The enemy of my enemy is my friend

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In skull island, King Kong is trying to impress his wife and son by fighting three Allosaurus with one hand holding a beautiful woman. Ann Darrow apparently did not expect to get involve in a fight between three dinosaurs and one gorilla. All of a sudden, they heard a roar. The gorillas and dinosaurs turned and saw Bagan. King Kong and the dinosaurs nod to each other and all of them started fighting Bagan. Although they struck first blood with King Kong and Lady Kong beating Bagan and the dinosaus biting the evil god, they were still no match for Bagan. Bagan blew an allosaurus inside out, break another one's neck and heat beam the last one to death. Lady Kong punch Bagan and bit him on the arm, but Bagan slapped her away and beat her up. Not wanting his mother to get bullied by an evil god, Baby Kong charged, grabbed a tree and stuffed it down Bagan's throat. With that distraction, King Kong kick Bagan in the gut and gave him an upper cut. King Kong told his wife and son to run away but Bagan teleported in front of them and said," You shall not escape. I will destroy you." Knowing that her mate needs help, Lady Kong grabbed King Kong and threw him away from the island. She grabbed Ann Darrow and threw the woman at Bagan, but he just smack her away and sneered," Since you want to die to save your hubby, I will grant you your wish." King Kong got out of the water, but realizes that he's too late. The entire island is burning up. King Kong felt angry and heart broken when he saw Bagan killing his son by ripping out the young gorilla's heart. The people of skull island did their best to fight back by throwing spears at Bagan and shooting arrows at him, but Bagan simply kill them with a heat beam. King Kong wanted to beat the crap out of Bagan, but he cannot do it alone, he swims off to San Francisco to find Godzilla.

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