Ch 1: Titans Church battle

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Japan, Union Academy.

It been a few hours since Y/N Kassidy slaughter and now both teachers and students are in the auditorium to discuss what happened.

Ozpin: "What do you mean you can't revive Cardin!" He said looking at Sirzech and Michael.

Sirzech: "Whatever Y/N did it preventing us of reviving Cardin" he said.

Michael: "The only possibility is that Cardin soul was devour since souls are important of revival" he said.

Ironwood: "We lost a hunter. But Cardin can easily be replaced. However the lives of Atlas soldiers are not as they can't be replaced so easy" he said angry at the fact he lost soldiers.

Superman: "He's now a criminal for slaughtering lives just like his father" he said.

Tsunade: "Well it was your fault this happened as you sent him to prison" she said which many agree with her.

Ozpin: "doesn't matter who fault it is as we need to figure out what to do now that he a threat" he said.

Superman: "Thankfully he left a trail which pin point his location" he said showing everyone a map of where Y/N is at which is an abandoned church at Jump City.

Batman: "The teen titans can handle him especially since Jump City is their territory" he said.

Ironwood: "He must be captured as he could be useful for our war against the League of Darkness" he said.

Celestia: "Y/N Kassidy is not a weapon" she said angry.

Ozpin: "He is consider a threat if not properly trained" he said.

Ana: "He's a living being! Not a pet!" She said angry at how they view Y/N.

Superman: "He no longer a living being once he show his true self" he said.

Rias: "My peerage can handle him" she said which her peerage agree only for Bakugo to get in her face.

Bakugo: "F_ck no! We'll show this extra how much a weakling he still is!" He said looking at his team who look afraid but agree with him.

Aqualad: "We can handle this threat" he said looking at his team who agree with the exception of many females.

Ironwood: "Enough. Y/N Kassidy is considered a threat that need to be tamed. So captured him on sight" he said which enrage many people who are friends with Y/N.

However what they don't know is that they were spying by a female who is in the shadows.

???: "Mm~ Y/N Kassidy~ such a wonderful man to join" the mysterious woman said then vanish.

America, Jump City.

It wasn't long until the Teen Titans receive their mission which they head there but upon arriving they are shock to see so many dead bodies covering the church.

Beast boy: "this is f_ck up" he said.

Cyborg: "This _____ is f_ck up" he said.

An: Due to the fact I'm white I can't write the n word.

Robin: "Meh i see worst" he said.

An: yes this robin is Batman biological son.

Starfire: "Alright team remember that this foe is unlike anything we have face" she said then a chuckle caught everyone attention which they look only to see a bone throne in front of the alter.

But sitting on the throne is someone entirely new yet familiar.

Y/N: "Greetings Titans. I am Y/N Kassidy the God Carnage" he said smiling sinisterly that it cause the females to shiver.

Robin: "Y/N Kassidy. You are under arrest for the murder of Atlas soldiers, Cardin, and these people" he said pulling out his sword.

Y/N: "Ah you must meant these rapists, murderers, and criminals I kill" he said which surprised them that he confess so easily.

Terra: "What? But there shouldn't be so many criminals in Jump City" she said only for Y/N to laugh.

Y/N: "They were hiding in plain sight but course you heroes don't see that due to your no killing code" he said.

Beast boy: "doesn't matter as you will be going to prison for slaughtering people!" He said then morph into a rhino and attempt to attack.

Only to froze in place then blood came out of his eyes shocking his team.

Y/N: "You didn't expect me to easily be defeated did you?" He said smiling then Beast Boy pass out from blood lost.

Starfire: "Titans go!" She said then both herself and Raven use their powers to attack from range while Robin and Terra attack using melee.

However Y/N laugh as he morph into Carnage and easily block the attacks.

Suddenly Cyborg use a sonic cannon which done some damage but not a lot due to Y/N using blood to nullify the attack.

Cyborg: "Guys! Sound harm him but barely!" He said only to scream when Carnage rip his arm off.

Terra: "Cyborg!" She yell then create a earth barrier between Carnage and Cyborg however her barrier broke due to Carnage punching it.

Carnage: "Fools! You are only delay your fate!" He said then out of nowhere Robin throw multiple sonic bombs at him which done some more damage but not a lot.

Robin: "Damnit. He's healing himself everytime we hurt him" he said.

Starfire: "Robin! Cyborg! Together use your attacks!" She said which both males nod then use both sonic cannon and bombs at once which send Carnage into a wall.

Terra: "Did we get him?" She ask only for laugher to caught their attention.

They look and are surprised to see Carnage exiting the wall easily.

Carnage: "Not bad I actually felt that. But sadly playtime is over" he said then wings came out of his back.

Without hesitation the Titans attack him at once but a gust of winds destroy the attacks while blinding them for a short time.

Once their sight return they are surprised to see Carnage gone then they remember Beast Boy which they check and see he is recovering.

Starfire: "We got to report this" she said.

Watching the entire attack is a drone which is broadcasting to a secret room which Nick Fury is located.

Nick Fury: "You are a pro kid and perhaps what this world need to fight back against the corrupt justice" he said looking at a file: Ultimates Initiative.

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