Chapter 4: Artificial City

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I don't own anything except any original/own characters and any original plot.


Chapter 4- Artificial City


Loki sat next to Frigga, no longer his Mother by birth, as they watched over Odin in his Odinsleep.

"I asked him to be honest with you from the beginning. There should be no secrets in a family," Frigga said softly.

"So why did he lie?"

"He kept the truth from you so that you would never feel different. You are in every way our son, Loki, and we your family. You must know that," Frigga assured, "You can speak to him. He can see and hear us, even now."

"How long will it last?" Loki asked.

"I don't know. This time is different. We were unprepared," Frigga sighed.

"I never get used to seeing him like this. The most powerful being in the Nine Realms lying helpless until his body is restored."

"But he's put it off for so long now, I fear..." Frigga trailed off, her voice breaking. Loki took her hand, giving a weak smile, "You're a good son. We mustn't lose hope that your father will return to us. And Thor and (Y/n)."

"What hope is there for Thor?" Loki questioned.

"There's always a purpose to everything your father does." Frigga looked at her silent son, "You miss her, (Y/n)."

"I love her more than anyone," Loki said quietly, "I wish to spend eternity with her."

"You will. You will."

Armoured guards entered the room, stopping and bowing before Loki.

"Thor is banished. The line of succession falls to you. Until he awakens, Asgard is yours," Frigga stated, "Make your father proud."


"Now tell us exactly what happened to you last night," Jane ordered. The small group was sitting inside a local diner. (Y/n) and Thor ate from the plates in front of them, "Maybe start with how you got inside that cloud."

"And how you could eat an entire box of Pop-Tarts and still be this hungry," Darcy added.

(Y/n) and Thor downed their drinks.

"This drink, I like it. Another!"

The two threw their mugs at the ground, shattering them.

"Sorry, Izzy. Little accident."

(Y/n) realized that slamming cups was not costum on Midgard. She reached down to the shattered pieces of the cup, reemerging with a full, undamaged one.

"How do you do that?" Darcy asked.

"Magic," (Y/n) answered honestly.

"What was that?" Jane asked angrily.

"It was delicious. I want another."

"Then you should just say so," Jane paused, looking at the perfectly fine cup and the absence of a mess at (Y/n)'s side.

"I did," Thor said simply.

"I mean ask for it. Nicely."

"I meant no disrespect."

"All right, then no more smashing, deal?"

"Deal," (Y/n) nodded.

"You have my word."


(Y/n) leaned over to Thor, "I do not believe Midgardian culture is anywhere near ours. We must walk carefully."

Two men entered the diner, sitting down at the bar table.

"The usual please Izzy."

"You missed all the excitement out at the crater. They're saying some kind of satellite landed out in the desert."

"Yeah we were having a good time until the feds showed up."

"Excuse me, did you say a satellite?" Jane asked.


"This is going on Facebook, smile," Darcy lifted up her phone and took a picture of Thor and (Y/n).

"What did it look like, the satellite?" Erik questioned.

" I don't know anything about satellites, but it was heavy, I mean, nobody could lift it."

"The hammer," (Y/n) whispered to Thor, standing up and walking over to the man, "Where's the crater?"

"About 50 miles West."

(Y/n) motioned for Thor to follow her. They walked out onto the street. (Y/n) realized it was a bad thing when people began to yell at them and pulled Thor to where other people were walking.

"Where are you going?" Jane asked, running out of the diner after them.

"Fifty miles west of here," Thor answered.


"To get what rightfully belongs to me."

"Oh so you own a satellite now?"

"It's not what they say it is," (Y/n) shook her head, "Trust us."

"Well whatever it is the government seems to think it's theirs. So are you just going to go in there and take it?"

"Yes," Thor answered simply. "If you take us there now, I will tell you everything you wish to know."


"Everything. After I reclaim Mjolnir."

"Myeu-muh? What's Myeu-muh?" Darcy asked.

