Chapter 1: Run

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" Crap, how did I get myself in this mess?" Godzilla thought to himself. The last time he remembered, he was fighting against Xiliens on Earth and Mars and things began getting bizzare when he and Mothra were on Pathos. After defeating Not-Gezora, Not-Moguera and Biollante, Godzilla left Mothra back on Pathos in order to investigate the door, only for him to know that the door is the gateway to hell. Godzilla looked back and his fears grew as he saw the red demon persueing him. But as he was running, Godzilla looked and he saw a young fourteen year old girl wearing a white long-sleeve shirt and a blue dress.

He approaches her and he questions," Oh hello there, my name is Godzilla, where did you come from?" The girl looked at him and she introduces herself," Oh hi, I'm Jennifer, Jennifer Simpson. I was running away from a little boy weilding a scissors and I suddenly ended up here."

" That's funny. Cause one minute I was in a strange world fighting monsters and the next thing I knew, I ended up in this hellish place getting chased by a demon."" Demon?" Jennifer looked back and she screamed. Godzilla looks back and his eyes widened in horror." Crap! I've forgotten all about him. And that scissors weilding fiend is here too!" Godzilla grabs Jennifer by her hand and he said," Come on! Let's go!"

The pair began retreating, running as fast as their legs could carry them. Sweat began pouring down their forehead as they hear the sound of scissors and running getting closer. But luckily for them, luck is on their side. Jennifer looks and she saw a large wall blocking them and on the wall is, a door. Jennifer pointed and she said," Hey look, we can escape from there!"" Then we better hurry." The pair charges towards the door at lightning quick speed. As soon as they reached the door, Godzilla swung open the door and he and Jennifer dashes in and they shut the door. A loud bang could be heard from the other side, startling the pair. Godzilla growls at the door, anticipating the demons entrance but to his surprise, nothing happened." It looks like they gave up." Godzilla said.

"Whew!" Tired and relieved, both Godzilla and Jennifer dropped onto the ground, catching their breathe. Godzilla said," Man, that was close."" I agree." Jennifer agreed. Godzilla looked around and he questions," Hm, where are we?"" I don't know. I'm really worried about my friends. Laura...she's dead..." Jennifer said, sadly. Godzilla turns to her and he comforted her sympathetically," Don't be sad. I was forced to leave my friend behind as well. Now come, no point crying over spilt milk. We better find out where we are before finding our friends."" Yes. I thoroughly agree." Jennifer nods. The pair looked at each other for a short silence before Jennifer began to giggle, Godzilla at first was confused, but he soon began chuckling and pretty soon, the pair began laughing. Jennifer remarked," I don't believe it, we both survive."" Yeah," Godzilla nods. The two began walking and Godzilla commented," This look like a start of a beautiful friendship."

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