GOshot - Like-Minded [Seto and Jason]

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This is a oneshot long before Adam is born. This is back when Seto and Jason first meet and this oneshot will hint at other things in the GO storyline story. You probs won't figure out what is being hinted at, it's just fun to watch you all squir--watch you all question everything in existence.


Anyways, this should be fun. You guys will see a totally different Jason. I mean quite literally, this is before a lot of shit went down, before the events of GAMEOVER.

I know many people are sorta mad at GO Seto and Jason, that is fine. They aren't supposed to be 100% likable, but they still have their vulnerabilities as human beings, and I'm here to expose some of that. Not to make you guys like them, but to show you guys why I love them.

Seto and Jason are some of my favorite characters in GO because they are the more complex characters with very different backgrounds compared to the other characters. 

I could go into the life stories of half the characters, and none of them would compare to the life stories of Jason and Seto, separately, and that is just my opinion of them as the one who created these versions of them.

Most of the questions that may arise from this will probably not be answered for a long time, and I mean probably Book 2 of GAMEOVER. So by the time that rolls around, most of you guys will probably forget what happened in this story. 

So for now, just enjoy it as just a story and don't read too much into everything.



Title: Like-Minded

Characters: Seto Magi, Jason Stars, Jess Mau, Tyler Brotato, Ty Lox

Words: 7007


The year is 10,823, a whole 513 years before Adam ever joins the AHD. For Notch's sake, he won't even be alive for a long time too!

This brief adventure follows the budding friendship of two polar opposites, or seemingly opposites.


"Seto sir, I was asked to deliver these books to you by my fath--Mr. Mau from the DROP. He said that you would find these useful." Seto glanced up from his desk to see a young woman at the entrance to his cave down on Level I.

"Thank you, leave them over there with the rest of the books," Seto waved towards the piles of books that towered messily on the floor.

"With all due respect sir, if you need help cleaning, I don't mind being of service--"

"That will be all Mau, leave me and return to your normal duties."

The young girl bowed and quickly walked into the cave to deposit the books before turning and leaving promptly afterwards.

Seto continued to pour over his book taking feverish notes on what he could research or decipher. For a moment all was quiet here on Level I, Seto was far too focused to notice almost anything, however, he did notice the presence of an unfamiliar person.

Seto narrowed his eyes, his hand flew up and grabbed his staff before turning around and pointing it at the intruder. Seto's eyes widened as he saw an unfamiliar stick in his hand, more like a branch from a tree with leaves still present on thin spindly twigs sprouting from random parts around the branch.

"What the nether--" Seto cast one look at the branch in his hand and then at the young man sitting on his cave floor with his staff beside him and an odd metal machine in front of him.

"Awesome! I knew this would work!" The young man cheered.

Seto tossed the branch down and stood up, "What the nether are you doing here and how did you do that?"

"Teleportation, you know."

"I felt no magical presence, lies, tell me the truth."

"Well, duh, it was science!" the young man grinned, Seto looked at him like he was crazy. Yes, he knew what science was, he just found the very presence of this young man absurd.

"Jason," Seto looked up, from the looming darkness of the ravine Seto saw another man emerge.

The young man reacted to the name Jason and craned his head to look back at the entrance.

"Mr. Stars, do you know this kid?" Seto grumbled.

The man at the entrance nodded, his orange eyes narrowed looking at Jason, "My apologize Council Member Magi, this would be my son Jason. From today onward he is joining me as my apprentice until he takes over my position."

Seto glanced back at Jason who frowned and bowed his head to continue fiddling with his machine.

"I see, I was not aware you had a son, regardless, please remove him from my home. He is being a nuisance to my work."

"Again, my apologize...Jason let's go, and return Mr. Magi's belongings to him."

"Sure..." Seto watched Jason flip a switch on his machine, where his staff lay was suddenly replaced by the branch. Jason scooped up his machine and trudged behind his father with a little--a lot less excitement than he had before.

Seto watched the two of them leave and vanish into the darkness before shaking his head and returning to his work.


"I told you to behave, you have a duty to take over my job. I'm not getting any younger Jason," Jason trudged behind his father and quietly listened to his lector. This always happened.

It's not like his father was much of a father.

