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Megalon closes his eyes, resting when all of a sudden, he heard a something approaching. Megalon roars and he got into a fighting stance but to his relief, he saw a familiar looking figure looking at him. Megalon roars as a way to question," Gigan? Is that you?" Gigan screeches as a way to remark," Megalon, I haven't seen you in years, how have you been?" Megalon growls to lament," Oh you know, ruling over this rock. So, got anything for me?" Gigan screeches to say," Yeah, my master wants to take over this world, do you want to join us?" Megalon roars to agree," If it means I get to torture Jet Jaguar everyday then fine, I'm in." Gigan screeches in glee. Soon, both Gigan and Megalon made their way out of Seatopia, fully determined on getting back at their opponents.


Megaguirus hovers above the forest, carefully scanning around for Biollante. With all that greenery, it's making it hard for the Meganula queen to detect her target. But unknown to Megaguirus, she was unaware of a vine snaking behind her. The vine wrapped around her stinger and before Megaguirus could react, she screeches in distress as the vine began dragging her down. Megaguirus attempts to flee but the vines were too strong. Megaguirus turns and she saw the plants growing into a gigantic mass. The creature opens it's crocodilian head and made a loud roar. Megaguirus screeches as a way to say," Hey hey red! It's me, Megaguirus!" Biollante looked at Megaguirus and she roars to question," Megaguirus? What are you doing here?" Megaguirus screeches to explain," Well, I just want to ask you whether you want to join in the fun." Interested and curious, Biollante roars to question," What kind of fun?" Megaguirus screeches to explain that her master is planning on world domination and she wants Biollante to join in. Biollante roars to question," Sounds like fun but what do I benefit from this?" Megaguirus grinned and she screeches to say," You can grow all your plants and you and I can beat up Godzilla like the old days." Biollante roars to say," Perfect! I'm in. Wait here, I need to get my friend."

Confused, Megaguirus waited until the plant monster returned with a large red and black insectoid creature. Megaguirus looked at Biollante and she roars to question," Um, who is she?" Biollante roars to introduce her companion," This is M.U.T.O, she's a good friend of mine. I told her about your proposal and she told me she wants to join." Filled with excitement, Megaguirus turns to face M.U.T.O and she screeches to question," Do you mean it?" M.U.T.O roars to say," Yeah, that sounds like fun." Megaguirus screeches another question," Wait, why do you want to help us?" M.U.T.O roars to explain," I want to repopulate my species and also kill Godzilla for killing my mate." Megaguirus, happy to find a new ally that wants Godzilla dead, screeches in delight. With that, Megaguirus began leading Biollante and M.U.T.O to meet the rest of her allies. This is the start of a beautiful friendship.

Abandoned oil rig

The millenian began morphing into Orga and the godzillasaurus and millenian hybrid drops into the water. Orga roars at the oil rig and almost immediately, the pollution began taking form, forming into a large bloblous mass with two large red eyes. Orga roars to say," Hedorah. I have been looking for you." Hedorah throws a damaged ship into his sludge body and he roars to question," What do you want from me? I hope your masters are not planning on recruiting me for another suicide mission. I remembered what happened last time..."


Hedorah fell onto a building, injured from his battle, then Ebirah followed suit and his large pincer impaled right through Hedorah's eye. Hedorah roars in pain, unable to withstand the undescripable agony. Godzilla burst out of the water and he charges up a heat beam and he fires at the two helpless monsters. Before either Hedorah and Ebirah could react, the heat beam struck them both, destroying the two. Godzilla roars in victory before proceeding off to fight more monsters.


Hedorah roars to conclude," ...
And that's why I never trusted the Xiliens again. It took me years just to regenerate my eye." Orga nods in understanding before he roars to say," Do not worry, I can offer you a chance to take over this planet without getting yourself into another sticky situation." Curious, Hedorah roars to question," And what is that?" Orga growls to say," I need you to attack the Earth's military. By destroying their artillery, that might render the planet vulnerable for the taking and soon, our master can take over the planet." Hedorah nods and he roars to ask," Dirty plan but I have a question, what about Godzilla?" Orga growls to say," Oh don't worry about him. We will deal with him." With that, both Orga and Hedorah transformed into their flying forms and they flew off to meet the rest of their allies.

