Chapter 96 Saviour of 4 CPU

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Time: 7:38 PM
Location: Leanbox
Status: Normal

Kayden: What's taking so long..

Kayden was lying on the couch alone, The CPU Goddesses told us to stay here because that's their own job to clean these mess up in the zune district filled with monsters.

Cross: Dunno... *massaging Rom*

Kayden: *Sips Pepsi*

IF was Talking to the phone with someone, she turned it off as she was done for.

IF: Seems like I was right all along.

Nepgear: Did you figure something out?

IF: The mouse at the shopping mall looked familiar, so I asked a friend in the intelligence bureau to look into it for me. And Surprisingly, he was on every country's blacklist. He's on the list of most wanted people- Or should I say, Most Wanted Mice.

Kayden: Jesus, even mice too. This is the First time I've heard of it.

Compa: Huh? Mister Mouse is a bad guy? That makes me sad.

Kayden: So you met him?

Compa: yeah..

Cross: How unfortunate that he's not a rat...

IF: That's not all, I also found out that he was spotted boarding a boat for the Zune district a few hours ago.

Nepgear: Does that mean..

IF: It's Just a guesswork at this point, but somebody probably arranged for those monsters to appear at the waste processing plant. If I Leave now, I can still make it by ebb tide. I'm gonna go check things out.

Nepgear: take me..

IF: eh?

Nepgear: Take me with you!

IF: No way, I can't put you in danger too.

Kayden: Why not me?

IF: The CPU Goddess told the 2 of you to keep an eye on.

Kayden: So we can't just leave them huh..

IF: Exactly.

Nepgear: But, I'm worried! Please, IF!

IF: *inhale and exhale* Fine.

Kayden: Are you sure about this IF-san?

IF: Yes..

Kayden: ... alright..

Cross: I'd offer my help, but I'm busy, and I doubt Rom would be happy if I stopped...

Rom: *pleased noises*

15 minutes later

Kayden fell asleep on the couch, waiting for IF and Nepgear to return.

Cross was doing pretty much the same thing, though he was cuddling with Rom and Ram instead of sleeping alone like Kayden.

Cross: *purr*

IF Came Back with Nepgear, a Loud Entrance made Kayden Woke up.

IF: There's a Problem!

Kayden: Woah?!

Kayden Fell off the Couch.

Cross just groans a little and snuggles into the kids more.

Kayden: urgh.. What now..

IF Looked at Kayden with Serious Intent..

Kayden: ???

IF Explained What happened to the 4 Goddesses About their powers are sealed by the Red Stone Called Anti-Crystal which she explained by an AI Histoire.

Kayden: *sigh* I see... so these 4 might've walked into a trap, right? I mean A Sudden Monster appeared with a pack of them on one Island. And these 2 Captured them with ease, I don't know what their goal is but I have a sinking feeling that it is much worse than before..

IF: Yes. Without a Doubt..

Histoire: Anyway, Nepgear and the gang should return to Planeptune, I Believe it'd be better for Uni and the Others to go back home too. That is all.

IF's Phone Turned Off.

Kayden: Really, after all of this and she's telling us to go home without rescuing 4 CPU's? I Rather Disagree with her. *Cross Arms With Pout*

Uni: He's Right!

Kayden: However The Real issue is the Anti-Crystal will only work on Goddesses, even candidates.

IF: You'll Put themselves in Danger, not to mention they can't even transform!

Kayden: What are you talking about? You've got a strong person in your team..

Cross: *snooooore~*

All The Girls Looked at Cross.

Kayden: don't look at him, he's just lazy somehow..

Rom: Are we going to head out now?

Kayden: A Few Preparations will do before we go now. However you still lack experience of fight, not only you can't transform, you also might get caught in dire situations. I Fought Many countless enemies in past days. So I can help you train to fight.

Ram: really?! Kayden Oni-chan!

Kayden: hell yes! During our simple fight, Pretend to fight monsters seriously and Save your sisters like you Mean it! With this.. You can save your sister with your own powers without relying on them, especially you can transform during the battle..

Rom and Ram Cheering on Kayden and The rest of the Girls.

Nepgear: I'll Do it. Please teach us how to fight, Kayden-Senpai!

Uni: Me Too.

Kayden: hmm.. That's The Spirit.. Then I'll be your Combat teacher for today! Compa, If you mind give that camera to me that vert invented a Virtual world or something?

Compa: right!

Compa gave the Camera to Kayden, he pressed the button and half the living room transformed into a grassland.