See, he grew up being raised by the Clarks' family, they were more like a family to him. Mrs. Clarks always treated him like her own, and Mr. Clarks was like a father to him. Lillian, Mark, and Joey were like his siblings. Albeit Joey was the worse for calling him that dumb name as a child, he still loved them all.

"Why can't I help the Clark's, I'd rather do that. I could make a lot of machines that would help their work and make it easier--"

"That's not why you are here, we have a job to do, you are old enough now. Remember who your really family is, the Clarks were just caretakers for you while I worked."

Jason rolled his eyes, he swore he would not become so controlling like this old croon. And he swore he would always love the Clarks, they were his family, not this old bat.

He'd always make time for the Clarks if he could.


"Yes father."


Seto flew to the top of the ravine carrying with him a large load of enchanted material requested by the DROP as upgrades to their older and weaker material. Day in and day out his job was always the same.

Research, enchant, brew. As the only living magic user his only use to this kingdom was his abilities. But he had other things in his mind that he focused on when he could.

Seto floated gently to the ground and glanced around the busy area, he spotted the warehouse he needed to go to have these items shipped off to the capital.

"Seto!" Seto stiffened at that voice, he turned slowly to see a figure running across the bridge, thick black glasses flopping loosely on his face. Behind him a taller but quieter man followed behind him.

"What brings you up here from your long slumber?" the man joked.

"I was working...not sleeping."

The man frowned, the taller man came to a stop behind the glasses man.

"Man, do you not know what a joke is??"

"Do you know how to not joke?" Seto retorted in annoyance.

The man frowned, "Seto is no fun, huh Ty?" the man looked back at the taller man who didn't respond.

"He doesn't like you," Seto bluntly said.

"Don't listen to him Ty, I know we are best friends!" the man hooked his arm around Ty's shoulder and laughed.

"I don't like you though..."

The man began to feign shock and disbelief as if he thought it was a joke. Across the ravine Seto spotted the young engineer apprentice. He narrowed his eyes and saw the young boy carrying a box before disappearing into a building.

It had been several weeks after Seto's initial encounter with the boy and to see him with another mysterious box made him wary of what mischief the boy was up to.

"Tyler, Ty, quit your useless bickering and take these enchanted weapons to the warehouse for shipping. Be hasty," Seto waved them off before leaving and swinging his staff. He began floating gently off the ground. He sped up to reach the opposing side of the ravine.

The building that Jason went into was the kitchen and Seto was instantly suspicious of what actions the boy could be doing that involved the kitchen.

Seto slammed the door open in annoyance and was shocked to see Jason pulling out a cake from the box Seto saw him carrying.

"Ack!" Jason's hands fumbled in surprise and the cake slipped from his hands. Seto reacted and swung his staff, the arching motion spun the cake with magic before making it float in the air. Jason gently grabbed it before placing it on the table next to the box.

"Just what are you doing here with that cake?" Seto inquired, he didn't understand what sort of situation this was.

"D-don't tell my dad that I'm here!" Jason said and ignored Seto's question.

"What are you doing that your father would find bad?" Seto stepped farther into the building and let the door swing shut behind him.

Jason glances awkwardly at the ground, "Well...for starters... I haven't finished the design plans for this network that my father wants me to build. He says that it will make storing data and information easier...not to mention I was also supposed to make an order of supplies that need to be delivered, clean and organize the lab...and well finish reading through all my father's notes he made over the past years he's been here so he can burn them and let me take over soon."

"Burn them? Why? And your father has only been working here for 16 years, he has plenty of time before a child like you should take over."

Jason fidgeted, "Well, I have a photographic memory. So my father thinks it would be much better if I held all the information in my head, it's safer or somethings, and my father says he's tired of this work and says I'm more suited for it because of my brain and how much information I can hold and process unlike other people..." Jason looked away, his face flushed in embarrassment.

"I don't mean for that to sound conceited or like I'm full of myself or something like that..."

"You don't want to do this work, do you?"

Jason stayed silent.

"What do you want to do?"

"I-I should get going, I'm not even supposed to be here, and my father says I should refrain from eating sweets...s-sorry to have taken up your time."

