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It was a cold day, despite the sun shining over the area. An area filled with white trees and red grass. A man that stood in front of one of these trees, wielding an axe that hoist on his back. This man was massive, build strongly, a beard to show his wise and experience, a red mark drawn across his body, hut his skin...his skin looked pale. Like paler than the snow itself. His massive forearms covered in bandages with visible marks of chains be seen.

It was the former God of War from Greece.

Kratos. The Ghost of Sparta.

After enacting his revenge on the Gods of Olympus for the pain he went through, Kratos sacrificed himself by stabbing the Blade of Olympus into his body to release Hope throughout Greece. However, he didn't die as he made his way to Midgard, in Norse Mythology.

There, after hiding from the Gods of this Realm, he met a strong woman named Faye, and fell in love. However, Kratos was afraid as he didn't want to experience the same tragedy that made his lose his first wife and daughter at the hands of Ares.

Soon, Kratos and Faye gave birth to two children. Two boys. Kratos was a bit distant with his children as he doesn't want his anger affect them, though with the help of Faye, he's closer to his boys.

And now, Kratos stood in front of the tree kneeling towards it as a visible handprint is seen on the bottom. He places his hand on the print giving a solemn look before getting back up. He brings his axe up and cuts into the tree.

He does it some more before bellowing a mighty yell and chops the tree down. The big tree falls down as Kratos sighs before going to pick it up. Suddenly, his bandages unwrapped themselves, exposing his wounds.

He looks at it before making a deep sigh, remembering his past as he rewraps the bandages. Then, a little boy appears as he has a small branch in hand.

Boy: A found some.

It was Atreus. Kratos and Faye's youngest child at 10 years old.

Kratos quickly turns away as he didn't want the Boy to see his wounds. Soon, he finished rewrapping his bandages as he spoke.

Kratos: Get in the boat, boy.

The Boy nods as he heads to the nearby lake as Kratos picks up the tree and sets it on his shoulder. As they reach to the small dock, the Boy spoke.

Atreus: Still want me to tie it to the boat?

Kratos said nothing as he sets the trunk on the water before pulling out a hook with a rope. He tosses the rope to the Boy as he ties it to the boat.

Kratos: That is enough.

They got into the boat as Kratos pulls out the paddle and they begin their journey back home on the lake. As they travel through the water and under a cave, the boy spoke.

Atreus: Father?

Kratos: What?

Atreus: Did something change? The forest feels different now.

Kratos: Everything is different, boy. Try not to dwell on it.

Atreus: Yes, sir.

They arrive at another dock as they stopped the boat. The boy unties the rope while Kratos pulls the trunk off the water, unhooks it and sets it on his shoulder again. Soon, both he and the boy walk across a pathway before reaching their home. As they did, they see a young man setting some logs up before he stopped and looks at them.

It was Gunnarr. Kratos and Faye's oldest son at 16 years old.

Gunnarr: You found the last?

Kratos said nothing as he sets the log down. Gunnarr steps back as he watches his father do his work.

Kratos: I'll do the rest, Lad. Both of you, go see her.

The boys nod as they head to their house while Kratos chops the trunk into pieces.

Gunnarr: You okay?

Atreus: ...Yeah.

Gunnarr looks at his little brother before placing his hand on his shoulder and giving a comforting grip. Soon, they gave a deep sigh as they open the door, revealing a nice looking interior, but with a body wrapped in fabric on the table.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It was Faye. Their mother. She had passed away not too long ago. They're setting a funeral for her and the logs were to be used to cremated her.

Both brothers entered the house as they approach their fallen mother. Gunnarr pulls out a lit candle and starts to light the ones around his mother's body as boy gave a prayer.

Atreus: Lo, there do I see our Mother. Lo, is there do I see our Father.

Both: Lo, there do they call to me.

After Gunnarr was done, Atreus pullouts the branch and lays the leaves on Faye's body.

Both: Lo, there do they call to me.

Soon, the lean over, hands together, pressing against their mother as they put their heads together to give a prayer.

Both: Lo, there do they call to me...Lo, there do they call to me...Lo, there do they call to me.