Compa and IF Start Watching these girls training with kayden.

Compa: My, looks like they started having fun..

IF: yeah.. Thanks to him..

Then a Sudden Door Opened coming to the entrance reveals a small girl.

ID Name: Abnes

Kayden Points at Abnes

Kayden: who that?

Rom: that's Abnes.. She's a Reporter.

Kayden: Like in Social Media.

Ram: Yeah.

Kayden: I See.. it will be bad if she knows about this..

Abnes: what?

Kayden Quickly Shot Abnes with a Dart Gun, she fell asleep temporarily.

Kayden: Cross, you awake? Toss her away out of the door.

Kayden Quickly Made a Minecraft Sign Saying "She Hit her Head and Passed Out" and Gave it to Cross.

Cross: ...aight...

Cross takes Abnes and the sign and brings both outside, carefully putting them up against a wall and staying half asleep the entire time.

Cross: *Yawn*

Cross stretches backwards a bit more than someone should, until a couple very audible cracks were heard and he sighed contently.

Kayden: Welp, Back to Training.

(Time Skip)

Location: Zune District

On Our Way to The Zune District to save the 4 CPU Goddesses. Riding on a A Flying Vehicle called Black Bird. The Pilot is Kayden.

Kayden: Looks Like we're here.

Kayden Land the Vehicle near the Zune District and we all got out.

Kayden: We can't land near the Zune District and cannot risk getting airshotted by some enemies with long range. The ride you requested was here.

2 Vehicles attached Under The Black Bird, Unweld IF's Bike and Compa's car.

There's a tall iron fence blocking our path with a door that was locked, it says restricted Area.

Kayden: Restricted Area My Ass..

Kayden Blast The Door with a Combat Shotgun and Kick The Door Open.

Cross: ... no sneaky breeki?

Kayden: You Think Stealth is an Only Option?

Cross: Usually you go stealth and then go loud once things fuu-... mess up.

Kayden: Shut up and Let this Get Over With..

The Surrounding of this Area is a bunch of few rocky small mountains piled up with some scraps.

Kayden: Get Ready Ladies!

Few monsters Appeared, A Ball Mechanical monster type and some defense tank.

Kayden: Cross, you handle The Monsters, I'll go break Through and gave you a path to everyone.

Kayden Shoot Sticky Bombs at 100 Meter Range and Kill 1 Bot. use Super Shotgun Meathook another bot and launch himself up in the air as he returns the Meathook back, Quickscope 1 tank, Ballista Shot another tank and use Rocket Launcher, finishing 3 tanks at single shots.

Uni: Wow.. he can switch weapons easily and shoot every single monster like it was nothing..

Cross: You think that's impressive? Try doing style% in ULTRAKILL.

Rom,Ram: Kayden Oni-chan is Cool~!

Kayden: *Shout* Oh yeah! Try to Farm some Exp as You can!

Kayden Break Through the Monster Hoard, Only Few left to stand in his way.

Kayden: You Sissified Maggot Scum Sign Your Death Warrants!

Before he knew it, Kayden heard 3 metallic pings go off behind him, which turned out to be coins which ricocheted and split shots from a revolver into the enemies weak points, killing them instantly.

Cross: Triple ricoshot, quad multikill, headshot and quickdraw. Gave me an Anarchic rating.

Kayden: Bruh. Looks like I have to clear this level fas- nvm I'mma Skip it.

Kayden rocket Jump away from them, a few Meters ahead he saw a Small Black Pyramid and Arrived here, to face the enemy who trapped the 4 Goddesses.

ID Name: Arfoire

ID Name: Warechu

Arfoire: Hmm? Who the hell are you?

Kayden: I'm Kayden Freeman.

Arfoire: hmph, so you're one of the CPU Candidate Friends, are you?

Kayden: Probably for the last 2 days..

Arfoire: Whatever, I Ain't going easy on you.

Kayden Looked at The Pyramid, The CPU Goddesses Watch Kayden to witness the enemy. Arfoire transformed herself with the stolen power from the goddesses or Anti-energy.

Kayden: Jesus that bikini armor..

Arfoire: I Won't let you stand in my way, Cross Combination!

Her Weapon Turn into a Sword, Kayden Avoided a Slash attack of Neptune Skill.

Neptune: no way! That's My Ultimate Skill.

Arfoire: heh, I have an ability to copy anyone's ability, and I even made the Goddess Power on my own.

