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Planet Zenith

Solomon, a gigantic bat demon with a navy blue fur and a skull-like face stares at the body of his friend in sheer horror.

His friend, Isis, lies dead on the ground, will blood spilling from the wound across her stomach.

Solomon hugs his dead friend tightly, mourning her death.

As he mourns, Solomon's sadness changes into anger and he growls to himself.

" Red. That bastard shall pay for this!"

Later that day

Solomon swooped down and he lands in front of a village full of innocent demonic creatures.

He turns and he saw a large enormous army blood red demons approaching.

Solomon studies the army in front of him.

On the frontlines are a large pack of red demons resembling velociraptors.

Flanking them are horrifically terrifying mishapen fusions of Earth and Alien monsters.

Up in the air are flying demons with bat-like wings and lamprey-like mouths.

The demons screeches at Solomon as they fly closer to the village.

Behind the frontline troops, a large fleet of Whip weilding Centaurs marches into battle.

Beside them, stocky red fire demons spews fires from their mouths as they sat on top of demons that look seemingly like animals made out of mishapen organs.

Other creatures in the army include flying demons, floating ghosts, tall lanky skeletal monsters, lava monsters, black shark demons, undead corpses and even more 'organic' creatures.

Solomon growls as he got into a battle stance.

There is no way he is gonna let a bunch of moronic demons to harm another innocent.

As the army began charging forward, Solomon made a battle cry and he charges forward.

Solomon roars as he flies up and he struck by firing a blast of hellfire breath from his mouth.

The demons roars in pain as the fire began consuming them.

Solomon flies up and he slashes his claws at the demons, cutting down a large number of them.

As a demon swoops down, Solomon grabs it and he hurls it down, causing it to crash ontop of a Centaur.

Several fire demons spews fire at Solomon, causing the blue bat demon to roar in pain.

As Solomon is down, the ground began wrapping intestinal like vines around Solomon's arms and legs, holding him down.

As Solomon struggles, the Centaurs look down at him and they began attacking Solomon by lashing out their whips.

Solomon grunts as he felt the sharp stinging pain of the whip gashing his skin.

The Centaurs continues their torment by kicking Solomon with their hooves.

Unable to take any more, Solomon pulls himself free and he fires his hellfire breath at the Centaurs, burning them.

Solomon kicks a fire demon back before cutting up an organic demon with his claws.

He slashes at an organic demon before  spewing another hellfire breath at a skeletal monster.

After fighting through a large number of demons, Solomon roars in fury as he slams a monster hybrid onto an organic demon.

He continues cutting down demons with his claws and as he impales a hybrid monster with his claws, he tosses the dead monster aside and he shouts.


Upon hearing that, Red, a gigantic red demon with insectoid legs, a long reptilian body and a head resembling a tikki head swoops down to confront Solomon.

As Red lands on the ground, Solomon laughs and he said to him.

" What's wrong Red? Scared? Heh! I knew it. Don't you get it Red? We're free now! You can get the fuck out of here and find other assholes to do your work for you!"

As Red narrows his eyes in anger, Solomon laughs at him mockingly and he declares.

" It's over Red. You can!!!!"

Solomon charges up and he fires a powerful blast of Hellfire breath from his mouth.

Red stares at the oncoming projectile before his face turns into a maniacal grin.

Red laughs as he moves his arm back and with one swing, he knocks the attack away.

Horrified, Solomon exclaims in surprise.

" What?! Impossible!"

Red laughs and he fires a a stream of hellish hot hellfire from his mouth.

Before Solomon knew it, the fire struck him hard and Solomon is overwhelmed in sheer agonizing pain.

He screams, roars and thrashes as he felt the fire burn him.

The fire blasts Solomon back and Solomon crashes into a boulder.

Red cackles maniacally and he said to Solomon.

" You stand no chance against me traitor!"

Solomon weakly got up and he charges forward in another attempt to attack Red.

But Red dodges the attack and he slashes his claws across Solomon's face.

As Solomon backs off, Red pulls back his tail and he stabs it right into Solomon's chest.

Solomon roars in pain as blood spills out of his mouth.