Jason picked up the cake and placed it back in the box, "You can have this, or give it to a friend, or something," Jason walked up to Seto and handed him the box before quickly leaving.

Seto did nothing to stop him and Jason left the building without another word.


Seto was quietly sitting at his desk reading through a book when he heard quiet, hesitant steps approach his cave.

"My father told me that you needed my assistance?"

"Sit," Seto pointed to nowhere in particular and Jason hesitantly sat on the ground.

There was a long silence as Seto continued reading and writing while Jason sat silently. After a while Jason spoke up.

"Did you need some help cleaning or something? This place is really messy."


"Ok...Did you need help with--"

"No, just sit."

Jason stopped speaking and let his eyes wander around as he did. He noticed the box of cake he'd given Seto sitting on top of a pile of books.

"Take a piece, it was yours."

"N-no thank you, I'm fine--"

"I insist, it was very good. It would be a waste if I had to finish the last slice."

Jason glanced back at Seto in shock, "Did you eat the entire thing by yourself!"

"No, there is one piece left."

"Did you share with anyone else?"


Jason nodded; Seto asked "Who made it?"

"Mrs. Clarks, she's like my mother, but we aren't related. She sent it to me as a gift to me and my father, but he doesn't like sweet food...let alone anything flavorful," he grumbled out the last part.

"You don't appear to be fond of your father," Seto said. He closed his book before standing and walking towards his shelf. Jason's eyes followed him and watched as he skimmed the long line of books.

"Th-that's not it...we just aren't close. He worked more than he spent with me, the Clarks are more like a family to me..."

"You would rather be with them, wouldn't you?"

"Well..." Jason watched as Seto pulled out several books and placed them on his desk before sitting and resuming his previous studious actions.

"Wh-what about you Seto sir, did you take over your job from a family member?"

"I became a Council member after my mother passed, but I joined the AHD of my own volition."

"Did you want to?"

"No, but it was the only way to get what I wanted."

"What was that?"

"Destruction of the Enders."

"Th-the Enders, you mean those people below the surface?"

"Monsters, not people," Seton closed the book he was reading shut and tossed it at the floor.

"R-right, monsters...do you think...that they are evil or that maybe it possible they are good like us?"

"They are murderous, bloody monsters, anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool."

There was silence.

"Did someone you love die because of an Ender, is that why you hate them so much?"

Seto looked up from his book, he stared at the wall in front of him and thought for awhile, "I don't remember. I just hate the Enders."

Jason shifted on the ground and stretched his legs out. He leaned back and placed most of his weight on his hands that supported his upper body.

"What about your dad? Did he make you do things?"

"Why do you have all these questions?"

"You haven't told me why you needed me here."

"It was for your cake, take it," Seto turned and pointed at the cake, "You said to share it, it was yours to begin with."

"Wh-what? I said share it with a friend."

"Do I look like I have the time to socialize, I have too much work as the sole magic user in Rekrium."

There was silence.

"You know, you're really nice."

Seto snorted and looked at Jason who smiled at him, "Nice? What gave you that idea, I'm cursed to lack feeling. There is nothing nice about me, I'm simply returning what was yours...and besides I ate most of the cake anyways. How is that nice?"

Jason chuckled, "Lacking the ability to express feelings shouldn't technically mean you lack feeling. You just can't physically express those feelings, but I'm sure they are still there--I hope I can be as nice and as kind as you."

Seto turned back to his book. He skimmed the words, but he wasn't really reading. He wondered if he could feel emotions at this moment, would he be smiling or frowning? He wasn't sure what he would rather want it to be. He couldn't remember what it was like to truly smile or even frown.

"You should do what you want to do, if it gets you what you most want, then follow that path. Regardless of what your father wants, do what you want..." Seto said.

Jason smiled. He stood up and walked over to the box that held the last slice of his cake and carried it back to where he sat previously. He sat down and opened the box to see a set of clean silverware inside. He smiled again and quietly dug in as he and Seto worked in silence.


Seto heard the quick feet of the young engineer approaching his cave. Whether he wanted it or not, Jason seemed to make it a routine to visit late into the night. He even made it a routine to bring part of his work here with him and while Seto read and enchanted and brewed, Jason would work too.

