The Beginning

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(I am dead...I am I guess you can call the ghost of Sideswipe, and I am only here to publish this chapter which I might fix later)

I sat up and huffed as I heard my twin, but older, brother go play outside with his friends. Meanwhile I was stuck within carrier's care. Carrier was the only one who knew of my problem. I had no vision. I depended on sound to actually be able to see. And day by day I stood in a crib with toys. While my brother had the liberty of running off with the other children. "I'm the only one who should get his attention" I whined. I could hear my brother playing and laughing. I was jealous of the other children, while I was stuck inside they got all of my brother's attention. I was use to it being just him and me. I should be the one playing with him.

Oh, I never introduced myself, I'm Sideswipe, my brother is Sunstreaker. We are gods.. er..younger, gods anyway.

Everyone seems to be a god. But you aren't born and suddenly you have people worshipping you and building statues. You had to earn that right by gaining followers. Show them what you can do and have them tell your story.

Some gods prefer to have a demi god with a human so they could have powers. Then that Demi god would be telling the story of the parent. Others present themselves to dying villages and heal them and in return you'd be worshipped.

One day I'm hoping my brother and I would be worshipped together and be known as Twin gods.

Our story maybe could take twists and turns, happiness and despair.

But it'll all be worth it once we are known and never forgotten. And maybe I could have my brother to myself! But only time will tell of our adventures.

Oh! And we are robots from the planet Cybertron. We can't really fall in love with a human due to the fact that they are squishy and we are metal and live for thousands of years..but it doesn't matter to me.

The only bot I want to be with, is my big brother.

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