Red laughs as he slams Solomon on the ground repeatly before flinging him away.

Red then fires one powerful blast of hellfire from his mouth, causing Solomon to scream.

Solomon screams as he felt himself getting pushed out of his planet's atmosphere.

As Solomon flies into space, Red charges up a fire ball and he launches it at Solomon.

The fire ball struck Solomon and the injured blue bat demon roars as he felt his body go off in a massive explosion.

Red watches as Solomon explodes into nothingness.

Thinking he had won, Red turns and he roars in victory.

" At last, I have finally ridded this traitor from my planet. Demons, wipe out this village! We must ensure no witnesses."

The demons roars in acknowledgement as they began their attack.


In space, Solomon has always heard his father telling him.

" You can never hear in space."

But ironically, Solomon could have sworn he could hear the faint sounds of crying and screaming of the villagers as Red and his army of demons rain terror on them.

Solomon groans as his body began floating into a nearby planet called Extus.


A young farmer girl waters her plants as she walks into her garden.

The entire graveyard has plants that requires watering and the girl knew it is her duty.

As she waters, the girl stops by in front of an Angel floating on top of a tomb in the middle of the graveyard.

The Angel is a tall bright blue humanoid feminine figure with shining radiance and beauty.

The girl does not know why, but just by looking at the Angel brings her mind and heart at ease.

There is a sheer comforting and pleasant feeling around the Angel.

As the girl prays to the Angel, all of a sudden, she saw something falling from across the sky.

The girl watches as the shape falls and crashes onto a nearby Heart Temple.

Curious, the girl races towards the Heart Temple to investigate.

As the girl closes in, what she saw shocked her to the very core.

A blue Zenith demon lay on the ground, weakened, burnt and covered in blood.

The girl studies the demon.

The demon, unlike the demons she saw before, is blue instead of red.

The demon has shaggy fur coat around his body and scaly bat wings on the side of his body.

But what intrigues her the most is the demon's head.

The demon has a skull like head and it has sharp fangs like a vampire bat.

The demon groans in pain before he passes out.

Realizing that the demon require medical treatment, the girl quickly helps the demon into a heart temple.

Later, Heart Temple

Solomon groans weakly as he heard a soft feminine voice saying.

" Please, wake up."

Solomon opened his eyes and he found himself greeted by the sight of a young feminine face looking down at him in concern.

Solomon questions.

" What happened? Where am I?"

The girl answers.

" You crashed landed near the temple badly injured and I pulled you in here for medical treatment."

" Medical treatment?"

Solomon looks around and he widens his eyes in shock.

All around him are hearts.

Solomon questions the girl.

" You healed me? With those?"

The girl nods and Solomon smirked.

" Heh! Amazing."

Solomon stood up and the girl questions.

" Where are you going?"

Solomon answers.

" I need to go back to Zenith. I must kill that blasted demon for hurting my friend."

The girl stops him and she said.

" Even though you have recovered, you still need your rest. Why don't you stay here for a while?"

Solomon sighs and he reluctantly said.

" Fine. I'll stay here for a while."

The girl smiled and as she grabbed Solomon's hand, she pulls him and she said.

" Come on, there's a lot I want you to see."

Solomon grinned as he follows her.


Face, a floating sentinent face floats down in front of the Angel and he questions.

" The demon Red has risen and he plans on destroying the universe."

The Angel spoke.

" We cannot let that happen. We must act quickly."

Face questions.

" But what can we do? Even the two of us combined won't be able to beat Red alone."

The Angel spoke.

" We are not alone."

Confused, Face questions again.

" What do you mean not alone?"

The Angel explains.

" Not far away, a blue Zenith demon crashed landed here. As he bears a huge grudge on Red. Perhaps we can convince him to aid us in our battle. In fact, there are three other beings that could help us. One is a strong Anklyosaurus with a heart of steel named Anguirus. The second is the Goddess of Mercy named Mothra."

Face questions again.

" And who is the third?"

The Angel shows a gigantic dinosaur with sharp spikes on it's back and she answers.

" Godzilla, the King of the Monsters. The Monster of Monsters."

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