Chapter 9: Goblin Lord and Goblin Slayer new armor part 3!

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After Goblin Slayer and Wolf Warrior told everyone about the goblins invasion and got their help to deal with them Goblin Slayer had her lover Wolf Warrior on the front lines with everyone else so that they will not be defenseless against the goblins, hobs including the champions that are attacking the farm while she decided to take down the Goblin Lord who is fleeing for his life after he found out that his horde is being taken down.

Goblin Lord: How could this have happened that horde is finished completely destroyed, I need to protect myself and stay alive I will go back to my nest reproduce with my prisoners and started it all over again. I may have failed this time but as long as I am alive there will be a next time and I will have my victory there is no way I can loose again!!!!(Lord saids in thought while running until a female voice was heard in front of him in which belong to Goblin Slayer)

Goblin Slayer: I know exactly whats going through your mind scum.(Slayer saids to the Goblin Lord who stops running and looks towards the front of him and sees Slayer with her glowing red eye staring right at the goblin in front of her)

Goblin Lord: Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Goblin Slayer: You fool that army was just a decoy and your nest has been destroyed!(Slayer saids while looking at the Goblin Lord who looks angrier by the minute for what Slayer said to it)

Admittedly both the Slayer and the lord stared at each other for a while now until the lord decided to charge at Goblin Slayer with its ax while Goblin Slayer starts blocking each attack the lord is making on her in which Slayer was holding her own thanks to her sword and shield as well as her training. Then when Goblin Slayer made a scratch on the lord it didn't do anything because of its tough armor in which the lord hit Goblin Slayer and knocked off a peace of her shield but then when lord saw that he was over powering her she ran towards the lord and threw grass in its face that blinded it and then Slayer stabbed the lord in the face in which came out blood spilling all over the lord face.

Goblin Slayer: Scum......(Slayer saids in thought then gets hit by the lord and goes flying towards the other side while the lord tries to stop the bleeding on its face)

Goblin Slayer: This fight is different from all the ones before?(Slayer saids in thought then readies her weapon to attack the lord again)

Meanwhile with the others and Wolf Warrior:

While on the farm everyone was taking care of the smaller goblins who are being taken down one by one all though some adventurers were lost thanks to the hobs and champions but other than that everyone was slaying so many goblins in which made Wolf Warrior very proud even he was taking down so many goblins even the hobs who didn't put up a fight due to Wolfs incredible strength and power.

Dwarf: Well looks like most of the goblin horde has been eliminated?

Elf: And good riddance but the thought of them getting organized and plotting to attack the town shifted a shiver down my spine.

Dwarf: Well if its any comfort we've come to learn much about the goblin in this short time all thanks to our brewing she la and our warrior.

Elf: Sorry but thats no comfort this is not the adventures life I signed on for.(Elf saids as she fires another arrow farther away from the farm house and it landed on a hobs arm next to Lizard)

Lizard: Hm?......thank you!(Lizard saids as he cuts the hob into slices and then dies from the attack)

Wolf Warrior: Nicely done my scaly friend!(Wolf saids as he is taking down the other hobs as well)

Lizard: Thank you sir Wolf Warrior how you holding up with the other hobs!

Wolf Warrior: I am about finished, now take this you ugly bastards! IN THE NAME OF HONOR BLAZING SWORD SLASH HEEEEEYYYAAAAAA!!!!!!(Wolf saids and uses sword slash on the hobs in which disintegrated them into dust)

Wolf Warrior: Check Mate!(Wolf saids as he taken down the rest of the hobs in which everyone saw and was amazed by Wolfs power)

Female Knight: Wow absolutely marvelous Wolf Warrior you eliminated them all with one attack that was impressive!

Wolf Warrior: Thank you M'lady but how are the other two doing?

Female Knight: You mean Heavy Warrior and Spearman their doing alright for now.(Female Knight saids as her and Wolf Warrior and everyone else is watching Heavy Warrior and Spearman fighting the champions)

Heavy Warrior is facing the champion on his own and while he is fighting the beast he finds out the champion is a competitive fighter and knows how to use a weapon.

