Chapter 59 Geb

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Time: 10:31 AM
Location: Egypt
Status: Normal, sweaty

Were Finally on Egypt, Standing on a desert. We Only have two weeks till Holly's Death.

On Egypt, Our Goal is to Reach Cairo.

Jotaro: Its About Time.

Kayden: yep... first of all, its ridiculously hot here...

I Drink Pepsi to cool myself, When I Spawn Pepsi, always serve Cold. We Heard a Helicopter sound coming from 1 o'clock as we look up in the sky. 

Kayden: hmm?

Polnareff: Wh-Whats That?!

Joseph: They're here.

Polnareff: Its a Helicopter!

Kakyoin: You don't have to state the obvious. We can see that.

Joseph: That's a helicopter from the Speedwagon Foundation. They're looking for a place to land.

Jotaro: Speedwagon foundation? Your old friends who are taking care of Mom back in Japan?

Joseph: Yeah, That's right.

Kayden: That's an odd name but i like it. crap my eyes!

The Helicopter was about to land next to us, causing dust particles going to hit our faces, we cover our faces. 

Kayden: I Hope they don't get sand on my shoes.

Jotaro: Don't tell me we're going for a ride in the helicopter.

Joseph: No. As much as I'd like to, the crew aren't stand-users. If we were attacked, they would be at risk.

Kakyoin: Then why is that Helicopter here?

Joseph: They've brought us a helper.

Polnareff: What? A Helper?

Joseph: He has a few personality issues, so it's taken a while to get him here.

Avdol: Mr.Joestar! It's impossible for him to come with us on this trip! There's no way he could be helpful.

Kayden: ugh, hearing this sounds like a bad idea..

The Helicopter landed and the engine was starting to shutdown in minute.

Kakyoin: Do you know him, avdol?

Avdol: Yeah, very well.

Jotaro: Hold on. If he's a helper, that means he's a stand user, right?

Joseph: He's the Stand user whose Stand suggest The card Called "The Fool"

Jotaro: The Fool?

Polnareff: the Fool? hehe. That card sounds like an idiot.

Avdol: We're lucky that he's not our enemy. You wouldn't be able to beat him.

Polnareff walk closer to him and tug Avdol's scarf.

Polnareff: hm? What'd you say, you asshole? Ya better watch your mouth.

Avdol: Its the Truth. and what's with the hand? That hurts.

Polnareff: Sounding all high-and-mighty and shit-

Kakyoin: Knock it off already. The Helicopter landed.

The Helicopter's main pilot door open. its just 2 guys, a pilot and co-pilot, but who's a stand user? A Pilot walk first outside and handshake Joseph and the co-pilot follow the Pilot.

Pilot: Mr. Joestar, Thank goodness your safe.

Joseph: Thanks for coming out here. I Appreciate it.

Jotaro: So. Who's the stand user?

2 guys stare at us menacingly

Jotaro: Im asking which one of you is the stand user. is it you?

Pilot: No, It's not either of us. he's in the backseat.

The Co-pilot Open the backseat, looks like no one's there, but i can feel someone was here. 

Jotaro: the backseat.. I Don't see anyone there.

Pilot: No, he's here.

Polnareff walks towards the backseat, not knowing who exactly was in there.

Polnareff: hey,hey,hey. You say he's there, but where is he? Is he really short just like kayden?

Kayden: wait polnareff.

I Walk slowly and take a closer look. I take a deep breath.

Polnareff: huh? Whats the big deal.

Kayden: If Avdol was saying the truth, then he might stronger than any of us here. i just feel like we were the one who was being fooled by its looks.

I Check slowly inside the back seat

Pilot: What the hell are you doing kid?! Its Dangerous-


Pilot: But, The Helicopter ride was rough, he's in a really bad mood.

Joseph: Get out of here Kayden! I Told you, he's got some personality issues.

I Look back on the backseat and the blanket went nuts for a moment and someone jump out. Its a Dog.

ID Name: Iggy

Polnareff: What?!