Japan, institute of Japanese legends

Tony and Maddie followed Commander Woods into a room where an old man is waiting. The old man pleasantly greeted the trio," Good morning, my name is Goro, how can I help you?" Commander Woods explained," I believed you are the creator of Jet Jaguar right?"" Ah yes, in fact he's right inside." Everyone looked and they saw Jet Jaguar seated on a comfortable looking chair, holding a saucer and a teacup full of oil. Jet Jaguar placed his utensils on the table and he waved at them. Tony waved back and he questioned Commander Woods," Commander, is that the robot your brother told you about." Commander Woods nodded and he said," Yes, that's the robot who helped Steven and Chavez defeat the Cryogs." Goro then grimly added," By the way, there's something I need to show you."

The group soon entered a cell where a skinny and demented old man is talking and behaving in a crazy manner. Tony notices drawings drawn all over the prison wall. Goro points at him and he said," This man has been going around prophocising about some kind of three-headed demon that can end the entire universe. He has been drawing prohecies of some kind of destructive power unleashed by Godzilla. And that has came true." Commander Woods nodded and he questions," We saw what happened, do you know what kind of power was that?" Before Goro could answer, the old man suddenly rammed onto the bars, startling the group. The old man laughed and he said," Wrath. That power is Wrath."" Wrath?" Commander Woods approaches the old man and he questions," What is Wrath? What has happened to Godzilla?" The old man points at an illustration of Godzilla with a red aura and he said," Godzilla..he he...has finally unleashed his anger...he heh...cannot control it....he might end up killing himself and the entire...ha ha...universe..."

Tony and Maddie looked at each other and Maddie questioned the old man," Is it really that bad?"" Oh it's worst....a billion no...trillion times worst than that burning form....he he...." The old man points at the three-headed figure and he continued," And when the devil....unleashes the...kaiser....ha ha....we are @#$!ed, we are all @#$!ed ha ha ha." As the old man laughs maniacly, Maddie looked at Commander Woods and she questioned," Kaiser?"" I don't know, maybe it might have something to do with the three-headed dragon that Godzilla defeated years ago. Come on, we better go check with Madame Xena, she might be able to confirm our suspicion." The group thanked Goro for his help and they left. As Goro watched them leave, he turns to Jet Jaguar and he instructed," I need you to go to Infant Island. Something tells me we are going to need all the help we can get." Jet Jaguar nods and he flies out of the room.

Space, 19 km away from Earth

Spacegodzilla flies through the orbit, plotting a way to take over the planet when all of a sudden, something caught his eye. Spacegodzilla notices a metorite heading straight for him. Spacegodzilla began forming crystals and he launches them at the metorite but to his horror, the metorite dodges the incoming projectiles and it began speeding towards him at break neck speed. Angered, Spacegodzilla charges up a heat beam and he fires it at the metorite but to his horror, the metorite began morphing into a biceptal shape and it swung it's arm, deflecting the blast. Spacegodzilla's eyes widened in recognition and he growls to question," Monster X, what business do you have with me?" Monster X growls to explain," I understand you want to take over the planet." Spacegodzilla roars to agree," Yes but with the Earth monsters guarding it, I am not able to defeat them." Monster X growls to explain," Do not worry about them. If you will join us, we can help make your wish for conquest come true."

Suspicious, Spacegodzilla growls to question," How will I know I will not be betrayed by your master?" Monster X sneers and he growls to say," You don't have to do anything for them. All you need to do is help us eliminate the Earth monsters. With that, you can go around the universe spreading that cancerous crystals of yours." Spacegodzilla ponders for a while before he roars an answer," Alright, you got yourself a deal. What do you want me to do?" Monster X smirks and he roars to say," Follow me, we have to join the others first." With that, Monster X and Spacegodzilla began flying to meet the rest of their allies.

Infant Island

While perching on a mountain, Rodan began thinking about Godzilla." Just what happened to him? And what was that power? What has Godzilla become?" Rodan thoughts to himself. As he ponders, all of a sudden, Rodan notices something approaching the island. Rodan flew to get a closer look and upon laying eyes on the figure, Rodan breathe a sigh of relief. It was Jet Jaguar. Rodan screeches to Jet Jaguar and Jet Jaguar gave the pteradon a salute. Jet Jaguar made a grinding sound to ask," How is everything here?" Rodan screeches indifferently to say," Oh aside from being forced to stay here, everything is normal, especially Anguirus." Jet Jaguar looked and he saw Anguirus laughing while watching a play performed by the natives of Infant Island. Jet Jaguar shakes his head and he made another grinding sound to comment," Disrespectful as always eh?" Rodan nods and he screeches to question," By the way, what brings you here?"

