my mind

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Let me free please

I begging you

I'm very tired of become your "toy"

Why you still want me down in the nightmare?

You were said: "we are same"

Now you said you use me...

I change myself

I dont want to be with you anymore

You have attention from everybody

I just a "toy" to make everyone love you

I'm just a "hater" with a dirty mind

You act like an angel with pure soul, like a weaker

They start to abandon me because of you

Our relationship is over

Now, I still live with title "bad person" dont have anything good

You live with a fake mind

You know... My heart have been broken from that day

I know that I will be leave behind

They just only trust you

I'm just a "lier" in their eyes

I'm Black
You're White

Now we are different

I hope I still have stronge to say more

I know that is really weird but please dont mind about those word

I just want to say that because it very heavy if I still keep it on my mind

Please dont say anything if you want to cheer up me or something

I'm sorry if my English have something you dont understand
Because my English is still bad and I need to improve them

And thank you for reading

We will meet soon

And 1 more thing that my name is change too, not sky's pass now
And the new name is Godiva if you ask


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