Chapter 7: Goblin Lord and Goblin Slayer new armor! Part 1

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After Wolf Warrior told everyone about how the green moon was the Goblins home and how he used his ancient mystic mode to destroy it they came to realize that Wolf Warrior was not only a great warrior but also their protector from darkness in which they thought of him as their guardian of their world in which Goblin Slayer really admired the most since she and him became a thing after everything Wolf Warrior did for her and she couldn't be more happy to be with someone who will fight by her side and help rid the world of Goblins forever. So right now it was the begging of dawn and the sun was rising which means it was almost morning for the adventures all except two who were still in bed cuddling after having some alone time together after the whole goblin world was destroyed and you guest it, Goblin Slayer and Wolf Warrior were still in bed sleeping peacefully while being close to each other. 

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm) 

While both Goblin Slayer and Wolf Warrior were still sleeping in bed Goblin Slayer started to have dreams or visions from her past of when she was young and while her sister was still alive before the incident that accorded. 

(Goblin Slayers flashback dream)

Young Cow Girl: Hey I am gonna go into the city, one the cows on my uncles farm is giving birth and I want to be there and after that we even get to go shopping and I can not wait to what they have there. My mommy even gave me money to buy something, I wonder what I should get there, you think I should get you a gift too.(Young cow girl saids to Young Slayer) 

Young Slayer: No.......

Young Cow Girl: Oh are you sure because there gotta be.......

Young Slayer: I just told you I don't want anything......

Young Cow Girl: You know you don't have to be mean about it, besides I just wanted to do something special since you never been to the city before because thats what best fiends do for each-other. 

Young Slayer: Shut Up! just go to the city or whatever it is you are doing. 

Young Cow Girl: Why are you so angry?!

Young Slayer: I am not angry!

Young Cow Girl: Yes you are!!

Time skip(Young Slayer walking while holding hands with a woman who believes is her older sister)

Older sister: You must have envied her when she said she was going to the city huh?

Young Slayer: Yeah........

Older sister: Still you shouldn't gotten so angry with her, you have to protect those smaller than you and did you know if you and the others you'll become a goblin. 

Young Slayer: Really sis a goblin?

Older sister: Yes if you all is do dwell on what you don't have your heart and body will turn into something ugly and you will take your anger out on other people; so later on let's make sure you apologize to her ok. 

Young Slayer: 😢sniff.......ok big sis......

Goblin Slayer: That very night my big sister cook my favorite stew with a hearty dish made with chicken and milk and it was the most delicious thing I have ever tasted in my life. I couldn't stop eating it after ever bowl after bowl and now I can not even remember how it tasted because......(Goblin Slayer while saying in thought she begins to open her eyes while getting up slowly while Wolf was still next to her) 

Goblin Slayer: Because.....😢sniff.......I haven't eaten that since that horrifying day.....(Slayer saids while showing tears down her face) 

Wolf Warrior: Mmmmm.....huh....what..what....was that....yawwwnnn!!!......(Wolf saids while waking up from his nap and looks towards his lover who had tears in her eyes) 

Wolf Warrior: Slayer.........whats wrong, are you ok?(Wolf asked his lover who was wiping her tears away and looks towards him with a smile)

Goblin Slayer: 😢sniff......its nothing my love it was just a memory from when I was younger, I am sorry I woke you up.(Slayer saids to Wolf who is worried about her and moves closer to her and holds her tight in his arms) 

Wolf Warrior: is ok beautiful and would it be alright to tell me what made you so upset I think I could help. 

Goblin Slayer: I am alright Wolf really I am just little tired thats all......

Wolf Warrior: I can tell something is wrong about her I know that look but I think it is best she tells me when she is ready.(Wolf saids in thought) 

Wolf Warrior: Alright but if you want to talk I am here you know that right?

Goblin Slayer: Hehehe, I know thats why I love you so much Wolf, and you will always be there for me and my friends thank you.

Wolf Warrior: I do anything for my strong and beautiful Goblin Slayer 💋(Wolf saids as he kisses Slayers neck in which made her giggle)

Goblin Slayer: Hehehe, flatterer

Wolf Warrior: I try, come on hows about we go check around the farm for any goblin sightings or foot prints or anything else. 