"Can I have a word Jane?" Erik, Jane, and Darcy walked a few feet away from the two.

"What are you going to do after you get your hammer back?" (Y/n) asked, "Odin is not going to let you back home Thor, not yet at least."

"He will," Thor said surely, "Then you may go home and marry Loki."

(Y/n) began to twist the ring on her finger when Thor said that. Oh, how she wished she could just call up the Bifrost and return home where Loki was waiting for her. But she had to wait until either Thor got his hammer back, or until he accepted the mortal life and got the hang of everything.

"I'm sorry," Jane walked over to them, "But I can't drive you."

"Then this is where we say goodbye," Thor kissed the back of Jane's hand, causing her to giggle.

"Thank you?" Jane said uncertainly.

"Thank you for your help Lady Jane, Lady Darcy, Sir Erik," (Y/n) nodded towards the three respectfully, "Perhaps we shall meet again."

Thor and (Y/n) watched the group walk down the road for a few moments before turning away.

"Can you teleport us?" Thor asked.

"Fifty miles west is quite vague, I wouldn't trust myself to bring us to the right spot."



"Allfather, we must speak with you," Sif jogged into the throne room, the Warriors Three behind her.

They all stopped when they saw it wasn't Odin on the throne, but Loki, his father's spear in his hand.

"What is this?" Volstagg asked in confusion.

"My friends," Loki said his voice shaking slightly, "You haven't heard? I am now Ruler of Asgard. My Father has fallen into Odinsleep, and Mother fears he will never wake up again."

"May we speak with her?"

"She has refused to leave my father's bedside. You can bring your urgent matter to me," Loki stood, tapping his spear once on the ground, "Your King."

The four bowed, kneeling in front of Loki. It was Sif who spoke once again, "We beg that you end Thor's banishment."

Loki stared at the group, his eyes scanning each of them over and thinking over the situation. He was only the temporary king, the power he held was not permanent. Not only that but Thor started a war, if he came back he would become king and continue it. He knew he would seem like the villain, but in all aspects he didn't have the power nor the stupidity to bring Thor back.

"My first act can't be to repeal Odin's last. This is a time of war. Asgard needs a sense of continuity."

Sif stood up. Fandral grabbed her arm before she could do anything.

"Of course," Fandral agreed, "Are you locating (Y/n)? She was not banished."

"(Y/n) has been located," Loki confirmed, "We watch for the moment she is far enough from Thor to open the Bifrost safely."

"If I may," Volstagg stood up, "Perhaps beg the indulgence of your majesty to reconsider-"

"We're done," Loki said sternly.
The four stood up, Sif was the last to leave, "May (Y/n) leave my oaf of a brother, so she may be queen."


Thor and (Y/n) entered the building titled 'Pet Store', walking up to the man up front.

"We need horses," Thor announced.

"We don't have horses. Just cats, dogs, birds..." The clerk trailed off.

"Give us something large enough to ride."


"You still want a lift?" Jane asked.
The two walked from the store to Jane's car, Thor getting in the passenger side and (Y/n) getting in the back.

"I've never done anything like this before! Have you ever done anything like this before?"

"Many times," Thor and (Y/n) nodded, believing she meant going into battle, "You're brave for doing it."

"They just stole my entire life's work. I really don't have anything left to lose."

"But you're clever. Far more clever than anyone else in this Realm."

"Realm? Realm?"


(Y/n)'s surroundings changed. She was in the Asgard throne room, Loki in front of her.

"(Y/n) you must leave Thor, so that you may come home." Loki begged.

"I can not leave Thor. He may be thick-headed but I can't leave him here alone. Odin must allow him to return home, or he must accept his fate."

"Father has fallen into Odinsleep." Loki explained, "I am king now."

"Then you can send us back!" (Y/n) said excitedly.

"My first act can't be to repeal the last," Loki argued, "You were not part of that act. (Y/n), please, come home. Come home so you may become my queen."

"I can't leave your brother."

