Chapter 105 BoB Tournament

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Time: ???
Location: GGO, Lobby Room
Status: Normal

Gil and Ellie teleported into the lobby room at the same time

Ellie: Phew! Made it in time.

While Kayden separated by being teleported elsewhere in the Lobby room.

Kayden: Finally, changes in the air.

Kayden was heading at the seat with a timer of 2 Minutes remaining.

He Brought out pepsi and end up bump into someone.

Kayden: oh sorry, I did- uh.

Sinon: Hmph..

Kayden: Oh, you again.. You look frustrated today.

Sinon: Is that right? I Hate That Guy, since he's a GGO Player and he's in BoB, I Swear I blow his head off!

Kayden: wow... I Do Not know what exactly happened but, If sinon managed to beat him, I'll laugh. I see. Frustrated to kill someone, I'm sure you will meet him someday.

Sinon: yeah.. Anyways.

Kayden: what?

Sinon: When this is over, will you come along with me?

Kayden: Depends.

At that moment, Gil and Ellie came along and saw Sinon having a conversation with Sinon

Gil: Pfft..Fuhahahahaha! Talking to your girlfriend again, I see.

Kayden: URUSAI! I Will not Hesitate to shoot you once I meet you on the battlefield.

Ellie and Gil laughed in sync, he leans down to Kayden's height

Gil: you will die trying

Kayden: It's not Possible.

Gil: This is a game, Kayden, not real life.

Kayden: My Life is a Game, you know that, right?

Gil:...good point

Gil narrows his eyes at Sinon and decides to tease her a little

Gil: By the way, did that girl just say she's going to blow my head off?

Sinon: don't tell me, it's him again..

Kayden: This is him in GGO avatar form..

Gil: Sorry to break it to you, mongrel, but it's a thousand years too early for you to beat me. Try a more realistic him over there.

He points at Kirito, who just blinks in response

Kirito: Yeah.. Likewise..

Kayden: What kind of fate lies ahead.. -_-

Gil takes a bottle of wine from the bar and poured himself and Kayden a glass, completely ignoring Sinon who is standing right beside him

Gil: Now, let's have a toast. To our victory!

Kayden: uh.. I already drink pepsi just now e.e

Gil downs his glass and stands up.

Gil: Well that's just too bad...oh would you look at that?

He looks at the timer, 39 seconds remaining

Ellie flashed a "friendly" smile at Sinon full of malice intent

Ellie: I'll be seeing you on the battlefield~

Sinon: what's with her?

Kayden: No Idea.

Unknown to them, Gil and Ellie allied themselves for the sole purpose of tormenting Deathgun...and maybe Sinon in the process.

As the timer hits 0, they nodded to each other and vanished at the same time.

Kayden has finally spawned in the forest zone. Armed with a Super Shotgun.

Kayden: I LIVE!!

Gil's POV

When Gil opens his eyes, he is in the middle of the desert biome, a destroyed city could be seen in the distance

He checked the mini-map radar and smirks, an opponent just so happens to spawn in the city.

Right before Gil heads for the city, he spots a crate of C4s along with a motorbike laying around.

Gil: ah, yes! This is a brilliant idea

He picks up the crate of C4s and casually rides the motorcycle into the city.

Suddenly, his mystic eye warns him of danger on the skyscraper next to him. Gil maneuvers his motorbike to the left just in time before an armor-piercing shot hits the road behind him

The mystic eye shows him the exact trajectory of the shot he needs to make to kill the player on the skyscraper.

Gil then fires what seems to be 5 random shots into the air.

Sniper: Hahaha~ what does he think he's- PUAHHHHHH!!!

Just then, 5 bullets hit him in the head in the exact same spot, killing him instantly.

He activated his mystic eyes again. This time, it shows him a player who is driving a jeep. Gil simply placed a C4 in his route and detonated it.

Gil: That makes 2- hm?

The radar satellite came back again, Ellie just so happens to be in the city.

Meanwhile, with Ellie...

