Ch.14 Drought Of Time

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At first I thought it was clear ground and we would be splattered to death, but to my late surprise we landed in clear water. I didn't take a breath of air and got a lungful of water. Link helped by letting me pull myself up by his hind leg.

I coughed up a lot of water as Link paddle me to shore. Midna came out and looked at me with a worried look. "Are you alright?" I stared at her in surprise. It was the second time Midna was concerned about me. Maybe I died in that water and was dreaming of her being nice? She growled at me, "I asked you a question!"

"Y-Yeah... I'll be fine..."

Standing up was the hardest part of all as my leg shook from lack of oxygen. The ground was hazy and looked really far away when it was only two feet away from me. After making sure I was ready to roll I took a step forward and didn't fall over. I soon noticed the spirits in front of us to find it was a fish of some kind.

They wore huge fish masks over their faces along with giant fish spears too pull of their fish like body. They looked to be warrior Zora's out on a mission. One was away from the other two, pondering in his thoughts. Even though I was just a few feet away I could hear his whispers.

"The drop in water has been faster than predicted... At this rate, Lake Hylia will dry up. It's a race against time..."

Midna turned to me with a smirk, an evil one. "You heard him. You can probably help with the lake."

I looked at her confused. "What are you talking about? I can see into the future, but not change it."

"Just try it! Focus on the lake and try changing it."

"..... Okay."

I watched as the small lake that use to be huge in its small barrier. Walking along the dry sand I felt that area use to be home of fish eggs, but they died soon after the lake dried up. The mother's sadness, it was powerful as the other spirits in this lake that died along with the drought. Tears came from my eyes as I knew they weren't mine, but the lakes spirit.

Suddenly deep inside blue energy wavered around me as the lake started growing water back. I couldn't breathe right. Taking huge pants were making me very tired as I by the time the water came it reached my knees.

I heard the Zora's surprised at the sudden water flow from the lake. Next thing I knew I watched as I face planted into the water....


A bright light filled my body as life spread through my body. My legs were working against as I was able to open my eyes. We were in a cave with running water as other Zora, some half lifeless, were sitting around the running water. Link barked happily and nuzzled my face. I giggled until I looked up to see a big spirits looking to be a Zora, only more royally dressed than the other three I saw.

"I see my magic helped. You helped reverse time get the fresher springs to mix in with the current streams. As long as the fresh spring stays their people will be able to live longer."

"Thank you... Zora queen I'm guessing?"

"You both can just call me Rutela. That boy you saw back in Hyrule he is my son, Ralis. I ask of you to go save my son. I would do it myself, but I don't have any life inside to rescue him. If you do this I will give you the protection of water. It will give you the ability to breath under water and swim with ease as a Zora would. Please... save my son..."

"Don't worry we will."

The dead Zora smiled as she disappeared. Looking around the thorn room it looked to see she was right. If we didn't hurry this Zora's would die within the twelve hours. Link barked to get my attention as I smiled and ruffled his furry head. "Let's go buddy."

"I say we help her last then save the lake. We wouldn't want to help the prince with Link as a wolf. He might scare him to death! Eee hee!"

I glared at her. "Midna that wasn't funny."

"We both have different sense of humor, good luck!"

She disappeared as I was already glad to get her out of the way. It was pretty long but within the three hours we found most of them in the lake. Took care of some those twilight beasts by the bridge to the castle plaza. I realized ever since the battle with dark me I felt I had more power inside. I never knew I could do something like I did at the lake, rewind time and get the Zora's water back.

I cost me almost my life. The power I had would need to be more careful with since I almost died, luckily the dead Zora queen gave me most of her magic to save me. In honor of her I would help save her child.

Thankfully for my good memory we when back to the place were the first bug we killed was. I grabbed it as it turned into light. Link and I looked around and waited, but no light was coming back.

"What gives?" Midna came out and took out the map, "Maybe there is one more we haven't gotten..."

"But we got all the ones at the lake! How can there be more?"

"I don't know but I'm sensing a powerful monster at the lake. We need to go there and check it out."

"Alright, I'm trusting you Midna."

Midna giggled as she lend against my shoulder. "You're trusting me? I should feel honored, but I won't sense you're not powerful enough to be considered a goddess."

"I've been meaning to ask you that, Midna. Why does everyone keep calling me that? I've been a farm girl all my life. If I was a goddess I would have had memory to make myself know I was the goddess all along."

"I don't know why your goddess self didn't make you remember. All I know is that deep inside you have a powerful spirit and someone evil is after it. There is a point in you following and helping wolf boy here, I just don't know why."

"Well I hope the spirit at the lake will tell me the truth."

"I hope so! Just make sure to stay alive fighting! Eee hee!"

Sometimes I wondered if that Imp had something wrong with her by being nice, rude, helpful, and sometimes being a complete pain in the ox. Maybe that was just her personality. Twilight people were strange...

Link panted and barked at me to get on. I smiled and sat on him as I felt in his wolf form he was as strong in his human form. The thought boggled my mind to think in a few days Link got buff and tougher than before.


When reaching the lake I now knew what Midna was talking about. The air around the lake had an wave of darkness around it as waves shifted back and forth, screaming at anyone to save them at this new darkness.

"Link I'll stay on land while you go and swim to that spot of wooden boards. I sense the evil around there."

Link nodded his wolf head and started swimming towards the wooden boards. I took out my bow and arrows as the patterns changed into the twilight, but were going up and down like the water was. A suddenly loud spark made me jump as a huge insect popped out from the water.

It was disgusting with its huge larva sack as it flew with its sharp wings. I wanted to throw up at the smell coming off it, rotten fish and dead body's is what it smelled like. How wonderful. Link came at it and started attacking it. I ready my arrows I aimed it at the head as it struck where its target was.

The insect wailed out in pain as its eyes were set on me. I smirked and fired another arrow at its face as it wailed again as Link attacked it again.

'You'll lead him to his doom... cursed goddess... everything will die off because of you...'

The voices in my head became louder and louder. I screamed and almost dropped my bow as I gripped my head. The feeling of loneliness and agony swimming around inside me was painful. Flashes of the same vision came into mind, Link stabbing me through the chest with his face pained with grief and tears.

'Change now... you meet the fate you see... save yourself and watch the hero die... we need you... goddess of time...'


A final blast to the insect along with Link's attacking finished the bug. The voices disappeared as I panted as the twilight began disappearing to find light in itself again...


"Hey... wake... up"

Link handsome blue eyes were the first thing I saw as I smiled at his face. It was dirty, but he still looked cute with dirt all over his face. "You're a messy boy."

He chuckled softy and helped me up. "I always have been. I'm a farm boy, we love dirt."

"Oh, I know ox boy."

The light around the greenery cave we were in transformed into a water serpent. I awed in wonder is it uncoiled itself in the water and set its eyes onto us. The light helped heal my soul as I could feel the energy I lost from today was coming back to me better than ever.

"My name is Lanayru. You efforts have at last saved the hyrule and the other light spirits. O hero chosen by the gods... the dark power you seek... it waits in the bed of Lake Hylia, sleeping until someone comes to take it away. But before you seek it you must see what this power does to people around it and never forget."

"But why? I thought the pieces we were collecting wouldn't affect us..."

"It won't affect other unless it is put together and ruled by an evil heart. Now, I will show why this power was locked away forever..."

Everything dark as the last thing I felt was Link grabbing my hand tightly, as if he was afraid that the darkness would swallow him up. To help us I use some of my weak new magic as we both fell into the darkness together...

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