Jet Jaguar made a grinding sound to explain," My creator has a feeling that something bad is going to happen. He's told me to tell all of you to be on your guard and rally as many allies as we can. We are going to need all the help we can get. How many of you are there?" Rodan screeches to list out his allies," We have me, Godzilla, Anguirus, Mothra, Mosura, Battra, that larvae, Zilla and Komodithrax. That makes nine of us." Jet Jaguar made another grinding sound to say," With me, that makes ten. But that's not even enough." Rodan screeches an agreement," I agree. We have no idea where Varan, Baragon, Gorosaurus and King Ceasar are." Jet Jaguar turns back to face the ocean and he grinds to say," You guys be caution, I better go back to my creator. See you around Rodan." Rodan screeches a farewell as he watches the robot fly off into the horizon.

New York, outside Madame Xena's shop

"We're here." Tony said as he, Maddie and Commander Woods exited the taxi. Maddie notices Commander Woods looking tense and she asked in concern," What's wrong Commander, you looked tensed." Commander Woods turns to her amd he said," Oh nothing, nothing." Commander Woods stepped forward and he knocked the door, only to hear a woman saying," Go away." Maddie and Tony looked at Commander Woods and Tony remarked," Wow, rude." Commander Woods then said to Madame Xena," You can't tell us to go away, I mean look. Your sign said,' Enter when you are in doubt.'" All of a sudden, the door opened slightly and Madame Xena's hand poked out of the door holding a sign and she asked," Can any of you two out there hang this?" Tony took the sign and he remarked," Damn. She made a sign?"" What? What is it? What sign?" Commander Woods questioned. Tony hanged it on the door and it says,

' Enter when in doubt unless you are John Woods.'

Commander Woods then began speaking in a persuasive tone," Look Madame Xena, I know you hated me but this is important. It might concern the welfare of everyone." The door opened and a young woman with long raven black hair and wearing a purple dress reluctantly said," Come in."

As the group entered, Madame Xena sat down and she questioned Commander Woods," What has happened to my husband? He has better be alive." Commander Woods sadly said," I'm sorry Madame Xena but...." Without finishing, Commander Woods took two of Madame Xena's tarot cards and he showed it to the oracle. The card shows,   'Death' and 'Lovers'. Madame Xena's eyes widened in horror and in a fits of rage, she slapped Commander Woods by the face, knocking him down.

Madame Xena then began sobbing," It's your fault, you did this, you've killed my husband." Commander Woods apologetically said," Look I'm so sorry but it wasn't my fault when he sacrificed himself to save my team from those aliens." Madame Xena angrily glares at Commander Woods and she said accusingly," I will help you Commander but let this be clear, I hate you forever."" Yeah, I get that alot. Now, I need you to help us. Earlier on, an old maniac mentioned something about a 'kaiser'." Maddie then added," If I'm not mistaken, doesn't the word 'kaiser' means Emperor? What does an emperor got to do with all this?" Madame Xena closes her eyes and her fingers began touching her crystal ball, reading. Suddenly, something flashed across her mind and Madame Xena screamed in terror, causing her to fall back. Commander Woods and Tony helped her up and Commander Woods questioned," Madame Xena what happened?" Madame Xena, traumatized by the sight began to stutter," I...see....something bad...something bad is going to happen." Madame Xena then recited her prophecy," When rage releases, a creature dies and the creature rises, man's pollution attacks and the green will grow, a god dies and an emperor unleashes it's power." Commander Woods comforted Madame Xena and he said," It's okay Madame Xena, it's okay. All you need is some tea, tea always helps." Commander Woods turns to Tony and he instructed," Tony, make tea, green." As Tony went to the kitchen, Madame Xena then spoke in a panicky tone," You can't fight this Woods, you can't win this..." As Commander Woods comforts the traumatized oracle, Maddie looked at the tarot card on the floor. She picked it up and her eyes widened in shock. The card says,'Emperor' and it shows a gigantic sadistic looking three-headed dragon.

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