Chapter 4: God, The Devil & Chloe

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In the beginning...

God created Heaven, Earth, and Hell. She managed and ruled over her creations for eons, but soon grew bored of it.

So with a plan in mind, God left Heaven and came to Earth...


"Detective, welcome to the party." Lucifer inducted, opting to ignore his mother's perplexing amusement over trivial matters and address the surprising appearance of a familiar face.

"Grab the bucket, collect the guns. Now!" Chloe ordered 2Vile's butler and he hurriedly did as told by grabbing an empty ice bucket and making rounds by collecting the firearms around the room.

"How do you do, detective Decker?" Charlotte greeted with a smile, "Looked over the details, I reckon."

"Yeah, something like that." Chloe replied, walking over to them, "I ran the dead guy's cell phone. 2Vile was the last person he called."

"Auspicious deduction method." Charlotte praised, earning a smirk from Chloe.

"You couldn't have warned me that she would be showing up?" Lucifer asked, looking to his mother.

"And ruin the surprise? Please." Charlotte denied with a shake of her head, "She's already spicing things up just by being here."

"Dampening my mood is more like it." Lucifer said and Chloe quirked an unamused eyebrow at him.

"That's why I'm here to brighten it for you." Charlotte expressed jovially.

"Yippee..." Lucifer drawled out sarcastically with an eye roll.

"Okay, quiet. The both of you." Chloe ordered, garnering their attention, "Let me start off simple and just ask how you two managed to get to 2Vile before me?"

Lucifer chuckled, "We've been quite the busy bees, my dear."

"Quite buzzy." Charlotte added whilst wiggling her eyebrows to enunciate the joke, but they just looked at her, Chloe amusingly perplexed and Lucifer unamused. She looked at Lucifer's expression and her smile dropped, "No?"

"No." Lucifer replied.

"Ok." Charlotte said with a nod.

Chloe sighed and looked at 2Vile, "Talk to me about Delilah."

"We've been over that one detective." Lucifer informed.

"And why you called the shooter two days before she was murdered." Chloe added.

"Fine. Yeah, I called Eddie 'cause he hooks me up sometimes. He met Delilah through me." 2Vile explained, "Whatever. Don't make me a killer, do it?"

"No, but it does make you a suspect." Chloe retorted.

"What, so everyone on Eddie's phone's a suspect?" 2Vile asked, "Are you joking? You gonna drag half of Hollywood downtown. Be like the Oscars or something."

"We should attend the Oscars." Charlotte suggested, looking at Lucifer.

"Why? It'll just be a ceremony celebrating sinners at the highest pedigree for how well they cover it up to the masses." Lucifer said uncaringly, "Frankly, I find it offensive that most haven't caught on to their façades."

"True, but consider how fun it would be to instill some supernatural shenaniganry to the whole formal façade?" Charlotte suggested.

Lucifer smirked, "Punishing the sinners are we, mother?"

"All in good faith, of course." Charlotte said to him with a smirk of her own.

"You two!" Chloe yelled, interrupting their conversation, "There's an investigation taking place. Can we please cut it with whatever plots and schemes you're conjuring up and focus?"

"Hey, wait a sec, aren't you that chick from that film?" One of 2Vile's goons asked.

"Hmm, what's this? What film?" Lucifer asked curiously.

"You used to be an actress or something, right?" The goon kept asking and Charlotte took notice of Chloe's discomfort to the topic.

"Yeah." Chloe replied although her tone was that of someone that didn't want to answer the line of questioning.

"That teen movie...I forgot what it's called." The goon said as he thought about it along with 2Vile.

"Of course." Lucifer let out, as he waved his finger at the uncomfortable detective finally recognizing Chloe and what film she was a part of, "Hot Tub High-"

"Hi, hello," Charlotte spoke up, interrupting Lucifer and gaining their attention, "Yes, thank you. Detective Decker, you questioned as to how we had found our way here, and I would love to inform you that we had done so through less than legal means. Overall trespassing, a bit of a life threatening interrogation towards Mr. 2Vile added to the mix as well."

