Chapter 12

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Wilson walked back to his house through the woods. They hadn't been able to think of any way to find Maxwell. He could melt into any shadow and come out in some completely different area. He could be anywhere and go anywhere he wanted.

That was a severe problem. That and Wilson's headache. He might need to take something for it, as it had nearly gotten to nearly intolerable pain, interfering with his thinking.

But maybe he could deal with it. That fog Maxwell cast hurt on so many more levels than this. Probably because he wasn't thinking while he was getting choked.

But he should be fine for a little while longer at least. After all, a headache was nothing to worry about, right?


Walking into his house, Wilson staggered at his pain. It had worsened further. He was probably in more pain than ever. But he could never show any weakness in front of the others. It would make him seem weak.

Sleep... sleep should help, he reasoned. Resting his mind might help him more than reading or building.

But then he thought about his dream. Where Charlie hadn't been in her Throne. It had felt too real. To clear. It couldn't have been a normal dream. Maybe a vision?

Well, either way, with ungodly, no pun intended, pain in his head combined with his odd sleeping hours the night before, it seemed that sleep was more necessary than ever. Groaning, he walked over to his bed, laying down without even bothering to take his clothes off.


Sleep came earlier than expected, blissful, peaceful sleep. No dreams, no nightmares, no visions. Maybe it was better. Just the feeling of floating, and his happiness flowing about him.

Opening his eyes, he was met with trees. Not his bed, not his ceiling, trees. Jerking upright, Wilson looked around frantically, trying to figure out where he was.

He was outside a marble building, columns of gray stone reaching towards the sky. A massive doorway stood between them, leading into a dark hall. The Library...

Standing and brushing himself off, Wilson walked I side, curious. He often dreamed about the library. It was his favorite place in Umbra, besides his own house. Stories, often fairytales, would play in his mind in moving pictures, visions of knights or dragons moving fluently. He could dream what he wanted. And he dreamt big sometimes. Like a child.

Looking around, he noticed things out of place. Random books scattered across the floor in places, paper hanging awkwardly off of desks. Something had been searching in here.

Concerned, Wilson walked faster, feeling worry creep into his mind. Something here was wrong, foul and disgustingly so.

Reaching the head office, Wickerbottom was nowhere to be seen, only a paper on her desk. It read, 'Your next Winter god.'

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