Heavy Warrior: Be on guard he knows how to fight!(Heavy Warrior saids in thought while dodging the champions attack)

Female Knight: Heavy Warrior, I can draw him in and give you an opening then you take him down.(Female Knight saids to Heavy in which she steps forward to face the champion)

Heavy Warrior: Sounds good to me

Wolf Warrior: This should be good(Wolf saids while watching both Heavy and Knight take down the champion together)

Female Knight charges at the champion while blocking its attacks then Heavy Warrior charges in as well for the attack until he spots a smaller goblin from behind him and hits it so it doesn't get in his way then Female Knight cuts off the champions fingers and then Heavy Warrior saw the opening and sliced the champion in half leaving it to bleed to death after being stabbed in the gut and fallen to the ground.

Wolf Warrior: Hmm not bad my friends excellent team work right there very nice.

Heavy Warrior: Thank you Wolf Warrior and not bad taking down the hobs with the sword slash of yours very nice.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you

Female Knight: You do realize that you will be dead without my help right.(Female Knight saids to Heavy Warrior)

Heavy Warrior: Yeah so take his ugly head as a trophy

Female Knight: I have never gotten such a hideous reward before?

Heavy Warrior: Do you not want it?

Female Knight: No I suppose I will take it

Wolf Warrior: Or better yet you can give him a hug or smooch maybe that would be a better reward.(Wolf saids to the two who blush red after what Wolf said)

Heavy Warrior and Female Knight: WHAT?!! 😳

Wolf Warrior: Hehehe yea those two are perfect for each other(Wolf saids in thought then hears Spearman having some trouble with the other champion)

Wolf Warrior: Hey Spearman needs some help with that one!

Spearman: I am fine thank you!

Spearman while facing the second champion is dodging each attack that it is throwing at him while keeping up its guard because it too knows how to fight just like the first one in which Spearman took his time to make a move. Then when the champion throws its chain behind Spearman and misses, Spearman made his move and runs on the chain and than jumps into the air with his spear and stabs the champion in the head killing it in a instant.

Spearman: Take this you big green bastard!!!(Spearman saids as he kills the champion with his spear that was struck in the beasts head and fell to the ground)

Wolf Warrior: Nicely done my friend and nice move there running on the chain and going for right moment to strike very impressive.(Wolf saids and puts a hand on Spearman shoulder in which Spearman smiled for the compliment)

Spearman: I could say the same thing for you Wolf nicely done taking out all the hobs while we took down the big boys!

Wolf Warrior: Your most welcome..........Slayer I hope your doing alright.(Wolf saids and whispers while thinking about his lover who is facing the Goblin Lord)

Back with Goblin Slayer:

Goblin Slayer is still fighting the Goblin Lord while still holding her guard up but the Goblin Lord was starting to over power her with its strength and fighting style in which it kept on knocking Slayer on the ground and it started to hurt her.

Goblin Slayer: I....I... can't give up now......Wolf said never give up.......because thats not what being an adventurer does.....I have to keep on trying...(Slayer saids while trying to get up in which the Goblin Lord hit her again in which hit broke her sword and she went back towards the other side again)

The Goblin Lord saw that Goblin Slayer was starting to look tired in which it earned it a evil smile on its face that it knows that Goblin Slayer is not matched for it in which it started to walk towards her while holding it ax in its arms so that it can kill Goblin Slayer once she is still on the ground.

