Ch1. Beginning of ties

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The crisp morning air broke through the gap in the young sleepy hero face as he blinked awake, yawned, and turned around into the shadows of the other side of his soft bed. A loud thud hit against something as it echoed inside the house. He jumped awake restlessly as the sound of the object rolled and rolled until it landed down beside him, a rock.

Link blinked at the rock and picked it up, his sheet falling off him, as he stood up and saw there was a note attached to the rock.


Come meet me in the Faron Springs where you wash up baby Epona, I got something to show too you!


A smile appeared on his lips as he read the note over and saw you put a triangle right by your name, even filling it in. It was cute too him as you said you didn't know why you did it, but it was as if a force of habit.

He threw on his usual dress up and opened the door to the scent of pine trees in the air. It was crisp and refreshing for morning air as he climbed down the wooded steps and jogged to the creek. (if that's what you call it) It was quiet for an early morning, but it didn't bother Link as he opened up the heavy gate and saw you sitting in the water, whistling a tune too yourself.

He carefully stepped forward, trying not to ruin your beautiful voice as he sat down next to you. "Where did you learn that from?"

You jumped at the sound of his soft voice. You didn't hear him come in at all and your heart beaded twice as fast as you looked into his soft blue eyes. "L-Link... you scared me..."

"Is that what you wanted to show me?"

The fear washed away as exticment replaced it. "Y-yeah! I sang it yesterday and Epona seemed to like it, but only with this piece of grass." You said and looked down at the horn shaped grass in your hand, "It makes a high pitched noise she likes to hear."

"I should keep that in mind next time. I know I've barley gotten her, but I want to bond with her as much as I can!"

You giggled and twirled the horn grass in your fingers. "I don't think there's ever been a person I've never met or seen hate you Link. You're pretty lucky."

Link smiled as he scooted closer to you. "Oh I don't know. I'm just being me. I guess it's just in my nature to help people."

"I guess so."

The sound of hoofs came into ear shot as baby Epona nudged opened the gate too open in as she wined. You smiled and up to the gate to let her in as she nuzzled her head under your hand. You giggled and petted the top of her head as Link came by not to shortly. "I guess she does like that piece of grass."

Epona wined happily and stepped into the water too cool herself down from the warm morning sun. You joined her and helped by pouring water over her head. "Of course she does."

You picked up the piece of whistling grass and blew into it. It high and low note riding the wind around it as Epona listen happily and quietly to music as Link watched you with a slight smile on his face. He knew you could sing beautifully, but this music almost sounded heavenly to his ears.

Once you finished Link picked up a piece of his own and blew into it, but out came no sound. Link stared at the grass in confusion as you giggled at the cute face he was making.

"You didn't blow hard enough silly." You showed him as Link blushed and nodded.

"I see now." He put the piece back up to his lips and out came a sound.

It was almost like yours, but it didn't come out as pretty as yours did. Epona backup from him and wined at him to stop. Link blushed but stopped as you gave him a slight smile.

"It's okay Link, not everyone can get a note right."

"I guess you're right."

It hit you like a wave, crashing onto you like a vortex, as you gasp out for air. You opened your eyes to see you were a world of darkness... but the area around seemed the same. The cry of a man caught your attention as you turned to see a handsome young man in the grasp of a black, disfigured, monster as it had a red puzzle shape design looking where it's face should have been. The man stabbed at the edge of your mind as he looked familiar. His left hand started to glow bright with the same pattern of triangle you've seen so many time.

The monster cried in pain and dropped the man as he fell to his knees. His groans of pain where so replaced with short gasp of air as his whole body shook. Suddenly, he snapped his head up at the sky and started screaming. His body had transformed into a wolf as the screaming was replaced with howling.

"(Y/N)" Someone was shouting in your ear, "SNAP OUT OF IT!"

You blinked at the voice as you closed your eyes and reopened them to your best friend Link whose eyes were filled with panic and worry in his bright blue eyes. "(y/n) are you okay?! You were staring off into space and didn't seem to snap out of it!"

You shook your head and shivered. This was new to you, the scene, the land transformed, the horrible monster... and the young man turning into a wolf... this was scaring you. You quickly hide your panic as you closed your emotion to Link.

"I'm fine. I was just in deep thoughts about something."

His eyes scanned over you, you knew he didn't believe you, but he knew when to not press you into something you didn't want to talk about. "Alright, but let's go back already."

"Okay. Race you too the village!" You shouted as you broke off into a sprint.

Link smirked at the challenge and got on top of Epona, gently digging his heel into her side, and dashed off into the early morning sun light racing off with you.

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