Chapter 33 Giselle

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Time: 2:02 AM
Location: Alnus Hill, My Camp
Status: Asleep

My Sleep got disturb once again, however the JSDF's Siren Noise, They are announcing that an Earthquake is coming.

Kayde: ugh, *yawn* what now..

I Open The Door and everyone was outside.

Kayden: Earthquake? 'My World Doesn't have that e.e'

I Went outside and get along with them, i don't want to wake up getting covered by broken houses but whatever, i can reverse it back. In Few Minutes, The Ground Shake, The Earthquake hit us at between 4 Magnitude level, The Destruction wasn't great but strike at the hearts of people, afraid of something that they think its an end of the world.

I Saw Rory on Distance Crying for Help because Hardy is coming.

Rory: Kayden~!

Kayden: oh no... non non non non non.

I run away in different direction and i accidentally Bump Lelei as she drops her staff, Lelei Quickly Grab my arms and she wants to be Protected with her worried face up close but almost expressionless.


Lelei: Help >_<.

Rory: Hey!, He's already mine, Lelei- AH~! HARDY IS COMING!!

The Tremors getting tough a bit and a lamp post break apart and fall off.


Crazy Diamond Pops out and Punch a Broken Falling Lamp Post and Reverse back to escape these 2 Snakes on me, But Rory Tried to Pull me down with insane physical Strength.

This is Me when Rory Pulling me down while I was barely hanging on a piece of a broken lamp post reversing back.

Kayden: STAP!!

After 2 Minutes of Torture, The Earthquake Stops. I Look around for opportunity to escape and I Ran Off back to my Camp.

(King Crimson)

3 Days later

Time: 9:43 PM

I was heading back to my camp after exploring few things outside at night, some people mistaken for a young boy traveling at night alone, plenty of thugs might kidnapped me, however they end being beaten into pieces and left these guys outside complete visible to the light and JSDF Caught them for attempt Kidnapping.

When I Open The Door I Found Rory Mercury waiting for me.

Rory: Welcome Back~, Would you like a Dinner?, Bath? Or.. wa-ta-shi?

I Close The Door,Turn away and I Decided to sleep on Japan Nearby Ginza to Forget what happened that night.

Kayden: I Think I Enter a Wrong Room. 'wait a second, how did she manage to bypass a Invisible Combine Energy Barrier?'

I Always Turn it on when im not around here and yet she's here.

I Go Back Inside my Camp and Tell her how did you get inside my room even it was 100% Protected.

Kayden: How did you get here? Rory -_-

Rory: Its Simple, I just walked in. Like This..

Rory Redo the same thing, just walked in and out.

Kayden: 'Impossible!, She can Pass Through Combine Barrier without knowing it?!'

Rory: Guhuhuhu.. 

She Quickly Grab my Arm.

Kayden: unhand me.

Rory: First Off, Turn this it off.

Kayden: Off what?

Rory: this..

She Mention about My Energy Shield Barrier.

Kayden: why?

Rory: hehehe, you will see. Don't Worry, I Won't Push you right into the bed.

Kayden: -_-, Fine, If you lied to me i will seriously punch you with Crazy Diamond.

I turn off Shield Energy Barrier.

200 - Health
0 - Armor

Then She Bites my arm and lick my blood.

196 - Health

Kayden: AGH?!?!?, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!

Rory: The Contract is Thus Formed.

Kayden: What Contract?

Rory: If you die now, your souls belongs to me now.

Kayden: My Soul Doesn't belong To Anyone, even you.. -_-

Rory: We Will see about that.

Kayden: Then Get out of my room, you have no permission to enter here.

(King Crimson)


*8-Bit Kayden Doing TF2 Soldier Panzer Pants*

War, Whats it good For? Everything!

- TF2 Soldier


Few Hours Later

I was Outside on the Streets Alone by myself.

It Happened to Ran Off right into JSDF Vehicle, The Vehicle Stopped and open's a window shield, its Itami and the rest.