Goblin Slayer: Sigh....sigh.....I am already at my limit......I don't if I....huh?(Slayer saids to herself and sees something glowing in her pocket and pulls it out in which was the mystic morpher that Wolf Warrior gave her in which it started to call her)

Goblin Slayer: It is the morpher Wolf gave me it is glowing? Wait could that mean that when it is glowing it means that I am worthy of using it.(Slayer saids in thought and opens up the morpher with the numbers and sees the crystal part glowing again meaning that the morpher is now hers)


Wolf Warrior: To transform into the armor, you have to press the numbers 1983 on the morpher and then chant out the words Magical Source Mystic Force and you will become a mystic warrior just like me.

end of flashback

Goblin Slayer: Alright lets give it a try and see if it would help me take down this bastard once and for all.(Slayer saids as she gets up from the ground and looks towards the Goblin Lord who is ready to strike her down)

Goblin Lord: GRAAAAAAHHHH!!!!(Goblin Lord roars meaning he is going to end Goblin Slayer)

Goblin Slayer: Alright lets do this! MAGICAL SOURCE MYSTIC FORCE!!!!(Slayer saids as she press the buttons of the morpher and call out the words and then the next thing that happened was the entire forest began to glow red including Goblin Slayer in which blinded the Goblin Lord)

Meanwhile with the others and Wolf Warrior:

Elf: Well looks like all the goblins, hobs and champions are taken down and killed off.

Dwarf: Well thats is wonderful news to hear long ears

Adventurer: Hey whats that red glowing coming from the forest!(Adventurer saids while pointing at the glow coming from the forest in which everyone saw)

Elf: What is that?

Dwarf: I am not sure long ears?

Lizard: Is Miss Goblin Slayer using a magical squall to defeat Goblin Lord?

Witch: Hmm I don't think so?

Heavy Warrior: What do you suppose it is?

Female Knight: Beats me?

Spearman: Hmm?

Wolf Warrior: Your using the morpher well done my love now show that Goblin Lord what true power is all about.(Wolf saids in thought while thinking about Goblin Slayer)

Back with Goblin Slayer:

When Goblin Slayer took out the morpher and used it, it unleashed a powerful red glow in which blinded the Goblin Lord and when the glowing dyed down, Goblin Slayers armor changed along with her sword and shield in which became something far more powerful and stronger in which the Goblin Lord looked upon Goblin Slayer in shock of what happened to her in which she called out her new name and title that got the lord surprised.

Goblin Slayer: What is this.......I feel.... I feel amazing....and this armor and weapons are incredible and I can feel the magic running through my body is this how Wolf Warrior felt when he transformed into his armor.(Slayer saids in thought then looks towards the Goblin Lord who looks shock of seeing Slayer in her new armor and chants out her new name and title)

Goblin Slayer: FLAMES OF THE WARRIOR!!! I AM THE GOBLIN DESTROYER !!!(Goblin Destroyer saids and unleashes her new power in which the Goblin Lord never seen this power before)

(Edit done my me:95nicholasnm)

After Goblin Slayer now known as the Goblin Destroyer charges at the Goblin Lord with her new armor and weapons and attack on both sides with incredible speed and stealth in which the lord couldn't keep up with Destroyer in which she has never felt so amazing in her life and its all thanks to her lover the Wolf Warrior for giving her the strength she needs to finish the job once and for all. Once the Goblin Lord started to tire out due to Goblin Destroyers attacks from her new armor and weapons it started to get more angry and raised up it ax until a spell was heard from the forest in which the priest girl made her appearance and used her spell to trap the Goblin Lord in which it couldn't move a muscle.

Girl Priest : Hear me O merciful earth mother please protect us the weak with your Divine Light in the sacred power of nature grant us your protection!!!(Priest Girl saids and traps the Goblin Lord in a force field in which it can not escape or move)

Once the Goblin Lord was stuck in the force field and couldn't get out, the force field started to crush it and it started spit out lots of blood and over until it started to speak once again and begging for mercy.

Goblin Lord: No show me some mercy please I am sorry and I swear I will never do it again, I will go back into the forest and I will never hurt humans ever again!(Goblin Lord saids to Priest Girl while lying and begging for mercy to release him until Goblin Destroyer spoke)

Goblin Destroyer: Like hell were going to believe that, a Goblin Lord my ass. Your just a dammed Goblin just a disgusting little goblin and me I am the Goblin Destroyer!(Goblin Destroyer saids to the Goblin Lord and stabs it with her new sword in which it started to bleed to death and fall to the ground and die)

Goblin Destroyer: And that is one goblin head for me.


