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Dr. Reptilius slammed his hand on the table." Damn it. Time to send Not-Moguera now." After the armourdillo troopers finished the the construction of Not-Moguera, Dr. Reptilius send the abomination down to Earth. Meanwhile, Clint is just piloting the Zhu li in the city of San francisco when all of a sudden, something crashed in front of them." What the hell is that?" Lucia questioned," No idea, but whatever it is, it ain't good." The professor replied. Suddenly, everything happened too fast, Not-Moguera charged in a surprisingly fast speed, causing damage to the Zhu li. Zhu li retaliated by shooting an eye beam and do you know how it retaliated? By shooting eye beams through it's drill. After witnessing the attack, Lamina exclaimed," I remembered that move. The mysterian race once send their robot which they call Moguera to our planet."" I think you're right. The material for that thing is similar to Moguera's hide, but it just look different." Atris agreed noticing the metal used for it. Not-Moguera fly up, since it resembles a flying machine, it can lavitate in the gravity with grace. Clint tries to keep up with it by switching Zhu li to flight mode. Soon, the two flying robots started exchanging blasts. Lucia then got an idea, she turned to Clint and said," Clint, try to distract it as long as possible, I got a trick up my sleeve."" Alright, but whatever it is, make it quick." With that, the Zhu li turned tail and fly, with Not-Moguera chasing after her. Lucia on the torpedo targeting system and aim it at the abomination. Once Not-Moguera reached the target zone, Lucia fires the torpedoes through Zhu li's missile launchers, caughting the robot off guard. With Not-Moguera distracted, the Zhu li switched back to ground mode and fires the absolute zero cannon through the cannon at her bosom, destroying Not-Moguera. Although happy of the victory, the group couldn't stop feeling that the threat is not over.

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