Chapter 100 Yellow Heart

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Time: 11:01 AM
Location: Lowee
Status: Asleep

Kayden: zzzzzz

Kayden's wearing a white T-Shirt and a small shorts, his face is covered with his long hair peacefully sleeping alone.

Then a sudden loud bang coming from outside, Streets Full of Riots Going on outside. The Sound Made Kayden Woke up slowly like he's inside the battlefield with carefree. He Got off the Bed and peek at the window with concern.

Kayden: Some kind of Riot going on here? or...

Rom and Ram Barged into my room with worries.

Rom, Ram: Kayden!

Rom and Ram hug Kayden.

Kayden: huh? what happened? Where's Blanc? 

Blanc Visit my room once again.

Blanc: Kayden..

Kayden: Blanc, tell me what exactly happened.

Blanc: I'll explain one you see this to my computer.

Kayden: ... Alright, Give me one second.


Blanc explained what happened few days ago. A New Independent Country name Eden on R-18  Island Led by Yellow Heart Known as Peashy, the missing girl in planeptune that Neptune that keep searching for her in past 4 days ago. Peashy was the cause of the riot going on around the world. In my Thoughts, How big is this world for 4 countries only?

Kayden: hmm.. now I see what's going on the streets.

Blanc: Right now as a Goddess is to protect the Citizens of Lowee. If we don't stop her, things will get even more worse.

Kayden Sips Pepsi again.

Kayden: by any chance there's no people around R-18 Island?

Blanc: Yeah.

Kayden: okay.


Location: R-18 Island

This Place was Complete Deserted, No Soldiers around The R-18 Island. Something is really off about this place. even thought its an unholy island. doesn't cursed anymore since this happens now.

Kayden Activate Stealth mode instead of Cloak and Dagger. Arrive at The Artillery Base and begin infiltration. but it won't be easy though, i can't even tell if it has motion sensor if i get close to it since the surrounding of the Artillery is sand. He Activate Intelligent HUD to look around to find way in, The Problem is how to get inside of the Artillery since it has no doors around. When he look beside the tree, there's a Metallic door detected.

Kayden: Ofc, Secret Doors.

The Door is locked, He Unlocked it using a Toolgun and went inside straight to the Artillery zone, and met the familiar person again, hes sitting and continue operating the artillery and the mass problem around The world.

ID Name: Anonydeath

He Turns around in shock.

Anonydeath: What The-?! You Again!

Kayden: I Thought you were arrested back in Lastation already.

Anonydeath: Ara, Did your goddess friends tell you that i have a double body?

Kayden: Tch..

Anonydeath: did you just click your tongue?

Kayden: Enough, For this time Surrender now, No Goddesses are around here to save you this time. be obedient and i won't kill you this time.

Kayden Pump The Combat Shotgun.

Anonydeath: A-Alright!

Anonydeath raise his hand as a surrender sign.

A Soaring sound coming from the ceiling.

Kayden: what was noise?

A Sudden Burst Through the ceiling, Peashy in CPU Form armed with claws before Kayden Use Intelligent HUD to detect from outside.

Peashy: Get away from my papa!

Kayden: oh Shit!

Kayden Raise his Combat Shotgun and Block Peashy's Claw attack, Pushed him and crash at the wall.

Anonydeath: hahaha! Your Just in Time Peashy!

Kayden: oh dang...

Remain Unharmed but the Combat Shotgun was damaged by claw scratches.

Kayden: Looks like i have to spawn a new one later.

Kayden Put The Combat Shotgun back to weapon slot.

Anonydeath: Please Save me From him~! He's The one who was trying to kill me!

Peashy: Get away from my papa!

Peashy flight charge towards me, 2 Water swords appeared and block her attack, parry it twice pushing her by each parry it, The Upper Slash attack break Her Guard, Quickly turn and hit her face with a powerful Back Kick, sending her right into the wall. She Almost Receive no damage at all.

Peashy: 💢


Not Gonna Lie, Her Terms of Physical Strength is very close to Rory Mercury.

Kayden: Looks like I just need to hit her again and again until The Random Crits Took her Down.

Peashy: Grr..

Peashy Continues to Fly towards me very fast and prepares for revenge strikes.

Kayden: Solidify!

Kayden Activate Geo Shield and Geo Pillar burst through the ground, Hit Peashy right through the ceiling. He Spotted Anonydeath before he's going to escape again. He Throws a Gravity Grenade and Anonydeath Cannot move for 40 minutes.

Kayden: Stick Around.

Another Geo Pillar slowly moving up on Kayden's Feet Act as an Elevator, Shoots an Hydro Arrow Through the Ceiling to make a path in the sky. Seeing her in crossarms.

Kayden: I see no god up here, other than me.

I saw Peashy still going for a flight charge attack.

Kayden: oh wait, forgot about that.

Kayden Jump and Dodge her attack again.

Kayden: Wind.

A Vortex of wind pull her into the center of the pillar, and Slam Directly her head with a Sentinel Hammer, stun her for 10 seconds and enter Delusion Mode, Throws an Electro Spear and pushed her through the Artillery base, Penetrate 2 walls, He Jumped down and saw this.

Kayden: is this the reason why goddesses can't beat peashy eh? I see I see... No wonder she kept fighting everytime i kept hitting her. i guess i have to play smart sometimes. Sorry P-ko.

Peashy: P-ko?

Kayden: Neptune Named you.

Kayden Brought Rick May Launcher and Blast it off. Destroying Her energy source

Peashy was Unconscious and transforms back to her Normal Form after destroying it.

Anonydeath's View was always looking at the ceiling because hes always stuck by a gravity grenade. Kayden walk up on front of him and look down on his face.

Kayden: Good Night, girl ^_^

Kayden Wink and Hit Anonydeath with a Pan.

← To be Continued


This could almost destroy my job as an FBI Agent.

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