Chapter 8: a new life

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A few weeks past since Ende was captured "alright you pokemon!" A scientist shouted picking up Ender, he placed him in a pen with other pokemon and some chairs, and trainers. The trainers owned all the pokemon in the pen, and it looked like they owned one of each gender, Ender was put on a table and trainers surround him and Ender had to choose one to go with, he was forced. There were lots of trainers they kept saying "here little guy" and "choose me" but there was one trainer that hooked his eyes, she was smiling and was saying nice things unlike the other pokemon, Ender jumped off the table and walked over to her, the girl picked up Ender and was given his ultraball, the girl left and Ender wondered what happened to the umbreon, the umbreon was taken out of the room but what happened to him?

Ender was asleep in his new trainer's arms, even though he didn't want a trainer, he was forced to choose one. Ender awoke in a tiny bed, there was a vaporeon next to him, the vaporeon was pink and had a white flower on her, she was wearing a water stone on her blue collar, the trainer girl walked into the room holding two bowls of food, she gently placed them down in front of  Ender and the vaporeon, the vaporeon nodded her head at the girl at started to eat, Ender looked at the girl then dived into the food, the girl just smiled and laughed, she then walked out of the room, she placed Ender's ultraball on the bench in the kitchen.

Ender finished eating his food and walked downstairs, the girl placed a black collar on him, the collar had a tiny bell on it. "Lily! Come downstairs!" The girl called and the pink vaporeon came downstairs, the girl patted her and put a lead on her and Ender, the girl walked outside of the house holding the leads, she stopped at a small village close to her house and went inside a bakery "oh hello again Hope, what will it be today?" A man at the bakery asked "two loaves of bread again please" the girl replied "alright, coming right up! The man said "TWO LOAVES OF BREAD!" The man shouted into the back room, "here you go" the man said handing the girl the bread "thank you" she replied with that smile she always has, then she walked off with Ender and Lily.

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