Soon, they feel the wind blowing behind them as they turn and see their father in the Cold Darkness, as he slowly enters the warm light that they stood along with their mother. Both got up as Atreus sniffed and wiped a tear from his eye.

Gunnarr: She's ready.

They leave to the pyre as Kratos stood in front of his fallen wife in a solemn, but sadden look. He then leans over to pick her up, but not before whispering something to her.

Kratos: Find your way home. You are free.

He picks her up and carries her out. All the while, a song is played inside his mind and to those who watch at home.

Faye: Fylg minni leið
Þig til sannleikans ber
Æskulok þín
Eini harmur minn er

Kratos carries Faye to the wood as their sons look on, Gunnarr holding Atreus close to him to comfort him while trying to hide his own sadness. Kratos lays her down as he uses the axe and a rock to start the fire.

Faye: Rými honum ljá
Brotinn andi hans er
Síðar munt sjá
Að hann treysta mun þér

The fire goes on, setting the wood on fire as it begins to cremate the body of Faye. Kratos and his sons look on as the boys walked closer to be there for there father, and with their mother for a final time in the physical world.

Soon, Atreus sees a blade burning on top of his mother as he goes to grab it.

Gunnarr: Little brother, don't-

The boy grabs it and it burns his hand. He drops the blade as he grunts from the burn in his hand. He then looks up at his father and brother who kneels over to help him.

Atreus: I'm sorry.

Gunnarr grabs a pile of snow and as Atreus open his hand. He places the snow on his palm to help ease the burn.

Gunnarr: Squeeze.

Soon, Kratos removes some of his bandages and wraps around Atreus's hand. He then picks up the small blade that became cold with the snow and passes it to his youngest son.

Kratos: This knife... It was hers. Now it is yours.

Atreus looks at it, and with the persuasion from Gunnarr, grabs it. He looks at it, feeling honored to carry his mother's blade as Gunnarr have a proud smile. Both got up as Kratos spoke.

Kratos: She taught you two to hunt?

Gunnarr: What she knew.

Kratos: Show me.

Atreus: Now?

Kratos: Now.

Both nod as the went inside the house while Kratos watches his wife slowly turn into ash. Soon, they come out as Boy carries a bag of arrows with a boy while Lad carries a sword that his father gifted to him last year as it hoists on his back.

The sword was forged with materials from his father's homeland, laced with with Gold plating with the help of his mother. She once told him it was made by the Dwarfs who made her Axe. They call it:

The Blade of Baldr.

Atreus: What're we hunting?

Kratos: You are hunting deer.

Atreus: Which way?

Kratos: In the direction of deer.

Both boys look at each other in confusion before shrugging.

Atreus: Okay.

Gunnarr: Come on. Let's see if there's deer nearby, baby boy.

Atreus: I asked you to not call me that.

Gunnarr: And i gave a half promise not to.

The run off as Kratos one more stare at the cremation before following his boys.

Atreus: Father... why are we doing this now?

Kratos: I need to know you can survive the journey.

Gunnarr: Then we leave for the mountain?

Kratos: Depends on you two. Hunt.

They continue walking before they stopped as they see tracks.

Kratos: What did you find?

Atreus: Tracks. Not deer though. We'll keep looking.

They continue their way before Kratos yells for them.

Kratos: Boys. You miss these.

They arrive as they kneel over the tracks.

Gunnarr:'s close but not deer.

Atreus: Yeah. See? Tips are too wide. Mountain goat?

Gunnarr: Could be.

Kratos: Your mother taught you both well.

They nod while they leave. They climb up some stairs before seeing more tracks on the snow.

Kratos: More tracks?

Atreus: Yeah. But they're too round. Could be a wild boar.

Kratos: Good.

They reach up before stopping as they see the bridge was broken down. Kratos appears behind them as he sees the broken bridge.

Atreus: Now what?

Gunnarr: Easy. This.

Gunnarr easily jumps over the broke bridge as his father followed suit.

Gunnarr: See?

Kratos: This way boy.