Goblin Slayer: Ok, by the way you were amazing last night and I enjoyed everything you did 💋(Slayer saids to Wolf then kisses him on the lips which made him blush a little)

Wolf Warrior: What can I say your man is full of many surprises or even more so. 

Wolf Warrior and Goblin Slayer got out of bed and got dressed to start their day before Wolf asked Slayer something that he wanted her to have and use when the time is right. 

Wolf Warrior: Hey Slayer I have something for you and I wanted to give it to you if you wanted to use it or not.

Goblin Slayer: What is it Wolf?

Wolf Warrior: This.......(Wolf saids and holds out a mystic morpher just like his but it was gray and red in which Goblin Slayer couldn't believe what Wolf was giving her)

(Goblin Slayers Mystic Morpher) 

Goblin Slayer: that....what I think it is.....(Slayer saids in shock of what she is seeing with own eyes)

Wolf Warrior: Yes my love, this is your very own mystic morpher and I been holding onto it ever since my mentor Leanbow gave it to me and he saids that one day this morpher will be presented to the one who is worthy or using it, and right now my love you are the one who is worthy of using it. 

Goblin Slayer: I can't believe it I am chosen to be just like Wolf which means I too will have mystic armor like him and powers as well.(Slayer said in thought) 

Wolf Warrior: To transform into the armor, you have to press the numbers 1983 on the morpher and then chant out the words magical source mystic force and you will become a mystic warrior just like me. 

Goblin Slayer: Wolf.....I....I...I don't know what to say.....

Wolf Warrior: Then I will ask you properly, Goblin Slayer will you take perception of the mystic morpher and become a warrior just like me and help rid the world the evil creatures known as goblins. 

Goblin Slayer: Yes....yes I will, thank you so much I love you 💋(Slayer saids to Wolf who takes the morpher and kisses Wolf on the cheek and then hugs him)

Wolf Warrior: I love you too Slayer, now hows about we do other goblin checking shifts. 

Goblin Slayer: Right lets go(Slayer saids to Wolf and the two go out and check around the farm to make sure nothing is destroyed or any goblin tracks around to make sure the place is safe)

Wolf Warrior: So far so good, nothing seems to be damage and there are no signs of Goblin tracks or anything. 

Goblin Slayer: Still we have to make sure that the perimeter is safe otherwise will are dealing with a number of goblins. 

Wolf Warrior: Yea your right goblins may be ugly bastards but they are not stupid, they always have a way to plan things out. 

Goblin Slayer: Thats what I am afraid of, come let's check the fences around the house. 

Wolf Warrior: Right(Wolf and Slayer head back to the house to check the fences until Cow girl woke up from nap and greeted them with a smile)

Cow Girl: Hey good morning you two!

Wolf Warrior and Goblin Slayer: Morning!(Both said in union) 

Cow Girl: Looks like today is going to be a hot one, after all it is summer. 

Wolf Warrior: I can tell it feels like my head is about to catch on fire?

Goblin Slayer: Hehehe, yea

Cow Girl: (Stomach Grumbling).......Oh wow I am starving and I think my uncle is awake, hows about we all have breakfast together. 

Goblin Slayer: Alright

Wolf Warrior: Sounds good to me this warrior needs food in his belly!

Goblin Slayer: I can tell 

Wolf Warrior: Oh hush you!

Wolf and Slayer head back into the house while Cow Girl cooks up the food and the uncle woke up from his nap and joined everyone at the table. 

Wolf Warrior: Good Morning sir

Uncle: Well good morning to you two, you two doing the usual patrols yes?

Goblin Slayer: Yes and there were no issues

Uncle: Still I don't know why you worry so much in anyway I heard that the hero defeated the demon lord and you Wolf destroyed the Goblins home world which was the green moon then used your magic to make a brand new moon which was very beautiful by the way. 

Wolf Warrior: Yes I did and thank you, I think it is safe to say that the goblins will not be coming back to earth anymore now that their home was destroyed but the remaining goblins are still on earth and I will make sure they are all wrapped out. 

