Chapter 44 Never Reach The Truth

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Kayden: is it me? Or the moon was almost cut in half?

Gil: you cut the moon in half, Kayden

Kayden: Jesus, when every time I use this thing, I can't control the ridiculous recoil. My body is a bit steamy right now... because i was right next to the Earth's Molten Core. i need a cold bath after this.

Gil: *sigh* I'm going to take the longest hottest f*cking bath after this...oh look, there's the queen's castle

Kayden: Ya mean right at that weird broken castle?

The View when riding Vinama, it is clearly the castle that looks almost broken.

Gil: looks like someone's home needs renovations, this castle does not fit to house a queen

Kayden: So this is where the queen is, I heard from Melty that she's a higher rank than the King, wait. I Remember that the Shadow's work from the Queen right? Tell me ya forgot That Key from the start.

Gil: No, I think the previous King Of heroes left that behind and the royal family passed that down for generations

Kayden: oh my god.. -_-, looks like where here- wait a sec.. *Grunt* oh my.. Gold Experience.... Is Stuck In Requiem Form, I CAN'T REMOVE THIS BLOODY ARROW!!

Gil: *sigh* Have you never watched JoJo? Requiem is permanent

Kayden: No, It's not Permanent, The Last ep that the Arrow Dropped After Defeating Diavolo. IT'S NOT PERMANENT! *Sigh* fine, I'll get used to this..

Gil: try removing it with the tool gun

Kayden: its Impossible, Once i hit this tool gun, my stand will disappear, i can only use one stand at a time. At Least i can fly with it. Cmon, there are a lot of guards waiting outside that they clearly saw us..

Kayden Hops off by Floating down on the ground right next to the few guards.

Kayden: Hello! ^_^.

Gil lands and puts Vimana back into the GoB

Gil: I want an audience with the queen immediately. How dare she give one of my treasures to someone else?!

Kayden: She Gave that key to the shield party ya know..

Kayden Drinks Pepsi to make his mood a bit better while we were being escort right into the Queen's Throne Room.

A tick mark grew on Gil's forehead

Gil: that key is still my treasure, imbecile!

Kayden: Do you think there's more of them?

Gil: The keys? No. There is only one key to my treasury for security purposes.

Kayden: Wish you add Prohibited purpose like when someone uses it cannot be used, only owners can. Like my toolgun!

Gil: only my magic signature can make the key work so its more than secure

Kayden: Make it absolute then :v, oh look, were here.

The guards opened the gate, letting us all in, Kayden Spotted an Image of a woman

Kayden: Is That Mona Lisa?!

Kayden Glows White aura flies up and Zooms in to look up close, its 100% mona lisa and Gold Experience Requiem Took a Hold on it.

Kayden: it is Mona Lisa xD

Gil: Probably one of the previous heroes gave it to them. Mona Lisa is not supposed to be here.

Kayden: I Heard Heroes came from earth. Some of them came from alternate world, i prefer not to meet my other self -_-, I am not gonna like this if this happens.

Mirellia: What may I do for you today, your majesty?

Gil: Don't beat around the bush, mongrel. How dare you give away my key to the shield hero?! Do you actually think I wouldn't notice?!

Mirellia: I thought it might assist the shield hero-

Gil: I couldn't care less about the shield hero's wellbeing! What matters is that YOU basically gave that mongrel MY entire treasury!

Kayden: ya mean me? I was almost dead in seconds if I didn't accidentally drop it.

Gil: I meant Naofumi.

Kayden: oh *snort*

Gold Experience Requiem Puts back Mona Lisa on the wall and returns back to kayden's body.

Kayden: Can I use a Bath here right now?

Gil looks at Kayden with deadpan eyes

Gil: Maybe later

Kayden: okie ^_^, who knows what kind of odor they can smell that came from Earth's Core. trust me, it's hotter than the surface of the sun.

Timeskip to the Melromarc...

Mirellia: Bring these two in

The guards opened the door and brought the bitch and trash in

Gil: *sniff* Did someone forget to take out the trash today?

Kayden Literally Use an air purifier to clear off the worse odor.

Kayden: oh wait, the source was him *Points at King Aultracy*

Gil: can we just get this trial over with? His presence irritates me

The queen nods. Mages around the court activated some kind of crystal to broadcast the trial across the country

Mirellia: For the integrity of this trial, Myne will receive a temporary slave crest

Malty: Mama?!

Motoyasu: How can you do that?! Shes your own daughter!