A player is desperately running away from Ellie, who is chasing after him by jumping from one building to another


Before he knew it, Ellie was in front of him with her sniper making contact with his head

Ellie: Got you~

Player: what the-


Gil: As impressive as always, Ellie.

Ellie: dad!

She gives him a hug. Gil suddenly pulls her back behind him and shoots a player hidden in the alleyway.

The player barely managed to dodge the bullet but at the cost of her element of surprise, it was a white-haired girl wielding an M14EBR.

Gil: By the looks of it, her username is Musketeer X. She appeared briefly in episode 10 but was killed off quickly.

Ellie aims and took her shot, but Musketeer dodged it and opened fire on both of them, causing them to split up.

Gil: In that case, I shall return the favor!

Musketeer X: Tch

Gil sets his gun to pistol mode, it was a walk in the park for Gil to predict her movements with the mystic eye. Every time the girl tries to dodge, Gil always manages to accurately land a shot on one of her limbs, as if he's toying with her. Before long Musketeer X was dead on the ground with bullet holes all over her body.

He checks the radar and saw that Kayden, Kirito, and Sinon are all nearby.

Gil: all according to plan

Kayden's POV

Dyne has 2 holes from his hand and arm. Panting panicky.

Dyne: Shit, This is the worst encounter.. I never expected to encounter him for the first time.

Dyne running straight to the bridge in the middle of an open area, he crouches and aims for the incoming enemy player.

Dyne: Alright, where is he?

Dyne Saw something in the sky, it's a small ball and he realized it's a grenade at perfect accuracy at long range.

Dyne: Shit! Grenade!

Dyne moves away from his Position and the grenade lands on ground and explodes after 2 seconds.

Dyne: This Guy!

Dyne heard a Metal Hit Noise, he looked left and there's a meathook attached on the bridge.

Dyne: huh?

A Quick Shadow coming from the left, He looks up and sees Kayden already Pointed a Super Shotgun.

Kayden: Yo.

Dyne quickly aimed at Kayden with SIG SG550, He got bodyshot before Dyne Shoots him down, Kayden landed on him and Stabbed his head with Wrist Blade, Then Do a Stock Taunt melee Heavy.

Kayden: Pow! Haha.

Kayden turned around and saw his familiar player, Its Pale Ryder in the bridge from the previous pre-finals.

Kayden: It's been awhile.

Pale Ryder: ✌

Kayden: wanna go for another round this time?

Pale Ryder Nods.

Kayden: Alright.

Kayden took Dyne's Grenade through his corpse.

Kayden: Once I Toss a grenade and explode in the air is a signal.

Kayden looks at the grenade which he is not familiar with.

Kayden: How do I detonate this? -_-

Kayden kept inspecting for like 2 minutes while Pale Ryder was waiting for so long.

Pale Ryder does some hand signal communication by trying to point his hand at the center of his hand. Kayden realized now the grenade could detonate at the Hexagon thing.

Kayden: Ah there it is! Now lets sta-

Suddenly, He saw Pale Ryder was already shot down. Kayden didn't heard a gunshot which means someone was using a silencer weapon. 

Kayden: huh?

Kayden Reloads Super Shotgun and points beside the pillar of the bridge.

A Small Light needle Hit Kayden's Arm and paralyzed him temporarily as he falls to the ground.

Kayden: Argh! What The F**k?!

A Tall Man with a black cloak and a Metal face similar to a skeleton with 2 red eyes standing on front of Paralyzed Kayden.

???: You're in my way. When I'm done with him, you're next.

Kayden Quickly Recognizes its the same voice from the popular topic. Deathgun made an Appearance. He walks away and stops as he look down on Paralyzed Pale Ryder, He brought out a Pistol and do sign of the cross with his hand and aim at Pale Ryder.

Kayden: Not On My Watch!

Kayden's Grenade Shoulder cannon aims at Deathgun and fires an Ice Grenade. Deathgun Dodge it and end up freezing Pale Ryder. Before he knew it Kayden managed to break through paralyzed effect. And aims at Pale Ryder. His real plan was to shoot Pale Ryder to save him before Death Gun shoots him instead with a pistol. Within a quick draw battle, Kayden Shot Pale Ryder First in the head with a Heavy Cannon Precision Bolt. A "dead" sign appeared on top of pale Ryder.