Goblin Slayer: I'll acted as bait use protection to render the lord in mobile.

Girl Priest: You sure that is going to work?

Goblin Slayer: Yes use two to trap him from the front and back actually you should use three and create a cage for him.

Girl Priest : So three times?

Goblin Slayer: Just in case

end of flashback

Girl Priest : Goblin Slayer are you alright?

Goblin Destroyer: Yea...(Destroyer saids and turns around to see the Priest and when she does the Priest looked upon Slayer in shock at the new armor she is wearing as well as the sword and shield)

Girl Priest : GOBLIN SLAYER IS THAT YOU?!!!!(Girl Priest saids in shock of seeing Goblin Slayer in her new armor)

Goblin Destroyer: Yea its me but in this armor I am known as the Goblin Destroyer.

Girl Priest: Where on earth did you get that kind of armor and weapon and shield?!

Goblin Destroyer: Wolf Warrior gave it to me as a gift

Girl Priest: He did but I didn't see him carry another set of armor with him?

Goblin Destroyer: Thats because he gave me a mystic morpher just like the one he has to change into his armor.(Destroyer saids and changes back into her normal self and shows GirlPriest the morpher)

Girl Priest: Well would you look at that, I guess he wanted you to have it since the armor you usually wear gets damage all the time.

Goblin Slayer: Yea

Girl Priest: Still you looked amazing in that new armor you should totally use it more offend.

Goblin Slayer: I probably will

Girl Priest: Come on lets head back with the others their probably finish taking care of the goblin horde as we speak.

Goblin Slayer: Ok..

The two headed back towards the others who finished killing all the goblins and hobs as well as the champions which means that the job is done and everything is back to normal for now while Goblin Slayer was thinking about what it felt like to be a mystic warrior for the first time.

Goblin Slayer: Wolf thank you for this I would have never defeated the Goblin Lord without truly are my warrior and the one I love.(Slayer saids in thought while looking at the morpher and thinking about her lover while her and Girl Priest made it out of the forest and saw everyone waiting for them)

Wolf Warrior: She actually out alive, I am proud of her.(Wolf saids in thought while seeing her lover alright and well as well as Girl Priest even her friends were happy that both of them were ok)

Goblin Slayer: Good to see that you are alright.(Slayer saids to her lover)

Wolf Warrior: Same to you and I saw the glow you used the morpher didn't you.

Goblin Slayer: Yea and it was amazing to be able to use one thank you.

Wolf Warrior: Your welcome now I think a friend of yours is waiting inside the house.

Goblin Slayer: Right

Goblin Slayer headed towards the farm and towards the house where he friend Cow Girl and her uncle were inside waiting for Slayer to come back alive until Cow Girl heard a knock on the door and went to answer it until she heard her friends voice.

Goblin Slayer: It is over...I am home

Cow Girl: Welcome back

Meanwhile on the other side of the world:

A group of three females were walking around a city while one of them was chanting around like a fan girl and that person was the hero who took down the demon lord and by her side were her companions who helped The Sage and The Sword Saint.

Hero: WHOO HOOO!!!!

Sage: Calm down your gonna trip and bust your head?

Hero: I took down the demon lord you know I think I can manage! Hurry up we don't want the festival to start without us do we.

Sage: I still don't understand why we have to get up and make the track so early in the morning.

Sword Saint: The evil sect is plotting something and it is up to us to stop it and even as early as we left we still have a ways to go before we get to the festival.

Sage: And speaking of evil things theres been a real problem around here lately with goblins.

Sword Saint: Are you serious? but those are the underlings aren't they.

Hero: Wow I can not believe you two are so naive goblins are pretty victorious and frightening creatures.

Sage: Is that so well I also heard that is a Goblin Slayer here? I guess they can take care of it.

Sword Saint: A Goblin Slayer huh?

Hero: Wait a minute I also heard rumors about a new hero in town, he calls himself Wolf Warrior Defender of Truth.

