Chapter 4: Flying

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Ender and Melody made it to a strange cave in the middle of a forest "here we are" said Ender knocking on a large boulder in the way of the enterance "come in" said a beautiful voice from inside the cave, Ender pulled the boulder away "oh hello, Ender" the voice was a leafeon, she was sorting some plants and berries "hello Spring, I need to ask you a question" said Ender "what is it?" Asked Spring "do you know about this?" Asked Ender showing her Melody "hmmm... I've heard of a prophecy about eevees gaining wings" replied Spring "but I have never seen one, until I got a message" Spring said, Ender looked at the note, he soon realised that Spring was one of the winged nine "Spring, can you give Melody flying lessons?" Ender asked "alright, I'll try, but how did you know?" Spring Asked "the letter" Ender replied, Spring revealed her wings and she and Melody went outside.

"First, I'll be teaching you how to hide your wings, just in case something happens" Spring said pointing her wings out wide then tucking them back in on the side of her body, then they faded, Melody tried to do the same but failed the first time then managed to do it the next time. "Great job, now follow my lead" Spring said running off and spreading her wings, she jumped off the cliff and started to fly "come on" Spring said flying in one spot, Melody followed, she almost jumped off the cliff but then backed away from the cliff, Spring encouraged her and Melody finally managed to jump, she spread her wings and started to fly "there will be some times you can't fly, so others don't spot you, but this area is safe, no one ever comes here" Spring said before flying off with Melody flying behind her.

It started to get dark and Spring let Ender and Melody stay with her, she showed them where they would sleep, Spring walked out of the room and Ender and Melody were left in a room, they both curled up and fell asleep.

"AHHH!" A scream shouted, Melody woke up and saw a giant figure, it was a ninetales, it used fire blitz but Melody dodged, she saw a water pulse hitting the ninetales from the distance, another figure came, it picked up Ender and Melody and ran off, right behind the blue figure that picked up Melody was a yellow figure, it was holding Spring, she looked hurt with lots of scars, a red figure came and picked up Ender with his jaw. Melody yawned and fell asleep again.

She awoke to be near a lake and volcano connected, she was being pushed through the enterance that had lots of leaves covering it, there were lots of pokemon in the area, the pokemon holding Melody put her down and introduced itself "hello there little eevee, don't be afraid, I'm Crystal, i'm a suicune, this is Soulf the raikou and this is Heart the entei, and we are the legendary beasts" "What's your name?" Asked Crystal.

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