Goblin Slayer: Thats why I like about you love(Slayer saids in thought while admiring her lovers words to destroy the goblins) 

Uncle: You pretty sure about that aren't you?

Wolf Warrior: Yes I am 

Goblin Slayer: We both are(Slayer saids while looking at Wolf and Wolf looking at her in which both nod in agreement) 

Cow Girl: Alright done, sorry it took so long, but here is everything.(Cow girl saids and puts the food on the table)

Wolf Warrior: You didn't need to rush things, take all the time you need to make the best breakfast as possible. 

Cow Girl: Oh....uh......thank you so much.....(Cow girl saids while blushing a little for Wolfs kind words) 

Wolf Warrior: Your welcome now hows about we all sit down and enjoy our breakfast together.(Wolfs saids to everyone who nods in agreement) 

Cow Girl: After we finish, I have to make some deliveries 

Goblin Slayer: Me and Wolf will go to, we both need to stop by the guild anyway. 

Cow Girl: Great it would be nice for the three of us go together. 

After everyone finished their food and cleaned up, Wolf was helping Slayer load the deliveries that Cow Girl is going to make when they head into town. 

Wolf Warrior: Can you make sure that Catastros gets enough food and water while we are heading into town, he needs it. 

Uncle: Not all, he is quite the horse you got there and by the way while you two are in town are you going to find another quest?

Wolf Warrior: Well if I know Slayer I believe the word is yes we will. 

Goblin Slayer: Well I also to pick up my new gear while I am there as well as my new set of armor since this one is pretty banged up. 

Uncle: Alright then you three stay safe and I will see you when you get back. 

Cow Girl: We will see you soon! 

The three left the farm and began to head towards town to make the delivers in which some of the adventures greeted Wolf Warrior good morning and thanking him for making a brand new moon for them in which Wolf enjoyed their happy smiles and comments even Slayer was impressed that her lover is becoming quite famous. 

Wolf Warrior: Alright that should be the last one(Wolf saids as he unloaded the cart with the delivers in them)

Cow Girl: Thank you so much, really appreciated the extra help

Wolf Warrior: No problem 

Cow Girl: You two said you were heading towards the guild today right?

Goblin Slayer: Yeah thats right

Cow Girl: Well ok well I got my own errand to run after I finished with these deliveries so do you two want to meet up a little bit later and head home together. 

Wolf Warrior: Thats the idea little red 

Cow Girl: Hehehe what is that my new nick name now?

Wolf Warrior: Yea we both agreed on it 

Goblin Slayer: We did? When?

Wolf Warrior: Just now come on let's head over to the guild and then get your new armor miss shiny. 

Goblin Slayer: Miss shiny really?.....

Cow Girl: Hehehe I think that could be your new nickname since you wear that armor, miss shiny I like. 

Wolf and Slayer head over to the guild together and once they walked in they were greeted by the other adventures. 

Adventures: Good morning Wolf Warrior!

Wolf Warrior: Well good morning to you all as well

Spearman: Yo Wolf hows the life of a celebrity been treating you since you destroyed the goblins home world two days ago? 

Wolf Warrior: Hey Spearman, it's going to be well getting a lot of comments and thank you from everyone the usual. 

Spearman: Hmm...I see you are not wearing you armor today, you taking a day off or something?

Wolf Warrior: Something like that it's too dam hot outside to wear my armor?

Spearman: You and me both my friend

Wolf Warrior: I heard that the demon lord was defeated by the hero is that correct?

Spearman: That is corrected my friend! Though some of his armies are still at large just to let you know. 

Wolf Warrior: I will make sure to send some of them to hell if they came near this town and that goes fort the rest of them as well. 

Spearman: Hahaha!, thats what I like about you my friend never afraid to turn down a good fight. 

Wolf Warrior: Thank you now if you would excuse us we have to drop some this stuff to the guild and Slayer needs to pick up her new armor after all she is miss shiny.

Spearman: Hehehe, oh of course my friend and nice nickname for her it goes well with her look.(Spearman saids to Wolf and gets up from his seat and leaves to do better things)

(Punch!!) In the arm

Wolf Warrior: Ow!!, again seriously......

Goblin Slayer: You deserved it for giving me such a ridiculous nickname.

