Chapter 1: Plans to return to Earth

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Out in the hallway, Tom, a short skinny young boy with short golden hair stood by, watching just as Bob, a pudgy African America boy run towards him, shouting out to his friend.

" Hey Tom! Tom!"

" What is it Bob?" Tom asks. Bob rushes up to him, questioning," Didn't you hear? I heard the guards just threw Oscar Diggs into the cell again."

" No way! That is like what? The fifth time this week?"" Damn son!" Bob laughs out.

However, the boys boisterous behavior is instantly interrupted by the arrival of a young beautiful Latina girl with long raven black hair. 

" Hey Tom, hey Tom! It's her!" Bob urges his friend, causing Tom to turn, his eyes widens in shock just as the girl approaches them, greeting the two.

" Hey Tom. Bob."

" Hey Elena." Both Bob and Tom greets the girl in unison," So where are you off to?" Tom asks.

Elena answers," Oh, I'm just heading to the canteen. Hopefully we can get something other than water to eat."

" Yeah. Man. I would literally kill for a burger." Bob agrees, rubbing his large stomach greedily.

Tom laughs out, agreeing with his friend," Yeah Bob, we all would. Now let's go."

The trio then walks along the hallway, pausing just as a tall elegant figure cladded in a golden white robe steps towards a cell.

Upon noticing him, Elena pointed out," Hey. Isn't that Metphies?"

Both Bob and Tom looks up, their eyes widens just as Metphies turns his head towards them, a smile planted on his face before retreating into the cell.

As the Exif priest disappears, Bob asks Elena," What is that guy doing in Oscar's cell anyway?"

" No idea. Wanna have a look?" Elena asks.

The two boys looks at each other, giving each other a shrug before heading towards the cell. pasting their ears close to the cell door.


Oscar sighs out in exasperation just as Metphies enters his cell, greeting the prisoner in a soft monotone voice," Good morning Oscar Diggs."

" Why are you here Metphies?"

Metphies smiles and he answers," It is my job to offer confessions. Even to prisoners." Upon hearing that, Oscar folds his arms, facing the Exif and he questions out haughtily, " You want me to repent to your God?" Metphies chuckles and he replied indifferently," I'd settle for a false confession too."

Oscar looks up just as Metphies asks him," There is something I don't get Oscar. Why is it that you keep trying to cheat all these poor struggling people of their food?"" You don't get it Metphies," Oscar explains," I got greedy okay? I gambled! I've cheated! I've slept with prostitutes! Life back on Earth was great until that woman took everything away from me."

Metphies rubs his hand across Oscar's back, praying just as Oscar concludes his explanation," So knowing that our chances of survivor is that low. I decided to try and steal as much food and water as I can before ditching the rest in a cruiser. But I guess that could never happen."

" Destiny is cruel. In the ends, there is nothing we can do. We can never defeat that monster." Metphies speaks indifferently. Oscar sighs out and he asks," Then maybe we can go back to Earth?"

" Hm?" Metphies looks just as Oscar rubs the back of his head, continuing his sentence," Look I don't know. All animals have a lifespan right? So after all this time, maybe Godzilla would probably die of old age or something."

Metphies chuckles and he turns around, looking back at Oscar and he points out," It's a strange thing. Unlike the children, your generation faced the calamity first hand. And's almost as if you are eager to see her again."

Outside, Elena, Bob and Tom jumps back just as the door slides open, watching just as Metphies walks out of the cell.

Soon, Galu-gu's quarters

Galu-gu, large muscular humanoid cladded in a space suit sat in front of a computer, reading the manuscript on the computer just as the door slides open.

As Metphies steps into the room, Galu-gu spoke out without looking back," So, the Central Committee is leaning towards going back to Earth huh?"

" Not entirely," Metphies answers. As he slides his hand across the table, the Exif continues," Choosing to search for a habitable planet is a difficult decision to make." Galu-gu lifts up his head, speaking out," Well, it they're so weak, giving up after drifting for twenty years. I guess it can't be help."

Understanding the situation both their races has experienced firsthand, Metphies said to Galu-gu," Well, I do feel sympathetic. They haven't have as long as we have, to deal with the loss of their home planet." 

" And on top of that, there's that little scheme of yours," Metphies turns his head just as Galu-gu opens a server, showing a site with the analysis of Godzilla on it," I bet it must have caused quite a headache for Mori."

" I've uploaded a new version this morning. Did you read it?" Metphies asks. " Yeah, when I downloaded it, it already had over four hundred views." Galu-gu replied," Even though it had been on the server for three seconds."

Metphies then brought up the Oscar situation to the Bilusaludo," I've heard our little scam artist has proven quiet popular recently."

" Yeah, so I've hear," Galu-gu agrees," Firstly that con artist robbed over 20 bytes of my data and now I hear more and more talk about Godzilla. That's one way to force a response from the central committee."

" Godzilla is not invincible." Metphies pointed out," Humanity is to blame for abandoning Earth to Godzilla. That's what some of the people think."

Galu-gu stood up and he said," Those humans are able to predict the old data of Godzilla because of your Exif's Gamatron calculations. And at that time, defeat is inevitable."

" Are you implying that if Godzilla's weaknesses has been discovered in time, then humanity still would have lost?" Metphies questions, only for Galu-gu to reply frankly to the Exif," Even if they did defeat Godzilla, then it's only a matter of time before the Exif and their cult took over Earth for themselves."

Metphies retorts back at the Bilusaludo with a hint of suspicion and hostility," If your Mechagodzilla had worked, who would it turn it's fangs on after it defeated Godzilla? An interesting thought."

Both Exif and Bilusaludo stares at each other before Galu-gu chuckles out, easing the tension between the two with a single statement of the true harsh reality, " Huh huh! However, in the end, Mechagodzilla failed us. And you wouldn't brainwash humanity with your religion. So that's that."

The two aliens stares at the golden blazing star beneath the ship, with Galu-gu concluding his sentence," The what-ifs are only a fantasy."


Loud alarms blares throughout the ship just as the ship's crew rushes through the hallway, sitting down onto the seats.

Bob, Tom and Elena plops their backsides onto the seat, with Elena turning to a young American scientist, asking him," What's going on?"" What's it look like? We're going back to Earth." The man answers.

Upon hearing that, Bob, Tom and Elena felt their eyes widen in shock just as Tom stutters out in disbelief," Nuh uh! No way that's true. You must be joking!"

" Trust me! I'm not." The man winks at them.

Bob then asks him." Who are you man?" The man answers with a friendly smile," I'm Dr. Martin Lazzari. And better strap yourselves tight because we are heading home!"

The four lies back just as the ship began disappearing into a flash of light, jumping nozzle first into hyperspace.

The pilgrimage back to Earth has officially begun! 

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