Monster Assault

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As the Cyber-Titans attacked the island, Mothra flew and attack a Cyber-Titan. It was chaos. Rodan flew around, picking up people and swallowing them with one bite while he knock down a few Cyber-Titans. Kumonga shot webs at the robots and people. Just as an alien is riding on a gunship, Judas jumped out of the water and chomped the gunship with a single bite. Judas jumped out of the water and growled at Kumonga, resulting both monsters to fight each other. Godzilla meanwhile is having difficulty fighting 4 Cyber-Titans. Their electrostaff carries extremly lethal electrical power and Godzilla's heat beams are only strong enough to maim and damage a Cyber-Titan. Cera charged, mad with rage and knocked 2 Cyber-Titans down. Captain Ford grabbed a bazooka and shot missiles at a Cyber-Titan's head, destroying it. Mothra after noticing it's weakness, she shot beams at several Cyber-Titans, destroying them. All of a sudden, she heard a roar, she turned and saw King Ghidorah. She gave a shriek and attack King Ghidorah with a stream of beams, but King Ghidorah retaliate with gravity beams. Godzilla used his atomic burst and blew up all 4 Cyber-Titans. He roar and blast a heat beam at King Ghidorah but ends up getting hit by King Ghidorah's gravity beams. Meanwhile, Vecton moved the Cyber-Titan towards Kumonga and Judas who are still fighting each other. The shark bit the spider's leg but the giant spider shot webs at the shark. Just as Judas is about to bite Kumonga, he suddenly got electrocuted in the back. Kumonga looked up and a swing of the electrostaff knocked him into next year. Vecton laugh and spoke into the loudspeaker, saying," Give up. You have no chance against me!" Kumonga got up and Judas shook his head to recover, they looked at each other and both charged at the towering enemy, they both have a common enemy now. Meanwhile, inside the diner, Gwen looked out, other than debris and dead soldiers, the area outside seems secure, just then, something crashed, causing her to jump in fright, she looked and saw Rodan lying on the ground, a giant robot followed suit and electrocute Rodan with the staff. Gwen decided that something must be done, so she ran outside and screamed," Hey ugly, over here!" The Cyber-Titan directed it's direction to her and Gwen found herself running for dear life. Despite being the fastest runner in high school, Gwen felt the Cyber-Titan getting closer in every step and Gwen ran as fast as her legs could carry her. All of a sudden, she tripped and fall splat on the ground. She looked up and stared in horror in the blazing blood red eyes of the Cyber-Titan. The pilot inside the robot said," Girl, you have overstepped your boundaries for the last time." Gwen shut her eyes, expecting a painful blow, but nothing happened, all she heard was a screech and an explosion. She opened her eyes,and saw Rodan destroying the Cyber-Titan. Rodan look down and gave her a respectful screech as a way to thank her.
Meanwhile, Mothra is getting pwn pretty badly by King Ghidorah, Godzilla tried to help, but he was stopped by several Cyber-Titans. Meanwhile, Gwen ran back to the diner while Rodan keep watch for any enemies. Anna burst out of the diner, grabbed her friend by her shoulder and said," Gwen! Are you okay? What are you thinking?!"" Well, I can't just sit there while Rodan is getting beaten up." Both girls looked up and Rodan gave them a screech." See, he's nice." All of a sudden, they heard a scream, all turn and saw a little boy surrounded by 4 humanoids wearing armour and carrying rifles. Anna pick up a hose and turned it on, splashing water at the nearest alien. The enraged trooper turned and questioned on whoever the person was who splashed him with water. Anna and Gwen stood defiantly at the 4 troopers. Although they are larger than them, all armed with weapons and outnumbered them 4 against 2, the girls stood unafraid. The trooper sneered and said," Fools, surrender to the empire or die." Just as they are closing on the girls, a screech was heard, Rodan landed protectively in front of them and swat the troopers away with his wing. Gwen told Rodan to protect anyone he sees and destroy as many Cyber-Titans as possible while Anna carried the boy to a safe haven. Rodan screech and flew to assist his allies in battle while Gwen race back to the diner.

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