Chapter 6 Third Bomb

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Time: 8:09 PM
Location:City of Night
Status: Despair

Kayden Was Being Chased By Hundreds of Women inside the City of Night, then the screen Froze

Kayden: Yep, That's me, you probably wondering why how I ended up here.

(Moody Blues)

Three days after the war game

Inside The Mansion, Kayden Spent Hours Playing any FPS Games on his PC until night.


Kayden: what?

Kayden Took Off his headphones and paused DOOM Eternal.

Kayden: Im Playing Doom eternal >:v

Gil: that's nice, BUT I'M SERIOUS! Bell followed some girl into the pleasure district, we need to go in and drag that mongrel out of there before he lose his virginity to a sl*t!

Kayden: Holy Shit!, Excuse me? Did you say he went to the city of night?!

Gil: no, he went to the pleasure district...THE PLEASURE DISTRICT! He way too young for that

Kayden: oh my god, *Red Left Eye Glow Triggered* that IDIOT!!!!!!

Bell's Age is 14, due to his 165 cm can be deceived by looks and Age at the same time, but he's Underage!!

Gil: there's no time to play with that game of yours, we need to hurry!

Kayden: Fine, Bring out the Vinama.

Gil and Kayden Went outside the mansion

Gil summoned a huge gate, Vimana came out of it

Kayden: Just Make Sure Don't Appear on top of the town due to our popularity on war games. Try to land somewhere else where people can't see us.

Gil: people think it's my "little brother" who attended the war game so it's fine

Kayden: hmm, okay.. But the problem is.. I Don't recognize the map of City of Night. So It will take some time to find him. + My Intelligent Hud which i can detect like wallhack things, but that place, there's too many people like thousands of them.

Gil: Ugh that Bell.......ah right! Just command your drone to wait at the Ishtar familia HQ, he will be there

Kayden: That's Another Problem, imagine i can see it on a drone's View on search every block and inside the building during mating blows my brain off. So i have to rely on myself. However, there's no time to lose, he could lose his virginity at any moment now. If he did, I'll use the Third Bomb Ability of Killer Queen.

Gil: wait you have the Killer Queen?

Kayden: what. You didn't remember back on war games 3 days ago?

Killer Queen Pops out of Kayden's Body in Full Form.

Kayden: I can Do whatever I want, Even I Can Kill someone by writing a name with a Death Note. anyway let's go.

Kayden Jumps on the Vimana First Before Gil

Kayden: I Don't Know how to drive this thing but i prefer you do it.

Gil sat on the throne that is on the Vimana, the ship starts to lift

Gil: you better prepare yourself, it is going it be quite a ride

Kayden use The Toolgun and Weld himself like a seatbelt

Gil tapped on the chair arm of the throne twice, the Vimana blasts off towards the pleasure district

Kayden Fix his own hair, he's like being blown by a powerful hair blower

Kayden: I am not getting used to that but I'm fine.

It only took the Vimana 19 seconds to get to the pleasure district, Gil put it back into the GoB mid air to avoid unnecessary attention.

They both landed on the rooftop

Gil: tch, how troublesome

Kayden: Yep, but i don't like this atmosphere.

Kayden became invisible

Gil: *smirks* Are you afraid of some lowly whores?

Kayden's face became cute and grumpy and gave radio to gil.

Kayden: Shut up and take my radio, I'll call you once I find him -_-, even i punch any women who tries to get me, I believe in gender equality.

Gil: *chuckles* see you later, ladykiller

He jumped over the walls and starts to search for Ishtar

Kayden: I hate you.. ← Legal Shota

Then Kayden goes for a search to find bell. Gil was on the high ground while Kayden is on the low ground.slowly peeking in every place and not inside the buildings.

Kayden's Thought: even my wallhacks are useless.

Kayden walks and avoids bumps to anyone, because the invisible watch from TF2 became visible when being bumped by someone.

Random Lady: Everyone!, Service time!

Kayden's Thought: nani?

A horde of Women came from the building to serve mens, but the women's stampede caught me in and I'm covered in footprints and became visible.

299 - Armor

Kayden: ouch...

Kayden Stands up without realizing that He's Complete Visible. Tons Of Women Recognize me that They Know me from the War games. I can Feel Their Eyes Staring at The Cute Blue Haired Boy.

Kayden: well. Crap..

Random Woman: aw? Isn't that the Boy from the war games?

Random Woman: Your right, it is him.

Kayden backs up then I realize I'm cornered from the Alley.

Kayden: oh no.

Random Woman: First Time being here little one?

Kayden Didn't answer as these 3 women surrounded me.

Random Woman: Wait a second, how old are you?

Kayden Gulps and his eyes turn black like jojo for a second.

