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Life on Pluto has been peaceful. The planet has a large landscape for a small planet and there was plenty to eat and drink. Suddenly, a scout ran back to his chieftain and said," Chief, a large creature is heading straight for us!"' What creature?" The old chief asked. Before the scout can answer, there was a sudden roar. The chief could hear a man screaming," Look out! Incoming projectiles!"" Projectiles?" The chief sprang up from his chair and looked outside. Large crystals fell on the ground, destroying houses and buildings. Men, women, children and animals ran for cover as crystals rained from the sky. Snipers ran up to their watch tower and fired their turrets at the creature but a heat beam easily disposed off them. The chief looked up and finally got a clear look of the monster. The monster is a giant reptile with dark blue scales and a red torso. Crystals sticked on his back and two large crystals grew on his shoulders. The monster has a golden crown on his head and has sharp fangs in his jaws and on the side of his jaws. The chief ordered his people to attack but the creature started using telekinesis to grow crystals out of the ground. The chief tries to attack the monster but the crystals continues growing into a large mass like a cancer. The monster roars and blasted a heat beam at the village, destroying it. With his weaker enemies disposed off, the monster continues groeing crystals undisturbed. Meanwhile, Evanora and Dr. Reptilius is observing the monster pn the monitors, Dr. Reptilius immediately recognized the monster." Hm Spacegodzilla. I bet he'll be useful. Let's get him in our army."" Alright, stand back." Evanora ordered. The silvak stepped back and the sorceress started chanting a spell. The control spell reached Spacegodzilla. As Spacegodzilla felt a strange force trying to take control of him, Spacegodzilla clutched his head and roars in pain." Damn! He's strong." Evanora thought. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Spacegodzilla is a tough nut to crack but no matter, he'll soon be under her control. Spacegodzilla continues to roar and destroy cliffs until his eyes glowed red. Spacegodzilla's muscles grew, his crystals increased in strength and numbers. Full of strength, Spacegodzilla made a loud roar. Evanora pant and grinned to herself," Heh. He's mine now." Evanora said to herself as Spacegodzilla gathered crystals on his back before flying to Neptune to meet his mistress.


Dr. Reptilius too was pleased with the news. So pleased he decided to do his part as well. He walked back to his shuttle, turned his whole equipment hut upside down until he found what he needs. Grinning, the silvak licked his scaly lips and walked back to the chamber. Meanwhile, Evanora and her tatical droid is monitoring the repairs on Gigan when Dr. Reptilius entered the chamber." Evanora, I have something to show you." Dr. Reptilius hissed. Evanora turned and asked," What is it Doctor?" Dr. Reptilius took out a dome container. The container has a warning sign sticked on it, showing how lethal it is." My dear, meet my old friend, the oxygen destroyer."' Oxygen destroyer? What can it do?" Evanora asked." This weapon," Dr. Reptilius explained," is a highly lethal weapon created by a human named Daisuke Serizawa. He created something that can turn anything underwater into a skeleton. The weapon was once used to kill Godzilla before he cheated death by regenerating." Evanora nodded. She knew about the monster called Godzilla. Godzilla is infamous for his sheer size strength and unmatching radioactive power. The monster is like ten million nuclear bombs rolled into one dinosaur." So what are you gonna do with the oxygen destroyer?" Evanora asked. Reptilius went out of the chamber. A few seconds later, he returned with a strange red crustacean." Simple, you see this creature?" Reptilius addresses the crustacean." I'm gonna mutate it into my very own monster. Similar to Hedorah, it will be an entity made out of thousands of small independent creatures. It will not be like any monster you see." Evanora grinned as Reptilius laughed and touched the crustacean with his sharp talon claws. With Spacegodzilla coming, Gigan under repairs and a new monster getting created, they will be unstoppable!

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