Death Gun's plan fails and looks at Kayden Furiously. He hid in Dark beside the pillar and disappeared.

Kayden: Don't Go Meddling in my business!

Kayden Stands up, switches weapon to Combat Shotgun Sticky Bombs, He Shoots a Sticky bombs on the ground and Sticky jump into the air and Landed on a small hill surrounded by small trees and rocks end up seeing Sinon and Kirito.

Kayden: Y-you we're watching, right?

Kirito: Yeah.. somehow you managed to save him by killing Pale Ryder instead.

Kayden: if a bullet hits him instead of my bullet, he'll end up dead in real life. So? How did you end up teaming with Sinon?

Kirito Inhale and Exhale.

Kirito: It's a long Story.. Right?

Sinon nods in response.

Kayden: oh..


Kayden, Kirito and Sinon, On our way to the next location. Kayden Turns around and talk to these 2 while walking backwards.

Kayden: I'm Not gonna lie, I Join GGO Just to have fun. Right now we have to stop some serial killer on the loose in VR Game.

Kirito: Kayden! Behind You!

Kayden: What?

Some Player Pops out on the bush armed with M16 Large Dual Magazine. Kayden Quickly Dashing around as the player shoots at him, He didn't land any single bullet on him due to extreme dodging level. Kept Dashing side to side and goes straight at him while he's reloading, jumps on a rock and Trickstab him with a knife, Instantly killing him and a "Dead" Sign Appears on a dead virtual body.

Kayden: BOO! You Repulsive Bushman.

Kirito Claps for Kayden's Epic Action.

Kayden: Cmon, Let's go. ^_^

We arrived on nearby Lost City border, to track deathgun, he must have use same tactic as Kirito by going underwater unequipped to avoid Satellite player tracking, Looked at the Opened Sewer think he must have been through there for long time.

Kayden: Based on my view, he's already been gone through the city for long time.

Kirito Check The Watch

Kirito: So We'll wait for the next scan to identify his location. And take him out before he shoots someone else.

Kayden: Alrighty then!

Sinon: Yeah, but there's a problem.

Sinon points at Kirito.

Sinon: You haven't forgotten that "Death Gun" Isn't his Character Name, Have you?

Kirito: O-Oh yeah..'-_-

Sinon: There were 4 New players, you didn't know that, right? Pale Ryder wasn't Death Gun. Which means it's one of the other 4, Gunner X, Sterben, GOLDEN_KING and HAXXOR_BUNNY.

Kayden: Oh I Know these 2 Nicknames, Golden King was Gil which is my friend and other his Daughter.

Sinon: eh? He has a Daughter?!

Kayden: Yep, Like I Told you he's a Harem King. -_-

Sinon: *sigh* whatever! We Don't have time to wait. Listen, I just had an Idea. "Gunner" is like the "gun" of "Death Gun." And the "X" is like the cross gesture he made. Or is that too obvious?

Kayden: I'll say it's a yes and no.

Sinon: why?

Kayden: I mean, as a player which you don't know about them first, Don't be deceive by their nicknames means its a hint for the name of "Death Gun"

Sinon: I Don't get it..

Kayden: *sigh* that's fine anyway, most people don't get it though.

Kayden brought out Pepsi on his back and Drink it.

Kayden: Anyway, Move it Lads!

Inside the Lost City, Taking Cover behind the broken upside down car, Sinon Check the Watch and the satellite scan started, tons of players around this city in large place.

Sinon: Kirito, you check from the north.

Kirito Presses the Player's Dots to check their names. Kayden already has his own Mini-map version that can track players Except their names.

When Kirito Presses The player's Dot inside the Colosseum. Gunner X name appeared.

Sinon: There it is. Right now Only Gunner X is in the city.

Kirito: Yeah, There's no sign of Sterben. In other words, Gunner X is Death Gun. He's Probably after this guy.

