Chapter One

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His name is Jay.

Her name is Chloe.

They both work for the KRRA, and are partners in their division, "study and identification of mega species"

He's in love with a girl named Emma.
He doesn't stop talking about her.

She's in love with him.
No one except her knows this.

Right now, they are in one of the KRRA's many facilities, this one is located on Okinawa island, and houses two Kaiju. One is the plant-based parasitic life form who they have given the name Legion, and the other is the giant pink dragonfly, Megaguirus.

Legion is not yet at her full size, and her chamber seems to be too large for how small she is. But Jay advised the containment workers to keep Legion in a full-sized cell, since she can grow bigger at will, or when she has consumed enough organic matter. Normally, legion would be pacing around her cell, throwing her vines all over, or trying to burrow through the glass observation wall.

But today, she's standing completely still in the center of the cell, with roots growing around her in web-like shapes.

"She hasn't moved in a whole week." Chloe says. "Something isn't right."

"I agree." Jay nods. "She has to be planning something."

"But what?" Chloe asked. "Without any organic matter to consume she can't grow any bigger or stronger, and she can't burrow through the walls."

"But what if..." Jay trailed off, before an operative approached them. "Doctors, quick!" He said in an urgent voice. "There's something you need to see."

He leads them to the observation window for Megaguirus' cell, which isn't very far from Legion's cell. Megaguirus is thrashing about, screeching like crazy, and pounding the walls with her claws.

"How long has she been acting up like this for?" Jay asked one of the scientists observing the insect.

"Since ten minutes ago." the scientist responded. "When she first started, we didn't think to call for you, so we simply gave her a dose of sedatives."


"It had no effect. It just made her angrier. Then we called for you."

Jay paused for a second.

"Can you use the clamps to keep her still for a moment?" he asked one of the operators at the controls."

"Yeah, sure. Why?"

"I need her to stay still long enough for me to see something."

The operator grabbed two control sticks and began moving them inwards. Likewise, two large, mechanical arms reached out from the walls, and clamped down on Megaguirus' neck, keeping her still.

Jay looked closely at her, and then he saw it.

A small, bone-colored group of vines had subtly wrapped around one part of Megaguirus' head, and the vines were now burrowed in her skull.

"Legion's infected her." Jay said to Chloe. "We need to kill the plant before the infection process gives her full control over Megaguirus' brain."

As he said that, Megaguirus arched her tail in the air like a scorpion, and it began glowing orange. She pointed the end at the observation window.

"Oh, Shit." Jay said, before screaming, "EVERYONE GET DOWN!"

Then, a huge fireball shot from the end of Megaguirus' tail and burst through the observation window.

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