Atreus steps back, runs and jumps over the gap. He stumbles a bit but managed to stay on foot. He then looks down sees more tracks.

Atreus: Wait. Deer tracks. They're fresh. This way.

Gunnarr: Easy, Baby Boy. We can't let it notice-

Suddenly, a huge albino deer with blue antlers appears before them. It scares Atreus before it runs off.

Atreus: Found it.

Kratos: Slow down, boy!

Atreus: Sorry...

Kratos: You are hunting deer - not chasing it.

Atreus: Yes, father.

Gunnarr: No harm. I was like you when I was your age.

Atreus: Before mother-

Kratos: Stay in focus of the hunt, boys.

Gunnarr/Atreus: Right.

They continue their way after the deer before Atreus stops and sees the bridge missing a part, which is mounted on the other side, blocking their way.

Atreus: He broke our bridge... how are we gonna get across?

Kratos: Step aside.

Kratos pulls out his axe and throws it at the platform, destroying it.

Atreus: Wow.

Gunnarr: Not surprised it can do that, Little Boy.

Atreus: I told you to stop-

Kratos: Enough banter. Go.

Both: Yes, sir.

They hop over to the edge as they make their way to the the deer. Soon, Atreus sees the deer as Gunnarr kneeled beside him.

Atreus: There it is!

Kratos: Hold.

Despite Kratos telling to stop, Atreus pulls his bow and arrow and fires at the deer, which misses and alerts the deer as it runs away. Atreus grunts until Kratos snatches the bow and began to yell at him.

Kratos: What are you doing?! Now its guard is up! Only fire...

Gunnarr steps in front of his father and glares at him. Kratos sees this was impress of his oldest son daring to stand against him.

Gunnarr: He has made a mistake. Yelling will not help. Please...ease yourself.

Kratos looks at Gunnarr and back at Atreus. He can tell his youngest felt ashamed and...scared. Soon, he took a deep breath and spoke more gently.

Kratos: Only fire when I tell you to fire.

Atreus: I'm sorry.

Kratos: Do not be sorry. Be better. Find it.

Atreus tries to grab his bow, but Kratos pulls it away from him.

Kratos: Find. It.

Atreus grunts before walking off as Gunnarr watches him leave before looking at his father. He simply shook his head as he stood up and chases after his little brother.

Kratos sighs, feeling ashamed at yelling at his son, who is still grieving the lost of his mother, but felt proud that Gunnarr doesn't feel fear, and confronts him, the way Faye did when they argue. Soon, he stood up and follows them.

Atreus: I can't stand him. We're use to hunt better on our own.

Gunnarr: That maybe. But, you have to understand that this is the first time he goes out hunting with us on his own. Mother was there to be at his side. Now...he's lost and he's trying his best, little brother.

Atreus: *sighs* You're right. And he has a point on me firing despite telling to stop.

Gunnarr: Yes. But, he's wrong to being aggressive.

Atreus: Yeah. Thanks for defending me.

Gunnarr: You are my brother. It is the natural thing for an older sibling should do.

As they continue to walk however, a creature appears in front of them, startling them. Kratos arrives just in time as the three stare at the creature.

Atreus: My Bow!

Kratos: NO! You are not ready!

Kratos pulls out his Axe as Gunnarr moves Atreus behind him while pulling out his Blade of Baldr.

Kratos instantly kills the creature before more arrived.

Kratos: Lad, with me! What is not my target, it is yours!

Gunnarr: Aye!

Kratos swings his axe at incoming monsters while Gunnarr strikes at others with his sword. Gunnarr makes sure Atreus was close to him while fighting the monsters so they don't get near him. Soon, they killed most of the monsters as the father and sons trio took a deep breath.

Atreus: Draugr? They've never come this close to our woods before.

Gunnarr: Indeed. Why are they showing up here now?

Kratos: Keep moving.

They continue walking as made to a pathway to an old temple. There they see the deer nearby as it enters through a dilapidated wall of the temple.

Atreus: Up there! He went in the old temple. But Mom told me never to go in there.

Kratos: We do what we please, boy. No excuses.

Kratos opens the door as they entered the temple.

