Chapter 69 Problem

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Time: 5:43 AM
Location: Serenitea Pot
Status: Normal

BLU Kept in checking the students conditions, they've been slept for like about 3 days because of a strong sleep drug effect.

BLU Fed 6 Students with his own specialty Sea Foods with Teyvat's Knowledge.

Ringo: wow! Its Delicious!

Shino: These Shrimps are soft and tasty!


Nagase: Sensei's Cooking is awesome~

BLU: After eating, we'll start exp farm to get you stronger. Our Princess of Deimura is already here though..

All Students Literally widen their eyes looking at BLU.

Students: NANI?!


5 Minutes Later

RED: *sigh* So your telling to me that "map" was outdated. *Sips Coke*

Amelia: I forgot to tell him the map continent was already change.

RED Groans and stands up, heading towards the door to get some fresh air.

RED: That's great.. Really Really Great! Now BLU will be confuse as hell. Because Som-

An Entrance Door Slam RED crush him on the wall.

BLU: -Body once told me The World is gonna roll me! I Ain't the Sharpest tool in the shed~

All The Girls Looked at me.

BLU: what?

Neo: 😯👉

BLU Look at The Opened Door, he takes a peek and saw Comical Flat RED stuck on a wall.

BLU: oh.. 

BLU Grab RED and Flip him upside down, turning his body to normal.

BLU: anyway, got any clues here, Princess?

Amelia: Sorry Blu but the old map is no longer use anymore, the continent was already split and they by far traveling seas and sky.

BLU: what.

Amelia put the old map back on the table.

Amelia: Its Useless But There's a Map On top of the Deimura High Tower.

BLU: You mean the tall building?

RED: The place was already occupied By some asshole Xerchon armies. the hell do we do now?

BLU: Don't bother the defense as long as they don't see me..

RED: oh right, your good at sneaking.

BLU: It won't be a bother once i already got in. Speaking of Defense, how did Exactly Amelia got in where 100 Antlions guarding the cave.

RED: uh... ask Amelia by the way.

BLU Looks at Amelia.

Amelia: you mean those things back in the cave serve purpose as defense?!

BLU: How many where they when you encounter those.

Amelia: 3, He said there's hundred more!?

BLU: hmm.. judging by less numbers, i think they went on dormant state..

BLU Slowly Look at RED.

BLU:  ̄へ ̄Nice security. luckily its just her who enter the Serenitea pot.

RED: What else you want me to spawn? Demons?

BLU: everything is not related to demons. but you don't need to do that, once I get back here, we start to move out.

(Time Skip)

Location: Xerchon Territory, Fallen Deimura

Nijo and Atagi Appeared on a Teleportation Room. 

Nijo: My name is Nijo Norikumi, I was a Highschool Student who got summoned to another world along with my girlfriend. On our quest to Rule Over the world to create a new world, Our Levels are Higher as 75, Just like an RPG Quest, That makes me want to conquer the world.

Nijo and Atagi visit to a fallen Deimura Country on their quest to Hunt The Deimura's Princess Amelia. These 2 Walking on the entrance inside the town, all Xerchon Knights Place Their shields on the ground with soldier standing stance as they saw them going to leave the Castle. 

20 Minutes Later

BLU wall climbing while invisible, heading straight up to the high tower. once he got up, he was expecting to find some Maps around here, but there's nothing but pile of rubble.

BLU: Oh Cmon! All of this for nothing?!

BLU Frustratedly Stomp The ground until he heard a metal clank noise. He Looks down and saw the map.

BLU: Oh.. its right on the ground. hehe...

(Time Skip)

Nijo: I knew it, she was here..

Nijo and Atagi looking at the Serenitea Pot inside the dark cave. Atagi is The Tracker of Magic Tracers, it must have led them here since they know she can't be far ahead in few days without a horse.

Atagi: I can feel Magic flowing in here, Space Magic?

Nijo: Guess we have to find out!

Nijo Brings out The Red Sword.

Nijo: The King Gave This to me as a gift, its a powerful national weapon that can burn a single country to ashes.

As he Swings and hit the Serenitea Pot, These 2 Got Sucked in Instead breaking it into pieces.

Nijo: What?!

Atagi: nijo!

They Fell on the ground, As they stand up they saw the scenery of The Serenitea Pot, It has 3 Big Houses. The Place is always Sunset.

Nijo: wow..