Kirito points at the player named Rikoko inside the building.

Sinon: We need to stop him before Rikoko is in firing range.

Kirito: Roger.

Kirito, Kayden and Sinon are on the move now, taking cover and peek to avoid getting spotted and shot.

Kayden Look around The Lost City to spot some players, since the heat and sunlight was too hot around here getting messed up that makes his Thermal Vision Useless.

Kayden: Argh.. The heat.

Sinon Spotted Gunner X Hiding at the large broken Screen.

Sinon: There he is. Seems like he's still waiting for Rikoko.

Kirito: Alright. While there's still time, I'll hit from behind. Sinon, you get into position in the building in front of the Stadium.

Sinon: i was going to go with you...

Kirito Pat Sinon's Shoulder.

Kirito: I can fight without fear because you're backing me up. That's what a partner does, right?

Kirito and Sinon Nod in response.

Kirito: I'll begin my attack 30 seconds after I Split from you. Is that enough time?

Sinon: Yeah, It's Plenty.

Kayden: I'll do the Flanking just in case he tries to escape again.

Kirito: Please Do.

Kirito Ran towards inside the Stadium Entrance While Kayden Climbs the wall fast and hops on top of the Stadium. Kayden Pumps The Combat Shotgun, takes cover behind the wall, Hops on top and prepares to shoot the player down. Gunner X was already killed in Stadium, Possible from another sniper in different Position.

Kayden: Eh?

Kirito: did you find him?

Kirito Shouted at kayden. Kayden Responded back to Kirito.

Kayden: No um. It's already dead. It's a Female with Assault Rifle!

Kirito: what? Which means..

Kirito gasps as he knows Deathgun was already targeting Sinon. Then Shout at kayden.

Kirito: Death Gun Is Targeting Sinon! Hurry!

Kayden: Oh you-

Kirito Run as fast as he can to get out of the Stadium to save Sinon.

Kirito: Crap! I'm not gonna make it in time!

Kayden: I Got it!

Kayden Switch weapon to a Super Shotgun with Meathook, He Shoot at the Stadium screen with a meathook attached on it, fling himself very fast in the air, Shoots meathook again to Hit another building which its small, As it land on the wall, He wall Jump towards paralyzed Sinon and there's Death Gun already finish his own sign of the cross aiming at Sinon with a Pistol.

Kayden: Heyo!!

Gil checks his radar and looks at their direction.

Gil: All according to plan.

He switches his arm bracelets to sniper mode and aims the barrel at what seems like a random metal pillar. In the next second, a bullet line appeared on Sinon's head.


From Gil's point of view, it seemed as if Sinon was killed by his bullet, but Gil did not receive the kill confirmation so he decided to go to her himself and finish her off.

Just when Death Gun was about to shoot Sinon with his pistol, Gil switched his arm bracelets to full-auto mode and opened fire on him

Gil: That's my prey, mongrel!

A Very Quick Agile Player was about to land beside Death Gun.

???: Heyo!!

Death Gun Looked Up and Dodge a Shotgun Bullet from his shot. Quickly pulls out the Silent Assassin to shoot a Paralyzing Bullet again. Kayden dodges it this time, and Death Gun quickly switches to pistol and shoots at Sinon.

Kayden: Not on My Watch!

Kayden Quickly Act and Punch The Bullet away from Sinon. Death Gun gasp and toss 2 grenades at once towards us. He kicks 1 Grenade and grabs Sinon before the second grenade hits her.

He Runs off while Carrying Sinon away from him, it's very unpredictable if a pistol bullet hits her out of Kayden's Vision.

Sinon: That's Enough.. Leave me..

The way she speaks like she's not on high spirit

Kayden: I'm sorry but its never gonna happened.- F**!

Kayden's Shoulder Cannon Got hit.

Kayden: I Can't Aim Like this when my hands are full!

Kayden Saw 4 Vehicles, 3 are Jeeps and 1 is a Metal Horse.

Sinon: The horse is no good. You can Go off-road but it's hard to use.