Kayden: Yo!, Whats The Rush.

Itami: Kayden!, Perfect Timing. Quick, Hop on.

Kayden: huh?

(King Crimson)

Location: Unknown Street

We Did a Short Break Camp here at night with a new member Yao Ro Dushi.

Kayden: you want me to Slay Fire Dragon? -_-

Itami: Yep!, Your The Only Person who can fight it Head On.

Yao: him?, That Kid? Really?! HES YOUNG!

Kayden: Ho? You Think im really weak?

Yao: Of Course you are!

Kayden: How Rude for a Tan Elf.

Yao: Tan Elf you say?

Kayden: TAN ELF! :P

Yao: Why you!

Itami: WAIT WAIT WAIT!, *Scoff* you may not believe this, he's the one who blow off The Dragon's arm and a Marked punch on its head. we lied it from the start.

I was Sipping Pepsi after he said that and constantly look at him.

Yao: How Old was he?

Kayden: Im 20 ya Tan Elf.

She Pointed at me with shock face.

Yao: you? 20? Human?

Kayden: Ya.

(King Crimson)

Time: 10:01 AM
Location: Schwartz Woods

After Recruiting Bunch of Tan Amateur Elfs training with RPG's. My Thoughts are complete negative to them.

Kayden: hey Itami, are you sure this is gonna work? They Don't have enough experience with RPG's.

Itami: I Hope So..

Kayden: -_-

(King Crimson....)

Time: 4:56 AM

Location: Inactive Volcano, Fire Dragon Nest

Itami Keep Insisting about Me Slaying The Fire Dragon.

Kayden: I Refuse!

Itami: EH?! WHY?!

Kayden: Look, I Don't want a Rumors about a 8 False Year Old Kid Slayed The Most Famous Fearsome Fire Dragon That Turned out to be True in this world's History. This Time You Guys have to slayed it.

Itami: *Sigh* Fine Fine. Atleast we have Lelei here.

Kayden: Still got a Pack of C4's right?

Itami Shows a Bag and pat it twice.

Itami: Its all right here.

Kayden: Well, I Thank you about for not spreading rumors about me who scare the fire dragon in past days.. But!

The Meteor RPG Appeared on my hand.

Itami: Is this?!

Kayden: My Personal Sci-Fi RPG. Enough to one hit a Fire Dragon, Im Giving you one shot unless that thing survived a packs of Donbonghonkeros.

Itami: Wow... Its Big.. The Details..

Kayden: The Only Reason I come with you guys because i have nothing else to do here all day..

I hand it to Itami and the Weight was Twice than a Normal RPG.

Itami: Ow. its... Heavy...

Kayden: Hehe. No Normal Human can lift few of my weapons, am i right Rory?

Rory: yeah..

Itami Here..., Both of you....

Itami gave Rory and Me a Radio.

Itami: Damn its so heavy.. my arms can't handle it..

Kayden: Are you okay about this?

Itami: Im Fine!

Kayden: Well, Good Luck.

Just me and Rory here outside the Volcano.

Kayden: Why are you not going with them..

Rory: But.. I Can't Go in there.

Kayden: Oh right.. your not used to in-cave stuff.. I Guess few earthquakes gives you trauma, huh?

Rory nodded.

Kayden: ಠ_ಠ

Another Few Hours Later

I was already asleep on the ground. then i start rolling down like a boulder.

Rory: Kayden!

299 - Armor


Then regenerate back to 300




Kayden: zzzzzzzzzzz 😪

Before Rory Was going to catch me, She End up saw a Fire Dragon flying around on top of the volcano circling around then it swoop down right inside the Volcano.

Rory tries to call Itami on Radio, he's not responding because of horrible signals through thick caves.

2 Hours of Sleeping

Kayden: *snort* wa?

I Woke up and i was in the forest at the bottom of the Volcano.

Kayden: I think i just, meh i don't know.. I just have to get back up there.

