The Emperor

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Deep in space, 175 klicks away from Earth, the Emperor, an alien man wearing armor and a helmet is sitting on his throne, monitoring everything going on in Planet Earth. Digusted by all the joy and peace on the planet. The emperor got up to look for his chief engineer. He walked forward and said," Karodon, update me of your current status."" Well, I have good news my emperor, we have managed to complete the construction of the first batch of Cyber-Titans." The emperor looked up to see a gigantic masculine robot weilding a giant electrostaff. After admiring the structure of the titan, the Emperor asked," So, they are ready?"" Well, we uh, have yet to test them sir." Karodon stammered nervously." Well, luckily for you, I found the perfect test specimen for you." The Emperor took Karodon to his monitor and the Emperor point his finger at a dinosaur named Gorosaurus and turned his back to face a muscular figure." I want you to pilot a cyber-titan. Your target is in Sector 7.56 East and it's name is Gorosaurus. You will kill him and bring him to me. Is that clear, Vecton?" Vecton, a green alien with ears like a goblin and bulging muscles growl with malice. Within minutes, Vecton marched to an operational cyber-titan and deployed to Earth.

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