Kayden's Face was covered in dark blank after seeing her state. He Put Sinon into the Jeep and placed Her weapon beside her.

Kayden: First, I need you to get you outta here. I can't even guarantee I might Protect you from him.

Kayden Punch the Paid Button and Ride The Jeep.

Kayden: I'm already used to driving. First, Blow these 2 Vehicles for me.

Sinon: A-Alright..

Sinon prepares to aim at The Metal horse and other vehicles. Somehow She Hesitated to shoot.

Sinon: Huh? Why?!

Sinon tries to pull the trigger but is no longer willing to shoot.

Sinon: I Can't Pull The Trigger!

Kayden: *sigh* I'll do it myself then.

Kayden grabbed her hand and prepared to pull the trigger along with her. In the corner of his eye, he saw 2 red glowing eyes in the distance and a stun bullet was about to hit Him. He pulled Hecate away and force to cover.

Kayden: Shit! We have no time!

Kayden Step on it and Vehicles move at speed of 60 Km/ph, Kayden's Basic Running Speed is 40 Km/ph.

Kayden: Check Your Six, He's already behind us.

Death Gun was using the Metal Horse and chasing us from behind on the streets. Death Gun was about to get closer to us.

Sinon: Why? He'll Catch up.

Sinon Hugged Kayden's back in fear of the Death gun.

Sinon: Go faster! Go! Go!

Kayden: I'm sorry but this is how fast it can go. How the hell can Sinon back up on her feet?

Sinon looked back and a Red laser pointed at her face, he's already aiming at her with the same pistol again. She move away from it and scream.

Sinon: No!! Save Me! Save me!

Kayden: This is not a very good situation right now..

Kayden Inhale and Exhale.

Kayden: Alright.. Sinon, I need you to shoot him with your weapon. Either you shoot him, shoot the metal horse or slow him down. If you don't. At this rate He'll catch you and kill you.

Sinon hugged him too tight.

Sinon: I can't.

Kayden: what?

Sinon: I can't!

Kayden: Then You'll Drive! And try again to shoot him, if you can't. I'll use your weapon to kill him.

Sinon refuses to let Kayden use Hecate since it's a part of her. She aims again at death gun, The State she's in is still the same, She can't shoot.

Sinon: I can't... I can't... My Finger won't move.. I can't Fight..

Kayden: Negatory! You can Still Fight! Don't Give up! Don't Give up on your life! Everyone can fight for good reason. It Depends on your own Choice!

Kayden Change Direction with extreme level of Drifting.

Sinon: If I have a choice, I choose not to fight. I Don't want to suffer anymore. I Thought I could be stronger in this world, but that was only an illusion.

Kayden: *Groan*

Kayden grab Sinon's hand.

Kayden: Then I'll shoot with you. Now Try this again.. Just move your finger as you follow mine.

Sinon: I can't! It's Shaking too much to hit him.

Kayden: Its Okay, Keep Calm and keep yer aiming. The shaking will stop in a few seconds. Ready?

Sinon: His hand, So warm. I Feel Like I'm Protected by a Guardian Angel..

Death Gun Aims at Sinon.

Kayden: One, two. Go!

Our Jeep went into the Ramp goes up in the air. Kayden's Battle Smile that shocked Sinon, He's Enjoying fighting enemies even though that enemy can kill you in real life.Then We Shoot it to the left.

Sinon: I Missed.

Kayden: Hit Or Miss? I Guess I Never Miss, huh.

Sinon: Huh?

The Bullet Hit The Truck, Causing to Ignite and a Large Explosion Beside Death Gun as He Passed it inside the AoE.


Location: Desert

Kayden Still Keep Driving to find a safe location.

Kayden: Man there is no good cover around here. The car tracks might give us a position away.

He stopped Driving, Both Kayden and Sinon hopped off. He kicked The Vehicle away. Once it crashes, The Vehicle Explodes.

Sinon looked around and found a small cave.

Sinon: There's probably a cave over there. If we go there, we can avoid the satellite scan.

Kayden: Alright, that makes it a lot easier.

