People and Machines

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The scouts are lightweight armor but the armor plates are 89mm thick and resist corrosion. They're equip with assault rifle, a pistol, combat knife, and smoke grenades in case anything tries to threat them while they're scouting. The each team have six scouts. Two teams will be sent out and they will be switch with another two team once every 6 weeks.

City Outlookers  

They patrol on the walls to see any strange movements or an airship to alert the city allowing the citizens to hide within their homes from danger, if they're are in danger the citizens must stay inside their home with cautions in case it is an ambush. They're equip with high caliber rifles and any secondary weapon to their choice, along with with or without combat armor. Each wall has eight people and each tower has four people. Switch another teams once every 3 months.


They patrol the streets in case any criminal activities were to go off. They're equip with short-medium range rifles with stun bullets or tranquilizers to subdue the target, but if the target uses a hostage, the one of the City Outlookers will be needed kill the target. Each team has six people.

Tesla's Personal Guards/Secret Officers

Whenever people see them, they go pale. No one wants to mess with them, they are heavy armored and armed with the strongest weapons that makes Atlas's military look like an bug.

They are Tesla's guards and they were created by Tesla himself to give him security that has ever existed to god. They perform secret duties that no one knows what it is until it happens. Including taking out enemies of the city before any chaos happens. Whatever the scouts reports anything, they will take care of it. There is thirty.

As Tesla's guards they have the strongest weapons, they have any melee and the same gun designs. These weapons can kill a Grimm in a instant but the life that is on their island that has strange creature are much more of a challenge than Grimm. Tesla can give them a day off but they deny it.


Bullet Type-
High Explosive
Armor Piercing
Hollow Point 
Rubber (In case to get rid of the opponent or target's weapon)

Tesla and Cities Assistance

They are called Assistance because if someone is needing assistance, they will help the person or group with any problem or situation. They have the mind of their own and without anyone telling them what to do. Also having a high security system that is anyone were to hack in them will be sent out their location to the Secret Officers or Officers without the person knowing.


Fort Juggernaut 

Fort Juggernaut is a large machine that can have supplies and peoples inside the chambers for long term trips. This is not used by the scouts because this would too expensive to make for each scout team. There are cannons located in front, middle, and back for any threat to the train, supplies, or people inside.


This a eight seats for the scouts team. This is a heavy armored amphibious vehicle that can terrain almost any obstacles and can go underwater. This is resisted to lightning, explosives, and any temperature. 

In a cold frozen area, the inside will be heat when scouts are gone. 
In a hot area, the inside will cool down when scouts are gone.

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