Chapter 3

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Mia looked up in utter shock and confusion. Um, what?
"My name is Beatrix, and I'm your fairy godmother. I'll help your dreams come true!" Beatrix restated.
Mia slowly grinned. "Wait, you're, like, a fairy?! That's so cool! But you're my size?" she asked in confusion.
Beatrix moaned. "Fairy. Godmother. Not. Fairy. There. Is. A difference!!!" she exclaimed.
Mia put her hands up in pretend surrender. "Sorry, sorry. But I've never met a fairy- fairy godmother, sorry- before! And how come you're my age?"
"Technically, I'm your fairy godsister. This is my quest, to make your dreams come true. Now, you're human??" she asked in wonder.
Mia nodded. "Yup. Normal human."
Now it was Beatrix's turn to be in wonder. "So, you can't fly?" 
"Mia! Who are you talking to?" Mia's mom asked from down the stairs.
Mia swerved her head towards the door. "Uh, no one! I was talking to myself! Very loudly, in fact."
"Okay..." she said.
"Hex! Only you can know about me. No one else. That's how it works. Well, I guess they could know, but they have to think I'm human. Otherwise things could go very wrong. Everyone would want a fairy godmother, but only some people get them." she explained.
Mia shrugged. "Makes sense. Now, can you show me some magic, please?" She begged. Beatrix nodded, happy to show. Her wand was still in her hand, so she waved it, muttering some words under her breath, and moving her wand in a simple motion. 3 glittery bubbles formed from the tip of the wand, and started to float around the room. Mia stared in awe. The bubbles went around her bed, came back to the girls, and pop! Disappeared. They looked at each other in excitement.
"So, what happens? Do I tell you my 3 wishes? Do you have some sort of life-changing spell? I'm confused," Mia said.
"Well, I do have to 'make your dreams come true' but so many people don't know what their true wish would even be. What we do is help you feel happy, really, until your goal or dream is basically complete."
Mia grinned. "Well, right now, my wish is for you to be friends with me."
Beatrix jumped happily. "I would love that. What should we do now?"
Mia picked up the bottle of nail polish, which had fallen in the excitement. Pink nail polish was dripping from it, and there were splotches of it stuck to the floor. "Clean this up!"

Beatrix waved her wand. "Easy! Argh, I forgot my book. Hold on. See, my book has spells to do  that, but when you get really advanced, you're able to close your eyes and imagine it and it'll happen." she said dreamily. "Be right back."
To Mia's surprise, Beatrix vanished. But to Beatrix, she was feeling the same sensation she did when she switched dimensions. It was amazing. A second later, she was in her bedroom. She quickly picked up her book, the same one she had used to clean her room, and switched back. After she switched, she felt a sweet taste in her mouth, like a lollipop.
"Woah!" Mia exclaimed. "You just disappeared and reappeared! Did you go to fairyland?!"
Beatrix moaned. "I am a Fairy Godmother. Meaning I DO NOT live in fairyland. That is so cliche. You don't live in humanland, do you? I live in Verlian. Named after the greatest fairy godmother, Verlianna." she finished.
Mia nodded along, following every word. "That's so cool! Now, about this mess..."
Beatrix sat on the floor and laid out her book. "Show me a cleaning spell." The book glowed and flipped to a spell: Spick and Span Spell. Her eyes skimmed the page. "Ok. Here I go." A violet light emitted from her wand. She closed her eyes, circling it around the splatters of paint. She imagined them forming into spheres, then bubbles, and popping. Then she opened her eyes. "Did it work?"
Beatrix set down her book and spread out on the floor.
Mia did the same, and Beatrix asked, "So, what's life really like as a, well, human? Really, all they tell us is that you can't fly or cast spells."
Mia nodded. "That's true. But I don't know what you want to know. I'm a normal person."
Beatrix leaned forward. "Tell me everything,"
"Well," Mia said. "I mostly eat burritos for lunch, and drink Sprite. I go to school. I like to draw." She didn't know what else to say. "What do you learn at school?"
Mia shrugged. "You know. Math, reading, writing, science, social studies, and an elective. Mine is art."
Beatrix looked intrigued. "My elective is human studies. Our classes are history of magic, practice magic, potions, flying, ELA and math." Beatrix made a face at the last one.
"I hate math too," Mia agreed.
"So, your dream?" Beatrix asked.
Mia shrugged. "I mean, I don't know. I wish I had no math homework. I wish I could meet Taylor Swift. I don't know what my biggest dream would be. I guess it would be to do something magical, like meet a fairy or go to Hogwarts? So, technically, my dream is coming true."
Beatrix went through what she said internally. So, she wishes for a lot of things. She doesn't have one specific need. She thought back to her classes. According to them, her 'unknown goal' was to be less selfish. But that didn't seem right at all. Technically, her teacher was referring to if she wished for a mansion and money and more riches than she needed, all for herself, in the cruel way. Mia's goals accumulated to be a wish for excitement in her life. Well, maybe except for the first one. No one liked homework. "So, you want excitement?" she asked. "That makes sense. And this," she said, "Is exciting."

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