Chapter Six

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Jeff walked down the sidewalk cautiously, his hockey stick in hand that he grabbed from home. The sun was setting, the sky painted with numerous shades of orange, yellow and pink.

Earlier that evening, Jeff's mother had called him, explaining that his father and she wouldn't be home from work in time to pick up Liu. Who was over at a friends house that evening, working on a project.

As the day went on, the words the senior student shared with him sunk into Jeff more, and more. It had gotten to the point where that was all he could think of. He feared for the rest of his school year, Randy was only at the school for another year, but Woods couldn't imagine not running to him again. Now Jeff was walking the streets, foolishly armed with a hockey stick. Praying Randy and his two followers weren't stalking the streets.

"It's ok Jeff. You're more than halfway there." He whispered to himself in reassurance.

He turned a corner onto the next street minutes later. He looked behind his shoulder for reassurance, even though he hadn't expected to see anyone. He nearly felt his insides churn the moment he saw the three standing at the end of the street.

"Hey there lil' bugger, miss me?" Called out the blood-red haired teen. His two pathetic sidekicks standing by his sides. From Jeff's view, he could see the overweight kid Troy held a six pack of some type of liquor, where the 'leader' held something completely different. Even from a distance, it was clear that Randy was holding what looked like a bottle of a liquid chemical.

He felt frozen in fear for a mere moment, the young teen turned around and booked it down the sidewalk.

"Oh, he wants to run, ha! Three can play that game!"

He breathed heavily in terror as he turned into the entrance to the neighborhoods forest, which had trails connecting to different streets, including his own. The quick plan that he formulated at that moment was to go through the trail leading to his street, run into his house and just explain the situation to his younger brother on text. Liu could figure out a way home because Jeff knew this wouldn't end well for him if he decided to walk over to the friend's house.

He sprinted down the trail, hearing the soft dirt squishing beneath his sneakers and his heart pound inside his chest. He kept his grip on his stick tight, hearing three pairs of fast footsteps close behind. Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours. His situation felt like a horror movie to him, feeling if he was the helpless prey and Randy was the bloodthirsty slasher.

Jeff looked over his shoulder as a natural instinct, seeing the three close on his tail. He looked forward again, the brown bark of a tree close in his view.

"Oh sh-" He was able to mutter out before his vision went completely black.

Jeff moaned in pain and opened his eyes slowly. His head throbbed, ears ringing and feeling as if he was in a fog. His nose stung with sharp pain, feeling a warm substance gushing out from his nostrils. He let his eyes wander around, even though he felt that everything was a blur. However, he did see three figures standing over him.

"Heh, you're awake now? Get ahold of him, boys."

Keith and Troy grabbed ahold of Jeff's arms, keeping him down on the ground. Jeff suddenly began to wave off the fog in his head. He began to try and pull his arms away from the two's grip, clearly sobering up from the blow to his head quickly. However, he still felt throbbing agony burning in his head and nose.

"W-what's happening? Let go!"

The two didn't loosen their grips, only tightening them around his arms.

Randy held the young teen's hockey stick in one hand, and that bottle in the other.

"Awh, did you bring this as a weapon? What? Were you trying to be Casey Jones or something?" The red-haired teen mocked, dropping the stick to the side with a chuckle.

"C-can I just go? Please." Jeff muttered groggily.

Randy looked back at him, a smile crept onto his face. It wasn't a normal smile, no, it was a deranged smile that reeked of trouble and mischief. He stepped closer to Jeff, placing the white chemical-filled bottle on the ground. He crouched, to stay on the young teen's level as he was forcibly held down. His smile was now gone, an angered expression replacing it.

"No. I'm here to make things fucking even. Y-you- You made me the laughing stock of the school in a week!"

He practically screamed out, Jeff wincing and letting out a whine as the loud sound made his head throb even more.

"No one beats me! No one! But you, you come fucking around and think you can make things even? Oh no, I don't go for even, I go for winning!" He hollered out, drawing his right fist back.

Jeff let out a scream, his face whipping to the side from the unexpected blow. Randy grabbed a hold of the collar of Jeff's shirt, making him stare right at him.

"I always win..."

A tear seeped out from Jeff's eye, partly from pain, but from fear as well.