Wolf Warrior: Well I think I think it is quite adorable little miss shiny

Goblin Slayer: You want another punch in the arm

Wolf Warrior: I am so sorry I will not tease you again 

Goblin Slayer: Good thats what I thought

Wolf Warrior: I am still going to tease with the miss shiny again(Wolf saids in thought while smirking) 

After Wolf and Slayer were finished with the guild they headed over to the shop where Slayers new armor was being fixed as well as her new equipment. 

Worker: I had some extra time so I fixed up everything even the smaller parts, so how does it feel?

Goblin Slayer: It's fine what do you think Wolf?

Wolf Warrior: It actually looks pretty good, just like new but better not bad Slayer.(Wolf saids to Slayer who blushes under her helmet)

Goblin Slayer: Thanks.......

Worker: Now let's see what we got here. wow good grief how did your armor get so damage just for fighting goblins?

Wolf Warrior: When it comes to goblins they always prepared for something that damage armor such as this trust me I seen it in action. 

Goblin Slayer: Its true....

Worker: Still it is quite something out of the ordinary?

Wolf Warrior: Trust me sir when it comes to killing goblins Slayer here knows what she is capable of doing, speaking of which shale we see what our party is doing.

Goblin Slayer: Yea might as well 

The two left the shop and continue to walk around town until they stopped and see two young adventures charing at the Heavy Warrior which looks like they are being trained in which one gets kicked over and the other gets hit with the Heavy Warriors sword. 

Heavy Warrior: Come on at this rate even a goblin can take you?

Rookie warrior: Damm come on let's try again? You go around the right.

Young warrior 2: Yeah come on!

Apprentice Cleric: Hehe, well it is always a good plan but maybe next time don't say it out loud. 

With that Wolf and Slayer were watching both boys getting their butts kicked while trying to slay a scratch on Heavy Warrior which seems to not be working at all. 

Wolf Warrior: This is their problem?

Goblin Slayer: What do you mean?

Wolf Warrior: They charge in first without coming up with a plan to attack, and if they don't come up with an idea to attack than they are doomed. 

For once I agree with you Wolf Warrior(A female came from their right side and it was the Female Knight) 

Wolf Warrior: Why hello there Female Knight I didn't expect to see you here why is that?

Female Knight: Oh I just came here to see how our newest member is doing and see if he has what it takes to be part of our party. 

Goblin Slayer: I didn't know the Greenhorn Warrior was a member of your party?

Female Knight: Oh yea we were sparing with our own and I noticed that he was staring so we thought we let him join. 

Wolf Warrior: Well I think that was very honorable of you guys to let him join. 

Female Knight: Why thank you, and since the boys are learning how to sword fight from Heavy Warrior, I figured that I teach those girls over there a thing or two. 

Wolf Warrior: I wish you luck but don't push them too hard I mean they are still young and new to this just to let you know. 

Goblin Slayer: He's right 

Female Knight: I will keep your for it Wolf Warrior 

Wolf Warrior: Thanks 

Female Knight: You are very welcome and would you look at that the big brute is already tired out which means it is my time to step in. 

Female Knight got up from her seat and headed towards Heavy Warrior to spar with him in which he was getting embarrassed that a woman is beating him. 

Wolf Warrior: I can tell those two are perfect for each other don't you agree?(Wolf saids to Slayer)

Goblin Slayer: Yea 

Wolf Warrior: Come on let's keep on walking before those two start to make out with other after words.

Goblin Slayer: Hehehe, your probably right and I think our party is at guild so lets head back there. 

Wolf Warrior: Alright lead the way M'lady 

When Wolf and Slayer headed back into the guild they were greeted by their other party member Girl Priest. 

Girl Priest: Goblin Slayer and Wolf Warrior what are you two doing here?

Wolf Warrior: Slayers armor needed some repairs and I needed a break out of the armor due to the heat. 

Girl Priest: Well you two should of said something? 

Wolf Warrior: Sorry we couldn't find you guys anywhere and we figured that you would be here at the guild waiting for us. 

Girl Priest: Oh so sorry 

Wolf Warrior: It is alright little one(Wolf saids as he pets the girls head in which she blushes a little) 

Girl Priest: Hehehe!