Iggy went nuts and tries to land on my face, I grab it and prevent him to land on my face.

Kakyoin: A Dog!

Jotaro: Don't tell me this dog is..

Kayden: They Send a Dog?! On a Helicopter?!

Joseph: Yes! He is The Fool Stand user. His name is Iggy. He Loves to tear out human hair by the mouthful. We Don't know where he was born. Even the dog Catchers in New York Couldn't get him, Avdol was able to find and finally capture him. Oh I just remember something, While he's ripping out of hair, He Likes to fart in the human's face. He's Kind of vulgar.

Kayden: huh?! No!!

I Pull out a Toolgun and froze him in mid-air.

Kayden: Phew, thank goodness..

Joseph: ooh, I Guess your the only one who can hold iggy.

Kayden: what?

Avdol: Atleast you aim for the user instead, it will be worse if iggy brought out his stand. you a have quick sense of danger.

Kayden: y-yeah, thanks. but. I Don't like this dog. If I Unfreeze it, how exactly should i calm him down.

Pilot Pass Joseph with a Coffee Flavored Chewing Gum.

Joseph: With this. He Loves coffee-flavored Chewing Gum but he still won't let down his guard for anyone.

Kakyoin: There's no way he could actually help us.

Kayden: I Can't tell if hes tamed or not. but..

I Turn around and everyone was shocked.

Kayden: My face is covered with dog slime. -_-

Polnareff: Glad i did not take a closer look.

5 Minutes later, We Start packing stuff on this car.

Joseph: Hey everyone!

We Take a Picture Together on Joseph's Camera.


I was Piggybacking on Kakyoin since i was small here.


Kakyoin: I see. It'll make a nice memory.

I Already froze Iggy for intending to jump on my face. for now i was carrying him 

Pilot: Mr. Joestar, we'll be taking our leave now.

Joseph: There's something I'd like to ask you. About my Daughter. How is Holly doing? Give it to me Straight.

Kayden Stares and listen while eating Sandvich.

Pilot: Well, sir.. I hate to say this, but im afraid she's not doing very well. Her energy is fading and her life remains in danger. According to the doctors from our speedwagon foundation, She'll be lucky if she survives for another two weeks.

Kakyoin: There's no time..

Polnareff: Damn it...

Kayden: *Jojo Black eyes and Last bite on Sandvich*

Pilot: Also, we have some information for you.

Joseph: hmm?

Pilot: According to the report, two days ago.. Nine Mysterious men and women. gathering in a building that DIO is believed to be hiding in, and then they all departed together.

More Enemy Stand Users.

Joseph: DIO and nine others you say?!

Pilot: We don't know who they are. The person who reported this was killed, and the mansion had already been cleared out. We were unable to locate the nine men and women. Any further investigation of this matter is impossible for us since we are not Stand Users.

Polnareff: Are they new stand-users?

Kakyoin: Hold on. Any remain Stand users with Stands that Suggest Tarot cards Excluding Hol Horse's Emperor, The only card left is The World. I Had thought that "The World" would be DIO's Stand, but. Avdol..

Avdol: I-I Don't know. I Have no Idea. Nine of them?

Kayden: *Sigh* This is gonna be pain in the ass to deal with them..

Joseph: Apparently, DIO's Head hasn't gotten used to its new body yet. DIO is very proud, so there's no way he'd flee from Cairo. It would appear that he's trying to stop us from reaching cairo.

Jotaro: Yare yare. There's only two weeks left and nine of them.. We might end up a little tired.

Pilot Handshake Joseph.

Pilot: We'll be off, then. Please have a safe trip.

Joseph: Thank you. Take care of Holly.

(Time Skip)

We Continue our trip, I was sitting next to Iggy on a Second Seat, drinking pepsi while Iggy was eating his favorite coffee-flavored chewing gum. I feel bad for Kakyoin, Polnareff and Avdol, sitting on a backseat.

Kayden: Listen Iggy, U can't enter my seat place, like this line.

There's a drawn straight line for marked territory between me and Iggy. with a Toolgun on my hand.