"Wait, what?" Chloe asked, surprised by the confession.

"What I'm trying to say is, we were quite naughty today." Charlotte stated with a smile, raising both her hands up in front of Chloe, "So, please cuff me, Chloe Decker."


"So, let me get this straight. The two of you have interfered with a police investigation, broke I can't even count how many laws, and you've managed to egregiously piss me off." Chloe recounted as she stood outside of 2Vile's house with Charlotte and Lucifer standing before her in handcuffs.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Angering you was not my intention." Charlotte apologized.

"Should've thought about that before admitting to our illegalities, mother." Lucifer retorted.

"At that moment, I was helping." Charlotte responded.

"Clearly not, seeing as we are in handcuffs right now!" Lucifer yelled.

"My help was not for our benefit." Charlotte said with a shrug, and Chloe took a glance at Charlotte, noting her admission.

"Right, I'm getting out of these without your help, thank you." Lucifer said to her.

"You're gonna somehow manage to get my handcuffs off of you?" Chloe asked and Lucifer nodded to which Chloe scoffed at, "Funny."

Lucifer simply took his hands from behind his back and raised his right hand which held the swinging and unlocked cuffs that were restraining him seconds before. Chloe stared at the handcuffs dumbfounded and she grabbed them, narrowing her eyes at Lucifer.

"How'd you do that?" Chloe asked.

"Same way my mother can." Lucifer informed, the both of them turning to Charlotte, "Any day now, you divine codger."

"Hmm? Oh, right." Charlotte said with a smile as she brought her arms forward and handed the neatly placed cuffs to Chloe, "Apologies for this as well, I suppose."

Chloe blinked in surprise as she took those cuffs as well, looking between the two of them with a look of utter befuddlement.

"The longer I'm around you two, the longer I'm convinced the both of you are con artists." Chloe stated.

"Come on, we're wasting time. We should be out there solving a homicide and punishing those responsible." Lucifer stated impatiently.

"I agree. The longer the case runs, the colder it gets." Charlotte said with a nod, "We must strike while the iron is hot!"

"Nice, got any more raving idioms?" Lucifer asked sarcastically.

"A lot more." Charlotte said with an excited smile, "They're quite fun."

Chloe couldn't help, but garner a smile of delight at seeing Charlotte seem to be elated at using an idiom. It felt as if the happier Charlotte was, the better she personally felt. It was weird that this was happening, but it was actually really nice as well.

'Cute...' The thought ran through Chloe's mind and she widened her eyes and steeled herself to subside such a way of thinking and focus on the fact that the two beings in front of her were majorly disregarding any and all laws as well as admonishing her authority as a police detective.

"All right, that's it. I'm taking you both in. Get in the car." Chloe stated, grabbing onto Charlotte's arm which caused her to let out shuddered breaths at the tingles the contact felt.

Charlotte gently took ahold of Chloe's hand, sending sparks through her as Charlotte gave her a gentle smile that completely melted Chloe.

"Problem, Chloe?" Charlotte asked.

Chloe cleared her throat as she tried her best to subsided the rapid beating in her chest, "P-Please, just get in the car..."

"Not one to interrupt...whatever this is, but the sun's getting real low, and to that killer I desire to strike the final blow. Shall we move this investigation along?" Lucifer asked.

"My little Lucy is right, there is a case to be closed, and fortunately enough you will have our help in solving it, Detective Decker." Charlotte said with a smile, letting go of her hand and Chloe clenched it, finding herself missing the touch.

Chloe let out a breath and regained her composure, looking at the two of them with her look of professionalism returned.

"How could the two of you possibly help me with this case?" Chloe asked.

"Would you like to go first, or should I?" Lucifer asked, looking at Charlotte.

"Did you even have to ask?" Charlotte asked with a smirk and a raised brow.