Time: 6:00 AM

Kayden: holy crap, I slept 2 hours straight down here. better get hurry.

I Start to Run up Very Fast on top of the Volcano back to the same hole where Itami went. I saw alot of destruction up here.

Kayden: what the hell happened here..

And I Spotted Rory in Worse Condition, She's Not Regenerating.

Rory: Kayden...

Kayden: Rory!, What happened to you. I Don't even know what happened but Ill fix you up.

I Heard Sinister laughter and a smoke revealed.

ID Name: Giselle

Kayden: Looks like i have to fix you up later after this.

I Stand Up and Confront her.

Kayden: I Assumed your Giselle. Right?

Giselle: You Know me? Human?

Kayden: Yep, Rory Told me about fewer servants of Hardy.

Giselle: So Your Rory's Husband.

Kayden: Cut That Crap, I Have no Intention about marrying Rory from the Start. But, i assumed your stronger than Rory..

Giselle: Are you stupid?, She's Like this because she took your injuries for you.


Rory: Forgive me..

Kayden: Rory.... This Time,*Left Red Eye Glow* Heal your wounds yourself..

I Crack Both Knuckles and ready to fight.

Giselle: Interesting for a human. your fighting me? an Apostle?

Kayden: *Glow Purple Aura* I Don't care who you are but since you hurt my friend Marked you as an enemy..

Crazy Diamond Pops out as well and ready to fight.

Giselle: Things Get Interesting, a Spirit or something?

Kayden: Cut the chase and move on.

Giselle: Alright, as you wish...


I Back off and goes for diversion strike, Giselle Fly up with her Dragon Wings and zooms Fast and goes for scythe Low Strike, I Jump High and Double Jump and Pull Out a Z-27 Fang Combat Rifle.

If Hit Targets 3 times without miss, Increase Damage to 1x, Stack up to 3x for 10 seconds.

I Aim at Giselle and shoot Red Electric Bullets, She Deflect Tons of Bullets but gets tense and heavier because I Only Hit Her Scythe, 3x damage on 10 Seconds.


I Got Close to Her and Keep Striking and Block an attack against a Scythe.

Giselle: hahaha!, Are you even Human? No Wonder Rory Liked about you. But our little game is Over.. Towato! Mouto!

Kayden: hmm?

2 Young Hatchling Fire Dragons Appeared and Land next to Giselle.

Kayden: Small Fire Dragons? 'what a weird name for these 2'

Giselle: That's Right! I went to the Trouble awakening the Fire Dragon, breeding it and training its children to obey. with these, i'm stronger than my dear sister, even you. how should i call you?, Newborn Apostle?

Kayden: I Ain't No Apostle? What are you talking about?

Giselle: Well, That Doesn't matter, The Only matter is to get out of my way.

Kayden: Nein.

Increase Kayden's Difficulty.

I Pull out The Behemoth's Chaingun.

Giselle Order These 2 Small Dragons to attack me, Gets Maw Down easily with thousand Bullets with Random Crits. Small Dragon's Heads got Blown off, Reduce to Atoms.

Giselle: wha- What was that?!

Kayden: so? you think having these Tomato and imouto makes you stronger? Boooooo...

Giselle: WHY YOU!!!

Giselle got mad and Quickly Fly and Zooms right behind me.

Giselle: I GOT YOU!

Crazy Diamond Quickly Pops out and High Kick on her Face.

Kayden: Dora.

Giselle: so fast...

I Quickly grab her Arm

Kayden: Well, When I Look up close, your ugly now, Don't worry, because your face is about to..

I Wipe Dirt on my hair.

Kayden: Get Even Uglier..

Giselle: eh?


After Barrage of Punches, I Fix Her face in a wrong way.

Kayden: I Wonder how Hardy Would react to see her Ugly servant.

Giselle Flys Up and she's crying.

Kayden: Would you Like your Second Opinion, Your also Ugly!

<--------------- To Be Continued

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