Clash of the titans

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Meanwhile in the mothership. The Emperor was pleased. The monsters are all worthy to destroy earth and her people so he decided to launch an invasion. Meanwhile, during the trip back to Monster Island, Phillipe taught everyone how to work the weapons. Just then, there was breaking news on the blimp's TV. The reporter was telling everyone about strange projectiles heading towards Earth and everyone must evacuate now. Ford looked out and saw several pods flying down, crashing on an island. The pod opened and several Cyber-Titans stepped out. Ford sighed to himself, he had never asked for this ever since he turned from a lieutenant to a captain. Meanwhile, in the mothership, the Emperor has finally started sending the monsters to Earth.He sent Gigan, King Ghidorah, Megaguirus and his millenian to various locations on Earth. In Philippines, King Ghidorah blasted a building and one of his head swallowed a soldier attacking him. Sri Lanka, a fireball exploded a building, causing the people to scream in fright. They look up and saw Megaguirus screeching at them. The tanks fired at the meganula, but Megaguirus shrieked and it summoned a hundred of meganulons to attack the tanks. San Francisco, a millenian attacked helicopters surrounding it. Meanwhile, Ford received a call from the US president. It turns out the empire decided to do their own dirty work now. Ford quickly phoned Elle, he was rather tense as he kept repeating the word "come on" while waiting for his wife to answer, he sighed in relief when he heard Elle saying," Hello?"" Elle, this is Ford. I need you to take Sam to the nearest shelter fast, NOW!" With that, Ford ordered all troops via walkie talkie to America to fight the millenian. Upon reaching Monster Island, Ford told everyone to meet him in the strategy room. Ilaney, Gwen, Anna, Steiner and the shobijin met with Ford in the strategy room later and Ford said," We need to split up. Cera and Kumonga will deal with the three headed one in Phillipines."" The cyborg is for Judas." Steiner said as she cock her gun." Alright, Mothra will fight Megaguirus." Lora and Moll said with determination." In that case, I'll send Godzilla to fight the alien. Rodan will assist Mothra with Megaguirus. Alright team, let's move out!" Ford said. Meanwhile, Jet Jaguar is busy with the Cyber-Titans. He got an idea while wrestling with one. He suddenly shrunk to human size and flew inside a Cyber-Titan. He grabbed the pilot and threw him out before taking the seat and assuming control of the mecha. He made the Cyber-Titan stab one in the head, grab another and threw it at the third Cyber-Titan. As more are charging. Jet Jaguar parried one of the and smacked it away. He made the mecha punch another one in the face. He set the self-destruct on the Cyber-Titan and flew out as he made the Cyber-Titan suicide bomb the rest of the squad. Jet Jaguard grew big and punch another Cyber-Titan in the face. The robot fought hard but despite his efforts, he was outnumbered. He looked up and saw more alien pods flying down. He dodge as a ship,started firing. As he dodged the blast, he also dodged a blow from a Cyber-Titan. One ship accidentally shot a Cyber-Titan by mistake, destroying it. Jet Jaguar prepared himself and charged at his numerous enemies. Meanwhile, the US military are doing the best they could against the millenian. The millenian easily destroyed the military, but it was shot be a beam. The millenian turned and saw Godzilla roaring at it. The millenian threw a building at Godzilla, Godzilla smacked it away but the millenian flew up and crashed on him. With Godzilla down, the millenian started absorbing his DNA, turning into a new Orga. Meanwhile, Mothra screeched and smacked into Megaguirus. The meganulons started attacking Mothra to avenge their queen, but Mothra kill them with her poison powder. Megaguirus screech and flew towards Mothra in lightning quick speed. She knock down Mothra and pinned her on the ground. But unknown to her, Rodan flew down towards Megaguirus. He smacked her onto a building and did a sonic boom at her. Megaguirus retaliated with a fire ball, knocking Rodan back with the blast. Mothra blasted a beam at her and she used her