Kayden: If you dare cross over it or intent to jump on my face, Ill freeze you with this Immediately, got that? First of all, Dogs are not my favorite pet. even they are cute, i hate getting covered by dog slobers.

Joseph: HMPH?!

Joseph Instantly Pull the Breaks, With no seatbelts, I Crashed my face into the seat and groan, no damage but felt like someone bumped me.

Kayden: Da hell?!

Joseph: L-Look! Over there!

Kayden: hmm?

We went outside of the car and saw a previous Helicopter, crash landed or something. Speedwagon Foundation sign again.

Joseph: T-That's! The Helicopter!

Kakyoin: the Speedwagon Foundation helicopter that flew off earlier is down in the sand!

Avdol: There's no sign that it was attacked.

Kakyoin: It's like it just fell to the ground.

Kayden: Sounds like something bizarre happened here. even that pilot over there drowned in a middle of a desert.

The Pilot we met was dead, his claw bloody marks on the helicopter, his mouth was filled with water. The Rest Were looking something while i Inspect the dead pilot. he's a good person, bless him. I Move his head and his mouth coming out with water and then there's a single coming out.

Kayden: How the hell did he get drowned like that?

Polnareff: Hey look! The other one is alive!

The Co-Pilot was barely alive.

I Watched what was going to happened the moment Joseph was giving Co-Pilot a Water.

Kayden: 'water. drowned pilot- It can't be!' JOSEPH!! DON'T!!, DON'T LET HIM POUR WATER ON HIM!!

Jotaro: hm?!

A Water comes out and form into a Hand with claws and Rip the Co-Pilot's head and went back in the Water Jug.

Joseph: WHAT?!



We force to take cover, Jotaro,Joseph and Avdol was right next to our car, Me,Polnareff and Kakyoin are away from the car.

Kakyoin: Kayden, Destroy the Water Jug.

Kayden: Im afraid I Can't do that, once I Destroy it, it most likely attack us, but that speed and power are enough to get close to us so easily Before we start to retreat.

A Water Claw arm emerge from the sand on front of Kakyoin.

Kakyoin: This is...

It Scratch Kakyoin's Both eyes, Fast enough in a blink of an eye.

Polnareff: Kakyoin!!

Joseph: It's The water! It had already left the water jug along with the blood!

Avdol: It's not that the stand was inside the Water Jug, The water is the Stand!

Polnareff: It got Kakyoin! I-It got Kakyoin's eyes!

I Spawn CODOL Fate From Call of Duty Weapons and Starts Shooting on the Ground with Barrage of 96 Bullet.

Kayden: *Left Red Eye Glow* Why you Bastard!! *Gasp*


Is it left or right? p_p


It's on my foot and Forms a Hand and Instantly Slice my weapon. I Grab it with my both hands with insane physical strength.

Polnareff: KAYDEN!!

Kayden: Don't Worry! Get Kakyoin *Grunt* to Safety!!

263 - Energy Shield

Polnareff: Hey Hey Hey Hey!

Avdol: What an Insane body power!

Joseph: He's!, He's Wrestling it With Bare Hands against Stand!!

Its Hard to Block it, even though its scratching my Energy Shield off and Im Started to get tired.

Kayden: 'This is bad, At this rate it will break my Energy Shield in a minute!'

I Toss it away and the dead co-pilot's watch makes alarm noise and Geb went into it and slice the dead corpse arm. 

Kayden: *pant 5x*

Joseph: What's going on? It attacked the Pilot's corpse. 

Jotaro: No, not the corpse. The watch. It attacked the watch's alarm.

Avdol: Sound! It attacks by locating sounds!

I Did not take a single step. Its like Where in a Chess.

Polnareff: sound?

Polnareff was carrying Kakyoin, however the blood drip noise attracted to it and attacks.

Joseph: Shit! Polnareff! It's coming for you this time!

Polnareff runs away carrying Kakyoin.

Joseph: Run to the Vehicle!

Polnareff keeps running, The Enemy Water Stand was very fast, at Speed Rate of B

Polnareff: Its Fast!