"Guess what Seto!"


"I made you something!"

"Why? There's no need for something foolish like that, I have everything I need."

"Expect your memories! You said you forget a lot of things, so I made something that will allow you to store backups of your memory so that way you can easily reference the data. It is sorta the prototype of the current project my father has me working on."

"So you want me to be your guinea pig?"

"Wh-n-no. I didn't mean it like that, I just thought you would benefit from this too!"

Seto turned in his chair to see Jason holding out a series of white metal strips.

When Seto didn't move to grab them Jason started speaking again, "I wanted it to be light and small but still hold lots of information so these metal strips are bendable and made to rotate around your head. The only problem is I haven't figured out how to make them float, or spin..."

Seto blinked and looked at the metal pieces, "How is this supposed to store anything?"

Jason beamed, "Here, let me show you!" Jason dumped the pieces on to Seto's table and pulled out a syringe, "I have all the pieces synced to each other, but it just needs to be synced with you and then I was thinking maybe we can combine your magic and make it do the floaty rotate thingy."

Jason paused, "Don't tell my dad that I said words like floaty and thingy. He would get really mad and have me read another dictionary or something about mechanics. And he would makes sure it was boring...I really don't want to do that."

Seto didn't say or do anything as Jason disinfected the needle and pulled Seto's arm towards him, "Sorry if this hurts."

"Pain is relative."

Jason inserted the needle and drew a small amount of blood before removing the needle and bringing it over the metal strips. He slowly began to drop small drops of blood onto every piece. The metal strips glowed a faint white before all the blood was absorbed into it.

"I've built a system that uncodes the data within a person's DNA and uses that information as a safeguard against anyone else trying use the machine. That is why I drew your blood. The only person that could decode the data would be myself, but this is my gift to you for being so kind and helpful. Now if you just use your magic to bind the pieces together without physical attachments and shape it so that it will rotate around your head, everything should work out fine!"

"Give it a try when you have the chance!"

"Thank you...I apologize if that sounds hollow...and I apologize if my apologies sound hollow."

"No worries! I understand your situation, it isn't your fault--Hey, maybe I can help you break your curse so you can be happy too!"

"Don't bother. The curse was my own doing, and besides I am used to life with it. I don't need it broken in order to be satisfied."

"Do you miss your family?"

Seto looked at Jason, he scanned his face wondering why he would ask such a question.

"No. People die all the time, I choose to not let it bother me, and beside I don't really feel."

"Right, ok. Well I'll visit some other time! Have a nice night Seto, and thank you!"

Seto listened to Jason's receding footsteps. He cast a long glance at Jason's gift before once again returning to his work.


"I appreciate your hard work Council Member Magi. Your assistance in strengthening our arsenal against criminal threats and monstrous threats is greatly valued," the tall, tanned man before Seto bowed. The metals that adorned his uniform expressed his centuries of service and recognition.

"Your compliments are flattering Council Member Mau. It is good to know that my potions helped you uncover the criminal using mobs to terrorize the city."

"Yes indeed, though the culprit still insist on claiming he was framed, but all evidence points to him. Please thank Mr. Stars for me too, his contribution to the investigation was greatly appreciated."

Seto bowed, "Of course."

"If you'll excuse me, I would like to speak with my daughter before I go about her transfer into DROP."

"Please, go right ahead," Seto stepped aside and let Captain Mau walk across the grassy expanse. Seto himself was about to leave when he heard his name being called.


Seto glared at Tyler who ran waving to him in excitement.

"What am I, your friend?!"

Tyler skidded to a stop on the grass before Seto, "Of course!"

"I don't remember being friends with a child like you."

"Meanie, what about Jason? He's even younger than me."

"What about him?" Seto crossed his arms.

"Well me and Ty always see Jason go down to level I and we notice that you don't send him immediately up so we assume that you let him stay. So that must mean that he is your friend. And he is younger than me, so he must be more like a child than I am," Tyler nodded as if he was sure his argument was sound.

"On the contrary, Jason is for more mature than you are and acts more like an adult than you do. I also value his intellectual opinion as another scholar like myself. Now what is it you needed with me?"