Atreus: Look.

They see the deer in the distance on the other side of the temple. The kneel over to no get spotted as Atreus looks at his father.

Atreus: Can I have my bow back now?

Kratos: Can you hit it from here?

Atreus thinks about it before looking at the distance between them and the deer. Realizing they're too far from it, he sighed.

Atreus: We should get closer.

Gunnarr nods to his brother as he pats him on the shoulder before they got up and continue their way to get closer to the deer.

Atreus: I went hunting with mother a bunch of times. You never wanted to take me. You did with Gunnarr when he became older. Why now?

Kratos: It was her wish. And... it was time.

Atreus: Ok.

They make their way down before Atreus steps back.

Atreus: Draugr!

Kratos and Gunnarr pull out their weapons and dispatch their undead enemies. Atreus stays behind as Gunnarr makes sure not a single Draugr goes near his brother. Soon, one more tries to attack Gunnarr from behind.

Atreus: Look out, brother!

Gunnarr turns to the creature but the Draugr gets hit and froze by Kratos' Leviathan Axe. He then recalls it, destroying the Draugr.

Kratos: Watch yourself, Lad.

Gunnarr: Yes, father.

They walk over to a gate and see it is closed shut.

Atreus: Something's gotta open that gate.

Kratos heads to a pillar and sees a chain. He pulls it down and it causes the gate to rise up.

Atreus: It's opening.

Gunnarr: But it needs to stay up so that you could come with us.

Soon, Kratos sees a lock and uses his Axe. He throws it and it froze in place. He them joins his son as he recalls the axe. The door in front of them opens and they continue on their way. Soon, Atreus sees the deer and kneels over.

Atreus: Father, look.

Kratos gives the bow back to Atreus as both he and Gunnarr kneel beside him.

Kratos: Wait for my mark... Relax. Do not think of it as an animal. It is simply a target. Clear your mind.

Atreus takes a deep breath as he aims at the deer.

Kratos: Steady your aim and breathe in. Exhale and release.

Atreus then shoots the deer and it gets hit with the arrow, making it go down. Atreus was excited that he hit it as he turns to his father and brother.

Atreus: I got it.

Kratos: Good.

Gunnarr: Great job, little brother.

They head over to the fallen deer and sees something that troubles Atreus.

Atreus: It's... it's still alive.

Gunnarr: Yeah.

Kratos kneels over to the deer as his sons approached it with caution.

Kratos: Your knife.

Atreus pulls out his mother's knife and goes to pass it to Kratos.

Kratos: No. Finish what you started.

Atreus looked scared as he brings the knife down as aims it at the deer. He tries to put it down through its body but couldn't.

Gunnarr: Hesitating will make it suffer even more, Little Brother. Best is to put it out of his misery.

Atreus tries to gain enough strength but just couldn't do it.

Atreus: I can't...

Soon, Kratos and Gunnarr grab onto the blade and assist Atreus in stabbing into the deer. Blood gushes out as the deer squirms and grunts before it ultimately dies. Atreus though looked sad as Kratos looks away, wondering if his son is capable of heading to the mountain.

Gunnarr put his hand on his brother's shoulder, trying to comfort him the best he can. He too was hesitant when he first hunted with his mother but it became numb for it by now, but understood that Atreus is not use to that.

Atreus: I...

Atreus sighs as he looks away. Kratos looks at his youngest son and brings his hand up to comfort him. He then stops as he was hesitant. Ultimately, he doesn't put his hand on Atreus and pulls out the knife.

He passes it Atreus as he grabs it. Suddenly, a growling sound was heard and then a massive hand comes out of nowhere and grabs the dead deer. Atreus then stabs the hand before another arm smacks him away.

Kratos/Gunnarr: Atreus!

Kratos and Gunnarr got as Kratos kicks the giant monster in the face while Gunnarr checks on his brother.

Gunnarr: You hurt?!

Atreus: I'm fine. But-

They look and realizes it was a Troll. It has the deer in his hand before it tosses it away and picks up a giant pillar while speaking a different language.

Atreus: We're going to fight that?!?