It Reach Polnareff and Cut his Legs.

Polnareff: It cut my leg!!

Joseph: Hermit Purple!!

Joseph grab Polnareff and Kakyoin with Hermit Purple, Geb lost target and went underground.

Avdol: it soaked into the ground.

Joseph: The enemy can detect sound through vibrations in the ground. It can move freely around underground, without being seen and before we know it, it can attack us from behind or through the bottom of our feet. and its user is able to remain far away.

Avdol: Kayden! Are you alright?

Kayden Cannot speak, he's tired by wrestling against an enemy stand. So He Show a Thumbs up sign.

Kayden: 👍 

Now Geb intends to attack our Car's wheel, Iggy Hop off the car and Geb's attack hold off, Iggy was lazy and it slept, now Geb Slice all Wheels and everyone fall off.

Joseph: oh no!

Great, Everyone was on the ground, Where Stuck on a chess again. Avdol got an idea, He Toss few rings act as a footstep to bait Geb. it appeared but not fully form.

Avdol: Magician's Red!!

Avdol attacks first with bare fist of flaming with Magician's Red, it dodge and hit Avdol with insane speed.

Avdol: Who is he out there.

Avdol's side neck spill blood and he falls off.

Avdol: so-strong...

Polnareff: Avdol!!

It appeared in full form and its going for Avdol's head.


Meanwhile 1,000 Kilometers away

N'Doul was the user, Geb, He's blind and always rely on sounds.

N'Doul: that sound. That was Kayden's footstep, is he doing a same thing as Avdol did? Idiot, you can't fool me on second time.

Then Another Loud Noise he heard. and its not a footstep, it was loud

N'Doul: hmm? What was that noise? Footsteps? Engine starts? no, there more. wait. what is this?! What Am I Hearing this?! Sounds Like Im Hearing Elephants Footsteps, They brought an elephant here?

Then, There's no sound to be heard, He loss track by hearing such loud noise to confuse him.


Kayden: Phew that will do it. now, *Right Red Eye Glow* this is where the fun begins.

I Spawned Tons of  Large Speakers placed on the ground. around 48 of them. The Speaker was on the ground, Looks like N'Doul didn't know what it is.

I Bring them back into the Car with Physics Gun. I Just recovered few stamina and everyone was on the car except Iggy.


Everyone Covered their eyes. 

Kayden: oh, Hold up for a second.

I Spawned a Headphone for a dog.

Kayden: Seriously, Cover your ears or you'll regret it for not listening to me, ill give ya Coffee Flavored Chewing gum as much as you like. remember, I Don't like dogs so don't think having your favorite food doesn't mean i want to tame you. got it?

Iggy: 😃

Iggy's ears are blocked with headphones.

Kayden: *Right Red Eye Glow* This is where the fun begins.

I Set Volume to Max 100%

What N'Doul Hears

The Music Last 3:43, + there's 48 of speakers.

I handsignal everyone to unblock your ears.

Kayden: I Finally found him, we had enough time to find the actual user.

Joseph: Find? How?

Jotaro: What do you mean, Kayden? How Exactly did you know about where the enemy is.

Kayden: heh.

Polnareff: hey! Whats That!

Its a Small Drone flying and land to Kayden's Lap.

Kayden: Call it A Drone from 2019, A Mini scout machine can fly up high. equipped with Noise Reduction. as long as it didn't make much noise or vibrate the ground, it will remain undetected. The Enemy was about 1,000 kilometers away from east. Not Only he's blind, he's also deaf now. you can find him without fear of making noises.

Joseph: Nice one!, Now lead us to the enemy user.

10 Minutes later

We Spotted N'Doul, He's laying on the ground, not moving, his ear's bleeding as well.

Kayden: is he alive?

Jotaro: N-no, He's already dead. You Just Killed him with such a loud Russian Anthem music.

N'Doul and His Stand Geb, His Eardrums were blown up along with his brain, Retired!

Kayden: eh?!

← To be Continued


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