Guild Girl: Hello Goblin Slayer and hello to you to Wolf Warrior how you been. 

Wolf Warrior: Hello guild girl me and Slayer are doing just fine thank you very much.

Guild Girl: That is good to hear and still thank you for creating a brand new moon for our world. 

Wolf Warrior: Hey no problem it is the least I can for you guys. 

Dwarf: Well well look who it is beard cutter and Wolf Warrior I didn't know you two were here!!

Elf: It is polite to at least say hello if you two are going to be stopping by. 

Lizard: It would seem that you were able to get your armor repaired miss Slayer.

Goblin Slayer: Yes...

Elf: Wolf you are not wearing your armor today?

Wolf Warrior: No due to the burning heat outside it got too hot in that thing so I decided to give it a break for a while. 

Lizard: That is true sir Wolf Warrior it is summer after all

Dwarf: And speaking of which we were about to track down some food, you two can join us if you want to.

Elf: The more the merrier ladies?

Girl Priest: Sure that sounds great to me 

Guild Girl: I would love to as well 

Goblin Slayer: I think I will pass

Wolf Warrior: Oh no you don't, you are are going to eat with us like it or not.

Elf: Come on no need to be shy with us

Goblin Slayer: But I am not?

Wolf Warrior: Yes you I can see it

Elf: He's right you know just loosen up ok and it is just a meal. 

When trying to say something else Cow Girl came in and was greeted by everyone in the guild. 

Cow Girl: Sorry to keep you wait..........

Goblin Slayer: Hi.....

Wolf Warrior: Hows it going

Cow Girl: Oh are all of them in your party you two?

Wolf Warrior and Goblin Slayer: Yea

An hour later:

Elf: Geez if you two were waiting for someone you could of told us?

Wolf Warrior: You know how Slayer is must of slipped her mind am I right Slayer.

Goblin Slayer: Yea I guess?

Dwarf: Your the one who forced beard cutter and Wolf to come in the first place!

Elf: It isn't my fault they should have just said something. 

Wolf Warrior: Guys come on no arguing while we are having a great meal together. 

Elf and Dwarf: Sorry.....

Cow Girl: Are you guys sure it is ok for me to join?

Wolf Warrior: Of course it is, you are most welcome to join us. 

Goblin Slayer: Its fine 

Lizard: Help yourself young lady

Elf: Absolutely! 

Guild Girl: The more people you eat with the better the food taste

Wolf Warrior: True one that 

Cow Girl: Well than when you put that way I'll guess I will dig in!

Elf: Hey tell me something is that rumor about the hero defeating the demon lord could it really be true?

Wolf Warrior: I was wondering as well?

Guild Girl: Yes its official, we received word from the capital confirming the story the hero became the tenth platinum ranked adventurer in history. After all it is not easy defeating a demon lord. 

Wolf Warrior: I could relate it wasn't easy defeating Master Octomus in the final battle it took everyones strength to defeat him. 

Lizard: I agree with him gone we can all rest a lot more easier right now. 

Dwarf: Oh I also heard there is a celebration at the capital which means we should be celebrating ourselves. 

Guild Girl: Not to mention we have a Harvest Festival coming next week. 

Elf: That sound pretty fun don't you agree Wolf

Wolf Warrior: Indeed it does and it could be my first time going to a Harvest Festival.

Goblin Slayer: Really?

Wolf Warrior: Absolutely

Goblin Slayer: Maybe we  can go together just the two of us.(Slayer saids in thought) 

After having such a great meal with everyone including friends Wolf Warrior along with Goblin Slayer and Cow Girl headed back to the farm to enjoy their night while having a nice day with people they know. 

Cow Girl: That was fun I have to say your friends are such nice people.

Wolf Warrior: I am glad you like them 

Goblin Slayer: Are you sure?

Cow Girl: Well yeah don't you think so, because I know Wolf does. 

Goblin Slayer: I think they are skilled and I have a higher probability of killing goblins of them with them including Wolf as well. 

Wolf Warrior: Why thank you for saying so, oh by the way guild girl ask me to give you this, it is a letter from that water city of where you and I first met. 

