Chapter 131 Red Sun

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[Time: 9:03 PM]
[Location: Night City]
[Status: Normal]

(1 Week Ago)

Location: Warehouse

This Warehouse was once use for a hideout for Maine's crew, Both Falco and Rebecca sitting together on a couch facing at David, while Kayden was standing next to the door eating Nissin Chocolate Wafer 

Rebecca: Emergency meeting? what gives, choomba?

David: Faraday came through for us. Scored us our biggest gig yet. Huge risk, huge reward. Tack out now if you do not want to face that kind of heat.

Kayden: Welp, thats my cue.

Kayden walks away pass through Kiwi.

Rebecca: *pout* What a Killjoy...

Kayden walking suddenly holt, he turns around facing at the warehouse.

When The Meeting was over as David's crew came out of the warehouse. Kayden got the attention to Rebecca.

Kayden: Rebecca, I have something to tell you for a second. come with me.

Kayden Becon for Rebecca to come over behind the warehouse.



For those who played gmod, you already know this kind of taunts.


Rebecca: What is it, sour heart?

Kayden: *sigh* well, i guess you can call me that. anyway.

Kayden brought out a HL2 Healthpacks for Rebecca.

Rebecca: are those?

Kayden: Well. im pretty sure either your crew or David is going to need these. I only left out since Money isn't my thing. i just want to explore as i want. I hope those will keep him up.

Rebecca: Where did you get it, anyway?

Kayden: o_o The Menu List, Thats were i get those!

Rebecca: *Pat Kayden's Shoulder* Thanks for worrying about David.

Kayden: No Worries, Mate. Good Luck on a Mission!

(Flashback Ended)

Kayden was walking in a middle of a night alone, exploring Night City, the City of Dreams in the Plaza, seeing bunch of night lights and fish hologramm. but something feels off as he was only here, even in 12 AM there atleast someone was around here.

Kayden: hmm? do i hear something?

Kayden looks up and saw Falco's Vehicle was about to crash onto him just like Charles does.

Kayden: FU-


Kayden got hit and burst through inside Falco's Vehicle.

Kayden: Hey guys..

Rebecca: Whats up, Kayden?

Kayden: Yeah.. what a very nice evening.. and also, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING HERE?!

Falco: Duck!

Falco Pull Kayden Down on the seat and avoid barrage of incoming bullets.

Kayden: Nice save, but where the hell is David?!

There's Bunch of Arasaka Vehicles and armed soldiers shooting at us.

Falco: Now Its not the time to talk about this!?

Kayden: *groan* Jeez.. if these jackasses ruining my sight seeing, I have no choice but to clean up this shit. Bebecca!

Rebecca: Its Rebecca!

Kayden: Get yourself covered from bullets   ̄へ ̄

Rebecca: hey, Wai-

Kayden Jumps off Emperor, which is Falco's Car. Deflecting bullets and sending the bullets back onto them with HF Murasama.

Rebecca: wow...

Falco: There's no time to impress!

Falco fires back at his direction and Rebecca open fires to clear some few Arasaka Soldiers behind their armor car.

Rebecca: You think Kayden will handle it?! There's too many which i can't goddamn count!

Falco: I hope so. if it isn't, at this rate we'll get fucked by running out of ammo!

Horizontal and Vertical Slash, Kayden Slicing every Arasaka Soldiers on his path, bullets barely damage Kayden's Energy Shield since they use physical bullet type. The Numbers of Arasaka Soldier reduce for a moment.

Kayden: Jesus christ, its Onslaught mode again.

Kayden jumps back onto Emperor beside the car door and shrug.

Kayden: Egh, I'm getting to old for this shit.

Until someone drops down on top of the emperor, Its David Carrying Lucy equipped with Cyberskeleton.

David: We made it.

Kayden: Yo, Boss.

David: Kayden? your here too?

Kayden: Long story short i guess.

Rebecca put Lucy onto Emperor's back seat and she hop in. David already wipe most of them using their guns, after using gravitational pull on weaponry.

Kayden: Well, glad your guys are back.

Lucy: yeah.

Until Rebecca shouts at Kayden.


Kayden: Wha-?

Kayden: o-


Kayden was underneath the rubble being stepped on by a tall cyborg.

ID Name: Adam Smasher

Adam: hmm?

Kayden was held on Adam's Foot being stepped on, His Rage Meter increased despite his energu shield was only 250 in normal diff.

Adam: Never seen someone like you able to withstand this hit like that.

Kayden: *Red Left Eye Glow* Get Off me!

Kayden Push off Adam with brute force using both hands, and spin around on the ground and quickly picks up his HF Murasama.

Adam: I don't get it...

Kayden: What are you talking about?

Adam: don't have Cybernetic enhancement yet you pushed me so far? The fuck are you?

Kayden: I'm built different.

Kayden take a stance, ready for real combat and Adam Ready up his Main large LMG caliber weapon.


Kayden: Stop shouting goddamn it! I'm in a middle of a fight, and make sure no one interfere me here.

 Are you fucking insane?!- David

Kayden: of course I am! its been a long time since im going to enjoy a real fight. you guys go on ahead before one of Arasaka overruns you. I've been a lazy ass for a long time so how about I'll do this for you, cyberpunks.

 But.. I- Rebecca

Kayden pick off his earpiece and cuts off all connections for his team.

Kayden: Heh, sorry to keep you waiting. Adam Smasher

Adam: You will never survive my slaughterhouse!