Kayden and Sinon Entered the cave alone for a safe spot to avoid the next Satellite Scan.

Then Kayden realized, He's Alone With the Girl He Liked.


Kayden Breath in and out again to avoid the topic.

Kayden: *sigh* So um. How the hell did Death Gun get close to you. Is he Using some kind of invisible thing and that's why he did not appear on the scan?

Sinon: I Think So. It's called Metamaterial Optic-distortion Camouflage.

Kayden: Make sense, maybe next time I should activate my Thermal Vision, but it's the wrong time to use it since the environment is too Hot. I might not even be able to spot him, even if he's invisible or not. But this area is our great advantage. I'll see his footsteps or see him with Thermal Vision. He won't sneak your back again last time. Not to mention he'll make a sound when he's close to us because of the desert.

Sinon: I see. You're really so good at this. You're so strong. Too Strong. I Don't feel safe.

Kayden: why?

Sinon: *blush* C-Can you hold my hand again?


Sinon: I'm still scared.

Kayden: ........................................................... Fine..

Sinon Holds Kayden's Hand once more.

Sinon: so warm..

Sinon grip his hand tight that she won't ever let go.

Sinon: Hey, Is there any chance he died in that last explosion.

Kayden: Nope, I saw him jump off his metal horse, so we're not done yet.We got separated from Kirito.

Sinon: I see. At the Stadium, how were you able to come save me so quickly?

Kayden: Gunner X was already killed. Possibly she was shot by another sniper. That's why.

Sinon: If only I'd been more alert..

Kayden: Heh, I used to think that way when I was barely weak. I Already experienced Life and Death situations for a long time. Don't beat yourself up.

Sinon: Tell me.

Kayden: what is it?

Sinon: how are you able to punch a bullet and your hands remain unharmed?

Kayden: Have You Watched Jojo Bizarre Adventure Part 3?

Sinon: Jojo? never heard them before.

Kayden: I Forgot This is Alternate World

Kayden Smack his head to the left on the wall that makes crater, Sinon Gasp after seeing this.

Sinon: Ah! Kayden! Are you okay?!

Sinon grabs Kayden's Face to look that he is ok. and She realizes she's too close to him. All We do is stare, Before Kayden went crazy again, But if he did he might expose Ourself to the enemy even Death Gun.

Kayden: *Blush* Please move away.

Sinon: sorry..

Sinon sat back beside Kayden.

Kayden: You know what. You Stay here, I'll fight Death Gun Myself Alone enough to beat him. Even though we should still wait for another goddamn Satellite Scan.

Kayden pulls out Combat Shotgun, Switch Sticky Bomb to Full-Auto.

Sinon: wait.

Kayden: what?

Sinon: I Thought your weapon is a sniper rifle, How do you have 3 weapons at once?

Kayden: oh That, that wasn't even All of my weapons. At Least The Satellite scan will take a lot of time enough to tell my truth.

Sinon: Truth that You're Still the Same Both real life and Game?

Kayden: You see, I'm from Another World.

Sinon: eh?!

Kayden: Well, I'm Super Duper Confused. First Of all, the game I'm playing is called Garry's Mod. My First and foremost Favorite Game I Played in my Life. Do you Know some manga called Isekai?

Sinon: I've read it a few times but I'm not interested in reading it.

Kayden: Cause it makes no f***** sense, right?

Sinon: Yeah..

Kayden: First I Got sucked Into a game where I was able to travel to another world. The game I'm playing is a Sandbox, where I can do everything I want. Like Spawn Some food, Create some props like Table, Even an A/C, Spawn some NPC and Weapon. The Ones I'm Using Right Now is DOOM Eternal Weapon. Wanna Hear it? Or should I make it Simple about DOOM Eternal?

Sinon: sounds cool.. ^_^ I wanna hear it in simple ways, so that's why some of these weapons you're using are not part of GGO.

Kayden: Really? Ok. it was from 1993 called DOOM from the start, a few years passed and it evolved into the best First person shooter game in the world, it ends in 2021.

Sinon: 2021? It's only 2021 and it was still a good game?