Atagi: I want this place as our home.

Nijo: I was thinking the same thing.

The Door Opened and RED Saw 2 Individuals.

Nijo: tch. there's someone here..

RED: hmm? another visitors i see.. 

Nijo points the sword at RED.

RED: Nice sword. Mines Better than that.

Nijo: I Know She's here.

RED: Judging by red stuff you got, your one of Xerchons are ya?

Nijo: That's Right! I'm here to kill The Princess Of Deimura, She's here right?

Nijo Secretly Use Appraisal on RED.

Level Remain 0 Like BLU, and all Stats are hidden.

Nijo: Level 0, huh.. weak. but why are those stats are hidden.. whatever, I'll Finish this fast..

Nijo Activate The Red Sword Abilities.

Nijo: Phoenix Drive-

RED Blinks and Punch Nijo's Face.

Nijo: WhaHe's fast?!

RED: wow so slow.. how pathetic.

Nijo Got Knock Off for few meters away. only leaving him small bruises on his face.

Nijo: I didn't even see him move fast. Atagi!

Atagi Unleash a Raining Icicle up in the sky.

Atagi: Icicle Rain!

RED: uh oh.. our house..

RED's Speed Kept Blinking to avoid Hurling Icicles. The House Hits, Fay was force cover under the table like earthquake drill. Noelle Notice it while cleaning the dust. Then The rest got out of the house. Watching RED against 2 Xerchon Heroes.

Atagi: That guy is not a normal.. so annoying..

Nijo: I Bet his Agi is High enough to avoid those attacks. how about this!

Nijo Stab The sword on the ground.

Nijo: Fire Purgatory!

Nijo Unleash The Fire on the ground, burning all The Tree's and decorated Stuff, even cause a fire on The House on first island.

Yang: Urgh.. The Fire..

Weiss: Stay Close to me!

Amelia: what about that small hair girl?

Fay Escape The Burning House with her Fairy wings at the back of the house.

Amelia: She's a Fairy?!

Yang: well duh..

back on RED's Perspective.

RED Keeps Avoiding Nijo's Attacks but can't keep up RED's Speed. RED Snap his fingers and summon 2 Wolves.

Nijo: Don't mess with me!!

Nijo Slice 2 Wolves Instantly until his eyes meet 2 dual pulse pistols.

Nijo: he has a gun?!

The Barrage Of Bullets heading straight to Nijo, He quickly deflects few bullets until his leg was shot.

Atagi: Nijo!

Atagi Step front of Nijo and unleash Light Magic, Blinding RED Temporarily.

RED: God hate those flashbangs.

Then Random Blue Beam Pierce RED's Chest and fell on the ground. The Girls Watch Red got severly Injured.

289 - Health

Yang: RED!

Noelle was busy putting out fire inside BLU's House.

Nijo: Phew, Never thought the Sci-fi weapon could be useful. 

Nijo: maybe I'll put it on good use as part of my collection. 

Atagi Put back The Stock Gauss cannon in dimensional magic.

6 Students Came in here to Help

Shogo: You Bastard!

Nijo: Out of my way weaklings. [Force Wave]

Nijo Knock 6 Students away with powerful wind blast. 

Nijo: I'll finish you all later once i Kill her First.

Nijo's Quickly Dodge an incoming Fire Bullets and block explosive slugs.

Nijo: hmm?

Yang: Now I'm Mad For This.

Weiss: You Cause Quite alot of trouble huh.

Nijo Taunts with hand gesture and force Yang to attack cqc. Nijo Keep Blocking all Yang's barrage of fist with ember cecilia.

Nijo: not bad.

Nijo Sweep on Yang's Legs causing her off balance and the slice attack received on her head. He didn't notice she was protected by an Aura.

Nijo: tch. hard to crack.

When Yang attacks again, her attacks was twice powerful now, Pushed him for few meters.

Nijo: did she get powered up?

Weiss Prepare her myternaster, Her Weapon, she spin the wheel, Element Ice, 1 white Glyphs under her feet to speed up towards Nijo to Stab him, When She does that, a Rock Wall appeared on front of her, Blocking her attack.

Atagi: I won't let you harm Nijo.

Weiss: You Think there's only two of us here?

Weiss Smirk as Akia and Neo appeared behind atagi

Atagi: *gasp*

Nijo saw Atagi was in Pinch Zone

Nijo: Atagi!

