Chapter 57 The Dolphin Hat

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Kayden Has Two Types of Deres, Guess it



Time: 11:01 AM
Location: India, United Arab Emirates
Status: Normal

In a Middle of a Desert, Joseph was trying to teach us how to ride a Camel, Riding a car and sudden ambush might more risky. A Camel Dust snores almost hit polnareff's face and the odor is horrible, making him close his nose with his hand and spray with perfume.

Polnareff: I-Its Stink! Hey Mr. Joestar, How do you get on it? It's like three meters tall.

Joseph: well you see, with camels.. you make them sit first, and then get on.

Joseph tried to pull a leash to make a camel sit down, it didn't.

Joseph: hmm?

Joseph tries again, the Camel got irritated and resist.

Joseph: *Grunt* You make them sit first and, *grunt* then get on.. *grunt* YOU MAKE THEM SIT THEN GET ON!

Kayden: -_-

The Camel Refuse.

Joseph: J-Just one moment. It's gonna sit down right now.

Joseph Forcing the Camel to Sit.


Kayden: tell me you have ridden camels before, right?

Joseph: I've seen that really long movie, Lawrence of Arabia, Three times! I Know very well how to ride a camel! Though, Two of those times, I slept through half of it.

Kayden: BAKA BAKA! Watching a Movie that riding a Camel doesn't mean you know how to ride it! You Really haven't ride the camels in the first place either!

Now Joseph is Covered in Camel's Saliva.. Everyone just made a long groan staring at Joseph Joestar.

Joseph: It's great sunscreen! Didn't you know that? gahahahahahahahaha...

Kayden: Sunscreen? Its Disgusting! Filt! Immature Old Man!!

I shot Joseph Joestar's face with a Watergun.

Kayden: You Might didn't even know what mixture of saliva is coming from?

Joseph: S-Sorry..

10 seconds later Later

Joseph grab some apples inside his bag on the ground.

Joseph: Listen up. When dealing with animals, it's important to understand how they feel. Exactly how they feel!

Joseph shows an apple on front of the camel's eyes.

Joseph: Here~ Doesn't this apple look delicious? It's tasty!

The Camel's eyes got the attention on the apple, Joseph's hand lowered it and the camel sit and ate the apple.

Joseph: Look! See?! It sat down! If you take time to understand the camel, it'll sit down for you! Hehehehehehehe.

Kakyoin: uh, Joestar-san, look...

Joseph: hehehe- huh?

Kakyoin Points at Kayden, he was already riding on a camel with a smug face on Joseph and he drinks pepsi.

Kayden: ugh, stop wasting our and get on with it.

5 Minutes Later

Everyone is now riding on a camel

Joseph: Let's Get through that desert eveyone! Onward towards the northwest!

We Start to Move out and Stand proud full lyric music plays.

Time: 8:27 PM

We place palm trees at the back of the camel, making our footprints disappeared. 

Kakyoin: I Still can't shake the feeling that someone was watching us.

I Still have Intelligent HUD was on, but none of it reached 200 meters around me.

Polnareff: Kakyoin, I Think you're worrying a bit too much. The Palm leaves are covering our tracks and we can see a great distance around us. If someone were here we'd know.

Jotaro: Actually, I Can't help but feel a presence too.

Kayden: My Spider senses tingling but I can't tell much if someone was following us or not.

Joseph: hmm, Kayden, can you make a binoculars for Jotaro?

Kayden: Sure..

Spawn a Binocular. Jotaro Holds it and looks around with Star Platinum with his great eye sight distances.

Joseph: do you see anything suspicious?

Jotaro: No, I Don't. There's nothing. but.. Something's weird. Something is...

Me and Polnareff Drink water.

Polnareff: hey, Let's hurry up and go.

Joseph: Indeed, Let's get as far as we can, and once the sun goes down, we'll stop and put up our tents. It's too dangerous to travel at night.

Polnareff was already looking at his own thermometer while i was bathing myself with Cold Water.

Polnareff: but man, its hot~! Look, It's 50 degrees Celsius.

Kayden: Seriously? No wonder i always keep sweating, the air was also hot too.

Joseph: it is hot. But it's always hottest around this time of day..

Kayden: NANI?!

I was already looking at my G-Phone to Check time.

Joseph: What's wrong Kayden?!

Kayden: Its 8:31 PM?! Impossible, I never Tamper my Clock on my G-Phone for fun. Jotaro, What does the clock say?

Jotaro: hmm? 

Jotaro check his own time.

Jotaro: Ten after eight.. *gasp* Hey Kayden!

Kayden: Something is bad going to happened everyone.

Joseph: We already lost track of time, b-but what is going on? its past 8 PM.. 

Polnareff and Kakyoin gasp

Joseph: So why isn't the sun going down?