"He's not my brother. Odin lied, he's lied since our childhood," Loki's skin turned to a light blue, his eyes a dark red, "I am of Jotunheim. A monster."

"You are no monster Loki," (Y/n) placed her hand on Loki's cheek, her skin burning, but no damage being done, "You are who you choose to be. You aren't like your kind. Please, send us home soon."
(Y/n) kissed Loki's cold lips as her form began to disappear, "I love you."

(Y/n) was silent the rest of the ride west. Her mind was on Loki, what he said. Half of her wanted to leave Thor so she could go back to Asgard, the other half of her wanted to stay with him until something big happened, that was the side that was winning. She wanted to be mad at Loki for not bringing them back, but she knew that when Odin woke he would likely banish Thor again.

No matter what he was or what he did, she was bound to Loki for life. Not unwillfully, it was her choice to say yes to the Asgardian ring of promise, and she would never regret it. Loki would be her love for eternity, and she his. He was Jontun. But he wasn't at the same time. Jotuns only felt pain and hate. Loki could love, and fear, and feel sadness. He would never harm or hurt (Y/n), and that was the Loki she loved.

"(Y/n) we're here," Thor announced, keeping his voice low as Jane parked the van a bit away from the site.

They snuck towards the grass above the crater, stopping when they were closer. Jane pulled out a pair of binoculars, looking at what appeared to be a city below them.

"That isn't a satellite crash. They would have hauled the wreckage away, not built a city around it," Jane scoffed.

"You're going to need this," Thor handed Jane his coat.

"Why?" As Jane asked, as she did, thunder boomed from above.

"Stay here. Once I have Mjolnir, I will return what they stole from you. Deal?"

"No! Look what's down there! You can't just walk in, grab our stuff, and walk out!" Jane exclaimed.

"No. I'm going to fly out."

(Y/n) chuckled at the confusion on Jane's face. Thor motioned for them to begin moving towards the crater.

Jane looked at the two in confusion while they began to walk down to the crater. Thor pulled up a small piece of the fence for a distraction while (Y/n) walked them both through the fence.

A buggy with two guards in it pulled up to the hole. (Y/n) grabbed the weapon from one of them, slamming it into his head and knocking him unconscious rather quickly. (Y/n) snapped her fingers and a raincoat appeared over her shoulders, keeping her dry from the rain that began to pick up.

She followed behind Thor as he began to walk through the outside of the compound. Alarms began to sound around them as the agents they knocked out were found.
Letting out a sigh she reprimanded herself for not hiding the unconscious bodies somewhere.

The storm began to worsen the closer Thor got to his hammer, it was calling to him. They ran across the yard and to the entrance. An agent ran towards them. (Y/n) reached out and put her hand on his arm.

"Sleep," she ordered.

The man's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Thor questioned.

"I was panicking," (Y/n) hissed.

They ran past many agents trying to stop them, getting nearer to the center of the artificial city.

They passed a final corner, Thor's hammer in their sight. As Thor began to run towards it he was punched back by a large man.

"You're big," Thor smirked, "Fought bigger."

The man tackled Thor out of the back of the tunnel. (Y/n) glanced at Mjolnir, and back at Thor. She was able to wield it, nearly the entire royal family was. Rolling her eyes she ran out to Thor, holding out her hand.

"Would you please stop moving," she requested, neither complied.

Thor finally got a good hit on the man. (Y/n) took the chance and placed her hand on his arm, "Sleep!"

The man fell backwards on the hill. Sighing in relief, (Y/n) held out her arms as she almost fell in the mud.

"A lifetime of living with royalty and you still lack grace," Thor smirked, lightening the mood.

"I'm meant for fighting, not for being graceful," (Y/n) grumbled.

The two walked back into the tunnel, right up to the hammer. Thor grinned, his hand wrapping around the handle. He tugged once, nothing. He pulled again nothing. This time, he put two hands on the handle and pulled, nothing.

"Thor," (Y/n) whispered in shock, "You aren't worthy."

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