Kayden: 12 ^_^

Kayden Lied his age to get away from these women.

Random Woman: aw, too bad for us. No young boys are allowed here. But how did you end up here?

Kayden Talk like an Innocent Boy.

Kayden: You see um, I was trying to find my friend who got lost somewhere in this city. And I end up here.. Hehe. ugh.

Random Woman: hmm, i see. What's his name?

Kayden: Bell Cranel

Random Woman: Bell Cranel? He was brought inside Ishtar's familia tower over there

The Woman Point at the Large Tower.

Kayden's Thought: Seriously?! This is bad, no, even worse. I have to find him as soon as i can. But that lady gave me a hint.

Kayden: okay...

Random Woman: Bell will be released tomorrow morning. I don't know but you're too young for that.

Kayden: AH THERE'S A BUG!!

I point at the Direction, as these 3 Girls Looked from where I pointed and they look back, I Disappeared.

Random Woman: huh? Where did he go?

Timeskip to Ishtar's Tower

Kayden Manage to Snuck inside the Ishtar's Tower, finding each floor he enters until I found him, He was sitting on the couch being surrounded by girls. Kayden Has no time to act and Killer Queen Pops out, but its not visible.

Kayden: Nigero! Bell-kun!!

Bell Gasp as Killer Queen Grabs from behind and Carry Him. I Became Visible as well because im calling a backup plan for Gil

Kayden Pull out the Radio

Kayden: Gil, I found Him! Im going outside the freakin tower here and i see bunch of women and a Toad chasing me- Gil? You even listening to me? Gil!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!

Gil was not responding to the radio

Kayden: oh you gotta be serious right now.

One Armed Amazon Woman blocks Kayden's Path, I Punched Her Gut without hesitation and continues to escape while Killer Queen was Carrying Bell.

Chase music 2:33

Kayden: Out of my way Woman!

Bell: Kayden.. You saved me

Bell was crying for a moment

Kayden: Thank me later when we got out of here, gil you damn bastard, why didn't he respond?!

Kayden Kick The Door Open and Continue to find The Exit.

More Women From behind us to pursue.

Kayden Keeps Zig Zag every places until we found another cornered Dark alley.

Bell: Oh No! Where Trapped!

Kayden: Not Today!

Kayden Toss SCP 539, The Perfect Distraction, Hordes of men saw a lot of women and distracted them for a while.

Killer Queen Dropped Bell and fades back to my body.

Kayden: You can Run right? Then Follow me.

Bell Nod and Follows me.

Kayden: Do you know the exit?

Bell: I Know The Exit, I remember where it is.

Kayden: okay, then you'll be the leader and find the exit. It will be alot faster.

Then We Start Running, Bell Recognize The Exit and we encounter 2 women on front of us.

Random Woman: we Found them!

Kayden: Killer Queen!!

Killer Queen Pops Out and Punch Both of them at Once and Fades back to kayden's body

Bell: how did that-

Kayden: Questions Later, we need to get out! Lead The Way!

We Heard Tons Of Amazon Women coming from behind us and we start running.

As We Start Running, me and bell got Separated when more women pops out of nowhere.

Kayden: nani?! Bell?! THE HECK!!

Without Bell, im seriously lost here in this City. Now Im Being Chased by hundreds of Amazon Women

Then Im Surrounded, my despair limit is on 100%, I Quickly Act and Killer Queen Grab a Random Man's Neck.

Random Man: Agh My neck! what the hell?!

Kayden: Killer Queen Third Bomb, Bites The Dust!!

2 Day After War Games

I'm back in Time inside Gil's Mansion, Kayden Pause The game and my face is completely desperate.

Gil and Mordred were talking.

I Grab Gil's Hand and pull him somewhere to talk.

Kayden: Where in the hell are you...

Gil: I was searching for Ishtar, got a "little" grudge against her


Kayden Wipe his sweat.

Kayden: At least I know where Bell is, and uh, I guess me and you know about the time loop of bites the dust, is that why you're not answering? e.e, I place a Third bomb on you just in case when i'm in trouble.

Gil: as much as I want to skewer you with thousands of swords right now, I have better things to do. Prepare yourself mongrel, for I am going to send a goddess back to heaven

Kayden: Yep, it will be worse than these girls doing lewd stuff to me. P_p. now the events will repeat, I know how to find Bell and the exit, but why is he going to the city of night. Any idea?

Gil: well....he was just following one of his own familia members into the pleasure district, he didn't intentionally go there

Kayden: well, looks like i have to find out myself then.

← To Be Continued


Yeah This Game is Very Old But I Like More Than Fortnite.

- Some Random Kid on TF2 2020

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