"Oh!" Tyler jumped, "I just got a letter from my parents since I've been writing to them lately, and we'll they were saying the next time I have a break I should go to the capital and visit my grandfather's grave. And I thought that would be nice, but the problem is, is that he died before I was born so I didn't really know him all that well, but you did. Since he was one of Rekrium's kings and you knew him because your mom knew him and I just wanted to know what he was like so that I could talk to his grave or something like that."

"Why didn't you ask your parents..."

"Well sending and receiving mail takes a long while and you were closer so..." Tyler continued droning on and soon Seto stopped paying attention. He glanced around and noticed Jason leave his father's lab after slamming the door. Jason stomped along the grass in anger and possibly despair.

"Excuse me Tyler, just ask your parents, I am quite busy. And besides I don't remember much from back then." Seto waved him off before leaving Tyler mid sentence.

Seto was slow and calm as he followed behind Jason. He noticed Jason was walking far out and would soon be leaving the premises of the AHD borders.

He wasn't sure what Jason was doing, or why he was even following, but Seto decided to put a stop to this. He let magic envelop his body before teleporting soundly in front of Jason who reacted with shock and surprise before stumbling backwards onto his bum on the grassy ground.

"S-Seto, what are you doing out here!?"

"I should ask you the same thing."

"Ah...well I was just looking for a moment of privacy..." Jason looked away.

Seto waved his staff and transported them both to his cave, "You shouldn't leave the AHD without permission, you are technically a trainee. There is a room over there, it is empty, but if you need a quiet place to think, make yourself at home."

Jason quietly nodded and left Seto to head to that room.

After several moments, "Hey Seto!"


"Do you think I can move a bed in here and sometimes stay here?"

"Do whatever you want."


For the next several hours into the day Jason remained in that room. It was unusually silent, especially with Jason's energy. Seto worked in his back room enchanting books and tending to his farms for potion ingredients. He paused his work when he noticed Jason walking towards the room.

"Have I ever told you that you are really nice?"

"Many times despite how much I tell you that you are misguided in believing such a notion, why?"

"Well...I was just sorta thinking...alone...in that room that I'm a bad person who hangs around a nice person like you and that I don't deserve your kindness..."

"What foolish idea gave you such an absurd thought like that?" Seto halted in casting an enchant, when Jason didn't answer he started to ask the question again before Jason interrupted him.

"It's just bad blood must flow through me if my father is bad right...and--what will happen to that man they arrested for terrorism?"

Seto set his enchantment book down and turned to face Jason. He was calm and hid his questionative face, "He will be prosecuted before the law for his crimes and sent to prison, just like every other criminal. And did you just say you are bad because of your father? What has he done to warrant that sort of judgement by you?" Seto crossed his arms and slowly stalked towards Jason.

Jason, however, did not answer that question, instead he said, "Do you think it was possible that man was innocent, that maybe he was framed?"

"No, I lent my services in the investigation, this man is guilty, I'm sure."

Jason cast a sadden face to the ground, "Right..Of course, there is no way you could be tricked. I'm sorry I doubted you...." Jason turned away about to leave and go back to the room Seto had lent him when Seto stopped Jason.

"Hold it, I'm not done questioning your rare moment of idiocy."

Jason stiffened.

"For someone with an unusually smart brain for your age, you are being quite a fool. You don't inherit badness from a person, that isn't even a thing. You make your own person. Just as my actions have created me, your actions created you.

"You love your family that raised you, you willingly help others...you have a desire to help others. In the eyes of other people you are a good and kind person."

"What about in your eyes, what am I to you?" Jason muttered.

Seto paused. For a man that could not express feeling, it was altogether possible that Jason's hypothesis that Seto did still posses feeling was true and that those feelings manifested in other ways, even if Seto could not recognize them.

"I suppose I value you as someone similar in mind as my own and find your current beliefs idiotic and backed by misguided foolishness."

Jason snickered.

"What?" Seto asked.

Jason continued to snicker until his snickers turned to chuckles and his chuckles turned to laughs.

"You could just say friend," Jason said after a moment. He paused and then said to Seto in a much quieter tone, "I think of you as my friend too, my only friend actually."

"Wh--I did not say friend--"

"Can I have a hug?"