"Formalities, of course." Lucifer said with a chuckle as he looked at Chloe, "Well, detective, I have a certain skill set. I can be very persuasive with people and tend to see things that others cannot."

"So, you're psychic or something?" Chloe asked.

"No, I can't read people's minds. I'm not a Jedi." Lucifer said amusedly.

"He's more fit to be a Sith accounting his past and present transgressions." Charlotte said.

"The fun side." Lucifer said with a smirk.

"Dark side." Chloe corrected.

"That's what I said." Lucifer said with a nod.

"Okay," Chloe said, looking at Charlotte, "And I'm guessing you have a special skill set too? What can you do?"

"It would be easier to list the things I can't do rather than what I can." Charlotte informed, and Chloe nodded waiting to hear it although Charlotte just remained silent.

"You gonna list them or...?" Chloe asked.

"There's honestly nothing to list." Charlotte stated.

"Right, I'm supposed to believe you can do anything." Chloe said in an unbelieving tone.

"Anything and everything, so sayeth I." Charlotte stated.

"You're very full of yourself, y'know that?" Chloe asked, finding Charlotte's ambiguous responses to just be an exhibition of her cockiness.

Charlotte just smiled in response, "The case?"

"Hmm, yeah, sorry guys, but the fact that one of you is apparently a Sith Lord and the other deluded herself into thinking she's freaking Superwoman didn't really convince me on why I shouldn't just take you downtown for resisting arrest." Chloe told them.

"Okay, how about the fact that we know things that you don't know." Lucifer stated.

"Like what?" Chloe asked.

"Eternity, infinity, the meaning of life and death-" Charlotte began listing, but Lucifer cut her off before she could go on a tirade.

"Regarding the case. Things she doesn't know regarding the case." Lucifer emphasized.

"Oh." Charlotte said with a smile and nodded, "That too."

"And we will not be revealing those things unless you tag us along." Lucifer proposed.

Chloe sighed, looking between the two of them, "Why do you two care so much about this?"

Lucifer seemed to be at a loss for words as he thought of a reply to her question, but they just seemed lost on him and the reason he cared was unexplainable to him.

"It's important." Charlotte replied and they looked at her, "We are who we are because we do care, and that makes it important."

Chloe heeded her words and looked between the two of them, shaking her head and knowing she might regret her decision.

"Okay, fine, but if this little clue thing the two of you have doesn't pan out," Chloe said to them as she showcased her handcuffs, "These are going back on and they're staying on."

"Don't threaten me with a good time." Charlotte said in amusement and Lucifer let out a chuckle.

Chloe smirked at her, but quickly covered it up with a look of indignation as she opened the back seat door of the car, directing them towards it.


"Yeah, therapist in Beverly Hills with the first name Linda." Chloe reiterated on a call as she drove through the city with Charlotte and Lucifer sitting in the backseat, "See if Delilah was a client."

"Ah-ah, actually, she had a pseudonym, which I also happen to know. I'm quite good at this, aren't I?" Lucifer asked with a cheeky smile as Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Penny Lane. The name used when she sought out the prophet out was Penny Lane." Charlotte informed, staring out the window idly.

"Prophet?" Lucifer asked in confusion.

Charlotte blinked and turned to him with a smile, "Sorry, my mistake. Therapist."

"Okay..." Chloe muttered, confused by her term of phrasing, but Lucifer just brushed it off as his mother still using Bible terms in her vocabulary, "Delilah may have gone by Penny Lane. Thanks."

As Chloe ended the call, a silence hung throughout the car with Lucifer smiling smugly while Charlotte just enjoyed viewing the sights the car drove past. Chloe glanced at the rear view mirror and spotted Lucifer's smug expression, causing her to narrow her eyes at him and his antics.

"Thanks for telling me Delilah's pseudonym, Charlotte." Chloe praised, causing Lucifer to quirk an eyebrow up in surprise.

"You're quite welcome, Detective Decker. Whatever helps steer the boat as they say." Charlotte said with a smile.