Sage: Oh I have heard about him it was said that he took down hundreds of goblins even a champion which also included a giant in which they said they he used armor that we never seen before and that he can merge together with a horse that he has and turn himself into a giant knight with such incredible power in which he killed the giant as well as destroyed the goblins home-world which was the green moon above us and created a new moon which is now the blue moon.

Sword Saint: Really I never heard of warrior like him before and if you said what is true I would like to meet this Wolf Warrior for myself if the rumors are true about him.

Hero: So your saying who those two are it is even possible for the festival to happened, how unfortunate would it be if the town were completely destroyed right after we save the world. And I too want to meet this Wolf Warrior as well and see this armor of his with my own eyes.

Back with the others:

Elf: We drink to the fallen to our victory and the lives the adventures guild protected today and of course we will raise our mugs to those two in which one whose been going on and on about goblins this whole time and for the other who has become a great ally to us and a dear friend who has shown us what it takes to become heroes and great adventures. Cheers!(Elf saids to everyone and saids to Wolf Warrior and Goblin Slayer)

Adventures: Cheers!!!

Admittedly everyone began to feast and drink until half of them started to past out from the wine their having while some of them fell asleep because of the long night they had killing the goblin horde as well as getting one gold coin each for killing the goblins in which Female Knight didn't like the idea for getting one gold coin. While with Goblin Slayer and Wolf Warrior both of them were sitting together while Girl Priest rested on Slayers shoulder and Slayer decided to give her the gold coin.

Wolf Warrior: Hehehe poor thing looks like she absolutely exhausted herself tonight she is very young and fragile so we better make sure she doesn't push herself too hard.

Goblin Slayer: Yeah your probably right

Wolf Warrior: Seems like your in a good mood my love is there any particular reason?

Goblin Slayer: No not really I feel the same as always?

Wolf Warrior: I don't think so I sensed a change in you in which I can detect a mile away.

Goblin Slayer: I guess your right and thank you...

Wolf Warrior: For what?

Goblin Slayer: For giving me hope and the courage to stand up for myself and faced my fears in which I am most appreciated by the way.

Wolf Warrior: I would do anything for the special woman I love with all my heart.(Wolf saids in which Slayer blushes under her helmet while smiles included)

Goblin Slayer: Hehehe you are such a charmer and I been thinking and I am still not quite sure.

Wolf Warrior: Go on?

Goblin Slayer: I am starting to get some clarity, I think I can see myself getting out more as an adventurer see some new places.

Wolf Warrior: I like that idea you have

Goblin Slayer: But I was wondering if I do that would you still be with me if I travel to new places.

Wolf Warrior: Of course I will and I did promise you that I will always be here for you and it doesn't matter where you go I will always follow you until the ends of the earth and beyond.(Wolf saids while holding Slayers hand meaning that what he saids he really means it in which Slayer smiles under helmet and blushes)

Goblin Slayer: Thank you Ryan.......

Wolf Warrior: Your welcome my love....

After Wolf Warrior said that Goblin Slayer decided to take off her helmet and look upon her lover with her own eyes in which Wolf smiled seeing Slayers face again but in public this time.

Wolf Warrior: No matter how many times I see your face I never get tired of it and those beautiful eyes of yours.

Goblin Slayer: I...I...thank you Wolf....

Wolf Warrior: Your welcome my Goblin Slayer(Wolf saids in which Slayer smiles and blushes then both hear Girl Priest waking up from her nap)

Girl Priest: Mmm.....what.....?

Wolf Warrior: Hey there sleepy how you doing

Girl Priest: Yawn!.....hey Wolf Warrior I am doing ok where is Goblin Slayer?

Goblin Slayer: Yes?(Slayer saids to Girl Priest in which she looks next to her and looks at Goblin Slayer in shock of how beautiful she looks and that she token off her helmet)

Girl Priest: G...Goblin Slayer?

Goblin Slayer: Hehehe yea

Girl Priest: OH MY GOSH GOBLIN SLAYER YOUR BEAUTIFUL!!!!(Girl Priest saids as Goblin Slayer blushes while Wolf Warrior smiles in agreeing until Elf saw and yelled)

Elf: Whoah!!! am I crazy or did Orcbolg just take her helmet all this time we spent together and she never willing to the for me!!!