Kratos: We have no choice. Boy, use your arrows to distract it. Lad, assist me the best you can.

Both: Yes father.

The monster begins attacking the three as they dodge its strikes. The Trolls tries to crush them with his stone pillar, but they dodge it as they strike at his legs. He then tries to stomp them, but that was also useless, so it tries to strike them with his arms. Kratos and Gunnarr were on the offensive as Atreus tries his best to distract the troll while yelling for his brother and father to be cautions.

Soon, the troll tries to crush Gunnarr, who steps back and climbs onto it's arm.

Kratos: Lad, what are you doing?!

The troll tries to grab Gunnar, but he jumps and lands a devastating blow to the creator, breaking it's front horns in the process.

Atreus: Woah!

Gunnarr rolls onto the floor and got up and swings his blade at the kneeling monster, giving it a nasty scar on it's face and eye.

Atreus: That was awesome!

Gunnarr smiles before getting back into the fight. Kratos was impressed at his oldest son's battle tactic. However, he found Gunnarr to be reckless as the troll could've grabbed him. Then, the troll blindly swings it's pillar towards Atreus as Gunnarr pushes him away, thus making him get hit by the impact.

Atreus: Gunnarr!

Gunnarr: I'm fine! *grunts as he got up* Stay on it!

Soon, they continue fighting the troll before it started to grow weak. Soon, it kneels down and Kratos sees an opening. he climbs onto the troll's head, gives it a hard punch before making it fall down face first, and the brutally snaps its neck.

Kratos steps back as he and Gunnarr look to see that the monster is dead. Suddenly, Atreus yells out and starts slashing at the creature's shoulder in anger.

Atreus: That's what you get!

Kratos: Boy!

Atreus: Think I'm afraid of you?! *suddenly starts coughing* You're nothing to me!

Gunnarr and Kratos over to Atreus as Kratos grabs his arm to stop him.

Gunnarr: Atreus, calm down! It's already dead!

Atreus: Nothing!

Kratos: BOY! Look at me! Look at me, boy!

Soon, Atreus finally calms down as he looks at his father and brother.

Atreus: We did it.

Gunnarr: But, you shouldn't have done that, Little Brother. The troll's dead. What good is to continue your attack when it cannot defend itself?

Atreus: I...I-

Kratos: ...You both are not ready.

Atreus and Gunnarr were shocked by this as Kratos stood up. Soon, the shock slowly turns into anger as both brother glare at their mountain of a father.

Atreus: What? Are you serious? I found the deer. *pulls out an arrow from the troll and puts in back on his pack* I proved myself. How am I not ready? How is Gunnarr not ready?

Kratos: *bluntly gives the bow back to Atreus* We are going home.

Gunnarr: What? But, that's not possible! I've been hunting and killing Draugrs for years with mother! That can't mean I'm not ready!

Atreus: I haven't been sick in a long time. I can do this.

Kratos stood up and has his back turned, listening to his sons' defense. However, seeing how Atreus gets angry easily and causes him to cough out, and Gunnarr was reckless and putting himself in danger, he knew they're not ready. Especially when Gunnarr... was remind Kratos of his early life in Greece, before coming to Midgard. When he was the God of War.

Kratos: You both are not ready.

Gunnarr and Atreus glares at Kratos before Gunnar sighing, knowing his father's words is final. Though, it angered him that he managed to take on the Troll, yet his father doesn't see that as impressive. Atreus, however, still tries to defend himself.

Atreus: But we are ready.

Kratos: Do not speak again.

They boys stay silent, but Kratos can feel their anger and hurt, and he understood. However, he knows something that they don't know, but Faye knew as well. These boys are Gods in birth, making them even stronger than what they believe in. Yet, Kratos never told them, not even when Gunnarr was getting older, fearing that having them know of their Godhood would bring misery and lonely like he went through after murdering his first family and causing so much chaos to Greece in his quest for vengeance.

So, they begin to return home, while the boys silently whisper to each other.

Atreus: What is his problem? I get me getting angry is an issue, but making both of us feel not ready to go to the mountain? I can't believe it.