Goblin Slayer: What it is? 

Wolf Warrior: Don't know? 

Time skip:

(Female letter)

Dear Goblin Slayer and Wolf Warrior, 

I hope you two are well, these are such uncertain times with danger lurking where we might least expected under normal circumstances I would have sent this much sooner to thank you for all you and Wolf Warrior have done but I told myself that after everything that had happened I shouldn't trouble you and I hope you can forgive me by some miracle ever since the night we spoke the goblins have stoped plaguing my dreams and life has been peaceful and more so that I found that Wolf Warrior destroyed the goblins home which was the green moon which made me very happy that someone with that much strength was able to defeat our enemy with such great enormous of power and magic to do so. If it wasn't for you and Wolf Warrior as well as your comrades I thank you from the bottom of my heart hopefully tranquility will reign now that the hero has defeated the demon lord and that Wolf Warrior destroyed the goblins home world but many of his armies still remain so we mustn't let our guard down yet even with that threat behind us I believe that world will always need adventured and such magnificent heroes like Wolf Warrior know that I will continue to pray for both your safeties blessing upon you the sword maiden and thank you Wolf Warrior for bringing like back into my heart you are a great and noble champion of our world as well as you miss Goblin Slayer. 

(Letter end)

It was night time now and Cow Girl along with her uncle were in bed sleeping while two heroes were still up and looking at the night sky under the blue moon and red moon above their heads. 

Goblin Slayer: It is quite beautiful to look at isn't it.(Slayer saids while looking at the blue moon)

Wolf Warrior: Yea it is not much as beautiful as you are my love. 

Goblin Slayer: Sigh....I am very happy that I have someone like you in my life that I can spend the rest of my life with don't you feel the same. 

Wolf Warrior: I do I always have and always will 

Goblin Slayer: Wolf I been thinking about something...

Wolf Warrior: What is it?

Goblin Slayer: The future

Wolf Warrior: Really what you thinking about in the future? 

Goblin Slayer: I am not sure yet but it will come to me when it is the time. 

Wolf Warrior: I know you will that why I love you with all my heart. 

Goblin Slayer: I love you too 

Wolf Warrior: Why don't you rest your head on my legs so you can relax a little

Goblin Slayer: Ok...(Slayer saids and puts her head on Wolfs legs and it felt relaxing) 

Wolf Warrior: How you feel

Goblin Slayer: Sigh....relaxed and calm 

Wolf Warrior: Thats good then

Goblin Slayer: Wolf......

Wolf Warrior: Yea?

Goblin Slayer: Thank you 

Wolf Warrior: For what?

Goblin Slayer: For being with me and helping my friends but mostly being so kind and gentle to me I am really appreciated.

Wolf Warrior: Your welcome my love

Goblin Slayer: Yawn!.........

Wolf Warrior: Tired

Goblin Slayer: Yea.....

Wolf Warrior: Come on lets head back inside and get some sleep 

Goblin Slayer: Alright.(Slayer saids as she gets up and walks back to the house while holding hands with Wolf) 

Wolf and Slayer headed back into the house to sleep and they enjoyed their good night rest but it will all change in the morning when they both find something that is shocking and horrifying when they do their patrol around the farm. 

Morning came and both Wolf Warrior and Goblin Slayer were doing their patrol around the farm like everyday to make sure no goblins were around. 

Goblin Slayer: Wolf! anything!

Wolf Warrior: All good over here!

Goblin Slayer: Alright I am going to check the fences again!

Wolf Warrior: Alright I'll check the other part!(Wolf saids as he moves through the grass to go where the other spot was to make sure there were no goblins)

Wolf Warrior: far so good I suppose I mean there hasn't been any signs of...............of...........(Wolf saids but came to a halt when he looks at something that brought him into complete shock) 


Goblin Slayer: Wolf whats going on!!

Wolf Warrior: See for yourself 

Goblin moves towards the front of the grass and when she looks down it felt her stomach fall to the ground and under her helmet was fear of what she is seeing in front of her.

Goblin Slayer: Oh my god...........

Wolf Warrior: Goblins........

Chapter 8 coming soon! 

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