"Wha-what about me, detective?" Lucifer questioned.

"Oh yeah, thanks for letting me know that you know things, Lucifer. I wouldn't have guessed." Chloe said with a smile that grew deviously as she watched his smug expression turn sour from the rear view mirror, and the angelic sounds of Charlotte's giggle made her satisfaction of one-upping him feel all the more better.

"Well, it's not really fair if my competitor knows everything, detective. I'd like to revel in what little victories I can manage around her, that's all." Lucifer expressed.

"It's not a competition, my son." Charlotte told him.

"Ah, yes, it's never a competition. Even when every single one of us fought and clawed for an inkling of your attention." Lucifer said with a hint of disdain in his tone.

"Samael, I have given you the same amount of love and affection that you have needed and wanted, same for the rest of your siblings." Charlotte argued calmly.

"Did you now? Sorry if I hadn't felt that love and affection before and after my banishment!" Lucifer exclaimed.

"Your banishment was of your own doing, Samael. You destroyed everything." Charlotte stated.

"Well, maybe I had a reason to do so, mother! Maybe there was a method to my madness!" Lucifer yelled.

"What could you possibly have wanted from all of that chaos?" Charlotte asked.

"I don't know, all-knowing one! Figure it out!" Lucifer shouted, turning away from her to stare out the window in frustration.

Charlotte sighed and stared out her side of the window as well with Chloe doing her best to stay out the crossfire of their frankly confusing argument by just keeping her eyes on the road.

"...At least we're headed towards a therapist today." Chloe muttered.

"Heard that." Charlotte let her know.

"You're not funny." Lucifer told her.

Chloe's line started to ring once again and she answered the call, "Detective Decker...all right, text it to me. Thanks."

"Right again, I suppose?" Lucifer enquired.

"Charlotte info stands up. There's a Penny Lane who sees a Dr. Linda Martin in Beverly Hills." Chloe confirmed.

"Therapy will honestly do you some good, Lucifer." Charlotte told him.

"You're one to talk-" Lucifer was about to retort, but Chloe interrupted him.

"It would honestly do you both some good. How about that, yeah?" Chloe suggested.

"Doubtful." Charlotte responded.

"Preposterous." Lucifer admonished.

"Good Lord, talking to you two feels like I'm stuck between ying and yang." Chloe said with an eye roll, "Come to think of it, why does it seem like you only ever agree when you feel like I'm in the wrong?"

"Because you are." Lucifer replied.

"It's not your fault you're misinformed on the scale of our familial matters, Detective Decker." Charlotte expressed.

"Absolutely." Lucifer agreed with a nod and he pointed at Charlotte, "It's clearly hers."

Charlotte snapped her head towards Lucifer's finger and bit at it to which he quickly recoiled at.

"Alright, stop it you two! Stop it! I will stop this car, right now!" Chloe exclaimed.

"He/She started it!" Both Lucifer and Charlotte yelled.

"Yeah, well, I'm freaking ending it-," Chloe was about to yell, but another call came, interrupting her, "Hold on...Hello...what? You're kidding me. Is she okay?"

Lucifer glanced at his mother confusedly and she just smiled at the upcoming prospects resulting in the call.

"...Oh, of course he's not there. Thanks." Chloe said as she ended the call, "We got to make a pit stop."

"What? No, absolutely not." Lucifer objected.

"My kid got into fight. I got to pick her up." Chloe informed.

"Oh, joy! I love children!" Charlotte expressed with an excited smile.

Lucifer looked at his mother in utter befuddlement and he quickly snapped his head to look at Chloe as he aggressively pointed at his mother.

"Put her on a list!" Lucifer exclaimed.

Chloe shook her head at their antics and changed lanes, swerving the car to a new direction.


With the school day coming to an end, many children were running out of their school and to the large school bus awaiting them. Some were being taken home by their parents and some just hung around the front of the school with a few teachers supervising them.

Chloe's car slowed down as it reached the building and came to a halt once she parked on the side of the road across from the school.