Kayden: I see, it's like she had sandbox mode on without cheats, I mean She cannot copy mine so.

Arfoire: Die!

Kayden: nah.

An Unexpected Quick-scope shot on her head, stunned her for 2 seconds, as she blinked, A Blood Punched Blast her away. Her wings regenerated after getting hit by Kayden's Attacks.

Kayden: Are you serious right now? -_-

Arfoire: you bastard..

Her Weapon Turns Into an Axe.

Arfoire: Tanzerin Trombe!

As She swung with her axe, she got stunned again by a ballista shot for 2 seconds.

Arfoire: grr.. Why Does keeps happening again?!

Any enemy who wields a Melee weapon, each enemy swings a weapon Glows green light, giving an Opportunity to stun an enemy with quick-scope or any powerful single shot weapon.

2 minutes later

Arfoire was still standing..

Kayden: damn, I spend so much time wacking her and she ain't going down?

An AI Connected to Kayden's HUD.

It's a Fairy Girl sitting on a book.

Kayden: Histoire?!

Histoire: thank goodness I've managed to get into your head. It's like I'm entering your mainframe since it's very similar to your technology. Enough questions, I have some bad news for you. The Anti-Crystal sever the link between her and their Share Crystal, but that's not all.

While Kayden is Listening to Histoire while dodging her attacks.

Arfoire: what's wrong? All you do is Dodging!

Kayden: Shut up Jackass!

Kayden Shot a Ballista Arbalest Shot on her, she withstand a Hit.

Histoire: it also has the ability to convert Share energy into something called Anti-energy and it is said that concentrated Anti-Energy can take Goddess's Lives.

Kayden: Wha-?! Why Did you say so!

Kayden wasn't paying attention. It turns out the more she regenerates, the more she absorbs the goddesses energy. The Pyramid is already pitch black.

Kayden: I see, your plan was to buy some time for this, huh. Now I'm going to finish you in one shot.

Arfoire: just try on me!

Kayden: Alright..

Kayden's shoulder cannon shot Ice Grenade on her, Freezing her temporarily for 10 seconds, she broke free after being froze by Him.

Arfoire: You Think ice can Stop me?- huh, where is he?

Kayden Already disappeared on front of her, until she look at the Pitch-black Pyramid. He was standing next to it.

Kayden Brought out the Sentinel Hammer.

Kayden: I'm Gonna Wreck it!

Arfoire: There's No way you can break it easily..

Kayden: oh yeah, I ain't a Goddess or some shit, so yeah..

Kayden Smack Once caused a Crack on it.

Arfoire: No Way! You Bastard!

Arfoire summoned the wing metal feather parts and shoot some purple blast, Its Ineffective to Kayden, turns out it ain't plasma.

Arfoire: Get Away From it!!

Kayden: Its not Possible!

Kayden Smack it Again, one more can break the Goddesses Free.

Arfoire: STOOOOOOOP IT!!!!


The Final Collusion cause an explosion as Arfoire trying to stop Kayden so close enough. It's already too late that the Goddesses are now free.

Arfoire: no way... No way!!

Arfoire Look up at the goddesses floating in the sky. Then she looked at Kayden with grudge.

Arfoire: I, Not Giving up so easily.. I Still have some power left! 

Her Weapon Transformed into a Spear and prepare a final strike to Kayden.

Arfoire: Rainy Ratnapura!

Kayden: here's My Ultimate Skill, Raging Tide!

Kayden switch weapon to emptyhands and summon Hydro Element and turn into a double edged spear. a Slash Instantly Finish Off Arfoire and crash landed right into the Broken Pitch-black Crystal Fragments.

Kayden: *sigh* That should do it, its finally over. *Yawn* I Think I Would go take a Nap right now.

Kayden Brought out Pepsi.

Kayden: All These Crazy Ass Pale Ladies are getting on my Last Nerves!

Kayden Drink Pepsi and Pass out.


Location: Lowee

Kayden: *groan*

Kayden Slowly Woke Up in his own Bed.

Kayden: did I get an hangover by drinking pepsi? oh.. I Think I lack sleep during the Fight.

Kayden Take a Toothbrush, Quickbath and Quick dress up to normal, wondering where Cross went. Kayden Saw Blanc Standing in the hallway.

Blanc: hello Kayden, good morning..

Kayden: oh.. Good Morning.. hehehe..

Blanc: um. I have something for you.

Kayden: hmm.. alright, show me.


Kayden: WHAT TH--

← To be Continued


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