Saving the future

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Sam took the group to an underground shelter free from any dino-droids. Steiner saw several members of the galactic police were there as well, but most of them has aged a lot. Some of them were surprise to noticed that Steiner had not change a bit. Ford looked and saw a middle age woman walking towards him. She looked a bit familar until it suddenly dawn on him." Ilaney."" Hi Ford, you haven't changed a bit since your disappearance."" Disappearance?" Steiner questioned confused." Well when you left the island to find that pakistani, only the monsters came back. We spent weeks trying to look for you. The Galick race and the empire wanted to take over the planet, but since they couldn't come to an agreement, they started a full scale war against each other. That's when the dino-droids came. The small ones which we call minions attacked the empire soldiers and the galick warriors without mercy. We sent the military to track down Dr. Ratchet, the man in charge of this operation, but by the time we found him, the military was in tatters. We and the empire released every kaiju we have and nothing works." Ilaney explained." So where's Elle?" Ford asked." The last time I heard from mom, she left New York with her cousin to settle in a place far from the dino-droids." Sam replied as he looked at the picture of his family." I think the storm had took us to the future." Anna added," Well, judging by how you haven't changed since your disappearance, I think it should be it." Sam replied. Fairy Mothra flew forward and Lora asked," Ilaney, where's Godzilla, Mothra and the rest of the monsters?" Ilaney led them to a large room and there stood a statue of Godzilla. It's a memorial! The shobijin felt tears welling in their eyes as they saw the Mothra statue. Fairy Mothra gave a sorrowful shriek. Gwen could only wonder whether the dino-droids were that powerful enough to kill Rodan. Steiner studies the Judas statue and asked," How did those mecha monsters kill them? The monsters are far bigger than the minions but how are they destroyed?"" The dino-droids have tough exoskeleton. Explosives and fire are only strong enough to merely push them back and they are programmed to be efficient killers." Ilaney explained," No shit." Anna said as she saw parts of a destroyed Gigan and a decapicated head of King Ghidorah, she wasn't lying about efficient if those robots can kill monsters as strong as King Ghidorah." Godzilla and Mothra fought them the best they could, but even they were no match for them. The monsters died heroes. They fought them so that they could buy enough time for the people to escape. The galicks were eradicated and the Emperor was assasinated by a dino-droid, but the monsters fought them bravely despite their numbers." Sam said. All of a sudden, a man charged ib and said," Lieutenant Brody! Dino-droids 75 klicks away and they bought one of their Alpha units this time."" Shit! Let's go!" With that, the group armed themselves with weapons and raced to the scene. It was madness, the battle between human and machines was epic! Men used turrets to shoot the dino-droids invading the area. Sam threw grenades and threw an electrical charge at a minion. Ilaney's new upgraded blaster was able to physically hurt a dino-droid but it did nothing against the Alphas, the biggest of the robots. Realized that they are overwhelmed, the humans pulled back to the building. Sam grabbed Ford's shoulder and said," Dad, you need to go back to your time and stop the future from happening." Ford felt reluctant, he hasn't seen his son for a long time, but he knew what should be done. So the group crawled through an underground sewers back to the dock while Sam, Ilaney and the humans had their last stand. With that, the group raced back to the boat and drove it back to the storm to travel back to the present. It was a tough journey, but they made it to Pakistan. After selling the boat to a pirate, the group raced to the man Steiner told them about. The man sold them his bestest ship and Steiner paid him the money she had plus the one earned from selling the boat. Ford, Anna, Steiner, Gwen and the shobijin entered the ship and flew back to monster island. Soon back on monster island, Ford ran to his computer room and went to google to search for the information of Dr. Ratchet. According to the net, Dr. Ratchet owns a private lab in New York at an abandoned factory 5 metres away from the city. With that, Ford grabbed the guns and the group raced back to the ship and flew to New York city, unaware that Godzilla is following them secretly. At the lab, Dr. Ratchet, a slender elderly man with wild orange hair, hoopy earings and round glasses is busy with his dino-droid production. The doctor halted at the sound of cocking guns." Freeze Dr Ratchet, your little experimental ends here." Dr Ratchet growled," Mankind has depended on machines, cars and cell phones too much, I will be the one to change that!"" For causing the death of over 3 billion peole, I'm sorry Doc but that ain't gonna happen." Steiner said as she aimed her weapon at him. Dr. Ratchet growled and pressed the button, activating all the dino-droids. The humans started firing, despite the sheer number of the robots, the tide of the battle has changed! Since they weren't ready, their exoskeletons aren't as fully developed as they were in the future." Their vulnerable!" Anna exclaimed as she shot down the dino-droids." Yeah, let's end this!" Ford yelled as he blast at the dino-droids. The dino-droids explode at each blast. While the humans are busy, Dr. Ratchet saved his files and data into a disc and made a run for it, but he was stopped by 2 dino-droids," What are you waiting for? Attack now!" The doctor screamed but a dino-droid snarled at him, as they approach him, scared, Dr. Ratchet pointed an accusing finger at them and ranted," I created you! Get back!" Suddenly, a roar was heard and Godzilla burst through the wall. Ford smiled as he saw his giant ally growling at the dino-droids and stood protectively in front of the humans. The dino-droids charged and attacked Godzilla like a pack of raptors assaulting their prey, but Godzilla crushed them and shook them off easily. The shuttles opened and a pack of Terminator-rex camed out. Godzilla blasted a heat beam, destroying one of their heads. Godzilla roar, unafraid of his towering enemies. He growled and charged towards the T-rex pack. Just as a dino-droid is about to bite Steiner, it's head exploded, Steiner looked and saw Gwen smiling at her. Both cocked their guns and blasted the dino-droids. Anna grabbed Dr. Ratchet and led him out of the factory, while the group slowly walk out, shooting at the now weaken robots. Godzilla tail slap the small ones and blew up the Alphas with his heat beams. As soon as they cleared out, Godzilla jumped into the water and the factory exploded, annilating any last dino-droids inside. Ford snatched the disc out of Dr. Ratchet's hand and snapped it into half. Heartbroken, the Doctor solemnly said," I was...supposed to save the world."" You already did." Steiner replied as she kick a dino-droid head into the water. Satisfied, the group went back to monster island to plan their next step.

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