"All right." Chloe stated as she unbuckled her seatbelt and switched off the car, looking at the two celestials through her rearview mirror, "Wait here."

"With pleasure." Lucifer said with no resistance, he detested children after all.

"But, but, the children, Detective Decker! Must we really stay away from such beautiful creatures?" Charlotte asked in a saddened tone.

"Considering how unpredictable the two of you are? Yeah!" Chloe said with a nod, but made the mistake of turning to face her and to only be met by the adorable sight of Charlotte pouting at her 'Oh, you've gotta be kidding me...'

"Please, detective." Charlotte asked, pulling out the puppy dog eyes.

"I know what you're doing and- and- s-stop it!" Chloe told her, finding it incredibly hard not to concede to her whims, "Just, wait here!"

Chloe rushed out of the car before she would relent and rushed into the school. Charlotte sat back in her chair with folder arms as Lucifer chuckled.

"She actually resisted you. Losing your touch, mother?" Lucifer asked with an amused smirk.

"Quite the opposite actually. I was holding back any form of compulsion my being would radiate, even more so now." Charlotte told him, "I have been doing so ever since I set foot on the planet again. If I wasn't then..."

"All of humanity would tear each other apart just to be in the same room as you." Lucifer stated and Charlotte nodded.

"Unfortunately my aura leaks out more often than not." Charlotte said with a sigh.

"If you're trying to remain undesirable to your creations, maybe you shouldn't have chosen a form that held that many qualities of desire." Lucifer said, referring to her human form at the moment, "I truly wonder what possessed you to look like that."

"I found it cute." Charlotte simply responded with a shrug as she looked at the school, "Shall we?"

"The detective gave us clear instructions to wait here, mother." Lucifer told her.

"And we did, for 3 minutes and 27 seconds to be exact." Charlotte stated as she opened the door, "Now we go see the children."

"Wait, mother-" Lucifer tried to say, but she was already out of the car and running to the school, happily greeting and hugging any kids that would let her on the way. He sighed as he stepped out of the car and regrettably trudged after her, "I should honestly invest in a leash for that woman."

Charlotte entered the school, smiling and giggling excitedly at the sight of so many wondrous little creatures around her. Humanity had many downs, but it also had quite a few ups and a prominent pick would be the innocence and purity children possessed.

She gasped and waved at a child that was awestricken by the sight of her, "Hello, little one!"

The child smiled and waved back at her before running off to a classroom.

Charlotte continued to look at all the smiling faces, but paused when she came across one child that sat on a bench with a disheartened expression.

"Oh, no, no, no, this shall not be." Charlotte said as she walked over to the child and sat next to her with a concerned expression, "Why is a face of such beauty staining it with such a look of discontent?"

"Huh?" The little girl said as she perked up and looked at Charlotte in surprise, "Are you talking to me?"

The little girl was quite adorable for her age with brown hair that was cut to be shoulder length, medium fair skin, black eyes and her front teeth were still coming in with her growth. She wore a white jacket with a teal shirt underneath, dark blue jeans and white sneakers. This was the daughter to Chloe Decker, Trixie Espinoza.

"Of course, little one. What reason is there to be sad on such a fantastic day?" Charlotte asked her.

"What's so fantastic about it?" Trixie asked, not finding anything particularly exciting about today.

"We all have our reasons as to why the day is fantastic. I, for one, find it fantastic because I have the honor of meeting you." Charlotte told her, giving her a soft and delicate boop on the nose.

Trixie giggled at Charlotte's actions, "You're funny."

"And you have one of the sweetest smiles I've ever come across." Charlotte said to her, causing Trixie to smile again albeit shyly this time around, "It should honestly be a crime to have you smother it with that frown you sported beforehand."

"Really?" Trixie asked.

"Really." Charlotte responded.

"You're a really nice lady." Trixie said to her with a smile and Charlotte waved the compliment off with a chuckle, "What's your name?"