"That's ok, I'll just take the hug anyways," Jason opened his arms and smiled before trying to rush Seto. Seto glared and moved away and avoided all of Jason's attempts, "Quit being a child."

"I'm 21 you old fart, I can't help my young nature!"

"Back off!"

It was like this for several more brief moments before Jason stopped and sat down on the ground. Seto himself quit avoiding Jason and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"You're right Seto, I should do what I want or need to do in order to get what I want. Who cares what my father wants...I want to help people. Like you...though you won't let me help break your curse, even though I've researched the matter anyways--"

"You've done what now?"

"So I'll start small. I'll finish the project my father has me working in, and repurpose it for everyone, so that everyone can store data and information and share with others. I'll even design a device like the one I made you," Jason paused before glancing off into space and adding, "Though maybe easier than a floating headband--have you even used it--nevermind."

"I think I'll call it a Drive--then afterwards I'll continue research in teleportation and making travel easier. It would really help the Clarks if they didn't have to lug carts and horses all across Rekrium."

Jason looked back at Seto, "I also want to break the curse on Rekrium...this is my home to, and my family is here, I want to give back for everything that was given to me by people who cared about me, not to the people who were never there from the start."

"Will you help me, Seto?" Jason asked.

Seto sighed and looked away, "Sure, whatever kid."

Jason hopped to his feet, "We need to seal the pact with a handshake!"

Jason held his hand out to Seto who walked forward. Seto took the shorter man's hand and gave it a firm shake before Jason yanked at Seto's arm and pulled him into a tight hug.


"Fuck you."

"Swearing in front of a child, I'm ashamed!" Jason gasped.

"You're not a child!" Seto hissed.

"You call me one all the time though--"

"That's just because I'm old and you're practically a baby"

"Old fart."

"Get off me."

Jason snickered and released Seto from his hug, "I should get going before my father gets really mad at me...though he probably is already mad."

Seto nodded, "Do what you need to."

"I will!" Jason beamed, "I'll be sure to bring stuff to build a bed next time!"

"You do that," Seto said as he watched Jason wave before dashing off in a hurry. Energy and excitement seemed to radiate off of him, so much so that these sad moods of his never lasted long.

There was one thing that bothered Seto. He meant every word when he said he found Jason to be similar in mind, which also meant he was no fool. The slightly dodgy questions that attempted to hide ulterior meanings did not phase by Seto.

Seto began to see that it was not his magic that was flawed in the investigation, but that the investigation was flawed, and that maybe the culprit was innocent and had been framed. By who? Well, by Jason's actions and hidden accusations, that seemed to be his father.

While Seto held no particular like or dislike for the man, he also saw no proof or reason to really believe in Jason's accusations. Though Seto could easily find the answer. He could clear any charges against a possibly innocent man and find the truth.

But...he would not.

Seto didn't understand why. It was true he did not feel, and that he acted to further his own desires and goals and helping this man had really nothing to do with him. But in other situations he would help, because it was partially his fault for the arrest of this man.

He just didn't understand why he didn't just use his magic to expose whether the Stars had anything to do with the recent terrorism. Perhaps he saw no use to it...

That was probably it.

Seto sighed and collected his material. He was exhausted from such extensive use of magic and needed much rest before he could perform at this level again. He could finish enchanting another time.


Today it rained in Rekrium and possibly all of the realm, yet no one in Rekrium could really know that.

For most people it was a sad day. It was a funeral for the unexpected passing of the AHD's head engineer Mr. Stars. An accident as the evidence pointed, but left with loose ends. Even Seto claimed his use of magic could not tie up the loose ends...the first in history.

The loss of such a brilliant mind left many people saddened, yet Jason's rise to the position as Mr. Stars' apprentice left many people happy. It was apparent by Jason's first few days of working under his father a year ago that Jason was brilliant for his age. Whether that was due to his high retention of data and information due to a photographic memory, or his in depth understanding of many sciences and mathematics, or possibly a gift from the Gods. Regardless he was a shoe in fit for the position and worked hard to make the transition as smooth as possible. He worked tirelessly in the first few days after his father's sudden death that people remarked on his dedication to his father's work and praised him for his actions.

The day of the funeral felt very different for Jason despite what people imagined. Where they saw a man trying not to cry, Jason felt a man who could not cry.