Gunnarr: I know. Between you and I, I have more experience, and I made sure you were safe in the fights. I was doing double what he's doing, and he deems me not ready?

Kratos: I told you too not to speak.

Both went silent as they get attacked by more Draugrs. Suddenly, as they finished them, a new creature appears. I looked like a Draugr, but it looked more frozen with it's frosty blue skin.

Gunnarr: Hel-Walker! Don't use the Axe! It has no effect against it.

Kratos nods as Gunnarr runs and strikes the creature with his Sword, stunning it. Soon, Kratos punches it in the gut, hits a Powerslam and stomps on the Hel-Walker, crushing it into oblivion.

Gunnarr: Still don't think I'm not ready?

Atreus: I told you something was different about the forest.

Kratos: And I told you both do not to speak.

They continue their way, reaching their cabin as Gunnarr stay silent while Atreus continues.

Atreus: But why would a Fire Troll burn mother's garden? And since when are Draugr so close to the house? And what was that frozen thing-

Gunnarr: Hel-Walker-

Atreus: - that attacked us?

Kratos: I do not know. Now be silent, we are almost home.

They reached home as Gunnarr looks over and sees that that his mother's body is gone, now reduced to ashes from the cremation. He drops a tear, wishing she was still there and make sense to his father. Then he wipes it off as they reach the door.

Kratos: *opens the door* Inside, boy.

Atreus enters begrudgingly. Kratos then sees Gunnarr staring at him, not joining Atreus and he approaches him.

Kratos: You want to tell me something, Lad?

Gunnarr: You know very well what I'm going to tell you.

Kratos: You are not ready, Gunnarr.

Gunnarr: How? You never been there until I was getting older and Atreus was learning. I aided you in the fight with the Draugrs and the Troll, while protecting Little Boy! You know I was hunting with mother since I was his age! Which is why we are alive!

Kratos: You were reckless. You wanted to do what you want, and it costed you being hurt.

Gunnarr: I was protecting my brother-

Kratos: Regardless of your intent, you acted recklessly and it costed you. You are vulnerable to your spontaneous behavior and it leads you to not act rationally.

Gunnarr: So, it makes you perfect, right? You have all the experience, which makes you see I'm not ready, right?

Kratos: I did not say that-

Gunnarr: Regardless, I've been doing this for years. If mother was here, she would have told you that as well. I am-

Kratos: You never experience fighting strong creatures like that troll, before. If you refuse to listen to me, then you would be out of control and you'll get hurt. That is why you, Gunnarr, are not ready for the journey. As for the Boy, he still has more to learn. *speak softly* Trust don't know what my instructions will aid you.

Gunnarr stares at his father before sighing and enters the house. Kratos watches him enter while approaching the spot where the cremation was set. he pulls out the bag and starts putting the ashes of Faye into the bag.

*with Gunnarr*

Atreus: You alright? I heard everything between you and father.

Gunnarr: *sits on the bed next to him* Yeah. Just...mad. *pulls out his sword and seethe and puts it to the side*

Atreus: It's not fair. He doesn't know anything...

Gunnarr: Tell me about it. *lays on his bed, wanting to rest and clear his mind*

Soon, Kratos enters the cabin as he approaches his sons. He directs his attention at Atreus.

Kratos: You lost control.

Atreus: That thing was trying to kill us. It's not like you don't get angry in a fight.

Kratos: Anger can be a weapon if you control it – use it. You clearly cannot. When you lose-

Atreus: I haven't been sick in a long time. I'm better now.

Kratos: Fine.

Kratos kneels down and brings his hands up. Gunnarr looks on and wonders what is his father going to do.

Kratos: Come on then.

Atreus: You want me to hit you?

Kratos: I want you to try.

Atreus stands up and looks at the hands. he went to hit one, but Kratos moves his hand and smack's Atreus's arm.

Atreus: OWWW! What are you-

Kratos: Try again.

Atreus tries again, but got the same result.

Atreus: Why are you doing that?

Kratos: Too slow. Try again.

He tried it again, but still no result.

Atreus: Cut it out!

Kratos: Weak. Again.