"I am Charlotte Morningstar, little one." Charlotte told her, "And you are?"

"My name's Beatrice, but everyone calls me Trixie." Trixie told her.

"Does everyone assume you're a hooker?" Lucifer asked, walking up to them.

"What's a hooker?" Trixie asked confusedly.

"Lucifer!" Charlotte admonished and he shrugged uncaringly, "Ignore him, Trixie. It is a sweet name befitting a sweet girl like you."

"Yeah, well, I wasn't really as sweet as you think today." Trixie said with a sigh.

"Do tell." Charlotte urged, even if she had already known about the situation at hand for more than a millennium.

"See that girl over there?" Trixie asked as she pointed to a girl sitting on another bench across the hall from them, "She was bullying me. She created a fake Snapchat account and used it to make fun of me. So... I kicked her in the no-no-touch-touch square."

"The what?" Lucifer asked in confusion, and Trixie gestured to Charlotte's groin, and he started to understand clearer, "Oh. Oh, I see. Well played."

"Now, Trixie, I must tell you that there are much better ways to resolve conflict than resorting to violence." Charlotte told her and Trixie nodded as she looked down at her lap.

"Come now, mother. She was being attacked and had to get her point across somehow." Lucifer said with a smirk.

"I wasn't finished." Charlotte said as she looked at Trixie, "I do not condone violence, and I understand your plight, Trixie. That is why I'm telling you now that words are a much more powerful weapon if you use them correctly."

"You think talking to her is going to get her to stop bullying me better than kicking her?" Trixie asked with a raised brow.

"I know it will. Just repeat after me..." Charlotte said as she leaned in and started whispering to Trixie's ear.

Lucifer watched in confusion as Trixie nodded along to the whispers, eyes widening every now and then at the words she was hearing.

"Now?" Trixie asked once Charlotte was done whispering to her and the godly being nodded.

Trixie stood up and approached the girl with Charlotte following behind her, Lucifer doing the same to satiate his curiosity.

"Becca." Trixie said, gaining the girl's attention.

"What do you want, frog face?" Becca asked with a disgruntled sneer.

"I just wanted to say..." Trixie paused as she looked at Charlotte who nodded at her, and she looked back at Becca, "I just wanted to say that I understand why you started bullying me and I forgive you. It must be hard to come from a trailer park with a mom that barely gives you attention and a drunkard of a dad that's never home. Just know that it's going to be okay even though your parents are going to divorce from all the cheating your dad is doing and all the half-brothers and sisters you don't know about. You'll grow up to be a miserable person and you'll inherit the motorhome you call a house because your mom is eventually going to run off and you'll end up in the system until you find out she died from dad that'll come back into your life to leech off of the little money you have when you're 35, broke, alone, and most likely drug addicted. It's all going to be okay because even though your life sucks, and is going to suck even harder and you took it out on me to feel better, my life is just going to get better and I can always smile the sweetest smile because I know my life will never be as bad as yours."

Becca started to cry and Trixie smile widely whilst high fiving Charlotte. Lucifer looked at his mother and Trixie with a guffawed expression, holding in a laugh as Becca wailed in front of them.

"Did you really tell her to say all those things, mother?" Lucifer asked in surprise.

"I merely allowed Trixie to relay Becca's future in its entirety." Charlotte said with a smile, "Trust me, she heard what she needed to hear for it to change for the better."

"And here I thought you were stooping to my level." Lucifer said with an eye roll, earning a wink from his mother.

Chloe exited the administrator's office and her eyes immediately snapped to the crying girl in surprise. She looked at Charlotte, Lucifer and Trixie, looking mainly at the mother and son with narrowed eyes.

"What did you do?" Chloe asked.

Charlotte and Lucifer looked at each other as Trixie giggled, gaining their attention.

"We used our words, mommy." Trixie stated proudly.

Chloe blinked as she looked at her daughter in confusion then looked at both Charlotte and Lucifer who smiled innocently at her.

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