Kayden rush to the side while parrying LMG Bullets, Jump and walljump towards Adam Smasher, He fired 5 homing shoulder rockets.

Kayden activate blade mode and slice 5 each rockets, when he lands, Kayden got punched from behind sending straight to the wall leaving large crater.

Kayden: How the-

Kayden got pulled out and punched again to the other direction like a basketball. He got up with only 178 Energy Shield.

The Energy Shield form is invisible to anyone except Himself or other existing Gmod Players.

Adam: Your Pretty tough for such a piece of meat, that is. I'll give you that. I was only toying with you for a moment, I don't know how the hell you can take such a hit like this.

Kayden stands up, his mouth was blocked by some rock and spit it out.

When Kayden Activate Blade mode just to read Adam's movements, he's movement speed was the same as Kayden during Blade mode was active, thats when Kayden realize Adam has Sandevistan just like David.

The Downside for his Blademode is he can only move fast without moving on one spot

Adam: Too Slow!

Kayden Parry Adam's Multiple Punches, Blade mode disable, dodge bullets and slicing 5 homing rockets. Kayden manage to land 6 hits on Adam but he's sturdy, a truly worthy for a boss in this story.

Kayden activates Blade mode again and parry all Adam's punches at the right time he used Sandevistan. 

They both have same physical strength but Kayden can increase physical strength through rage, the lower the hp and energy shield, the more his strength increase.

Adam Got close to Kayden using Sandevistan for point blank range LMG blast.

Kayden Quickly act and slice the LMG weapon off.

Adam Dropped a sliced LMG, he crack the knuckles and enter phase 2

Adam: I'll smash you into shit.

Kayden Blocking and parrying barrage of punches from Adam's close range attacks. Kayden kept parrying Adam's fist at quick time hit while in blade mode, also Adam was using Sandevistan

The Battle between Unstoppable Force and Immovable Object

Adam: Damn, This is Fun!

This Battle goes on and on around 4 minutes as they moved on top of Arasaka building rooftop, busting through ceiling, slicing walls with this damn sick Red Sun Lyrics in the background in the fight between them.

So enjoy the second phase while you can cause this music is a gift from god.

Adam: I Love this shit!

In Few Moments Kayden Manage to land a Final Struck on Adam's chest and falls off the building.

Adam: Son of a bitch, you got me!

Kayden slowly walk closer until a Trauma Team flying, seeing Adam was holding onto it.

Adam: Play Time is over, Meat! Time to die.

Adam unleash barrage of homing missiles heading straight to Kayden and blows him up and falls down on very tall heights.

Kayden: Damn it..

He turns and saw a Maxtac craft with only 3 Maxtac troops. Kayden stab the Maxtac craft, flips and got in, kicking all Maxtac off the craft and take control of it heading straight up fast on top of Arasaka Building, as he gots up, Adam already fired 6 Homing missiles, Kayden quickly throws 4 flashbangs during blade mode for 2 seconds, the flash interrupts the lock-on homing missiles, Kayden jumps off the Maxtac craft and kicks it right towards Trauma Team's craft as Adam brace for impact.

Adam: Christ!


Adam got launch off heading straight at Kayden, on Blade mode, He slice Adam's chest and Kayden pierce it through the spine using his hand and crush it, instantly full HP and Energy shield and lands on the rooftop next to Adam's corpse.

[-<Combat Rank - B>-]

Can you tell that is my favorite song?

Steam Achievement Unlock: Most Wanted

Kayden's Victory Dance

[New Addon Acquired]
[< Basic Sandevistan>]
[<Admin Sandevistan>]

it actually exist in Gmod


Time: 9:02 AM
Location: Kayden's Apartment, Balcony

Kayden was relaxing on the balcony equipped with sunglasses watching a bright blue sky, He receive a call from David Martinez.

Kayden: Oh Davy, its you! what is it?

Kayden: I uh... she's going to be okay, The Impact really did knock her for a bit but her arm wasn't serious at all. but I'll leave you guys to it. I'm already Familiar of what the moon looks like. Hate to break it to ya but I can't come to the moon with you.

Why? - David

Kayden: Cause I'm watching you guys up there.

Even in Day time, the Moon was still visible in the blue sky, His Vision was drastically increase like a telescope which he can see David and Lucy having a Honeymoon.

Kayden: Anyway, In a Few Days left, I won't be here anymore, I'm quitting Cyberpunk cause I've made myself quite.... popular right now...

Kayden Sips Pepsi Light while being surrounded by some Arasaka Soldiers complete armed and ready to shoot at anytime. Some Posters and Billboard that Shows an image of Kayden Freeman himself is the most wanted in Night City for Killing Adam Smasher.

Kayden: If these guys open fire, Arasaka itself is next (‾◡◝)

← To be Continue-

Kayden: Oh wait, Davy. Where's Kiwi?


idk what the fuck is going on to my brain since i have an urge to "PLAY" The game instead "WRITE" on Wattpad.

but thats not the reason why it took so long to update some of my stories, its because that I lack of acting as other characters non other myself for the story, m pretty much empty inside e.e

For Example, how do I act as David? How Do I Act as other characters in the story? As an Introvert, I see this talking to myself after 3 years used up of my juicy imagination which i think no longer regains unless someone takes the role of other characters with precise of acting for other characters for the sake of a story which is the reason i made Gmod Player X Genshin impact Multiplayer, you may notice I just act different and lively at the same time.

idk if its a good thing or a bad thing.

Anyway here the new vid

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