Eric & Godric (Kinda) - Fuck Water

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You are Sookie's and Jason's brother. You were forced to go with Sookie to Dallas because Eric (your boyfriend) made you.

I grumbled in defeat.

"Eric fucking Northman you are an ass." I muttered to myself, knowing full well that he could hear me.

I didn't care, it was true.

But I love him for some weird reason so yeah.

Eric gave me a kiss on the lips before he and Bill had to go in seperate travel coffins for the flight.

The private plane was nice. It was a little showy for my taste but it was overall comfortable.

Me and Sookie sat next to each other in the huge plane.

I was kinda terrified of what we would be having to do in Dallas.

Eric wouldn't tell me the plan no matter how much I begged.


I pretty much slept through the flight because of how tired I've been lately.

I've been working 3 jobs.

2 during the day, 1 at night at Fangtasia.

I wasn't a stripper or anything. I was mostly a bartender. As well as assistant (to the regional) manager.

I'm sure Pam got over it.... eventually.

Right after vampires started sun bathing as a hobby.

I awoke to Sookie shaking me awake.

"We've landed Y/n."

I grabbed my carry on bag from the over head, as well as get Sookie's for her.

"You know I could have done that myself. I'm not a little girl anymore." Sookie complained.

"Oh naive Sookie." I smirked at my older sister who I happened to be taller than.

I ran out of the plane with mine and Sookie's carry on.

Sookie chased me until I bumped into the chest of Eric. Who had an amused look.

Bill had the same look on his face as always.

I mean sure Eric is a dominant ass bitch but damn, even he has facial expressions.

I gave Sookie her bag back. After we got our bags and shit we went to a limo.

I was looking at Eric with suspicion.

Why the bloody hell are we in Dallas mother fucking Texas?

No offense to those who live in Texas.

Specifically Dallas I guess at this point.

I'm in a car on my own for some reason, only the driver in here with me.

I take a sip of water and stare out the window.

It's just something I do for no reason whatsoever.

Well. I guess the view is nice.

Few minutes after drinking the water I blackout.
I was in a jail like cell with another man.

He looked oddly familiar but I brushed it off.

I sat at the foot, him at the head.

He stared ahead, not noticing me.

Its what I thought.

"You shouldn't have come, even in your dreams."

'The fuck.'

"So you're Eric's. Well. At least I had the opportunity to meet you before I leave."

'Wait a minute.' I thought.


The man nodded.

"What the fuck are you doing here!? Hell what the fuck am I doing here!?" I was confused. Was this the reason I was in Texas? Him? Eric's beloved maker he valued over his own existence?

"Faes are rather fascinating creatures." He said for some reason.

I was there for what felt like hours, talking.

But suddenly he kissed me. Like Eric would.
I woke up to see Eric whose face was inches from mine.

"Thank Odin you're alright, we almost thought you were dead." Eric cried, red staining my white shirt. Sookie kneeled next to where Eric sat. Bill stood behind Sookie.

I didn't recognize the others in the room.

My skin had the feeling of paleness. The blood in my system wasn't traveling to its usual areas. Like my cheeks that often were dusted red from Louisiana sun.

Sookie handed me a glass of water, making me feel a bit better for a second.

Before I started throwing up the contents of my stomach.

More scenes of the man-teen guy danced through my head.

My body begins to tremor violently before I fell back.

"Fuck water."

Then a laugh enters the room.

His laugh when he wasn't really there.

I slipped into unconsciousness.

I'm sorry my writing is crap. Happy holidays.

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