Chapter 1

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I wondered my town as I had always done. I wanted to travel the world, as it had been my dream to. Everyone had to me to stay away from one particular place though. Ruinterra. Everyone had told me about the king who rules it, searching for his wife and the other monsters that live there. They always said he never got over her, and that he never will. I was from piltover though, so me traveling could happen. I wanted to visit the nation to show everyone that what they all had said were lies. "Hey Y/n, I found the book for you!" Viktor appeared over my shoulder as he had the book I was looking for. "I don't know why you'd want to go there, it's very dangerous." He sat down, adjusting his leg brace, then setting down his crutch. "I want to show that it's just the rich and powerful saying this. They're the ones who want us to never leave this city." He smiled, but looked sad at the same time. "I'll miss you on your journey Y/n. Remember me when you get there?" I smiled, "I'll always remember you Viktor." He coughed a little and then he set his hand on top of mine. "I won't ever forget you. I just have one request though." He sighed. "Please be back if I become very ill. I want you to be here by my side for the time that comes." I nodded. "I will be here Viktor, as fast as I can." He then got up to leave. I watched as he left, he seemed so broken about me leaving. I had talked to him about coming with me, but he had to help run hextech. I got up and went home to pack my bags, I wanted to leave by morning.

I got up early to leave, leaving town and pulling out my map to get there. Traveling was gonna be long and cruel. But getting there took a while. The town looked dead. I looked around, wondering where everyone was. I wanted to meet the king himself, and get answers. I walked into the town, looking around. Seeing the castle on a hill. I seen almost like shadow people past by, the book describing how it were souls that were trapped here. A large skeleton in a cloak appeared behind me. He let out a laugh as he held his lantern. He swung his hook back and forth as he watched me. "Either we do this the easy way or the hard way." I ran, running towards the castle. A giant skeleton chasing me with a hook and lantern. This thing that I had met, everyone called him the warden. Collecting souls for his lantern.

I made it to the castle, pushing open the door to escape the warden. The castle was so lifeless. Black ooze just everyone, even throughout the town. "Who is there." I heard a man's voice speak. I looked up, at the top of the stairs, was a man with white hair and black clothing. "I see, another soul that will go to the finding of my wife." I felt like I had really screwed up. He walked up towards me and grabbed me. I tried to fight him off but he punched me in the face, knocking me out.

I woke up, it looked like I was in a cell. The ruined king stood there, staring at me. "You'll stay here until I have some more people. Knowing that you'll probably have a search party after you for being gone too long." He laughed. "Then, I can bring her back. My love will return for your souls." I stayed on the ground as he left. I was going to be in here for a long time. I didn't think the piltover higher ups could be right. They always told us not to leave. All I could think about was Viktor. I missed him and I needed to get back to him. The king had other plans for me though.

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