Polnareff check his thermometer and its increasing.

Polnareff: Impossible! The Thermometer Just Jumped to 60 degrees celsius!!

Kayden: It Can't be.....

The Sun wasn't going down, its going up, and its bright as hell.

Kakyoin: N-Not only its going down

Polnareff: But it's actually rising higher and higher in the west!

Joseph: Could that sun be...

Kayden: Stand!! Enemy Stand!! Were already Under attack!!

Joseph: I-I Can't Believe this! We're in the middle of the desert! Try to hide behind some rocks!

We abandoned The Camels and start running.

Kayden: Don't Forget the waters!

Joseph: Make some Cold Water Later!

Polnareff: That sun is a Stand?!

We hid over the rocks, Its Hot as hell.

Polnareff: we were careless. I didn't even realize..

Kakyoin: I Felt like we were being watched but couldn't see it at all.

Kayden: 'So The user was smart and it was out of my range of Intelligent HUD, this is bad, if i go looking around at such temperature like this, i might die from hydrate for a seconds'

Polnareff: at this rate, all day long. No, all night long.. That stand is planning to boil us overnight, like octopuses and kill us.

1 Hp Lose Per Minute

199 - Health

Continues Damage Prevents healing

Joseph: No. It won't take that long. It's dangerous to even be in a sauna for more than thirty minutes.

I can see the camels cannot last long on such heat.

Kayden: Our Camels!!

Polnareff: How can we fight it?

Polnareff double check the Thermometer

Polnareff: Damn it! Its now 70 degrees Celsius! Not to mention, we can't even tell if that Stand is close or far away! The Distance is Impossible to judge!

Jotaro: The quickest way to settle this is to take out the user.

Joseph: Hm. The user.. Whoever it is should be nearby. We Must find them, They've been concealing their presence from us somehow while following us all this way.

Kayden: Crap, Im already sweating!, everyone grab some Cold Plastic bottle of water!

Joseph: wait, spawn Glass of Cold water instead, we don't want to burn the ozone layer in our world.

Kayden: oh, right.

Kayden Spawned 20 Cold Glass of water with Ices on it to cool ourselves. The Camels collapse from 70 degrees celsius.

Jotaro: This is bad, The Camels are collapsing from the heat.

Kakyoin: But Staying Still won't help us. I'll use hierophant to look around

Joseph: Kakyoin!

Kakyoin: I'll just find out the enemy stand user's location. If we know how far away it actually is, We might be able to find the user.

Kakyoin Release Hierophant Green into the sky.

Kakyoin: twenty meters. Forty meters.. Sixty meters. Eighty Meters... One Hundred- *gasp*

The Sun Glows and becomes alert.

Jotaro: Something's not right! Kakyoin Call Hierophant back!

Kayden: Its going to attack! Brace yourselves!

Kakyoin: Before That Happens, Emerald Spla-

The Sun Shoots Small energy beams of lava before attacking with emerald Splash and damage Hierophant Green. 

Joseph: Kakyoin!

Few of those almost hit us except our camels.

Joseph: The Camels!

Kayden Spawned Police Riot Shield to defend himself, Not Letting the enemy know that I Have an Energy Shield. Polnareff Hitting Small Yellow meteorites with Silver Chariots swords.

Polnareff: You Bastard!!

Jotaro: Im Busting a hole in the ground, so get in!

Jotaro Release his stand Star Platinum and Punch the ground and makes a Hole to cover ourselves.

Jotaro: ORA!!


Kayden: Are you okay, Kakyoin?

Kakyoin was bleeding on his head. Panting so hard because of the tremendous heat.

Kakyoin: im fine. I was in the middle of using Emerald Splash. That Guarded me, so I'm not badly hurt. B-But more Importantly, It's Hot. I Feel like im going crazy.

Polnareff: that attack was perfectly aimed. That means the enemy is definitely watching us. Where are they?! Where's the enemy!!!

Joseph: don't talk so loud. The enemy will find us! Calm down. let's just sit tight and see what happens.

Kayden: If we talk loud so much, the enemy might know us were here in this hole and shoot at us.

Joseph: Jotaro!

Joseph wants Jotaro to pass him a Binocular, as Joseph look to it and something hit on his binocular.


Kayden: *groan* looks like the enemy was planning to boil us from the start instead of getting hit by those. *groan* I Think im having a headache ow...

Polnareff: Kayden!!

I Almost passed out. but barely peeking.

Kayden: Im fine.

2 Minutes Later

Kakyoin: heh,kekekekeke, hehehehahahahaha,wohahahahahahahaha!

Joseph: Hey Kakyoin, what's wrong? Hey Kakyoin!


Joseph: What are you laughing about?! A-All you all right Kakyoin? Get a grip man!