poison powder at Megaguirus. Megaguirus fled whileMothra and Rodan chased after her. King Ghidorah zapped gravity beams upon seeing Cera charging towards him. Cera fell to the ground from the blast, but King Ghidorah failed to see Kumonga. Kumonga jumped and shot webbing at King Ghidorah. He landed in front of the space dragon and shot more webbing at him. Cera used his jaws to pick up a building and the,triceratops threw the building at him. King Ghidorah shot a ling stream of gravity beams, powerful enough to KO both Cera and Kumonga. King Ghidorah carried both of them and he flew to America. In,the mothership, Ceasar knew his friends needed help. So when a trooper opened the door and went inside the cell, Ceasar punched the guard in the face, breaking his nose. While the guard is recovering from the attack, Ceasar snatched the guard's rifle and shot the guard. Ceasar strip off the guard's armor, used his xilien abilities to change his face to look like the guard, take his ID and his taser and lock the dead guard in the cell. Ceasar knew what to do next. He shot down a trooper and released every prisoner in the ship. He pressed the alarm, attacked a prisoner and started a riot. While the troopers are busy trying to maintain order, Ceasar ran to the main hanger to escape. He ran towards a Cyber-Titan, shoot the pilot and pilot the robot out,of the hanger. In the bridge," Emperor, there's an unauthorised launching of a Cyber-Titan."" What?! Vecton! Deal with him, now!"" Yes my Emperor." Vecton replied as he snapped out his rifle. With the escapee he's gonna kill now, the prisoners for him to kill after that and the planet's inhabitants to kill later, this is gonna be a damn good day. Ceasar was just reaching the exit when he felt the Cyber-Titan shake. He looked back and saw Vecton holding a missile launcher. Ceasar made the Cyber-Titan smack Vecton to the ground. The robot turned and flew down to Earth. Vecton ordered gunships to shoot him down. Ceasar soon noticed the gunships shooting at him, but luckily, the staff his strong enough to reflect back lasers, destroying several of the ships. The Emperor finally decided to sent Meteor Gorath to Earth. The meteorite flew down to Earth. Back on Earth, Godzilla grabbed Orga's arm and threw him towards a building, with Orga smashed, Godzilla charged up a heat beam and blasted Orga with it. He looked up and saw a meteror flying down towards Earth. Godzilla charged up and blasted the meteor with his heat beam. The surface on the rock went hot due to the speed it's moving now. Godzilla shot a more powerful beam and Gorath exploded before it hit Godzilla. The explosion blew up several buildings and blew back Orga. Godzilla roar in victory, but he suddenly sensed an evil aura. He knew that this was too easy. Behind him, the skeletal creature that destroyed the Galick's planet lavitate down to the ground. Godzilla turned around and got a good look at his new opponent. Both monsters growled and stare at each other, each waiting for their enemy to make the first move. Orga got up and roar but a beam shot him down. Orga turned and saw Megaguirus zoomed past, he looked back and Mothra blasted him again. Rodan smashed Orga to a building and he flew up and landed on a building. Godzilla and the creature roar at each other but before they can attack, two figures crashed in front of them. Cera and,Kumonga got up and saw their allies and enemies together. King Ghidorah land and made a greeting roar to the new monster. The skeletal creature growled an answer to King Ghidorah. Suddenly something flew down and shot Godzilla with an explosive eye beam. Godzilla roar in pain. All looked up and saw Gigan flying down. The cyborg has upgraded since his defeat. Gigan prepared to attack Cera but a stream of water pushed him away. Gigan got up and saw Judas roaring at him, Gigan shriek back. Monsters from both sides glared at each other, growling manacingly at their opponents. Ford watched the battle from the ground with Ilaney and the girls." This is gonna get ugly." He said. Godzilla roar an earsplitting roar, King Ghidorah roar another ear splitting screech and both sides charged towards each other. The fight for the planet has begun.

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