Heavy Warrior: Wait what?!!!

Admittedly everyone heard it and started to go over and see Goblin Slayers face in person in which all of them were amazed of how beautiful she looked in which Wolf Warrior smiled and giggled at everyones reaction.

Lizard: I must admit you have such a beautiful face Miss Goblin Slayer.

Dwarf: Hmm well I have to say your beauty is quite striking indeed Beard-cutter.

Witch: As I suspected she a rather beautiful woman yes very nice.

Spearman: All I can think about is that I seen her somewhere before which pisses me off!

Wolf Warrior was watching everyone look at Goblin Slayers face for the first time in which he denied to share something with everyone him even the person he loves and see how they would react to what he is going to do.

Wolf Warrior: Hehehehe I am glad you guys are seeing her face for the first time.

Girl Priest: Wait you already seen her face already!

Wolf Warrior: Thats right and there is something I wanted to show you all in which prepare to be even more shocked then you already are.

Dwarf: And what would that be Wolf?

Wolf Warrior: M'lady should we show them so that they know.

Goblin Slayer: Heheheh come here(Slayer saids as she stands up and moves closer to Wolf and then when everyone was looking they both moved closer and then kissed each other on the lips leaving everyone stunned and jaws hitting the groundf as well as girls blushing)

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Everyone even Cow Girl: WHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT?!!!!!!!!

Guild Girl: Oh my..........(Guild Girl saids while blushing at the site)

Spearman: Why that lucky bastard!!!

Heavy Warrior: Wow that was unexpected?

Female Knight: I never knew they were thing?

Dwarf: My oh my looks like Wolf and Beard Cutter have been holding out on us.

Lizard: Oh young love never gets old

Girl Priest and Cow Girl and Elf: Since when did this happened?!!!

Wolf Warrior: Since the day we first met and we gotten to know each other a lot better in which I made a promise to be by her side and help her slay goblins.

Goblin Slayer: And that was the reason why I fell in love with you for always having my back and being there for me every step of the way.

Wolf Warrior: And I love you as well

Girl Priest and Cow Girl: AWWWWW!!!!

Elf: Hehehe well I wish you two the best luck in the world!

Lizard and Dwarf: Same for us!

Heavy Warrior: Congratulations my friend keep her safe

Female Knight: And treat her right

Spearman: Wolf my friend you are one lucky man to score a totally beautiful babe!

Wolf Warrior: Hehehe thank you everyone and I will promise to keep her safe.

Goblin Slayer: And I will do the same for you my Wolf Warrior 💋(Slayer saids and kisses Wolf on the cheek)

Everyone was congratulating Wolf Warrior and Goblin Slayer as a couple until Wolf Warrior saw a piano behind everyone and thought of an idea to make this day even more better.

Wolf Warrior: Hey Guild Girl is that a piano over by where everyone is sitting?

Guild Girl: Huh oh yes why do you ask?

Wolf Warrior: I think I know how to make this day even better and for you my love.

Goblin Slayer: Really...

Wolf Warrior: Yup come with me!(Wolf saids and takes Slayers hand to where the piano is with everyone looking to where they are going)

Then after word everyone began to gathered around to where Wolf Warrior was sitting on the piano with Goblin Slayer sitting on a chair next to him in which everyone figured out what Wolf Warrior is going to do next.

Elf: Wait is he going to sing a song for her!

Girl Priest: Oh my gosh that is so romantic!

Dwarf: Hmm I have to listen to this for myself

Lizard: I to as well I want to hear what Wolf Warrior sounds like.

Guild Girl: That is so sweet of him to sing a song for the woman he loves.

Cow Girl: I agree

Heavy Warrior: Hmm he never said that he could sing?

Female Knight: Well lets listen and find out

Spearman: I gotta hear this

Witch: Yes I to would like to hear the Warrior sing.