Nijo clearly receive a stomach damage by Yang's Punch.

Yang: eyes on me!

Nijo: Grr...

Nijo dodge another yang's punch and flick her head, attacking through her aura right into her head, instantly knock yang's consciousness.

Nijo: Swap!

Nijo Swap Atagi's Position and blocks all strikes. he Slash around the area hitting both Weiss, Akia and Neo with flame strikes. all team is down, Noelle was under order to protect Amelia just incase of an attack. Noelle and Amelia hiding behind a Giant Boulder armed with Favonius greatsword. Before Nijo finds the princess, he heard RED's Voice.

RED: *cough* Well, This- This is awkward. I- Y-You got a gun I can borrow?

He walk slowly and pick up RED's Pulse Pistols.

Nijo: No. But I do have a Bullet. With Your name on it.

he face towards RED and slowly walk towards him.

RED: Any second now, My partner is gonna roll here and kill.. every. last. one of you. *cough 5x* and you, My Man-

Nijo: sh sh sh sh sh. this is going hurt.

Nijo Aim at RED's Head.

Nijo: quite Alot.. Any last Words?

RED: how's your sister...

Nijo Take a deep breath, he heard a footsteps behind him.

RED: so you finally came... partner..

Nijo Turn around and saw The BLU.

BLU: you've been pushing quite alot of things while i was away, huh. well you two should just be nice to them or leave them alone while you can and you decided to put a struggle so here we are.

Nijo: Who are you?

BLU: Name's BLU By The way but that's the last thing you will ever heard off. I Say Break a leg But I Might End up breaking yours literally and i'm gonna make this as painful as possible for you...

Nijo: Stand close to me. We can beat him together with our power of love. You Don't need to worry about him, he's just one person.

Atagi: Yeah!

BLU Looks at Chiyo Atagi.

BLU: and your little girlfriend.

Atagi: *Gasp*

Nijo Charge with his Red sword and swing towards BLU, He Quickly Block The Red Sword Buster with bare hands and Bloodpunch on Nijo's Face.

Nijo: What?! he's strong!

Nijo Crash right into the boulder, the boulder crack into pieces. BLU was just standing here menacingly.

BLU: ya like that chucklenut?

Atagi: Quick Heal!

Atagi instantly healed Nijo.

Atagi: How dare you..

Atagi Unleash The Water wave, splashing BLU with water.

Atagi: Freeze!

Atagi Instantly Freeze BLU. Until it instantly melt with flame belch.

BLU: Pyro Gaming

Atagi teleport next to Nijo.

Nijo: your getting on my nerves right now. Atagi, Bring it out right now.

Atagi Open a dimensional space, a large sci-fi weapon drop on Nijo and grab it, aiming at BLU.

Nijo: Take This!


The Damage return and Severely damage Nijo's body. fell on the ground, bleeding.

Atagi: W-what did you do to him?!

Atagi crouch and preparing to heal Nijo.

Atagi: Quick he-

Atagi was in shock when she saw a shadow of BLU, He was standing behind her.



Kayden: Wish Came True, here ya go.



BLU Smack The Hell out of her using a giant spoon. 

BLU: Like I said. i'm gonna make this as painful as possible for you..

Activate Crits Then BLU Continues Beating her along with Nijo with a giant spoon.

BLU: Not Only you destroy my home, but you put my family in danger as well!

As for BLU's final swing.

Nijo: we're getting out of here.

Atagi instantly use emergency teleport and BLU Miss a final Hit.

BLU: .....

(Time Skip)

BLU healed everyone with a Medigun, fix his house quickly. returning to its original state. we're now inside BLU's House. everyone is here as well.

BLU: *Sigh* yare yare.

RED: i never expect he had your gauss rifle, since when they have that..

BLU: hmm.. Oh! I get now why they have it. When I First Arrive here, I did add some Weapon collection room and left some stuff, I did delete the rest of them except one. glad these 2 damn couples forgot get it, but this weapon belongs to me anyway, I don't like it anymore since the Ballista outshine it.

BLU Deletes the Gauss Cannon

BLU: The Only Thing that Satisfies me is to beat them with a giant spoon.

Shogo: giant spoon?....

Weiss: really..

BLU: ... Yes.. and I have good news now.

RED: what is it?

BLU: I finally know a place to Put my HQ Base. we'll be leaving now.

← To be Continued


Whoever The Uploader is, Must be Arrested.

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