Atreus is now angry as he fails it again.

Kratos: Again.

Atreus: STOP IT!

Kratos: AGAIN.

He tries to punch once but trips. He starts coughing again as Gunnarr kneels over to help him.

Gunnarr: Easy, Atreus. We can't have the sickness getting worse.

Soon, Kratos kneels over and looks at his sons as Atreus stops coughing.

Kratos: Your anger... you can get lost in it. The path ahead is difficult...and you, Atreus, are clearly not ready.

Atreus sighs until they felt the cabin shaking by some strong wind. They even heard a growling sound look up.

Atreus: What was that?

Kratos: QUIET.

Soon, it stopped and then something roughly knocks on the door.

Stranger: Come on out! It's no use hiding anymore. I know who you are...

Atreus: What's going on? Do you know him?

The Stranger: ...more importantly I know what you are!

Kratos starts getting anxious as he looks at his sons.

Kratos: Boys, beneath the floor, now!

Atreus: But... you told me never to go down there.

Gunnarr: And he's telling us to go in there. Come on.

Atreus: But who was that?

Kratos: I do not know.

Atreus: What's he talking about?

Kratos: I do not know. Get IN.

The boys entered the hole beneath the floor as Kratos covers it with the floor piece and rug.

Atreus: Is he going to be okay? We should help-

Gunnarr: Shh. Father can do it on his own. He's capable of that. We'd be on his way.

Soon, they stay quiet as they hear the conversation between their father and the stranger.

Atreus: He knows who father is?

Gunnarr: I do not know. I do not know who father was before.

Atreus: Crazy.

Suddenly, they a thud and cracks as they stayed stiff, knowing their father and the stranger are fighting. Atreus was scared as Gunnarr held him tight as they hear the roof breaking.

Soon, the fight was taken elsewhere as they stay under the floor board with caution. Suddenly, Gunnarr kicked something hard as he grunts in pain. Soon, a thing wrapped in cloth fell down as they look at it.

Atreus: What's that?

Gunnarr: I do not know, but we cannot-hey, wait!

Atreus unwraps the cloth, revealing two large blades they never seen before.

Atreus: Woah.

Gunnarr: My, God.

Atreus: Could these be father's?

Gunnarr: Most likely. Mother would not carry weapons like these. But, why would father hide these?

Gunnarr slowly moves his hand towards the blades and rubs them. He felt his hand shake, as if the presence and weight of the blades can be felt on him. But, he also felt something else. Something...familiar. Something he saw when he was younger.

Atreus: Brother, are you okay?

Gunnarr snaps out of it as he rewraps the blades and hides them back where they were.

Gunnarr: Do not speak of this to father. Understand? This will be our secret.

Atreus: Okay. But, are you okay? You seemed like you saw a ghost.

Gunnarr: I'm fine...just...confused.

Soon, they hear some more chaos outside before it went silent. They stay quiet as they wait for their father to arrive. Soon, they hear they door open and the floor above them being pulled off, showing their father, exhausted, but victorious.

Atreus: There was so much... I thought... You're all right.

Kratos: I am all right. Come.

Gunnarr and Atreus came out of the hole as their father closes the floor.

Gunnarr: Is he dead?

Kratos: Yes.

Gunnarr: Looking at you now...I can see why you told me I'm not ready to fight stronger opponents.

Kratos: Yes. Gather your things. We are leaving.

Gunnarr: Where?

Kratos: The mountain.

The boys were shocked by this. They're going to the the top of the mountain to spread their mother's ashes now, even though they were deemed not ready?

Atreus: Thought we weren't ready.

Kratos: You are not. But we have no choice now.

They nod as they went to get their stuff ready for the long trip. They put on bags of items they'll need and put their weapons ready in case of a fight. Soon, they're ready as they father approaches them.

Kratos: Prove me wrong.

Both: Yes father.

Soon, all three leave the house and prepare for a long journey to the top of the mountain, preparing to grant their mother's wish.

How's the chapter?

What do you think of Gunnarr?

And his relationship with his father and brother?

Why do you think he had a vision or memory of Athena?

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