"I-I'm sorry! I just wanted to get back for m-my friend! P-please don't kill me!" He begged, still trying to pull away from the other two, more tears streaming down his face.

Randy's smile returned on his paler face, making him look like a sadistic madman."Kill you?... Are you kidding me?" He let out a chuckle. "What good would killing you do for me? No, I'm just going to teach you. Well, a good lesson."

He grabbed the big white bottle, bringing it up into Jeff's view, bleach. "One time my dad pulled a bottle of bleach on me. You know, a well-known cleaning product. He heard about all the shit I cause, though that dick is no saint. He claimed that I needed to clean my act up. So, he held me down and poured it all over me. It stung like a bitch but meh, I got out of it fine. So, now it's your turn."He said, twisting the cap off.

Jeff's eyes immediately widened, feeling more tears streaming out from his eyes. "N-No please no! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to start that fight!" He screamed out, trying to move his arms and kicked his legs desperately.

Randy ignored Jeff's cries out for help, he stood up as the other two continued to hold him down. The artificial red-head stood up, holding the bottle of open bleach by his side.

"Now, it's your turn to have your act cleaned up." He said with that same sadistic smile plastered on his face.Then poured the bleach onto the young teen.

Jeff kept his eyes and mouth shut the moment he felt the liquid chemical fall onto his face and clothes. He stopped struggling completely, not wanting to risk ingesting or getting the harmful liquid in his eyes. He lay there, motionless as the twisted teen poured the bleach all over him. After Randy stopped, he felt the reaction with his skin begin. It started to send an irritating and burning pain throughout his skin. Likely if it had just been one drop he would've been fine, but this was a whole bottle all over him. He let out muffled moans and whines of pain as he kept his eyes and mouth shut. He couldn't keep still any longer, rolling around as he tried to get the liquid off of his skin.

The slim and overweight teens let go of Jeff, standing straight again as they looked at Randy, mostly in concern. The look in the blood-red haired male's green eyes was not sane. He let out a laugh, watching Jeff on the ground in pain, taking some sort of sick pleasure from it. Troy gulped, nudging Keith.

"Say something." He muttered.

Keith cleared his throat, as he looked at the cackling sadistic mess Randy had become. "So, what now?

Randy continued to stare down at Jeff with that sick, power-lusting smile plastered on his face. "We'll give it a few minutes, then we'll just dump him in the stream..." He said, bringing his hand out, as a gesture for the big to give him a drink.

Troy caught onto this, quickly grabbing a can of liquor from the six pack that Randy forced him to bring. He tossed it to him, still being a little creeped out by the smile on his face. The twisted teen caught it, quickly busting the can open. He took a sip of the strong vodka beverage, before pouring some of its contents down on Jeff, who was still on the ground and covered in bleach.

"Heh, maybe that'll ease the pain a bit." He said mockingly.

Jeff winced when he felt another liquid being spilled onto him, his eyes and mouth still shut as he just prayed the three would throw him into the stream soon.

Randy chugged down the rest of the drink, flinging it over his shoulder. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and matches. He pulled one of each out, placing the cigarette on his lip and ran the match against its box, igniting it. He began to bring the match to the tip of the cigarette but felt it slip from his grip.

"Fuck!" He screeched out the moment it fell, the realization dropped on him hard. His eyes widened in horror, watching the flaming match in slow motion.

Flames soon spread onto what the match had fallen on, Jeffrey Woods. Jeff let out a loud blood-curdling scream of agony, the orange and yellow flames had nearly engulfed the young teen.

"Randy! What did you fucking do!" Troy screamed out.

"I-I don't know! Holy shit!"

All the three could do was watch in terror at the boy screamed in agony. He crawled his way to the small stream that was a few meters in front of him with all the energy and strength he could build up. He felt himself falling, a cold rush of water soon putting out the scalding heat. He turned onto his back, staring up at the sunset sky. Everything but his face was under water, for the stream wasn't too deep. He couldn't see himself, but he knew his physical condition wasn't good. He let out a scream of pain again, followed by more. The flames had been put out, but the excruciating burns that covered his whole body gave him an indescribable pain that no one should ever have to endure. Suddenly, he felt darkness consume him.

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