Tears would not fall for a man he could not love. Regardless of their blood relations everyone he held dear still lived and his father was deleted from that list years before he ever reached puberty.

"Mr. Stars, I am deeply saddened by your loss, please accept my condolences," A man stepped forward. His hazel eyes offered Jason pity and the young woman next to him held a large umbrella over the man that extended to Jason. The gentle rain spatter ceased falling on his face and the sudden lack of rainfall on his body shocked him back to reality.

"Thank you for your kindness Mr. Mau," Jason smiled and shook hands with the man's outstretched hand.

"No worries young lad, your father spoke highly of you."

"Really?" Jason mused, he hid his mocking smile to that notion of praise from his father.

"Truly, he always commented that you would be the one to fulfill your family's duty. Duty is a powerful bond, to be held to one at such a young age I praise you for your dedication and hard work since your father's passing. He would be proud" Mr. Mau bowed and Jason thanked him again.

Jason watched the two of them leave after speaking a few more words to him and his daughter who held the umbrella beside Mr. Mau.

"Jason," Jason looked to see Tyler and Ty approaching him, "How you holding up? It must be hard losing your father," Tyler grasped Jason's hands as if trying to offer some form of comfort.

"Yes, it is hard, but don't worry," Jason smiled, "Please don't be sad for me, you should really go and try some of Mrs. Clarks home cooking that she brought to the funeral. It's really good," Jason removed his hands from Tyler's grasp and pointed to the tent propped up that shielded tables of food.

Tyler nodded and smiled softly, "If you need something, just come to me and Ty, we'll help you out. Losing family is always hard."

"Thank you."

Tyler turned to walk away but Ty paused. Jason looked up at the towering man who narrowed his eyes at Jason before muttering an almost inaudible word, "Liar."

Jason watched as people walked around the large funeral carrying umbrellas in the rain. They ate food, chattered softly, and cast saddened glances in Jason's direction.

The lack of rainfall on his body once more snapped Jason out of his thoughts, he looked for the umbrella above his head but saw only a shimmering purple film. He turned behind him to see Seto holding his staff high with magic sprouting from the top creating the purple film that protected them from the rain.

"Hey Seto."

Seto didn't acknowledge him.

Jason nodded and returned to his thoughts. The two of them stood in silence. When Seto did speak, however, he spoke softly so that Jason almost didn't know he was speaking and hardly caught the sentence, "What did you say?"

Seto again kept his voice low even as the rain began to pick up creating loud pattering noises on Seto's magic shield.

"How did he die?"

"An accident, that's what the report says--"

"No, how specifically did he die?"

Jason looked at Seto. His eyes searched Seto's face for some sort of sign that would let him know what sort of question this was. But Seto was not looking at Jason, he was looking across the muddy, grass field of the AHD.

Jason nodded, looked away, and laughed softly, "An accident, I told you. You were a part of the investigation, you would know more than me."

"I know, I just figured you might know how it might have happened in more details since you were there."

Jason looked back at Seto, "I think you are mis--"

"How are you holding up Jason?"

Jason faltered, "I-it's like you said, people die all the time, I just have to choose to not let it bother me"

"That is true, death is everywhere, and murder is no different."

Jason's eyes widened and he looked down at the ground. Tears welled up and for the first time in the weeks since his father died he cried. To people outside this conversation they would see the son of the deceased finally cracking at the loss and only pity him more. For the people in the conversation, meaning Seto, he would know those tears were not because of Jason's father dying, but because the guilt was finally affecting Jason.

"I-I told you, being bad j-just runs through my b-bl-blood..." Jason crumpled to the wet ground and hugged his knees. The rain water that soaked into the dirt chilled Jason as his clothes absorbed a lot of water in an instant, "Are you...going to turn me in"

"Just answer my questions. How did he die?"

Jason hugged his knees tighter.

"I'd given up on making teleportation for living people and larger objects, I could only make small objects transport through space but never a living creature. So I decided to modify transportation in another way. I started repurposing machine engines and discovered that with oil I could create engines that produced much more energy. If placed inside a machine that could then use that power to move through space physically then I thought this would be better than cart pulling and horses...