Kayden: Hell Yes! It's all About Fighting Demons. RIP AND TEAR! And that's not all of it. There's a game called Halo Infinite and you won't die unless the shield is down. I'm basically in this state.

Sinon: which means?

Kayden: Yes.. I'm Bulletproof.

Sinon: Pfft.. hahaha! That sounds Cheating! This is year is 2024, not 2021.

Kayden: Yeah I See... right. -_- I was only Holding back somehow cause I did not tell you the rest of my extent about Garry's Mod.

Sinon's Laughter makes Her so cute that release her despair.

Kayden: well? Have you finally Calm down? ^_^

Sinon: Y-Yeah... I've never been smiling and laughing so hard in my life.

Kayden: I see. Then Do your best to keep on living. Running away from fear won't help but you have to face it. Or else we will never be able to shoot that Annoying Gil's face.

Kayden Pat Both Sinon's Shoulders to motivate her.

Sinon: But.. that won't be easy..

Kayden: ...

Looks like Kayden was trying to cheer her up but failed?

Kayden: Would you mind if you let me hear a story about you for a moment? And why did you want to play GGO to become strong?

Sinon Told The story of her about Armed Robbery in the bank 5 years ago when She's 11 and why She started to play GGO.

Kayden: I see, so that's why. Sounds really hard for you. You were in shock when Death Gun showed his pistol was the same weapon you killed the robbery man and everytime you see it, you always see the face of the man you killed, which makes you vomit every time you see a real gun. So you Played GGO To Prove yourself to be strong.

Sinon was tired, leaning on Kayden's Chest, she felt more comfortable than leaning his shoulder.

But Kayden felt even weirder, Cause He only met her a few days ago and she's already that close enough.

Kayden: I Got Checkmated By That bastard Goddess, Shit....

Kayden grabbed some Pepsi to cool himself down.

Kayden: I've Killed Countless Lives for good reason. It's not because everytime I kill I regret the Actions I made, it's because it is to protect someone's lives. Sinon, If you didn't take that gun from that man. bystanders, loved ones will die, even you.

Kayden Drinks Pepsi and sighs.

Kayden: You should at least learn how to chill before you lose your goddamn mind. Even if it wasn't my fight or not, Still have something to do the right thing. Someday, someone might lose their lives in the hands of the same murderer again if we don't stop Deathgun. The Reason I Joined GGO is to have fun normally, that's all.

Sinon: ....

Kayden: back to the topic, About Death Gun, how exactly he is able to kill a person in real life. It doesn't make anything sense at all.. Last time I was shot down unguarded by his stun gun, he said I was in his way and would rather shoot Pale Ryder Instead of me. I was so strong in the battlefield and refused to kill me for some reason. But why, Why did he not shoot me with a pistol instead of Pale Ryder? It's weird, right? Unless...

Sinon: Unless what?

Kayden: unless they know exactly where they live by getting their IP Address.

Sinon: Impossible! There's No way!

Kayden: It's Possible, when I first enter BoB we have to put our real IP Addresses and names to login on real Tournament. I was living with my friend somehow, so everything was fine for me. Though. Oh wait.. They can't kill me cause My Virtual Body was sucked into this game, My Body no longer exists unless I Log Off, but it's Impossible to leave since its Tournament.

Sinon: We Could have noticed it if someone was beside us.

Kayden: I Heard the rules that using scope and Binoculars are banned in terminal due to privacy breach. Or what if.. There's 2 Death Guns, One is in Virtual we are right now, Second is in Real Life.

Sinon: 2 Death Guns?

Kayden: The Virtual Kills you with a bullet, The Real one is killing you with different methods that make people's heart cause failure, other words can be used by a drug. No Stab wounds or Skull fracture for sure, Just a corpse without Injury that makes the investigation for the police harder. Secondly, how the real one manages to get inside someone's house is either a key password with Security Issue. That's how the real one got in.

Sinon: How are you familiar with this? Are you living in an apartment or something?

Kayden: Well I used to stay in Gil's place Temporarily which is an Apartment with keypassword, Yeah. By the way..

