Ch.11 Death Mountain

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(y/n) P.O.V


I huffed along the trail way up to Death Mountain. If this was just the bottom then climbing this thing was going to be hell. Climbing the net stuff up the mountain was harder than it was, maybe it was because I was just tired...

"(y/n) get behind me!"

I did as told and hid behind Link as he put on his Iron Boots from the village. Link grunted when he made contact with the heavy Goron. He grabbed it at both sides and threw the Goron off the mountain.

"Sorry about this!" I yell down at him before Link grabbed my hand and dragged me with him.

I remembered this place, it was where the wolf stone was and there I passed out. Arrows of fire suddenly were being shot at us as I grabbed onto the end of Link's green hat and held on while running.

Hot streams were being blasted into my face and I had to say they felt good, just not when you're running for your life. I opened my eyes when Link took a breather from running as I looked up around the place. I spotted up at the top a Goron speaking to another Goron. They left as they gave me an idea as to how to climb that high spot.

"Link are you ready?"

"Y-Yeah... this mountain was more dangerous than I thought."

"I know, but we can't give up yet."

Link nodded as he jumped down into the small crater, but I think we soon regret are decision because rock were falling from the sky. Link lead me along with him so I didn't get crushed by them. I was looking down at are shadow to see the next rock, until my eyes widen at how big this shadow was.

"Link watch out!" I pushed him out of the way and barely dodged in time with myself.

Link rushed to my side and looked me over for injuries. "Are you alright?!"

"Yes... just a bit shaken up."

Minda came out from Link's shadow and was looking over the big piece. "Whoa... this look dangerous..."

'Wow Minda, I didn't think so!'

"I wonder if this is a tradition around here. Hee Eee Eee!"

She disappeared again as I sighed. "A tradition to kill people? I think so."

"NO HUMANS ALLOWED!" A Goron yelled at us as Link pulled out his sword.

The Goron goes to punch Link, but he deflects it with his shield and strikes at the Goron. The Goron rolls up into a ball as my head pops up an idea. "Come on Link!"

I grab his hand and climb on the Goron before it sprang us all the way up onto the more steamy part of the mountain. It was grateful for Link and his strength as we climbed the mountain with it. I never knew he was this strong. Sure I've seen him take the Ox's, but a Goron was twice the weight of one.

When we reached the top it was already night time and the scene of the view from here was breathtaking. It was all mountains and rocks, but the sky made it have a glow from the hot air around the area.

Once we entered into the room Gorons started rolling at us. I winced as Link pushed me behind him, but someone saved us in time.


From the far curtains a short, but Goron like old man came from there with a small smile on his face. He has a different designs from the rest of the Gorons, probably guessing he's their chief.

"Are these young ones such an imposing enemy that you must all gang up on him? I think not, little brothers."

"S-Sorry about everything" I squeaked at him.

"It's not a problem young one. I am a Goron elder, little human. I am called Gor Coron. Because of certain circumstances, I must lead the Goron tribe in the place of Darbus, our tribal patriarch. Do you come from the village below, little humans?"

"Not from this village but from Ordon." Link said as he was still tense and had me close to him.

"I see... you are strong for a human. However..." He crossed his arms, "The mine are sacred and outsiders are not allowed. Unless..." Link gave him a determined stare and suddenly his face lit up with a smile, "I could make an exception, but you'll have to beat me in a contest of power. Will you take up the challenge?"

"Yes, I will."

The Gorons cheered all around us as Link pulled me aside. "Just stay here and root for me."

I nod. "Good luck, Link."

Link gave me a small nod, but them time seemed to stop around me when he looked at my lips. My breath hitched in my throat for a second as once he turned away all the cries of the Gorons came back to me.

'What the hell was that? Why does Link have this effect on me?'

They both stepped onto the stage as Gor raised up his foot and slammed it down. With the Iron Boots on it was impressive to see Link do that just like him. A gong when off as they both started pushing at each other.

The Goron leader was going easy on him, I could tell. Link was trying to get a good grip on him, but the leader would dodge and push him back. Link was about to be pushed off and my heart did all the speaking, "Don't lose Link! I believe in you."

Link seemed to have heard me from the loud crowd because he suddenly started getting better. He was pushing the Goron leader into the corner of the stage when a shadow at the corner of my eye caught my attention. I turn to look at it, but the hoard of Goron's crying for their leader's loss was impossible to find now.

I smiled and ran up to Link and hugged him. "Great job Link!"

"I wouldn't have won if it wasn't for you."

I blushed and quickly kissed his cheek, I was shocked by my actions as Link face turned a huge blushing shade of pink. The Goron leader chuckled as Link quickly tore his face away from me and towards Gor.

"Young warrior... you have a sharp will and strong heart. You have seen it, I would bet... the mountain, erupting without pause. The four of us elder when inside to investigate its anger. We have a treasure inside from the spirits, and we must protect it. Do you understand? Darbus touched the treasure and turned into a beast! The eruptions grew more frequent and severe. The spirits have guided you here. I Gor Coron, need your help."

"Speak no more! We'll get rid of the monster inside Darbus for you!"

"A kind spirit as well... truly we have been blessed by are time of need. You two! Let the two warriors pass."

The two Gorons nodded and moved aside.

I thanked him and started going into the entrance with Link, but I saw a bright light and when into it. Everything around me changed as I was in a world filled with water and a single tree.


I walk around more and pull out my bow and change it into a sword. I turn around to look back, but soon get into a defensive position once I clashed swords with a dark me.

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