"While building another prototype of this remodeled engine I must have messed up somewhere in putting the parts together because when I tested it, it sort of sparked and caught fire. Nearly exploded too."

Jason stopped and looked up at Seto who still had not looked at him, "At first I just returned to work on remaking it, but later I began thinking how it would be better if my father wasn't here. More people would benefit, even if they didn't realize."

"You built a bomb made to look like an accident?"

Jason stayed silent.

"He's a player, he could've respawned and told everyone what you did, why take the risk?"

Jason flinched and looked away, "I...just hoped he wouldn't...and he hasn't."

"Do you still want to help people?"

Jason stood, "Of course! Th-that's why I did it. You have to believe me Seto, you're the only person I trust. Everyone is better off if he is dead, that way he can't manipulate anyone anymore!" Jason defended.

Seto nodded and began walking away.

"Wh-where are you going?"

Jason ran after Seto, "Are you g-going to turn me in? P-please believe me Seto that it was the only way. I-I didn't want to hurt anyone--but I didn't want him hurting anyone because I did nothing. It wouldn't be right."

Jason stopped running as Seto continued his silence. Jason let more tears stream down his face before he shouted to Seto, "What the hell do you want me to do now then!"

But Seto did not answer and Jason continued to cry in the rain.


Seto was not mad, no he understood to a degree Jason's reasoning. He just didn't see how his father was bad, to anyone his father was a good man who contributed to the development of the kingdom.

But it seemed that Jason didn't know that Seto was not mad and that Seto had no intention of turning Jason in. Because of that, Jason and Seto did not speak for awhile.

Jason returned to his new job taking over his father's job and in the weeks after the funeral he released an announcement of a machine that would be the first of oil powered machines that moved people place to place. He said they would make travelling easier for people. Just as almost a year before when Jason released the Drive and the first of the 'mobile devices' that could use the Drive, Jason was met with great praise. He was praised for his brilliant brain and his contributions to society.

Jason was happy. He was truly happy, and none of it was faked. He was doing exactly what he wanted, he was helping people. He made sure to take plenty of time to visit the Clarks, and he got along well with those around him.

Seto knew that and he supposed if he could feel and express emotion he might be happy for Jason.

Yet there was a sudden change. Seto was the only one who could see it, but he wasn't sure if he should say anything to Jason. There was a sudden change when Jason began to stay up late into the night. Many trips to the kitchen to brew several cups of coffee that soon became the start of his caffeine addiction.

Jason's happiness became faked and he grew more distant. He snapped at people more, he still visited the Clarks often. It became apparent to Seto that something happened and Jason was doing his best to hide it.

Yet before Seto could ever act on that suspicion Jason changed once more. He was happy again, for different reasons, it no longer seemed fake. Jason still drank coffee and worked late into the nights. He made more demands of people and snapped more. This is where people would say he grew an ego and separated himself from other people as two separate entities.

And it wasn't Seto that approached Jason after this change, it was Jason.


"Hey Seto, it's been awhile huh?" Jason knocked against the stone wall of Seto's cave one night.

"Jason, this is a surprise."

"Yeah, I thought it was time...I really need to thank you--for not turning me in."

"I never planned to," Seto set his book down and faced Jason.

Jason snickered, "I'm glad, I hope we still remain friends. There is still so much I want to do and so many people I'm going to help...because only I can do it...but I want your help. Seto, you taught me a lot in my first year and because of that I've really grown to understand myself and the world better. You were right when you said that people need to do whatever they need to in order to get whatever they want.

"I sure hope we can continue working side by side for as long as it may be," Jason held out his hand.

Seto stood up and walked over to Jason. He firmly grasped Jason's hand and they shook.

"Thank you Seto, like two peas in a pod. I have your back, you have mine. Through thick and thin we stand together."


I hope you guys enjoyed this about as much as I enjoyed writing and reading this. 

A lot happened, like I said before, don't read too much into everything. You won't really understand what has traspired here until book 2.

But you are free to theorize and have fun with your thoughts. 

(I really do love Go Seto and Jason, I can't even pick who I love more out of these two)

I will try to finish the next GO chapter soon, bare with me. Maybe tomorrow, no promises.

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