princess noble from a far country, i never heard of "Schnee" Name.

Weiss: yeah.. alot.

Shop Owner: I see.. do you want to buy something? We got Health Potion, Mana Potion, Antidote, Mana Booster. we got alot of kinds of Potions, Miss Schnee..

Weiss: hmm.. *Gasp*

A Lightbulb appeared on Weiss Head.

Weiss: by the way.. do you sell potions that made men crazy?

Shop Owner: You mean the love potion? Miss?

Weiss: Yes, Its about my boyfriend who never see me as a woman.

Shop Owner: was he a prince? :)

Weiss: More Charming than ever.

Shop Owner : I see, Then I'll give you this with a discount, what do you think?

Weiss Pass 15 Silver Coins.

Weiss: I Don't care as long as i have that.

Shop Owner: Then its a deal.

The Shop Owner gave Weiss a Love Potion.

Shop Owner: Good luck with that potion! *Wink* 

Weiss: Thanks alot ^_^

Weiss Left The Potion shop and Spot Yang along with the gang waving at distance, Weiss Put the Love Potion on the bag, trying to hide it from them and Rush and tag along with them.

Yang: Weiss you should try this food here.

Yang Shows a Ball fluffy meat attach to a stick.

Weiss: No Thanks.. I'll pass..

Yang: Aw..

Yang Ate The Ball Fluffy meat.

Yang: Too bad, and it taste good as well. So what did you do over there?

Weiss: I.. Just Visit a good shop! ^_^

Yang: Really? cause I Seen you that potion stuff you put on your bag.. Good thing BLU gave us a tons of gold and silver coin stuff on us, I almost to pay someone with lien -_-, So what did you bought?

Fay Popped out behind Yang's back and smell Weiss bag.

Fay: Weiss is going to charm my papa?

Weiss: What!?

Yang, Akia, Neo, Noelle: ?!?!?!?!?!

Weiss: Wh-What.. how did you know...

Fay: I can smell Aphrodite weird magic in your bag..

Yang: Don't you think your going ahead of us, Weiss!

Akia: How Dare you doing that behind our backs!

Neo: *Silent Grumpy Noise*

Noelle: *Yandere eyes*

Weiss: Please Take it easy everyone! *scoff* Fay, can you atleast stay away from us about 3 meters, its a private conversation between us and only adults.

Fay: okay! ^_^

Fay move away 3 meters from them 

Weiss: can you girls atleast share, okay? he has an Infinite Stamina.

Yang: she's got a point, hehehe..

Yang Wipe the drool on her mouth.

Akia: if you going to charm blu, how?

Weiss: when i see

Weiss Brought out a Love Potion.

Weiss: this is made of liquid.

Akia: but how are you gonna charm Blu? Even you asked him directly he will refuse..

Weiss: Unless its a food.




Then All Girls Smiles.

Yang: That was a great Idea.


Yang, Neo and Weiss's Scroll Rings, They saw BLU's Icon and Answered the record message voice.

BLU: [Radio] Oh Thank god i can still contact your scrolls, our mission is success, lets go back at the entrance where we came from, its getting dark. Over and out.


Weiss: so you all agree, girls?

Yang, Neo, and Akia Agreed Weiss Plan, Noelle made a silent stomp, causing a small crater.

Weiss: This is going to a long night.

Weiss Face -

(Time Skip)

Time: 7:10 PM
Location: Hidden Cave, Serenitea Pot

BLU,RED and Fay Investigate the Student's Body condition.

BLU: So, what do you think?

Fay Touch Ringo's head.

Fay: they are asleep by a sleeping magic, they will be awake soon.

BLU: Phew.. thank god they are okay..

RED: I'll keep an eye on those students.

BLU: Okay. Then call me if my students are awake.

RED: roger..

BLU and Fay Left the house and returns to his own house.

BLU: I'm hungry..

Fay: Me too.

BLU: Its dinner time anyway, I'll go cook some food.

Fay: yey!!

5 Minutes Later

BLU: Thanks for the wait.

BLU Place "Adeptus Temptation" on the table. Weiss,Yang,Akia,Fay and Neo was surprised seeing this food, the aroma was good and their stomach's starting to growl.

Weiss: woah...

BLU: Now Girls, you can eat now.

Yang: what about you?

BLU: I'm fine, beside i already ate that food during back of Teyvat.

BLU's Favorite is KFC. he place a kfc bucket meal on the table.

BLU: oh.. i forgot the pepsi, I'll go get some on my fridge.

BLU Left and ran quickly to grab the pepsi.

Weiss: Quick, Now!

Akia brought out the love potion and put it on the KFC Bucket mean, Just a single drop of fluid and 1 Piece Chicken Glows pink for a second. Then Akia Hid it quickly before BLU Arrives.

BLU Returns Holding  pepsi-can with serve cold.

BLU: I'm bac- o_o

5 Girls eating their own food naturally, it gave BLU some bad vibes..

BLU: um.. is everything all right?

Weiss: why?

BLU: nvm, I was just hungry, thats all.

BLU Sit on a chair, he grab the chicken and place it on the plate, with rice and some gravy. he brings out spoon and fork and prepare to eat.

BLU: Time to eat! ^_^

BLU Slice a piece of delicious chicken meat, mix it with gravy and put it along with a piece part of the rice, and he ate it.

All Girls Literally Looking at BLU.

Weiss: Yes! We Finally did it! 

Akia: All have been waiting for this in my dream has Finally come true!

Yang: *Heavy Breathing*

Neo: *Pog*

Noelle: *Yandere Eyes*

As BLU ate a piece of chicken, all the girls literally look at him and wait for the effects. Turns out its not what they expecting from.


BLU Drop The Chicken and There's a top Left Sign appeared which only BLU Can see.

[Something is Creating Script Errors]

Status: Heart Attack

HP - 190

10 HP Drain For 18 Seconds.



Note - BLU Can take Damage by Love Potions.



18 Seconds of Pain Later

BLU End up Crying like a real child and Became Traumatized Eating one of his Favorite 2# KFC Fried Chicken.

Fay: Papa! Are you okay!

Fay was trying to comfort BLU in the corner of the wall.

The Girls became scared after witnessing BLU dying by a love potion. his color was almost turn black.

Health - 20

Weiss: I didn't know it would turn out to be like this.. The Shop Owner says it was a love potion, not poison, How Dare she...  ←The One who's Responsible for BLU's Trauma

Who Knows what will happened if you mix Pepsi with a Love Potion.

← To be Continued






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