New attractions

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" Alright, let's put" Ford instructed the helicopters as they lower an unconscious body of a spiked reptile on the ground. Ford and the military has managed to put two monsters down and decided to open up a new attraction in Monster Island. He sold tickets for a newly opened monster theme park and upon hearing about two new monsters, people began purchasing tickets online and via travelling agents. Sales for the tickets skyrocketed! Ford took Sam and Elle with him to Monster Island to let them have a first look of the new monsters. Sam studies the two dinosaurs and asked," What are their names, daddy?"" Oh, the spiked one is called Anguirus and we're naming the aquatic one Titanosaurus."" Are they dangerous?" Elle asked, concerned about the safety of the tourists." Don't worry Elle, with the invisible and indestructable shield around them, they could do nothing to hurt us. The family watched as Titanosaurus got up and he look around to explore his new home. Godzilla, Rodan and Cera watch their new arrival while Kumonga crawl out of his den to inspect the new comers. Godzilla roars a welcome and all the monsters roar their welcome to their new friends. Godzilla grunts and led Titanosaurus to a big large 650 deep pool for Titanosaurus to swim in. Titanosaurus roars his thanks to Godzilla before diving into the water. Judas, the giant shark stays hidden in his pool, unaware of the new comers. No one could blame him, his enclosure is in an amphitheatre near the main gates, which means Judas is isolated from the rest of his fellow monsters. Anguirus started playing with Cera and Kumonga, while Rodan flew overhead. After seeing that, Ford turned to his wife and son and said," I think they're gonna get along just fine."

1 month later

Visitors flooded in and out of the main gate of Monster island. The attraction/military base has become a major success. The statue of Sanda still stood at the main gate to greet guests entering the park. The streets were bustling with people. Park staffs cater to tourists, children were running around, tourists were snapping pictures and armed troopers stood at attention to make sure order is maintained. Gift shops were full of customers, buying things ranging from T-shirts to action figures. A boy could be seen asking his parents to buy for him a Godzilla action figure while his brother asks his parents to buy him a Rodan action figure. Restaurants were bustling with hungry and thirsty tourists. Among them, three teenagers, Amy, Rory and Alex were eating their pizza while discussing about their trip." Wow, that show was awesome!" Amy, a young beautiful girl with red hair exclaimed." I know, that shark, Judas I think. Is really fricking huge. Man, I'd kill for a goldfish that big." Rory, a young handsome black hair boy agrees." Well, if you think that was awesome, wait until you see the king." Alex, a young pretty girl with thick lips and long raven black hair said to her friends. Amy and Rory nod to each other in excitement. How they are looking forward to seeing Godzilla, the king of the monsters up close. After finishing their food, Alex, Amy and Rory went to a ticket booth to purchase tickets for the 2 o clock tram ride around the island where they can see the monsters, especially Anguirus and Titanosaurus. Once the train arrives, the three teenagers eagerly enters the train along with many other tourists to begin their tour. Meanwhile in the control room, Ford is studying the monitors, so far everything is good other than lost children and heat stroke victims. Suddenly, a soldier enters the room and said," Captain Ford, someone would like to see you."" Send him in." Ford said to the soldier." Um...actually sir, that person is a...she."" She?!" Ford echoed, surprised." Hello Ford, it's been a long time." Ford turned and saw a familar figure standing at the door. The woman is a tall young beautiful woman with a flawless complex clad in a blue body suit with a badge stuck on her chest. Ford immediately recognized her." Hailee Steiner, it's been ages. How have you been?"" Great, good to see you again. Your wife and child doing okay?"" Yeah, my son just began elementary school and my wife just gotten promoted to head nurse. Everything's alright, how about you?" Ford asked, Steiner replied indifferently,"Oh, same old, same old." Ford stood up and said," Come, let's have a cup of coffee."

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