Sinon: what is it?

Kayden Holds Both Sinon's Shoulders.

Kayden: Do you live Alone by any chance?

Sinon: I do.. The door is locked though.. I have an old electronic lock.. The Chain.. Might not be locked..

Kayden's Eyes became wide,after seconds his eyes turned normal. He inhales and exhales.

Kayden: Sinon, Listen Very Carefully and remain calm as you can..

The Sun has descended and the area is getting dark.

Kayden: When I saw Death Gun using a pistol, he was aiming at you, only you.

Sinon: What do you mean by that?

Kayden: What I mean is.. Death Gun in real life is already watching the live feed in BoB, Waiting for his partner to shoot you, once the bullet hits you, you're dead in real life.









Sinon was in a huge state of Shock. The Killer in real life was waiting inside in Sinon's Room.

Sinon: No... I Can't...

Kayden Hugged Her to Calm her down because of Sinon's Heart rate rising.

Kayden: CALM DOWN! Whatever you do, Do Not Log out! I Know The Killer was inside your room, But. He can't do anything unless Death Gun in Virtual Shot you. If you Log Out now, You'll face danger even greater! Please.. Calm down.. Everything is going to be okay..

Kayden stroked her head gently..

Sinon: I- I'm Scared!

Kayden: I know.. It's okay to be scared.. That's why I Need you to be brave.

Kayden grabs Sinon's Hecate with one hand and shows it to Sinon.

Kayden: and finish off that piece of shit once it for all.

Sinon's View, All The surroundings turn white around Kayden's calming Aura Yet Fierce. He saw Within Kayden The Guardian Angel.

Kayden: And you will be the one who shoots him. Can you do that? ^_^

Sinon Nods, She holds Hecate and places it on the ground.

Kayden: uh.. What are you doing?

She looked at me, She Pulled his neck and Kissed Kayden.

Kayden: ?!

Sinon Stop kissing kayden.

Sinon: Is that really that okay for you?


Kayden closed his eyes, and in a few seconds he did not Explode after he got kissed by Sinon.

Kayden: ??? How, HOW AM I STILL ALIVE?!

Sinon is Giving Kayden a Cute face.

Sinon: you want me to do it again?

Kayden: Again?! WAIT NO! NOT LIKE T-

Sinon Kissed Kayden Again. This time was a long period. While Kayden hugging and kissing her at same time, He have some thoughts as to why he did not explode in a critical state.

Kayden: How did it come to this, for each kiss from a girl, I always explode because Monika's Cursed, if it doesn't work on Sinon because.. Her Body was Virtual, same state as mine? No wonder when she leaned onto me and she lay down on my lap, I Didn't cough blood, not a single one unless it was a Real life body. Wait WAIT! HOW LONG I'VE BEEN KISSING HER?!

Kayden Slowly pushes Sinon away, They Both panting.

Kayden: *Blush*why does it feel so goo-

Kayden Realized Now He shouldn't have said that.

Kayden: WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Kayden: This is the first time... I.. I.. Enjoy Kissing her?! WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?!?!?!?!?!

When Kayden looked up in seconds, He saw this.

Kayden: Uh.. what is that? Why does it say "REC"?! Please Tell me this is only a voice recorder...

Sinon: oh no.. we're done already..

Kayden: W-Why are you saying this... im really nervous right now.. o_o

Sinon: That's a Live Broadcast Camera..

Kayden: W-Which means...

Sinon: We're already exposed to the world...


Sinon: kayden... even you try to delete it.. They already know..


The Live Broadcast Feed Disappeared.

Sinon: I will not tell you about full responsibility for me but it's too early for you. It's also my first kiss as well.

Kayden First Time Kissing Sinon without getting exploded because it's a virtual world, Second We're being recorded by a Live Broadcast system because there's less players around the area. A Very Huge Guilt From Kayden hits his chest, If Neo and the rest knows this, A Huge Befall before him, full of regrets.

Kayden: *A Very very very Long Inhale* A-

← To be Continued


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