Jotaro: Jz, hehehehehehehehahahahahahahahahaha,HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Joseph: J-Jotaro?! You Too?!


Kayden: Jotaro? Kakyoin? *Slowly looking what these 2 identical rocks* what the hell are you lau-*Mutahar Laughter noise for 30 seconds*

Joseph: oh no! Not you too Kayden!


Joseph: Y-You too Polnareff?!


Joseph: Oh my god!, E-Everyone's finally lost it because of the heat. I'm the only one left who's sane.

Joseph Grip Jotaro's School shirt.

Joseph: Hey Jotaro! Calm down! Get a hold of yourself! The best way to win when going gets rough is to stay calm!

Kakyoin pat Joseph's Shoulder.

Kakyoin: Don't get the wrong idea, Mr.Joestar, Look at that rock over there.

Its Big but far away, Between 250 meters. Kakyoin points at the big rock on the left.

Kakyoin: Isn't it just big enough for someone to hide behind?

Joseph: What do you mean?

Kakyoin: Now look at the rock on the opposite side.

Joseph: On the opposite?

Kakyoin points the rock on the right. Its Literally mirrored.

Kakyoin: You Still don't see it? There's a rock that's shaped exactly the same on the opposite side. The shadow is also reversed. which means.

Polnareff: hehehahahahahaha! It's so Stupid!

Kayden: I guess hes from over there, right?

Kayden Pulls out an RPG Melon Launcher. Explodes with Melons.

Joseph: eh?! RPG?!

Kayden: Melon Launcher..

I walk slowly and barely push Joseph out of my way.

Kayden: Stay back everyone, take cover!

Joseph: Don't go outside! You will get attacked!

Kayden: get attacked? as long i was in this place, im perfectly fine.

I Aim at it and Shoot with a Fast projectile Speed of a Melon on about 246 km/ph.


A Glass Shatter and Explode along with the user covered with Deadly force shockwave enough to knock people out.

Fat Arabian and His Stand "The Sun", Perfectly gets blowned up By a Explosive Projectile Melon, Retired!

Joseph: oh my god..

The Sun dies out and its night time.

Kakyoin: We've defeated the enemy stand so its night now. or should i say, its back to being night?

Polnareff: Either way, we're safe.

We got out of the hole except Joseph.

Jotaro: How long do you plan to stay in that hole?

Joseph: R-Right.

Lastly Joseph got out of the hole.

Jotaro: Yare Yare, It's finally dark.

We Inspect The User, He has an air conditioner, a Mirror and tank filled with waters.

Polnareff: but, how the hell did you beat him with only a Melon. That's a weird stand you got there.

Kayden: Y-You know, just forget about it..

2 Camels Survived :)

Jotaro: The Sun Card's Stand, huh? It was quite the opponent, but once you figure it out, it's pretty stupid.

Kakyoin: Let's hurry to our next destination, It's quite chilly in the desert at night, isn't it?

Kayden: I Disagree, I wanna sleep now, our dress is wet with sweat.

Time: 7:14 AM

Everyone was sleeping on a separate camp, Joseph was awake first and got out of the tent, he look to the left and saw..

Joseph: OH MY GOD!!

There's a Small House with a G-Sign right next to our Tent.

Kakyoin: What's wrong Joseph?! Enemy Stand?!

Everyone got outside quickly and they were shocked after they saw a Small House. Camels were sleeping right beside it.

Polnareff: huh?!

Joseph: he has a House?! in a Middle of a Desert?!

Kakyoin: Whats up with his Stand. .

Jotaro: I Bet he secretly created a small house with his Stand, he might be sleeping in here.

Everyone was standing on front of the door.

Polnareff: Look, There's a doorbell.


Polnareff press the doorbell, nothing respond, however, Jotaro opens a door, it was unlock. Inside, Its Completely Blue. Everyone Inspects my Room

Kakyoin: Hey Look!

They Spotted A Sign, it says's Kayden's Bedroom. Jotaro knocks the door.

Kayden: you can come in.

Jotaro Open the door and he saw me.

Kayden: Hey Jotaro, Good morning everyone ^_^

Jotaro Gulp The Moment what Kayden's hat was wearing.  His bed is a water bed with fishes on it, a Marine Biologist's dream.

Kakyoin, Polnareff: 'Cute, but hes 19, looks can be deceiving..'

Joseph: oh god..

I smiled at them

My Pajamas.

Jotaro Passed out of Kayden's Dolphin Hat, Plus He's Blue


I grab him, slap his face twice and spill his face with cold water, he didn't wake up.


Everyone Just Facepalm

← To be Continued


Playing Battle Medic, Blutsauger, Quick-Fix and Solem Vow on 2Fort

Kayden: Seriously Im not Lying about this. p_p, I did not play soldier or demo and switch to medic after the round was ended.

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