Mirellia: It is necessary, because Malty is a pathological liar

Malty: No way! You know I'm an honest, good girl!

Gil: *sniff* Do you smell that, Kayden?

Kayden: Yep, I Smell Lies..

One of the queen's shadows drew a slave crest on Malty's chest, causing her to scream out of agony

Milrellia: Now that's over with, let's begin this trial. First, let's address the recent events. Using a fake holy weapon, the pope of the Three Heroes Church tried to murder the h=world's heroes, but he was defeated in the act. Appalling, the king and the first princess were colluding with the Church. Are there any objections to the charge?

Myne: Why would I ever collude with the Three Heroes Church- AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

The slave crest detected her lies and tazed her

Mirellia: You conspired with the church and tried to assassinate the four heroes, am I wrong?

Myne: N-no! AHHHHHH!!!!!

Mirellia: And you worked with the church to summon all of the Four Cardinal Heroes while I was away.

Aultcray: But the shield committed the gravest sin possible against my daughter!

Motoyasu: That's right! Naofumi assaulted Myne!
Mirellia: Let me ask Malty, then. Were you assaulted by the Shield Hero?

Myne: Th-that's right! The Devil of the Shield nearly raped me-nghhhh ahhhh AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Mirellia: Hopefully you understand now. Despite being royalty, they used the dirtiest of tricks, tried to eliminate those who opposed them, instead of doing what was best for the nation, and sought to obtain power for purely selfish reasons.

Myne: N-no! I-I AHHHH!!!!!!

Mirellia: I hereby hand down my verdict. I find Aultcray Melromarc XXXII and Malty Melromarc guilty of high treason and conspiracy, and strip them of their status. And I sentence them to death!

Kayden: wait. I have One More Question For Myne..

Kayden Flies closely to Myne and Sits on Midair with Crossed Legs.

Kayden: I have one Question for you myne, Not only you did a false accusation on us, but you committed the most grave sins, last night, YOU Did Assault me last night after the summon. Am I Right? You're a Freakin Pedo!!

Malty: I-I never Assaulted yu- AAAGHHHHHH!!!

Kayden: Here's why I called you a pedo, is it because I'm cutely young With a Bright Blue hair, even though you didn't know I was 20 years old! But. *Left Red Eye Glow* You Literally Just went for it! That's Why I Called You A Pedophile!! You're The Worst!!!

Kayden Zooms Close to Myne and kicks Her Face and flies backwards and stands next to Gil.

Kayden: Start The Execution, Let's Kill da Ho!, BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETCH!!!!!!


Malty: No No! Someone help me! Save me, Motoyasu sama!

The spear hero looks away

Mirellia raises her hands as the knights raise their swords

Malty: mi-sama...Naofumi sama! I beg you! Help me, Naofumi sama! Naofumi sama!

Naofumi was just about to stand up, but Gil stopped him

Gil: Hold on!

The queen turns to Gil's location to see that he was not there anymore

Gil: The death penalty is too light for these scumbags. Death is instant release, after all. Should they really get off so lightly? The slave crest didn't react. She is so thick-skinned, she can beg a guy she tried to kill for her life, and meant it! With skin that thick, the guillotine might not cut through her!

The crowd burst out laughing

Yua giggles at his joke. Mirellia sighs in relief

Gil: So I have a proposal! The king will change his name to "Trash," and the first princess to "bitch"!

Kayden was Laughing in midair

Kayden: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA*Snort* OH*snort* WOHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*Snort* ahehehehehee*Snort*

King: T-trash?!

Myne: B-bitch?!

Gil: You'll live the rest of your lives under those names. If you don't like that, you're free to die right now.

Mirellia: By the way, Malty goes by "Myne" as an adventurer. What about that?

Gil: Oh? The bitch wants an adventurer name? How about....

He snaps his fingers

Gil: "Slut"?

Kayden: *Wheeze Laugh for 10 Seconds*

Mirellia: The man who's done the most to put things right here has granted them the greatest mercy. As such, King Aultcray will henceforth be "trash," and Princess Malty will be "bitch," as her adventuring name. And the Three Heroes Church, the root cause, will be abolished. Melromarc will now adopt the Four Heroes Church as its state religion.

Gil gave Bitch one last bitch slap before walking back to Kayden

Kayden:*Claps for 10 seconds* what should we do now?

Gil: Now? We do what we do best

Kayden: Can I stay in your place?

He deadpanned

Gil: again?

Kayden: yesh, as roommates ^_^

Filo: Oni-chan, how about us?


