Super Godzilla vs Bagan

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The shobijin hastily said as the throw five gems at each of the monsters." Take these gems, they'll help you in the fight against Bagan."" What do these gems represents?" Godzilla questions the fairies. The shobijin replied," Godzilla, your red gem increases your power, making your fire ten times more powerful than your own. Mothra's purple gem will help increase her speed, making her fast enough to zip past even solid obstacles or even dodge attacks. Gamera, your green gem will boost your durability, making you almost immune to any kind of pain. Ultraman, your violet gem will boost your flight, giving you the aerial advantage, also boosting the speed of your beams and King Kong, your blue gem will boost your strength, making your punches several times stronger and giving you an unlimited Super charged form. These gems will more or less keep you on par with Bagan."" Alright!" Godzilla cheered. Just then, the monsters and the shobijin heard an ominous laughter, they turned and their blood ran cold as they saw Bagan and Makila standing behind them. Bagan sneered," Godzilla, Mothra, you two shall pay for imprisoning me years ago and I promise you Ultraman, Gamera, King Kong amd you Kyreiloid. You shall never mess in my affairs again. So I, Bagan the god of destruction shall end your miserable lives today!" Although scared, Godzilla and the other monsters stood forward, glaring at Bagan bravely." You won't be taking anymore lives today Bagan." King Kong growled." By the power of the Ultra, I will stop you." Ultraman vowed." For killing my children and for threatening our lives, you shall die Bagan!" Mothra roared. Gamera screamed," You destroyed Earth, and I will destroy you!" Godzilla, noticing how brave and determined his allies are, grinned and roared," For killing my sons and my nephew, for killing Kong's family and Mothra's children, for murdering Gamera's son, for slaughtering Ultraman's brothers, for threatening the shobijin, for killing my friends and for destroying Earth. I, Godzilla the king of the monsters sentence you to DEATH!"" Shut up!" Bagan roared back, angry," Who are you to say? I shall finish you all!" Godzilla and Bagan charged towards each other but before Bagan can punch Godzilla, Mothra swooped down and knocked Bagan to the side, as Bagan slipped, Godzilla swung hus tail and slapped Bagan by the face before kicking Bagan in the guts. He grabbed Bagan, threw him down and blasted a heat beam. Mothra, Gamera, Ultraman and Kyrieloid assisted Godzilla by blasting beams at Bagan while King Kong smashed boulders on him. Makila on the other hand..." Come on! I can take all of you on! I will defeat you, torture you and I will kill you!" Makila continues to mock and gloat until Kyrieloid shot a stream of fire at Makila, killing him. Makila howls in agony before incinerating into ashes. Bagan tail slapped everyone down, grabbed Mothra, smashed her on the ground several times before throwing her at a charging Ultraman. Bagan smacked everyone aside and roar," Enough! I'll fight you all one at a time! Godzilla, you first." Godzilla charged and attacked Bagan with a flurry of kicks and punches, the gem helping to boosting his power. He blast another heat beam at Bagan, reached down, grabbed a boulder and threw it at Bagan. Bagan teleported out of the way and began punching Godzilla in the guts. He grabbed Godzilla by the tail and threw him a far. He sent a Diamond Storm on,Godzilla, causing a large explosion. Bagan laughs but that move left him open for Godzilla to charge and combo him. Godzilla jumped back and said," Neither of us has reached our full potential."" As if that matters." Bagan blast a heat beam at Godzilla, damaging him greatly. Godzilla charged up and roar loudly, beginning his transformation. Bagan's eyes furrowed as he saw Godzilla transforming into Super Godzilla. As soon as the transformation is complete, Super Godzilla made one deafening roar, shaking the Earth. Bagan and Super Godzilla stared at each other before both monsters charged at each other. As they reached both fighters began exchanging blows all in a flurry. Godzilla dodged a punch and kicked Bagan in the jaw but Bagan roundhouse kick Godzilla. Both monsters flew up and continued exchanging punches and kicks, both monsters intend on victory. Defeat is unthinkable. Gamera, Mothra, Kyrieloid, King Kong, Ultraman and the shobijin watched the whole fight from a safe distance. With both monsters seemingly evenly matched, it was hard to determine who will be victorious. Mothra watched and thought," Go Godzilla, I know you can do it." Meanwhile, the fight seems to be boardcasted though planets and dimensions. In the Marvel universe, the Avengers are watching the whole battle, in the DC universe, the Justice League are also watching the battle. Superman watch intendly as he sees Godzilla and Bagan combating in the air. In the planet Zenith. Solomon, a bat demon is watching the fight while lying on a chair made of thorny brambles next to a blood lake. As he watch the battle he said," Heh, classic Godzilla. C'mon buddy, you can do it. Just kick his ass." Godzilla and Bagan blast.heat beams at each other causing a super nova so create it blew both monsters back. Bagan growls and cursed," Damn it. Godzilla's stronger than before." Godzilla thought as he took deep breathes to regain his energy," Aw man. Bagan is too tough. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up." Godzilla roars and blast a powerful heat beam at Bagan, Bagan blocked but as he recovers, Godzilla charged forward, grabbed his horn, swung him around, swooped down and smashed Bagan on the ground. Godzilla flew up, charged up a heat beam and blast it at Bagan, causing a massive explosion. Super Godzilla is now panting, trying to recover his energy. This fight is tiring him out. Just then, Bagan teleported himself in front of Godzilla, startling the king of the monsters. Godzilla desperately attempt to hook Bagan but Bagan dodged and struck Godzilla in the guts. He began to combo Super Godzilla before grabbing his tail and smashing him on the ground. Bagan flew up, prepares a Diamond Storm and let it rain. Causing Godzilla to roar in agony. Kyrieloid realizing that Bagan is going to kill Godzilla flew up into the air and swooped towards Bagan. By the time Bagan turned to look, Kyrieloid punched him in the face, combo him, smashed Bagan down and then blast a powerful heat beam at Bagan. Gamera, Mothra, Ultraman and King Kong ran forward in concern. Godzilla is now lying on the ground, covered in scratches, cuts and bruises, writhering in pain. Bagan has seriously injured Godzilla. Gamera said to Godzilla," You fought well Godzilla. Don't worry, it's my turn to fight now." With that, Gamera flew up and charged towards Bagan who is busy with Kyrieloid. Gamera noticed that Kyrieloid is failing. The armored humanoid can barely block Bagan's flurry of blows. Bagan sneered," Heh heh Kyrieloid. You stand no chance against me."" SHUT UP!" Kyrieloid angrily blast a fire blast a Bagan. It hit him but Bagan recovers, charged and strucked Kyrieliod in the guts so hard it tore a hole in it. Blood dripped from the wound. Bagan laughed but his laughter died as he noticed Kyrieloid's body flashing azure blue." Heh. Bagan, god of destruction. As the true protector of Earth, I...sentence in...hell!" Before Bagan can react, Kyrieloid's body exploded, Bagan roars in pain as he absorbed the blow. Gamera shields his eyes from the blazing light. As soon as the light died down, Gamera looked and to his horror and anger, Bagan is still alive, battered but still alive. Angered at the death of another ally Gamera roar, charged and began attacking Bagan. He punch Bagan with flame fists, he rammed Bagan in the chest with his shell, and Gamera smacked Bagan down before blasting fire at him. Bagan dodged the attack and scrowled at Gamera. Godzilla is hurt but the fight is still far from over, now he has to deal with this pesky turtle. Both Gamera and Bagan bellowed at each other before charging. Round 2 has begun.

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