Old friends, new enemies

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1 month ago

Tony and Maddie saw the burning wreakage of Kiryu and Tony remarked," Damn." Maddie looked at Tony and she asks," What are we going to do?" Tony looked and when he found a ship, he said," Get everyone into that boat, I will inform Commander Woods of the situation."" Got it." As Maddie ushers the natives into the boat, Tony activated his walkie talkie and he spoke," Hey Commander, yeah it's me. I got some terrible news, that Hong Kong politician Low Hsien is dead and the island is captured by the evil monsters.""  This is terrible. Alright, don't worry, just get out of there. I'll think of something. I will also send a rescue team to pick you up."" Yes Commander." Tony kept his walkie talkie and he dashed into the boat.

Rodan looks at his friends. Mosura and Mothra keeping themselves close to their larvae, to protect her from the evil kaijus. He could see Zilla standing protectively in front of Komodithrax and Battra charging up an eye beam in case the monsters attack. Rodan turned to face Anguirus and to his horror, he saw Anguirus screeching at Gigan to mock," Hey Gigan, why don't you step outside and I will punch that good boy face of yours." Gigan pointed his blade at Anguirus and he screeches to say," You know you are in no position to give me orders. So you either shut up or we will kill you just as we killed Godzilla" That was enough to cause Anguirus' facade to crack. Anguirus lay on the ground and he sulks. Mothra screeches to question," What do you want from us?" Monster X looks at her and he growls to explain," Don't worry, we are not going to kill you, we are just going to imprison you so that you will not interfere with our Master's plan on the conquest for Earth." Zilla roars to say," Yeah, one things for certain, Godzilla may be dead but..." Zilla all of a sudden fires a heat beam at MUTO, causing her to roar in pain. As the monsters are distracted, Zilla pounces onto Spacegodzilla and he began clawing onto the Godzilla clone. Zilla turns to Rodan and he roars as a way to say," Run! Get out while you can!" The Earth monsters began dashing for the beach with Rodan, Mosura and Anguirus batting the monsters to distract them. As Zilla runs, Mothra and Mosura began unleashing a cloud of poison powder at the evil monsters, causing them to cough and wheeze.

Battra fires an eye beam at Megaguirus, knocking her aside. Battra screeches to instruct," Quick! Get to the nearest island!" All of a sudden, a beam struck onto Battra, knocking down the divine moth. As the Mothra larvae helps her uncle up, the Earth monster heard a loud screech from above. The Earth monsters looked and they saw King Ghidorah flying down with a squadron of Mechagodzilla units. Anguirus screeches to curse," @#$/ it's those metal@$$@ers again." A Mechagodzilla unit screeches to say," Hello everyone, it's been so long. I mean life must be good without me swimming in the ocean." Confused, Mothra screeches to ask," I'm sorry, who are you? Do we know you?" Offended, the Mechagodzilla unit screeches to say," Oh, you don't know me? You don't know me?! Well, surely you haven't forgotten your old friend, Ebirah?" Rodan screeches to repeat," Ebirah?" Confused, Mosura screeches a question," I'm so sorry. I was not around when you guys met him but who is Ebirah?" Mothra screeches to explain to her wife," He is a monsterous lobster that once terrorises the sea, threatening all marine life until Godzilla and I intervened. We also teamed up when King Ghidorah." Anguirus screeches to add," And plus, he was among the few of us to be controlled by the Xiliens until Godzilla killed him in battle." King Ghidorah nods and he screeches to say," That's right. But before he died, my Master saved his consciousness into a computer, thus transferring his soul into the robot doppleganger of Godzilla. And of course, he has since bear a long term gudge against all of you for letting him die." Mechagodzilla screeches to say," But thanks to our Master, I was granted a new level of power." The Earth monsters stares in shock as Mechagodzilla began liquifying his left arm and as he swipes, it morphs into a blade.

King Ghidorah screeches to say," In a few weeks time, your military will be destroyed and your planet will be for our Master's taking." Rodan screeches to say," Unlikely." Rodan all of a sudden clapped his wings together, causing a cloud of sand. Rodan flew up and he began flying away from the island. Anguirus screeches to question," Hey, where are you going big bird? Come back." Ignoring them, Rodan thought to himself," I'm sorry everyone. Don't worry, I'm going to Skull Island to get some help." Rodan looks back at his friends and he sadly growls to vow," I'll be back. I promise." With that, Rodan began soaring to Skull Island. Realizing that Rodan is getting away, Orga growls to say," Oh, he's not getting away. Not on my watch." Orga began morphing into a millenian and he began flying after Rodan, persuing him.


Tony and Maddie watches Orga flying after Rodan and Tony thought," Be careful Rodan." All of a sudden, a native dashes towards the pair and he spoke to them in his native tongue whilst pointing at the horizon. Tony squinted to look and to his surprise and relief, he saw three helicopters approaching them. Maddie smiled and she exclaimed," We're saved!" The natives began waving as the pilots slowly lowers their vehicles to the natives. But just as the helicopters are landing, a sudden blast of gravity beams began blowing up the helicopters, causing a massive explosion. Tony, the Shobijin and Maddie screamed as they fell into the water. As Tony felt his vision fading, he could hear a screeching sound that sounds like a mocking laughter before the entire world around him went black.

Three days later

" Is he awake?"" I'm not sure Mason, I found him on the shore this morning."" Hey James, I found another one."" Hm, I wonder if those two are connected." Tony slowly opened his eyes and he saw a lean-built british man and a fairly attractive blond woman looking at him." Tom Hiddleston? Brie Larson? Is that you?" Tony questioned. The man said," Oh I'm sorry, you've mistaken me for someone else."" Who are you?"" My name is James Conrad and this is Mason Weaver. We found you and your friend lying unconscious on the shore and we brought you here." Tony looked and he saw a young African American man and a young Asian woman kneeling next to Maddie. A realization struck Tony and he questioned," The Shobijin, did they..."" Don't worry about them," James pointed at the Shobijin resting on a rock and he continued," They're fine." Tony sat up amd he questioned," Where am I?" Before James could answer, all of a sudden, a middle-aged bearded man pushes past the British man and he answered," Well sonny, this is your lucky day. You are on Skull Island." Tony looked around the island in awe and he thought to himself," Something tells me things might not be so bad after all."

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