Filo and Naofumi was behind Kayden.

Kayden: eh.. I don't know how to say this...

A tick mark grew on Gil's forehead

Gil: God...damn it Kayden.

He looks at Filo, who was looking at him with puppy eyes

Gil: s-so bright!!!

Kayden: Gil!!! Don't Fall for the puppy eyes!!

He just cannot resist the puppy eyes

Gil: *sigh* three can stay in my house. We have a lot of guest rooms anyways

Kayden: o-o, i didn't not expect that. At all.

Timeskip to Gil's Mansion

Gil: here it is

Yua: Gil!

Raphtalia: Otou-sama!

Yua and Raphtalia tackled him into a hug

Yua/Raphtalia: Welcome back!

Kayden Pulls out a G-Phone

Kayden: Let me take a picture of you guys ^_^

Gil: Everyone, say "cheese"!

Yua/Raphtalia: cheese!

*Flash MP4*

Kayden Check the Phone and show everyone's picture.

Kayden: Looks good everyone.

Kayden moved away and added one of his image memories, Filo's wing feather hit Kayden's nose, he sneezed and pressed the wrong image and dropped the phone next to Gil's foot. The Image shows a Girl with an umbrella next to Kayden when he was trying to push her away.

Kayden: WHA-

Gil: Hol' that Neo from RWBY? Kayden......

Kayden: You Will Never Reach the Truth!

Gold Experience Requiem Pops out and grabs Kayden's Phone with a blush face and hides behind Gold Experience Requiem

Kayden: how could this happen to me....

Gil: *thumbs up* niiiicceeeeee

Kayden: *Sigh* Remnant was my first world to enter and yet Neo was very persistent to catch my heart.

Gil gave Kayden a sly smile

Gil: I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Kayden~


Gil: Whatever you say Kayden, whatever you say~

Kayden: you know what..

Kayden Pulls out a Neuralyzer.

Kayden: Look into this..

Gil runs away

Gil: Nigerundayo, Smokey!!!!!


Kayden Glows white aura and flies towards Gil and aims with a tool gun to freeze him, the chase starts around the mansion.

Kayden: get back here ya coward! Lemme Flash your eyes!!


Yua and Raphtalia were on the ground laughing while clutching on their stomach

Yua: Hahaha..I-I've never seen Gil like this! Pfft...HAHAHAHA!!!! This is way too good!

Gil summoned Vimana and flew away


Kayden Shot himself with a toolgun, increasing Noclip Speed from 5 to 9000.

Kayden: YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEE!!!!!!, I SEE YOU GIL!! Crap I'm not used to this speed. AGH where am i?

Kayden's Location: Outerspace, Proxima Centauri

Kayden: *Silent Speak* "Perfect.."

The Space is Vacuum even i can breathe in space, yet blocks all the sounds.

Kayden: "Fine, I admit lost, keep that crappy memories you have, ill find my way back myself then"

6 Hours Later

Kayden: "I'm Lost in Space..."

Kayden Spawned Pepsi to drink, but it froze immediately.

Kayden: -_-.

Gil's POV

Gil: Phew, finally lost him. Now lets get back to the house

Vimana appeared on top of the mansion in an instant.

Filo was sitting here on the entrance waiting for Kayden's Return.

Filo: oh? Gil-niichan! Hey!

Filo wave at Gil.

Gil: Hey Filo. Let's get back to the house, okay? It's getting cold outside

Filo: eh~? I Can't.. *Pout Face*

Gil: Why? You'll catch a cold, you know?

Filo: Oni-chan hasn't returned yet.

Naofumi Opens a Window and talks to gil for a second

Naofumi: He didn't come back for six hours, i had this wrist watch thanks to him.

Gil: She must really care about kayden huh?

He sits down next to Filo and wraps a blanket around her

Gil: Alright then, I will wait for him with you.

Filo: hai~! *transforms into a bird*

Naofumi: Filo Doesn't need a blanket once she's transformed.

Gil: Oh

He accidentally sticks his hand into her feathers and showed a blissful expression

Gil: So warm....

Yua, who was watching from a distance, jumps towards Filo and snuggled into her feathers and fell asleep

Gil embraced her inside Filo's feathers and they both drifted into dreamland

Naofumi: *Sigh* here we go again.. *Close windows and heads for a bath*

Meanwhile on Proxima Centauri

Kayden: Da, This will work..

Spawned a Space Shuttle on 15 meter distance.

Kayden: Looks like i have to stay here.. For awhile.....

← To be Continued?

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