Wolf Warrior: Alright everyone I need you all to settle down now because this is a special song for a special woman who fell in love with and I will always be with her till end of time. This song is for you Goblin Slayer and it shows how much I care about you and how much I love you with all my heart.(Wolf saids in which Slayer started to cry tears of joy and happiness)

Goblin Slayer: 😢sniff...and I love you as well Wolf Warrior

Wolf Warrior: This song is called For You I Will

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Whoa-oh, yes

When you're feelin' lost in the night
When you feel your world just ain't right
Call on me, I will be waitin'
Count on me, I will be there
Anytime the times get too tough
Anytime your best ain't enough
I'll be the one to make it better
I'll be there to protect you
See you through
I'll be there and there is nothing I won't do

(Everyone including Goblin Slayer were stunned and amazed of how Wolf Warrior is playing the piano and singing magnificent in which all them were smiling which some of the girls were showing signs of tears for Wolfs beautiful voice even Slayer couldn't help but cry and smile at the same time)

I will cross the ocean for you
I will go and bring you the moon
I will be your hero, your strength
Anything you need
I will be the sun in your sky
I will light your way for all time
I promise you
For you I will (Yes)

I will shield your heart from the rain
I will let no harm come your way
Oh, these arms will be your shelter
No, these arms won't let you down
If there is a mountain to move
I will move that mountain for you
I'm here for you, I'm here forever
I will be your fortress, tall and strong
I'll keep you safe, I'll stand beside you, right or wrong

(Everyone started cheering for Wolf Warrior singing and music playing in which they all started to feel that special something deep down and it was love and compassion as well as courage for what Wolf Warrior has done for them even Goblin Slayer felt it and was happy to have someone like Wolf Warrior in her life)

I will cross the ocean for you (I will cross the ocean)
I will go and bring you the moon (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I will be your hero, your strength
Anything you need (And I will be)
I will be the sun in your sky (The sun)
I will light your way for all time
I promise you
For you I will (Yeah-yeah)

For you I will
Lay my life on the line
For you I will fight, oh
For you I will die
With every breath, with all my soul
I'll give my word, I'll give it all
Put your faith in me (Put your faith in me)
And I'll do anything, oh

I will cross the ocean for you (I will cross the ocean)
I will go and bring you the moon (Ocean)
I will be your hero your strength (Oh, I will be your hero)
Anything you need (I will be)
I will be the sun in your sky (Oh)
I will light your way for all time (Time)
I promise you (Promise you)
For you I will (I will, I will, I will)
I will cross the ocean for you (Ooh)
I will go and bring you the moon (I'll go across)
I will be your hero your strength (Yeah)
Anything you need (Let me be your hero)
I will be the sun in your sky (Baby, yeah, baby)
I will light your way for all times (Yeah)
I promise you (I promise you)
For you I will (I will)
I promise you (Promise)
For you I will (Whoa, oh)

(All the adventures including Wolfs and Slayers party were amazed by what Wolf Warrior sang and they all the girls showed signs of tears of happiness even Guild Girl and Cow Girl were crying tears of joy even Female Knight who has never heard such a beautiful singing voice while the men were proud of their friend for singing something for the person he loves)

I promise you
For you I, I will

Song ended

(Song by Monica/New version by Mark Michael Tan Garcia)

Admittedly Goblin Slayer got up from her seat and went over to the man she loves with tears of love and joy still in her eyes in which she sat next to Wolf Warrior and confessed her love for him once again.

Goblin Slayer: 😢sniff......Oh Wolf Warrior that was beautiful I loved it.

Wolf Warrior: I am happy you enjoyed it my love

Goblin Slayer: I love you my Wolf Warrior

Wolf Warrior: And I love you my Goblin Slayer

Both of them looked into each other eyes again and then kissed each other on the lips while everyone was cheering for them even for Wolfs incredible singing voice and so Wolf Warrior and Goblin Slayer will be together and fight for those who they care about and slay the one thing they hate the most and that is goblins.

Chapter 10 coming soon! And Squeal Somewhere in the Spring Time.

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